PNBA Bodybuilder Tiffany Stosich Names 4 Diet Mistakes Hampering Weight Loss

By Presser
May 19, 2022
3 min read
Image via Instagram @fit_with_tiff_stosich

PNBA natural bodybuilder Tiffany Stosich names 4 diet mistakes you’re making that prevent you from losing weight. 

You can’t out-train a bad diet. Your nutrition plays a vital role in losing weight. But there are a lot of different diets out there, so following the wrong approach is customary. Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) natural bodybuilder Tiffany Stosich lists four diet mistakes you’re making that prevent you from losing weight. 

Tiffany Stosich was the 2020 Natural Olympia pro physique winner. On Instagram (IG), Stosich said the following below about diet mistakes:

“1. You do extreme diets. It needs to be a lifestyle switch not a “for now” thing. You switch from fad diets like keto, HCG, low carb, low fat, no sugar etc. You think of foods as good or bad and eliminate food groups based on those assumptions.

2. You stick to the plan all week but because it is so restrictive then you binge hard core on the weekends. Then you think the plan isn’t working because you feel like it should be ok for you to be on the plan for 5/7 days. One treat meal won’t break you but a cheat weekend will 100% wreck your progress.

3. You have an all or nothing mentality. One screw up and you say I might as well start again next Monday!! DO NOT DO THIS! Get back to the plan! “Consistency” is the magic, not “perfection.”

4. You constantly switch from plan to plan and say that didn’t work. The reality is you didn’t do the work period. Every diet plan works but if you don’t give it time and consistent effort it won’t work. Patience is the key and losing weight slow and steady is the way to keep it off long term and keep your hormones and metabolism in a good place.”

You can see Tiffany Stosich’s complete statement on IG below. 

Diet and Weight Loss 

As Tiffany Stosich mentioned, to keep weight off, you need to make a lifestyle change, not a temporary short-term switch to your diet that’s not sustainable. Junk food isn’t inherently bad for you. It’s how much junk food you consume that can become problematic. And all macros (protein, fats, and carbs) serve a role in making your body function optimally. 

Your weekends make up over 20% of your week, so binging on the weekend can hinder your progress. Instead, have a balanced diet throughout the week and have an occasional cheat meal in place of a cheat weekend. 

Having an all-or-nothing mentality isn’t good because you permit yourself to derail your entire plan anytime you mess up. It’s completely normal to get off course with your diet here and there. The trick is to get back on track swiftly, not forego your nutrition plan altogether. Consistency is key. 

If you want to keep weight off for good, you have to be patient. Too many people give up on their diet too early since they don’t give it enough time. Most diets work to lose weight, so stick to the one you can do long-term and don’t bounce around from one diet to the next. 

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