3rd Cycle looking for input


New member
Getting ready to run my third cycle. First one I saw solid gains but the second only screwed me up. Supplier is out of business now too so go figure.

33 year old male
14% BF
Training for 4 years

Thinking of running:

Test e - 500 mg/wk 20wk
Deca - 500mg/wk 20wk
Dbol - 50mg day / 4 weeks

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

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Looks like a pretty good cycle although I'd wonder if that much deca will make you limp. This would be your third cycle? It would seem to me that if your previous cycles were like this one, you'd be heavier by at least 10 lbs. Perhaps your diet isn't up to par. Considering your stats, I'd be looking at diet and training first.
why people want to jump on multi compounds i dont know...good old test will do the trick.if i want to lean up i use sust if i want to bulk i use test e..
test 500mg 1-20....
Dbol 30-40mg 1-4
pct nova as above..

it works trust me..eat clean u wont hold to much water simples.anyway welcome and what do u wish to achieve with this cycle bulk cut

was your last cycle like this...20 weeks for a newbie is a long cycle not saying there is nothing wrong with that..but u should be pushing the 200lb mark with that sorta cycle..
Test 500/ Deca 400wk, is a great cycle, and then Deca 400mg wk and Dbol 20mg-40mg daily is great classic cycle, run for 10 weeks Dbol started the 3rd week, then PCT and just pick one you don't really need both.
You don't need a lot of compounds to gain, just one or two of the right ones with an on point diet will get you there faster than a guy on 4-5 compounds and shitty diet and routine.
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why people want to jump on multi compounds i dont know...good old test will do the trick.if i want to lean up i use sust if i want to bulk i use test e..
test 500mg 1-20....
Dbol 30-40mg 1-4
pct nova as above..

it works trust me..eat clean u wont hold to much water simples.anyway welcome and what do u wish to achieve with this cycle bulk cut

was your last cycle like this...20 weeks for a newbie is a long cycle not saying there is nothing wrong with that..but u should be pushing the 200lb mark with that sorta cycle..

I agree. I had real issues with my second cycle. My first was 8 weeks of test -e then 8 weeks of a tri rip blend that had tren in it. Went from 150 to 180 after pct. Was AMAZED. So I went with a sust, tren mix the second time for 16 weeks. Gained 5lbs before pct and my hormones were all screwed up. I had researched for almost 2 months prior and thought I knew what I was doing. (i was terribly wrong) My prolactine went through the roof. It was NOT a good experience. That was over a year ago. Learning from my mistakes I've spent the last year just reading and trying to figure out what I want to do. I was very happy with my first cycle but the second one scared me a little. I really don't want to go through that again. I've been working with a trainer 3 days a week and by myself 2 days a week so I'm in the gym 5 days a week. I'm pretty confident I have that part under control. I eat 5 meals a day and supplement protein shakes in between. Sitting around 5k calories a day. East MOSTLY clean but I do drink a lot of milk and eat out maybe once a week.

I really appreciate the advice guys. I've done a to of research but sometimes it's hard to seperate the logic from the BS.
Welcome to MC!

Looks like a pretty good cycle although I'd wonder if that much deca will make you limp. This would be your third cycle? It would seem to me that if your previous cycles were like this one, you'd be heavier by at least 10 lbs. Perhaps your diet isn't up to par. Considering your stats, I'd be looking at diet and training first.

Thanks! Should I cut back the deca? My second cycle was a disaster. Took me over a year to get my body back on track. I'm being much more cautious on this one. Trying to learn from my previous mistake. My goal would be over 200lbs at the end and drop a couple percent body fat.
remember deca will cause prolatin just like tren will..and if u have had massive problems before do u really wish to go there again..just a heads up bro..also thanks for being honest its the best bet..tren and sust is a great mix dont know why only 5lb gained weird!!!ive stuck 5 lb on in 2 weeks with that mix..
remember deca will cause prolatin just like tren will..and if u have had massive problems before do u really wish to go there again..just a heads up bro..also thanks for being honest its the best bet..tren and sust is a great mix dont know why only 5lb gained weird!!!ive stuck 5 lb on in 2 weeks with that mix..

Oh god no! It was TERRIBLE. lol Super emotional and and zero labido. Felt like a woman for two months. Thanks for the advice man. I really appreciate it. I honestly think the test I got was sub par.
I've ran 700mg test and 600mg Deca wk, no issues, no Deca dick, no prolactin issues. So, everyone is different, this is why I say start with lower dosages and basic stacks before you jump into high dose multiple compounds, until your very familiar with how your body reacts to certain compounds. I did run an AI with that dosage to keep Estrogen low.
I'd say keep the test higher than the dec, like just go to 600 T
personally most people doo 3;5 ratio test being the higher dosage but for myself i cant run deca higher than half my test or i get the dreaded deca dick 300 deca and 600 test works great for me with 40 dbol is actually what im on right now
Thanks for all the input. I'm going to follow your advice and only stack the 2. So which do you think would provide better gains? Test/Deca? Test/Dbol?
The test is going to shut your system down at 33 need to be careful. Too much deca I would do 200 mg every 10 days life cycle is 21 days. Dbol is hard on the liver especially 50mgs a day. I would do (4) 2.5 mg tabsof anavar a day this cycle will not produce gyno on most people very anabolic and less androgenic. PCT is ok wont need that much w this stack.
Thanks for all the input. I'm going to follow your advice and only stack the 2. So which do you think would provide better gains? Test/Deca? Test/Dbol?
Depends on what your after, And its usually Deca/Dbol, or Test/Deca. You can run the Test/Deca longer for cleaner, less water gains, or Deca/Dbol for bigger faster gains, but some weight will be water from the Dbol. And the Dbol only 8 weeks starting after week 2, that way your not just running Deca at the end, so 10 weeks total. I like both, but I tend to run longer cycles so Test/Deca for me, and you can always throw in some Dbol at the begging say 3-4 weeks to kick off the cycle, then drop it.
why people want to jump on multi compounds i dont know...good old test will do the trick.if i want to lean up i use sust if i want to bulk i use test e..
test 500mg 1-20....
Dbol 30-40mg 1-4
pct nova as above..

it works trust me..eat clean u wont hold to much water simples.anyway welcome and what do u wish to achieve with this cycle bulk cut

was your last cycle like this...20 weeks for a newbie is a long cycle not saying there is nothing wrong with that..but u should be pushing the 200lb mark with that sorta cycle..

actually test by itself will reduce your collagen and weaken your joints-that's why you are better running it with deca or eq
I like that idea. Any issues with the injectible dbol or should I stick with the orals?

not sure I've never tried the injectable dbol...as for the oral 50mg a day is the usual-make sure you keep your sodium levels low or you will bloat
I would stick with the oral Dbol, as there tends not to be a lot of injectable out there, and if there is, there's a good chance it's probably fake. Pills are just easier, IMO.