How often do you poop?

Huhh Huhh Huhh you said POOP


sounds like a retro moment from Beavis & ButtHead
Try downing a pizza with extra cheese, that'll bind you up, although I'd just "go with it". :D
Damn cat only you could post this question. Screw it make it a poll now LOL anyways bulking 4-5x cutting if thats what you call it 1-2x.
sugaa said:
You guys poop a lot. I'd hide the charmin from you and make u use the no frills brand.

I use a

Seriously, I go about 4 times a day, unless I'm taking humalog which tends to "mess up" my stomach nicely
ive been up 30 min, and ive shit twice. I wonder if its cause i eat my dinner so late do to work. I dont get my 2nd biggest meal till 9pm. and im in bed at 11 with a shake at 2