
  1. Iron Game

    Mental Preformance Enhancement - Nootropics

    What are nootropics? Nootropics or “smart drugs” are defined as any nutritive substance which is thought to improve mental function, including attention, cognition, concentration, memory or motivation. Nootropic literally means “toward the mind.” The actions by which nootropics are purported to...
  2. D

    NPP (Nandrolone Phenylproprionate) Picture, Chemical Formula and Smell

    <tbody style="box-sizing: border-box;"> Chemical Names: Nandrolone phenpropionate; Nandrolone phenylpropionate; Fenobolin; Nerobolil; Nortestosterone phenylpropionate; Durabolin; Molecular Formula: C27H34O3 Molecular Weight: 406.55706 g/mol </tbody> Has a strong distinctive smell not...
  3. Presser

    Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMS) Promote Protein Synthesis Muscle Growth

    How to cycle Ligandrol and what dosages, doses to take. Dosage - 3 mg to 3 times per day 24-36 hour half life LIGANDROL lgd-4033 Advantages compared to steroids or pro hormones: Compare with testosterone, anabolic effects of testosterone increase muscle mass Increased strength It is...
  4. akn

    A Look at the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014

    by Josh Hodnik The Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act (DASCA) of 2014 passed the House, the Senate, and was signed into action by our President late last year. Similar bills have been introduced in previous years, but they never generated much steam. The government has been under heavy...
  5. B

    Nobese - norpseudoephedrine HCl in slow release form?

    Where can I get this or something similar to this?
  6. C

    New to Forum and interested in IGF

    Hi all, I'll post a proper introduction here in a little bit, but I thought I'd post here as IGF is what brought me to the forum. I've been reading about IGF and really am quite interested, specifically to get some growth out of some stubborn muscles - calves, delts and tri's (but may add Bi's...