M1-T Dosage and timing ??'s


New member
Got my Cyber Suppz M1-T and I'm wondering how you guys typically dose it. I was thinking I'd start @ 25mg's/ED and work up from there if all goes well at 25. Here's my questions:

1. Is there a preferred time of day to take it

2. should the does be split into multiple doses throughout the day.

3. Taken with food or on an empty stomach

4. Should the dose be held under my tongue or swallowed and chased with some water.

Also I'm on a shit ton of liver supps and I'll be taking aromasin @ 12.5/ED. I'll be using the M1-t at the front end of my test e (500mg's/week) and eq (400-600mg's/week) cycle.
I have a break down I got from a buddy. As soon as I get to my computer I'll send it to you.
I just did once a day doses at around the same time. I got very good results. Very nice strength increases.
Got my Cyber Suppz M1-T and I'm wondering how you guys typically dose it. I was thinking I'd start @ 25mg's/ED and work up from there if all goes well at 25. Here's my questions:

1. Is there a preferred time of day to take it

2. should the does be split into multiple doses throughout the day.

3. Taken with food or on an empty stomach

4. Should the dose be held under my tongue or swallowed and chased with some water.

Also I'm on a shit ton of liver supps and I'll be taking aromasin @ 12.5/ED. I'll be using the M1-t at the front end of my test e (500mg's/week) and eq

(400-600mg's/week) cycle.

How the m1-t treatin you bro ? Any updates..
How do you plan to run it? I know I asked about using it preworkout, but I can't remember for the life of me what people said. I'm going to have to search it
That's exactly how I'm going to run it. There's not a whole lot of info out there on it but most of it points to a pre workout dosage about an hour prior to lifting. There was a few folks splitting up there dosage throughout the day also, but M1-T was all that they were on at the time and since I'll be running test and deca also I don't see any real advantage to doing the split dosing.
Not sure if you're taking any liver protectant, but I always use milk thistle, cranberry fruit, saw palmetto, hawthorn berry with M1T just to be safe