
  1. J


    I am a rep for kinglabs. If anyone has questions or needs anything, don't hesitate to hit me up!
  2. J

    Guarantee sponsor

    Kinglabs is now a guarantee sponsor on professionalmuscle. This is something they don't hand out. There is no reason why anyone should be hesitating to try us out. For a complete list go to or click the banner!
  3. J

    Email problems

    Anyone that is using Kinglabs, don't use iCloud emails. It will come back undeliverable. I suggest getting a proton account!!
  4. J

    Kinglabs rep

    Just wanted to let everyone, I am a re for Kinglabs. If anyone needs anything, feel free to hit me up!!
  5. J

    Kinglabs rep

    Just wanted to let everyone, I am a rep for Kinglabs. If anyone needs anything, feel free to hit me up!!