questions about cycle


New member
I have been running 1cc tren 100mg EOD, 1cc of Prop EOD (QV100), and 1cc of Winny EOD (QV 100) for about 3weeks, should I continue with this or go to Deca (QV300), Enathate (QV250), and D-Bol (Naps) for six weeks and finish off with 3 more weeks of the first three weeks. What about also taking anastrozole, How much and how often? Any help would be great.
no bro that would make no sense to me at all reason bieng is it will take the enanthate time to kick in so ur test level drop same deal with the tren and going to deca, it would fuck ur body all up man, unless you start the test enanthate 3-4 weeks earlier while still on prop giving it time to raise the test levels.

winny , fina, and prop is the meanest cycle u will ever do in my opinion bro, keep running it for man, thats my take on it, nothing less nothing more
Also what about adding in a kit of growth? Should I be taking Anastrozole or just add Clomiphene citrate post cycle?
D-bol in the middle of a cycle is a little silly, being that mostly everyone uses it to kickstart their cycles. I would just save it for another cycle. The Test Enan. should be run for at least eight weeks, and personally, it took nearly five weeks to really kick in so I would run it for no less than 10 weeks.
I think cycles should be planned well so as to facilitate proper training ,diet and recovery-"throwing gear in" a cycle puts too much focus on the drugs-set up the cycle-run it as planned-train your ass off-take your time off then crank it up again-be patient and make intensity your focus and you'll hit your goals-too many guys forget that no matter how much gear you take you STILL gotta do the WORK!!PS-sounds a little like someone needs to do a little more homework!!
The reason I asked is that I am getting leaner and harder but not putting on much size, granted it has only been 3 weeks but it was my understanding that tren prop and winny are a great combo and I am just not getting the results that I want, I am not holding much water and have never had signs of gyno so is the anastrozole necessary? I have planned this cycle out I was just asking if there are any things I should be doing differently. I am looking for helpful advice not looking to get slammed.
It's in the diet bro, Eat and you will grow on that set up. Run anastrozole at .25 thruout clomid therapy.
Thanks Choke, Should I be concerned with eating lean or just eating in general. I know to some point you don't want to get carried away with the food but is it that important to eat really lean?
I am suppodsed to get a kit of growth in about a week (Wasn't planning on getting), should I take it with this cycle or save for later? How long should I stay on tren/prop/winny? I have heard mixed feelings on this question, is there a max time to stay on this cycle, I was planning on running it another 6 weeks, is that too long?
No slam bro-just seems that these Q's need to be asked and answered BEFORE your first stick of the cycle,that way you can concentrate your efforts for maximum gains as opposed to thinking-"should I do this .." or "what about throwing that in..."-I cannot over-emphasize the importance of pre-planning and research-so many good bros with tons of knowledge and experience-take advantage of this board and don't repeat our mistakes!!-Train Hard and Be Patient and Intense-it'll come
Ready-just so you know-no slamming goes on here and a MOD certainly wouldn't "2nd that " if he thought it to be a slam-that said I meant no disrespect and apologize if I offended you-just putting in my .02-take it for what its worth!!-Good Luck!
No prob bro, just bad morning at work and the fina/prop/winny just adds to it, thanks for the help and advice. Never dealt with fina until now, usually just small cycles of enanthate, prop, and some D-bol. I really do appreciate the help!!!