z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

yea, I would like to lose another 2" off my waist, since my chest isn't huge or anything, and keep my arms the same. I'm not using any gear, so I cant really lose muscle mass. One of my friends just started working out with me, he has the most ridiculous vascularity in his arms. Every vein shoots out and his triceps are enormous. I have the same bodyfat as him, or maybe even a % less, but his vascularity looks like he is 5% bodyfat. That pisses me off.
great thread bud and keep up the good work...talk your freind into taking a sugar filled weight gainer telling him it will give him nice lean gains and he will get fat and lose the vacularity and you will feel much better LOL
Damn this stuff is harsh. Im sitting at work all day drinking water, cant wait to get my next meal in. It seems like every time I eat, I don't get enough calories in me. I bumped my dose up to 60 MCG taken in the evenings, and this may be the case I feel the way I do. Im eating again in 1 hour and working out in 2 hours, so I hope this helps.

But im losing fat right!
had an interesting weekend. Drank a lot for the First time, ate some pizza, no sugar added ice cream, carne asada burrito. Missed a day of injection. I am starting to notice a slight increase in vascularity which is nice. Weight 210. Missed my cardio for the week. I think this was my first major splurge weekend. But I am seeing results.

estimated bodyfat: 13.5%
posting pix

im trying to get some pix posted on my IGF log, and i cant attach anything. can someone explain how to do it?

i clicked on reply to my thead and theres nowhere to upload a pic

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click the "post reply" button , and scroll down to "manage attachments and click it, from there u can upload up to 5 images from your computers c;drive "my pictures" and voila ur pics will post
awspme bro cant wait , i love seeing progress pics, wife and i are starting a journal log starting tomorow through the summer i think
ok here goes. First pic was when I started back in the Gym end of April.

2nd pic basically when i started the IGF-1. and 3rd pic was just a few minutes ago. The changes are very minimal, but it has only been 16 days.
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shouldn't be blocked ... it redirects to a page stored on the mc.com server... there shouldn't be any problems though.. presser? ... lol

z28stud97 said:
ok here goes. First pic was when I started back in the Gym end of April.

2nd pic basically when i started the IGF-1. and 3rd pic was just a few minutes ago. The changes are very minimal, but it has only been 16 days.

is it igf-1 that your taking or long igf-1