Gyno Symptoms Again!


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No matter what I touch I seem to get sore nipples and gyno symptoms and can not get it under control. I never go over 500mg of test a week and 400mg of EQ (just because I still seem to grow pretty good off that amount) and still get it. I never had this problem until I got symptoms a few years back while using nothing but GHRP-6. It is driving me nuts. I am currently on 500mg of Prop and 400mg EQ. I did not get sore until about 4 weeks in which leads me to think it is the EQ messing with me. I have tried all kinds of stuff and it does nothing to help. I started out with the standard 1mg of Armidex from day one. When I started getting sore about 4 weeks in, I added Nolvadex. I started with Nolvadex at 40mg. At that point I was on 1mg of Armidex and 40mg of Nolvadex. It still did nothing to help. I went all the way up to 2mg of Armidex and 80mg of Nolvadex and it still did nothing to help out and if anything got worse. I figured that was just too much so I switched to exemestane. I am currently on 25mg of exemestane every day split up into two doses morning and night. It is still not doing a thing. I also have a little cabergoline but I think it is old. I started adding it in and it seems that it is not doing much, but again it is old and might not be any good anymore. I have more cabergoline on the way to try. I tried pramipexole the last time this happened and I could not take the sides after a day or two.

I guess my question is for all the vets out there. What do you think I can do to get this under control. I really don't want to have surgery, but that is my next option. I just don't want to not be able to work out for six weeks after the surgery. It really seems like the more AI's I use the worse it gets. Is there any way that I am lowering my estrogen so much that I am raising my progesterone or prolactin and causing this? I might be way off on that, but it really seems like the more I try to control it, the worse it gets. Also, what do you think I should try next. I am going to stick with the exemestane at 25mg each day. I am also going to add cabergoline that I know is good pretty soon. Do you think Winstrol would help any? Should I go ahead and drop the EQ? Thanks for the help.
hope you dont mind i jump in here ... am i right saying EQ is Equipoise ?

Also do you know the gyno you are talking about ... if you stop your cycle, does the gyno go and you return to normal?

What does the surgery involve by the way?
In this case I don't see any use for the Caber, cause EQ is not a 19nor, so prog is not an issue. However, you seem to be just one of those sensitive users, and yes they exist. No matter if it's low dose dbol, test, or a pro-hormone for that matter, you may always suffer this fate. Removal of the entire gland will be the only way to avoid/stop it completely.

In the mean-time, run some proviron at 25mgs with some nolva at 30mgs till the sensitivity subsides, and drop the Nolva down to 15-20mgs ED from then on out.
Winny does not have the strong enough properties that it is rumored to help combat estro in the way you are thinking. Anti's at this time are the best bet.

For the caber, you can run it, old or not, expiration means nothing, the shelf life is much greater then you could fathom my friend.
I used dbols that where 10 years old once, and worked wonders!

Just some food for thought, you may went to get checked and see if you have pituitary glad issues. You may have Progest issues from a whole different matter my man. And AAS sure won't help matters any better here!
Thus the use of Caber will help here, but won't rid the situation completely.

PS. Don't use adex at 2mg ed and 80mgs of nolva again, you can hurt yourself
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hope you dont mind i jump in here ... am i right saying EQ is Equipoise ?

Also do you know the gyno you are talking about ... if you stop your cycle, does the gyno go and you return to normal?

What does the surgery involve by the way?

Yes you are correct on the EQ part. If I stop the cycle it will subside and I have small lumps now, but the swelling and pain goes away and the lumps get smaller but do not go away.

From what I have been told the surgery is a pretty big deal. You have to make sure you get a good doc that removes the gland and make it look right. I am sure others can give you better info on the surgery than me.
In this case I don't see any use for the Caber, cause EQ is not a 19nor, so prog is not an issue. However, you seem to be just one of those sensitive users, and yes they exist. No matter if it's low dose dbol, test, or a pro-hormone for that matter, you may always suffer this fate. Removal of the entire gland will be the only way to avoid/stop it completely.

That is exactly what I was afraid of. You know the crazy thing is that I never had this problem before taking GHRP-6 a few years back. I have done many cycles in the past and never had 1 problem. I used GHRP-6, got lumps and real sore. Ever since then, no matter what I touch it flares up.

In the mean-time, run some proviron at 25mgs with some nolva at 30mgs till the sensitivity subsides, and drop the Nolva down to 15-20mgs ED from then on out.
Winny does not have the strong enough properties that it is rumored to help combat estro in the way you are thinking. Anti's at this time are the best bet.

For the caber, you can run it, old or not, expiration means nothing, the shelf life is much greater then you could fathom my friend.
I used dbols that where 10 years old once, and worked wonders!

What are your thoughts on liquid caber. This is in a liquid form and not from the same place I usually buy that kind of stuff from. It is really only about a year old. I have some caber pills on the way.

Just some food for thought, you may went to get checked and see if you have pituitary glad issues. You may have Progest issues from a whole different matter my man. And AAS sure won't help matters any better here!
Thus the use of Caber will help here, but won't rid the situation completely.

PS. Don't use adex at 2mg ed and 80mgs of nolva again, you can hurt yourself

That is what I figured. I only did it for a week and backed it down for that reason. I knew it was just too much to not be working

Thanks for the help. This is the kind of stuff I am looking for.
One other major thing I left out. I also take propecia. Should I stop using it? I hate to loose my hair, but it is much better than gyno.
I think that is your culprit right there, in conjunction with the everything else.

Finastreride (propecia ) can act in some users by suppressing the dihydrotestosterone, thus in gyno is reported in some users bro. dihydrotestosterone active properties are known for keeping estro in check, and a balance. Fuck with dihydrotestosterone levels and watch what happens.

Just some food for thought!
OK. I have stopped the propecia and am working on provion. I am running the nolv at 25mg now. How long do you think it will take for DHT levels to return to normal after quitting the propecia.
OK. I have stopped the propecia and am working on provion. I am running the nolv at 25mg now. How long do you think it will take for DHT levels to return to normal after quitting the propecia.
Not sure exactly, a Dr would know more then I of course, but from what I gather and hear, around 4-6 weeks levels start to stabilize back to norm.
I can tell you 100% that it's not the EQ giving you the gyno. Some UG labs make their prop from syno and use various methods to eliminate the estrogen, some with more success than others. Nolvadex immediately and stop the propecia. Adding Proviron wouldn't hurt either and would definately cause positive effects all the way around. Remember 500mg of prop is an appreciable amount more than 500mg of enanthate especially to those with high levels of aromatase.
I can tell you 100% that it's not the EQ giving you the gyno. Some UG labs make their prop from syno and use various methods to eliminate the estrogen, some with more success than others. Nolvadex immediately and stop the propecia
100% correct^

Good feed back
You are a life saver. I stopped the propecia that day and I already see a huge difference. I stopped propecia, went to 12.5mg of exemestane and 20mg of Nolvadex. The puffiness has subsided a lot. I still have the knots of course, but those seem to get smaller when I stop a cycle. It is much better though and only a few days in. I still plan on adding proviron soon.

Does anyone know why gyno symptoms can be worse in the evening? When I wake up, I have very little puffiness. By the end of the day it gets worse. Nothing like it was a week ago, but I can tell the evening is worse for sure.

Again, thanks for the help. I am headed in the right direction now. I just hate that I missed something so stupid as propecia.