ménage à trois

If sh'e doing it to please you, it will most likely fuck things up. having your wife watch you bang another chick is something you can never take back. Been there done that....
Don't do it bro...it will definitely mess up your relationship unless you both have a really open mind when it comes to the definition (or I should say a loose definition) of a relationship especially so with marriage. Does she like chicks to begin with - bi-sexual? I have always found that it leads to someone that is unhappy in the relationship. Also if she is the one bringing it up I would definitely be careful. It is loaded ammunition bro. Would you consider it cheating if she started to have a physical relationship with another girl when you weren't around? I would have a problem with it myself, but I view marriage as a very special thing and I don't think anyone should have any extra-marital relationships, sex, etc. with anyone else besides your significant other.

It might be a trap to see if you would actually go through with it, but I can't really say that with any sort of certainty since I don't know how your relationship is, but it has caused many a mess for me in the past because of these type of situations that the girl said she would be down for, but later ended up being spiteful, and jealous. Like what was said above once you do it you can never take it back. Think long and hard about this one. If you truly care for this girl don't do it unless you both can handle the intense emotional toll it will take on both of you.
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From a female view......if my husband even brought it up I would freak......no way no how......I would be way jealous and me with another female yuck absolutely disgusting I like d**k way to much.....lol
Ive done it several times but NEVER with a girl I was gonna marry!
My ex asked me to do it and we were engaged at the time and when I thought about it I just couldnt do it or didnt even want to . I wouldnt do it if I was you.
I did it with my last ex who really "loved" me, and wanted to "Please" me. after that the relationship fell apart a few months later and she dumped me, lol. I think it had to do with the other chick being her best friend, and when we would fight, I would say the friend had a nicer body........... don't do it. :nope:
Wow, thats a tough one. The dirty old bastard I am says "GO FOR IT", but my years
of experience says "listen to the other replys" - they all seem to have the same
answer. Now if you been married for 17 years (like me) and the wife gets drunk and
it sounds good to her - then thats a different story. (Hey, just MY fantasy)
I would tell her it is a fantasy you have always had but "SHE IS ALL THE WOMAN YOU
WANT" !! (hey, a white lie but she will love you even more)
I think it will bite you in the ass down the road if you do it now.
^ Mcgaret is right...it's a different thing when you've been married that long. By that point you are pretty much sick of each other and don't give a shit who they are fucking as long as you can get some. :P lol Just kidding...Seriously though, after being together that long without any commitment issues as well as being older and wiser people are more equipped to deal with that sort of situation without it wreaking havoc on your relationship.
i know from previous experience... the 'extra girl on the side' .. doesn't work...

edit --- we'll just leave it at that...
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Ive never done it, and totally would jump at the chance too. Basically just to say I did it. Lol.
But I would follow B2S's advice if I did it.

Ive got a small group of female friends that Ive tackled one at a time (and they all know about it), and they might do it one day....especially if they were drunk. But there has never been any attachements and weve all been friends for years. They're big time party girls and hardly g/f material anyways.
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Threesomes are great, as long as the wife doesn't find out. Dude that is definately a secret you want to keep from your wife. Find two game chicks somewhere else. Just remember the experience when your f*ing your wife
bigwick said:
Threesomes are great, as long as the wife doesn't find out. Dude that is definately a secret you want to keep from your wife. Find two game chicks somewhere else. Just remember the experience when your f*ing your wife

I am a wife and I so disagree.....I would KILL my husband if he pulled some shi* like that......
Even though my fiance and I have had threesomes and she has a "girlfriend" I'm going to go with what everyone else is telling you. If you're the one bringing it up and she's only willing to do it to please you, don't do it. If she's not into girls and you expect her to just sit and watch you nailing some other woman and think she's not going to get jealous, you're fooling yourself. My girl likes girls and it was actually her idea, not that I tried to talk her out of it. But before we ever did anything we agreed on the rules and talked about it extensively. We agreed that if either one of us was feeling uncomfortable at any time we would stop right away. Now we've been to swinger parties and shit like that, but she's only into other girls, not other guys and she doesn't do anything unless I'm there and ok with it. I would also say don't do it when you're drunk. Just because you can lower her inhibitions with alcohol doesn't change the way she's going to feel the next day, in fact it may be worse.
I have a question regarding this...my hubby and I have been married for 5 yrs. He's not the jealous type at all, but I am.

He knows that I've had one bi-sexual experience..well a few but with the same person (my best friend) prior to meeting him, but he's never asked for a 3some with her....

He has made small jokes about watching me with another woman, but again, never has mentioned my friend, and I really don't think he cares much for her to begin with, but for other non-related reasons.

I think it would be such a turn on to have a 3some with him....however I'm not sure that I could handle watching him penetrate someone else...MAYBE oral satisfaction would be ok, but I guess I wouldn't know until I got there.

What I'm thinking is perhaps having a 3some where he watches, and participates with me only sexually, but watches with me and the other person? He would absolutely love that I can tell you....and to play it safe, it would be with someone other than my best friend lol. I actually have been talking a little about it with a girl I met, but haven't approached my hubby about it yet because I want it to be a surprise. I don't want to tell him about it and then it fall through, you know? I would NEVER think about having any sort of sexual relationship with anyone, female OR male, without my hubbies consent or without him being there...no matter what, I feel that unless he was aware of it and ok with it, it would be cheating, plain and simple.

Any suggestions?
In a female opinion I am a jealous bitch and no way no how would my hubby be with anyone other then myself.

Thinking about this outside of the marriage portion I really in my heart believe if you have to have some sort of third person deal going on that something is lacking in your relationship.

My thoughts are my body is sacred my marriage is sacred and I don't believe there should be anyone other then a husband/wife or a committed couple having sex.

Guess my opinions are outdated but I will stick to my beliefs they have worked well for me for years. lol........but what ever other people choose to do is up to them as long as it doesn't involve me or Stickler...........lol.......