The random thread, say what ever, rant!


not only are we the fattest country but we have to be the dumbest too

you really think they have shit shows like this in China? no, and that's why they pretty much own us.
This is too f'n funny... you guys kill me

what a great thread Idea... This is gonna be a fun summer, reading this thread!
Wait I have a close 2nd to the television rant. I realy cant stand the fact that my 14 year old daughter can be listening to the radio in the car in the middle of day and hear lyrics about fucking, sucking, dicks, pussy and every other nasty fucking thing. It was bad enough they use to just elude to the nasty content in the lyrics, but now the radio station aloow words like fuck, and dick which I have personaly heard over the radio in the middle of the day.

Now this shit burns me up! Especialy because i have a 14 year old little girl who is easily influenced by this shit like any other teenager

I said it before and I will say it again, im getting to be more and more bitter the older I get!
AMEN... My 9 yr daught was singing that. I kiss a girl and I liked it, I almost slapped her out.. then I realized she is only 9, hahhah her mouth has gotten lippy with me too.. all from these shows and songs... pisses me off
When me and my wife when to cancun... We when to a hardrock an d we order bugers well done.. When we got them we wasn't well done. I took a bite out of mine and my wife cut her in half and they was to fuckn red.. We told them and they took them back and came back with the same fuckn buger mine had a bite in it still and the old ladys was still cut in half.. I was thinking WTF. But they did give us a new bun and all the toppings.. And a recooked slab of beef !!! Didn't want to piss them off I was to far from home... Olny in mexico !!! lol
Starbucks coffee. I ordered a large coffee and the gal behind the counter kept insisting that it was a "venti" and not a large. WTF!?!?!? I just wanted a large coffee.
Oh.. and the mainstream media. I really could give a rats tail about anthony weiner's weener.. this country is going to shit why don't they report on the news that matters. End rant.
my mistress on the other hand is one rockin bitch!!

Hahaha, you wrong, dogg. You wrong.

I'm late getting in on the thread, but I agree with Presser about the TV content today. One day they will look back at our fallen country and realize that reality television destroyed our great nation.
Ok Texting and driving is against the law, I'm against it very much, but my boss text me info for jobs and such and I just read them off. and when someone see's me doing so they think they are the State Troopers and decide to yell,give me hand signs and such. Look, I'll pull my fucking truck over and get out, rip off your head and shit down your neck, mind your own fucking business you Highway-Hero. Last week some fuck stick drove past me at the light, I was fricken stopped and he was turning, the duded yelled out the window ( Keep your eye on the road or something like that ). Dude, I'm fucking stopped you moron, and it's you that are now taking your eyes off the road and distracting others. I noticed in my review that he turned into a Dunkin D's. Well guess what, this raped ape was in the mood now for a Boston Cream.
I walk in, him and his gal walk out, I said to his woman in a sweat voice, Hun, you may want to tell your douche bag boy friend to lock up his pie-hole if he knows wants right for him). Tool bag just walks away. Not like I was gonna fight, thats the last thing I need, nor care to. Poeple just dont know whos in rare form on what day. lesson is, mind your own damn biz!
Ok Texting and driving is against the law, I'm against it very much, but my boss text me info for jobs and such and I just read them off. and when someone see's me doing so they think they are the State Troopers and decide to yell,give me hand signs and such. Look, I'll pull my fucking truck over and get out, rip off your head and shit down your neck, mind your own fucking business you Highway-Hero. Last week some fuck stick drove past me at the light, I was fricken stopped and he was turning, the duded yelled out the window ( Keep your eye on the road or something like that ). Dude, I'm fucking stopped you moron, and it's you that are now taking your eyes off the road and distracting others. I noticed in my review that he turned into a Dunkin D's. Well guess what, this raped ape was in the mood now for a Boston Cream.
I walk in, him and his gal walk out, I said to his woman in a sweat voice, Hun, you may want to tell your douche bag boy friend to lock up his pie-hole if he knows wants right for him). Tool bag just walks away. Not like I was gonna fight, thats the last thing I need, nor care to. Poeple just dont know whos in rare form on what day. lesson is, mind your own damn biz!

very good, I live in the bible belt-BUNCH OF FAT FUCKS
damn near every time me and my gf go out you have some FAT BASTARDS that want to look and laugh at us???

WTF? YEAH! we work out you look like shit-mind your own business

fat ass motherfuckers
Well, I will chime in on the driving deal, I can't stand assholes that get in a lane that is being closed "x" miles down the road and try to pass everyone then expect you to let them over. I used to have a big truck and I'd never let anyone over even when they were halfway in my lane. I figured they could just hit me because they'd do more damage to their car than mine. I hate that shit, I can't stand someone who just thinks they are entitled to the lane when you're coming towards them. Then when you don't let them over, they wanna cuss and scream and shit.
And another, this got me really fired up a couple months ago. I don't purposely tailgate people unless you're going well below the speed limit. I was behind this old guy going to my buddy's house to help him move and I wouldn't say I was even close to tailgating him. But apparently he thought I was too close, so he decides to slam on his breaks which did nothing because I had plenty of room to stop. I then realized what he was doing so I decided to get closer to him then he literally bunny hops the car jumping on his brakes, this I expected so again, I never got close. So we pull up to a red light and he's in the right hand lane turning right and I'[m in the left going straight. He stops right beside my car yelling and pointing at me which my window was up. So I rolled my window down and smiled at him, he proceeded to tell me how to drive and kept mother fucking me. At first I thought it was funny because he was at least 50 and he kept it up and I told him that he didn't pay my insurance or any of my tickets so he has no right to tell me how to drive and then he went off. So he kept mouthing off and I lost it, I opened my door and as soon as my foot hit the pavement, he sped off like a bat out of hell. I was seriously going to bust his ass old or not, I'd had enough and just lost my head. I really hate old drivers. I just dislike most old people in general because they feel like they are entitled to the world and it pisses me off. I don't owe them shit, in fact, they should kiss my ass since I'm out working and contributing to the community and not sitting back collecting welfare and living like a bum
I've got another one now, I've been talking to this girl on the side and she's the clingy type so I'm trying to break it off with her without getting her pissed enough to the point where she forwards anything and everything to my gf. I've had this happen in the past when we broke up (I talked to a girl almost immediately after us breaking up) and it turned into a huge shit show. Why in the fuck can't girls (who already know you're in a relationship) just be cool with being a fuck buddy?? Damn I hate women sometimes. I wish they had the mentality of men and could keep their fucking mouths shut, I guess I've just gotta find a married chick that just wants some ass on the side so that I know she won't say anything. Damn it!!!!!
And another, this got me really fired up a couple months ago. I don't purposely tailgate people unless you're going well below the speed limit. I was behind this old guy going to my buddy's house to help him move and I wouldn't say I was even close to tailgating him. But apparently he thought I was too close, so he decides to slam on his breaks which did nothing because I had plenty of room to stop. I then realized what he was doing so I decided to get closer to him then he literally bunny hops the car jumping on his brakes, this I expected so again, I never got close. So we pull up to a red light and he's in the right hand lane turning right and I'[m in the left going straight. He stops right beside my car yelling and pointing at me which my window was up. So I rolled my window down and smiled at him, he proceeded to tell me how to drive and kept mother fucking me. At first I thought it was funny because he was at least 50 and he kept it up and I told him that he didn't pay my insurance or any of my tickets so he has no right to tell me how to drive and then he went off. So he kept mouthing off and I lost it, I opened my door and as soon as my foot hit the pavement, he sped off like a bat out of hell. I was seriously going to bust his ass old or not, I'd had enough and just lost my head. I really hate old drivers. I just dislike most old people in general because they feel like they are entitled to the world and it pisses me off. I don't owe them shit, in fact, they should kiss my ass since I'm out working and contributing to the community and not sitting back collecting welfare and living like a bum

A few years ago, I was backing out of my driveway at my old town house, it was on a semi busy road, depending on the hr and day. it was a sunday mind you about noonish. Im backing out and see no one coming, there is a small bend kinda near by in the road that is now at my rear, but not a major bend nor excessive speed on that road either. This tool bag guy in his truck comes flying up, and acts like he didnt see me, and gets rightthe fuck on my ass, and starts blaring the horn. I have to young kids at 5 years old in the car, and my GF at the time on my left. I wasnt even engaged into drive at this point as I was trying to fix my position and go forward. He is flipping the fuck out behind me now. I lost my wig and went bananas at this point. I parked the SUV in the middle of the road where it stood, jumped out arms up, yelling ( You wanted my attention, now you got it, how the fuck you like me now mother fucker! ) The guy just acted like I was crazy. My woman is yelling for me, and now the kids are upset. I calm myself and got back in and drove off heading to the park like we planned. The fucker now is at the light with us, I get in the left to turn L, and he is in the right to go straight. The light turns green, he opens his window as I was turning and he was leaving, shoots me the bird, and yells some words ( I dont recall but along the lines of fuck you as hole ).
He had his moment to say something to me when he had my attention. WTF?
I remebered his truck, and knew that he lived down the road some ways, and it was a matter of time when I see him again. I did see him again at this Asian take-out place, he was one of those volunteer fire men, lots of keys on his pants, blue light on truck, star track shirt on, and a tap-out sticker on back of truck. I wanted to smash his egg noodle soup in his face, but guess what? I'm the better man right? fricken people, hard as rocks and taugh as nails behind that wheel. people have gotten killed for acting like this ya know, its not cool to be a douche bag. Just mind your own and let live!
Yea man, I'm easy going for the most part anymore, but you can only push me so far before I snap. I used to just flip the fuck out for no reason, but now I've gotten older and wiser and pick my moments very carefully, but I can't tolerate disrespect at all. I respect everyone until you give me the reason not to, then I can't take responsibilty for what happens next. This is probably why I've got 2 battery charges on my record, I've had to play it cool as the third one is a felony