By GrowMB
November 28, 2022
5 min read
Medical cannabis

Medical cannabis is gaining support from Health organizations in the United States and abroad, including the American Public Health Association, Health Canada, and the Federation of Yank Scientists.

Several associations encourage physicians to conduct clinical trials with cannabis to evaluate its potential more accurately.

Cannabis has been shown to be effective in treating various disorders in clinical studies.

Aside from its appetite-stimulating properties, medical cannabis is also very effective in treating HIV, AIDS wasting syndrome, and dementia. In recent years, there has been mounting evidence that elements in cannabis may prevent some malignant tumors.

In a new survey by researchers, nearly half of physicians surveyed supported the legalization of medical marijuana. The majority of those surveyed said they would use marijuana if legalized. Forty-four percent of oncologists had previously recommended cannabis therapy to patients, according to a Harvard study from 1991.

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Cannabis As A Medical Treatment: Safety And Efficacy

The effects of THC from cannabis are considered to be highly safe for humans. According to several studies, a cannabis overdose is physically impossible. A statistical compilation of all drug-related deaths in America is presented in this report. Cannabis use has not been linked to any deaths.

European and American journals of drugs published more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of cannabis between 1840 and 1900. In 1942, cannabis was accepted into the American Pharmacopeia for the first time. The Netherlands, Germany, Israel, and Canada currently allow prescriptions for cannabis.

Cannabis And Its Medical Uses

The cannabis plant has been around for hundreds of years. Since its origins in Central Asia, it has expanded to reach a global audience. People consume marijuana worldwide, and its primary purpose is to make them feel better.

CB receptors within the body can bind with compounds found in cannabis plants to provide therapeutic benefits for the spread of illnesses. CB receptors within the brain develop before birth.

Considering the growing evidence for cannabis’ benefits, its advantages become clearer. The interaction between us and cannabinoids is natural, so cannabis has medical value. Therefore, mothers’ breast milk also contains these compounds.

Health Benefits Of Cannabis For The Digestive Tract

“The munchies” is a cliché associated with cannabis use. According to research, the endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in appetite regulation. Those suffering from eating disorders may benefit from this knowledge.

Marijuana’s effects on nausea are well documented. It may also help digestion, according to some research. Medical cannabis may also be beneficial for treating the following conditions, in addition to digestion-related ailments:

  • IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • Obesity
  • Conditions associated with diabetes

Medical Cannabis For Pain Management

Chronic back pain patients are prescribed medical cannabis. According to a recent survey in the Spine Journal, researchers at a Colorado spine center found that one in five patients use cannabis to manage their pain. Nearly 90% of respondents reported that it considerably eased or moderately eased their pain.

Since the spine clinic study was merely a survey, more research is needed to determine whether cannabis can help treat back pain. Due to these reasons, many people claim it helps with pain management, and science is beginning to back them up.

Treatment Of Mental Illness With Medical bCannabis

Cannabis is psychologically perceived as having adverse effects. Studies have not proven that it accelerates the development of predisposed personality disorders. THC can cause anxiety in some patients if administered at high doses.

Psychologists have been studying our relationship with cannabis in the recent past. There has been a link between cannabinoids and mental health. There are psychological effects associated with cannabis use. Brain development is influenced by compounds that bind to CB receptors. The brain’s neurons are believed to grow in the brain when cannabis is consumed.

Medical Cannabis Treatment For Cancer

Cancer patients used chemotherapy drugs to counteract its side effects in the past. Oncologists are conducting clinical trials worldwide to determine whether they can use cannabis to treat cancer. Among many other cancer treatment options, Rick Simpson Oil is preferred by many patients.

Many people remain skeptical of products containing THC because of their psychotropic effects. It has been shown that THC may have been used to treat cancer in the past. Due to this, oncologists have redirected their efforts towards CBD vs hemp. Recent Nuki research suggests that combining compounds in a way that allows them to act synergistically may also prove effective in fighting cancer.

The steps to becoming a medical cannabis patient

Follow these steps to become a legal patient of medical cannabis in your state:

Proof Of Residence

It is easy to prove this with a valid driver’s license.

Eligibility Criteria

In different states, medical cannabis is available for various health conditions. Cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, neuropathic pain, arthritis, and other debilitating and terminal illnesses are covered in most states.

Knowing Your Local Laws Is The Key

Medical cannabis patients and providers are subject to arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment by state and federal law enforcement. People living with disabilities are subjected to widespread discrimination at work, custody of their children, housing, public accommodations, education, and medical care. Laws protecting patients and providers vary from state to state.

You can find medical marijuana websites that list doctors with experience with the drug. You should consult a medical professional and obtain consent from them.


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