HCG - how many think it's worth it on a light cycle?


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I've never used HCG and had no problems bouncing back or loosing gains but I've always done light and mild cycles

probably going to be doing something like this, this time around

Wk 1 - 10 400mg EQ
Wk 1 - 10 500mg TEST (not sure which yet)

25 mg of Proviron throughout cycle and Clomid or Nolva for PCT

maybe throwing in some winny at the end
Well, r u sure you recovered from it fully??? If you did then i would say there is no need for the HCG for this cycle but its hard to say. I would at least run some Tribulus in its place with Nol for a PCT.
I've only used it twice. I used it most recently on my last cycle.

I don't think I'll ever finish a cycle without it again. I just feel like I come back faster with it and i think it help sme retain more of my gains.

It's not that expensive, just get 5kiu. I ran just under 500mg test and tren a week along with some winny. Test was not quite 9 weeks and the tren and winny were both six (a little over for the tren).

At the end i ran 500iu EOD for 20 days. I feel like myself again.

You'll still have to run Nolva though.
bump, take your cycle a little longer 2-4 wks more. Eq is slow to show gains, you'll see results 2-3 wks before you stop it at 10 wks.