Tag: Arms

5 Exercises To Build Horseshoe Triceps

5 Exercises To Build Horseshoe Triceps

5 Exercises To Build Horseshoe Triceps
If your goal is to build sleeve-splitting arms, you can’t overlook your triceps. Most people make the mistake of going too hard on their biceps but skip training their triceps. Your arm development can never be complete without some ripped triceps.
Your triceps have three heads; long, lateral and medial. You need to be training them from all the angles to ensure an overall development. A combination of isolation and compound exercises is the most effective way of building horseshoe triceps.

1. Cable Pushdowns – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Cables are a great way to maintain a constant tension on your target muscle throughout the movement. While using the cables, you have the same amount of tension on your triceps at the top of the movement as you have on the bottom.

Stand at an arm’s length from the pulley machine. Attach a straight bar to the pulley and grab it with an overhand grip with your thumbs over the bar. Keep your elbows pinned to your side and hold and squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the movement.

2. Skull Crushers – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Skull crushers are an incredibly effective exercise when it comes to building ripped triceps. This exercise is also known as head smackers. Skull crushers train the long head of your triceps. The long head is also the hardest part to develop as only a few exercise can target it optimally.
You can use a straight bar or an EZ bar for this exercise. Make sure you have a complete range of motion while performing this exercise. Keep your elbows fixed at a single position, hold and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement.
3. Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Smith machine close grip bench press works on the medial and lateral heads of your triceps. Using a Smith machine adds tension to your triceps while performing this exercise. Performing exercises with a complete range of motion are the secret to building horseshoe triceps.
Keep your elbows pinned to your sides throughout the movement. If you don’t have an access to a smith machine in your gym, you can perform the close grip bench press on a flat bench.

4. Cable Overhead Rope Tricep Press – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Ropes can target your triceps from a completely new angle. Overhead presses train the long head of your triceps. Keep your elbows pinned to the side of your head throughout the movement.
Keep the ropes together at the bottom of the movement, spread them out at the top and squeeze your triceps. Make sure you’re not using momentum while performing this exercise. Use moderate weights so you can handle and keep your reps slow and deliberate.
5. Dips – 3 Sets 15 Reps
By this point, your triceps will be completely exhausted. Dips can be a complete triceps buster and are a great exercise if you want shredded triceps. You can perform this exercise on parallel dip bars or on a flat bench.
If bodyweight version of this exercise is too easy for you, you can add extra resistance by using weights. Follow an explosive motion while performing this exercise. Hold and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement.

Which is your favorite triceps exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Shoulders With Sephora: Gains At Generation Iron Personal Training

Shoulders With Sephora: Gains At Generation Iron Personal Training

Work your shoulders with Sephora as she grinds in the state-of-the-art Generation Iron gym.
Finding the right location to workout can be a daunting task, but Generation Iron Personal Training makes that easy. A fantastic gym with state-of-the-art equipment and knowledgeable trainers, your gains will become a reality in no time. Plus, with the ease and convenience of setting up a time to work out, Generation Iron Personal Training will make you actually want to get up and get moving.
We followed around Sephora, one of Generation Iron’s Personal Training trainers, as she walked us through a great shoulder workout. Neglecting to work out your shoulders can sacrifice strength, size, and that well-rounded physique you want most. With Sephora’s guidance, this shoulder workout is sure to give you the best gains around.

Let’s jump into this shoulder workout from Sephora so we see those gains we want most. With the right approach, we can better tackle any workout put in front of us. A great shoulder workout can be hard to come by but thankfully Sephora offers up this 5-exercise workout for ease, convenience, and gains.
About Sephora
Sephora found herself in a position many of us do, being tired of excuses and a lifestyle we want to change. Through hard work and dedication, Sephora has committed herself to building her body and shaping the necessary areas to see results she has great confidence in. She received her NASM certification and is on a mission to not only help change your body, but also your mindset on health and fitness.

Sephora’s Shoulder Workout
This shoulder workout from Sephora is a great way to build shoulder strength and size, while also aiding in stability and an overall well-rounded physique. A mix of machine and free weights exercises, you target each muscle of your shoulder differently to not neglect or miss out on any gains.


Machine Shoulder Press

DB Lateral Raise

DB Front Raise

Alternating One Arm Arnold Press

Cable Upright Row

Exercise Breakdown
Machine Shoulder Press
The machine shoulder press is a great exercise for hypertrophy as it will offer healthy stress and nice resistance on your shoulders. Using the machine allows you to add more weight than a free weight shoulder press as well as work to improve form and learn to feel out this exercise. While the machine provides safety, it is important to focus on your technique to not build bad habits.
DB Lateral Raise
The dumbbell lateral raise is a nice shoulder exercise to strengthen those stabilizer muscles and improve shoulder stability. Building strength is obvious but working to tackle those muscle imbalances is also a great benefit to this exercise. It also has plenty of room for variations.

DB Front Raise
Dumbbell front raises are great for building sport specific strength but also functional movements. Another great way to improve any muscle imbalances, the options for you to succeed in terms of building a well-rounded physique are nowhere near impossible. Plenty of variations exist for this exercise as well.
Alternating One Arm Arnold Press
This exercise will build serious strength and size as a result of the complexity with the press and twist aspects. Alternating arms allows you to focus on form even more and stay dialed in as this exercise can be a killer. It can be taxing on your shoulders so working with the appropriate amount of weight will ensure less chance of injury.
Cable Upright Row
Cable upright rows are effective for building bigger traps and ensuring more width in your shoulders. A nice isolation exercise, there are plenty of variations to try but the benefit of the cable machine is more weight can be added, ensuring better form and increased mind-muscle connection.
Benefits Of Strong Shoulders
Having strong shoulders should not be overstated. The benefit to stronger, more stable shoulders can not only enhance sport specific movements, but also those more functional ones. Increasing strength, boosting stability, and adding to a well-rounded physique can be a game changer as you seek the best for your shredded aesthetic. This workout from Sephora will truly enhance your shoulder development with just 5 simple exercises. And with a great gym like Generation Iron Personal Training, you just can’t go wrong.

About Generation Iron Personal Training
This state-of-the-art training facility is 7,000 square feet, jam packed with elite equipment and uniquely designed to provide for a great workout and awesome atmosphere to motivate yourself to see massive gains. Everything you know about gym memberships and their shady hidden fees with additional costs are a thing of the past as you can book directly with registered trainers for one-on-one personal sessions. With the motto “Sweat Today, Shine Tomorrow”, you will become a new person, one with the confidence and physique to be proud of.
With plenty of room to work out and have your own space to get after it, Generation Iron Personal Training gym can be just what you need to succeed. Plus, parking is easy and convenient for a nice bonus.
Location & Address: 730 NY-304 in New City, New York
Phone Number: 845-664-8589
Email: [email protected]
Social Media: Follow us on Instagram for the best content and important updates to always be in the loop on Generation Iron Personal Training.

Check out the website for Generation Iron Personal Training here!

Wrap Up
This shoulder workout from Sephora at Generation Iron’s Personal Training gym is a great workout to boost strength and size, while also building stability and a well-rounded physique. The right approach under the guidance of a knowledgeable trainer can make or break your gains and give you the best for your desired goals. Generation Iron Personal Training is a fantastic way to see your goals become reality so don’t hesitate to reach out and see how this is a great fit for you.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Sephora Instagram and Generation Iron

The 1000-Rep Total Annihilation Bicep Workout

The 1000-Rep Total Annihilation Bicep Workout

The Most Brutal 1,000 Rep Arm Workout.
Most people get a gym membership to build bigger biceps, but only a few of them end up achieving this goal. Building bigger biceps requires you to train them with insane intensity so that they have no idea what hit them.
In this article, we’ll be sharing a workout that you probably have never imagined doing before. By the end of the workout, you’ll have no idea what to do with your arms so that they stop hurting.

Barbell Bicep Curls – 10 Sets 20 Reps ~ 200 Reps
Since this is a 1,000 rep training session, you should be doing the compound lifts early in the workout. Doing the compound exercises when the fatigue starts to kick in can take a toll on your form.

The barbell bicep curls are the first lift in the workout and you should try to lift as heavy as you can in the exercise without compromising on the form. Don’t forget to pause and contract your guns at the top of the movement.
Cable Curls – 2 Set 100 Reps ~ 400 Reps
While following the workout, you should make sure you’re not resting for more than 60-seconds between sets. You should be able to complete the training session within an hour. Resting for too long will negatively impact training intensity.
In a high-rep high-intensity workout like this, the ego can be your worst enemy. Choose a weight you’ll struggle to complete the 100 reps with, but make sure you’ll not have to use momentum.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls – 5 Sets 20 Reps ~ 500 Reps
While performing the dumbbell hammer curls, you’ll be lifting the dumbbells at the same time. Your elbows will be pinned to your sides and your arms will be extended straight in the starting position.
Lift the dumbbells until they reach your shoulder height. Pause and contract your bis at the top of the movement before lowering the weights. Repeat for the recommended reps while keeping your lower arms parallel to each other throughout the lift.
Machine Preacher Curls – 4 Sets 50 Reps ~ 700 Reps
The machine preacher curls train the peak of your mountains. Most people make the mistake of shortening their range of motion while performing the lift. Follow a full ROM to ensure you’re not leaving any gains on the table.
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls – 5 Sets 20 Reps ~ 800 Reps
Many people neglect training the outer head of the biceps and their forearms. Performing the reverse grip barbell curls is an incredibly effective way of improving these muscles which also happens to be common lagging muscle groups.
Dumbbell Concentration Curls – 2 Sets 50 Reps ~ 900 Reps
The dumbbell concentration curls were brought into the limelight by the Governator. Arnie can be seen performing the exercise multiple times in the legendary documentary, Pumping Iron.
Drag Curls – 1 Set 100 Reps ~ 1000 Reps
Drag curls are one of the most underutilized exercises in the gym. In the exercise, you hold a smith machine barbell with a shoulder-wide grip. Curl the barbell by pulling your elbows up and back. The drag curls can make your pythons more venomous.

How many reps do you do in your last workout? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Turn Your Triceps Into Horseshoes With This Workout

Turn Your Triceps Into Horseshoes With This Workout

A Triceps Busting Workout
It is no surprise most men are obsessed with the size of their arms. For most of these men, the obsession fades away after training their biceps. A triceps workout shouldn’t be overlooked as they are half of your arms.
When you flex your triceps, it should look like a horse kicked you in the back of your arm. If you train your bis and tris on the same day and your triceps are lagging as compared to your biceps, you should consider training them at the beginning of your workouts.
1. Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns – 4 Sets 20 Reps

The straight bar cable pushdowns is an isolation exercise which will get the blood flowing in your triceps and will get you a good pump. The high volume will help you in pre-exhausting your triceps, so you don’t have to use super heavyweights.
In all the triceps exercises, keep the reps slow and controlled. Pin your elbows to your sides and complete a rep. Exhale, pause and squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the movement. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat without using any momentum.
2. Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extensions – 3 Sets 15 Reps

Your triceps consist of three heads; lateral, medial and long. You need to train all of them equally to ensure an overall development. Overhead movements like the single arm overhead dumbbell extension work the long head which is the most stubborn of the three triceps heads.
Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and extend your right arm over your right shoulder. Stick your right bicep to your right ear and slowly lower the dumbbell towards your left shoulder. Return to the starting position and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement.
3. Skull Crushers – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Skull crushers are one of the most effective exercises when it comes to building size and definition in your triceps. The skull crushers work your long triceps heads. If you’re trying this exercise for the first time or are attempting a PR, make sure you have a spotter.
Lie on a flat bench with your face towards the ceiling and arms extended over your shoulders. Your elbows should be in line with your shoulders and pinned at this position throughout the exercise. Slowly lower the bar so the barbell is an inch away from your forehead. Return to the starting position and flex your triceps.

4. Dumbbell Kickbacks – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Dumbbell kickbacks work the lateral and medial heads of your triceps. Most people make the mistake of going too heavy on this exercise. Use a weight which you can handle and can maintain a full range of motion.
Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, place your left foot in front of your right foot while maintaining a slight arch in your back. Pin your right elbow to your side and bring the dumbbell to your chest. Extend your elbow so your arm is fully extended and flex your triceps at the bottom of the movement.
5. Close Grip Bench Press – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Close grip bench press is a compound exercise which helps in building overall strength and size in your triceps. The close grip bench press is a variation of the normal grip bench press which works your chest.
While performing the close grip variation, grab the barbell just outside your chest. Keep your elbows and forearms parallel to each other throughout the exercise. Doing this will recruit your triceps in place of your chest.
6. Superset – Diamond Push-ups / Bodyweight Dips – 4 Sets 15 / 15 Reps
The diamond push-ups and dips superset is the last exercises in this triceps workout. This superset will smoke your triceps if they aren’t already. In the diamond push-ups, place your hands under your chest so that your index fingers and thumbs are touching to form a triangle.
After you have completed 15 reps on the diamond-pushups, move onto the bodyweight dips without taking any rest in between. In the bodyweight dips, your chest should be in line with your hands at the bottom of the movement. In both the exercises, pause and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement.

Which is your favorite triceps exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

The 7 Kick-ass Bicep Exercises You’re Not Doing

The 7 Kick-ass Bicep Exercises You’re Not Doing

7 Kick-ass Exercises which Need to be a Part of your Next Biceps Workout
Biceps are one of the most loved muscle group for people in the gyms throughout the world. Even though biceps are the favorite muscle for many people, you won’t see many people walking around with 20-inch arms.
Dumbbell and barbell curls are fine, but there is so much more to biceps training which people neglect. If you want to see supernatural results, you should be willing to do supernatural things in the gym.

21’s are arguably one of the nastiest biceps exercises and are sure to leave you with a muscle-ripping pump. The exercise is divided into three subsets of seven reps each. Hold a barbell at shoulder width.
In the first seven reps, bring the barbell from the bottom to the mid-half position of a complete barbell curl. Return to the starting position and complete seven reps. For the next seven reps start at the top of the movement and bring the barbell to your waist level.

Perform the complete biceps curls for the next seven reps. If it is one of the days when you’re feeling invincible, take this exercise up a notch and perform 30’s (10-10-10). Similarly, if 21’s are a little too much for you, you can dial down the number of reps.
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T-Curls are an exercise made famous by the Superman from Compton, CT Fletcher. The T-Curls are an isolation exercise which focuses on the inner head of your biceps. Since this is an isolation exercise, use moderate weight and focus on contracting the muscles.
Lie down on an incline bench and extend your arms to your sides so your elbows are in a straight line. Bend your arms a little and lock your elbows at your sides. Perform hammer curls and maintain a full range of motion. Make sure you have your elbows locked in a place and you’re not using momentum to lift the weights.

Zottman Curls
Zottman curls are complete arm builders. In this exercise, you start with your arms fully extended and with a dumbbell in each hand and at your sides. Begin to curl the weight by rotating your wrists so they’re facing upwards.
Pause for a second at shoulder height and now rotate your wrists so your wrists are facing the floor. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position. The Zottman curls will set your biceps and forearms on fire.
Cable Hammer Curls
Only a very few people perform the cable hammer curls. Cable hammer curls are an isolation exercise and will help you build the outer head of your pythons. Grab a pulley machine cable in each hand while standing in the center of the cable pulley machine towers.
With your right hand, perform a hammer curl so your right hand is at the level of your left chest. Return to the starting position and repeat with the left arm. Hold and squeeze the life out of your guns at the top of the movement.

Spiderman Curls
Only a few other exercises come close to helping you build the peak in your mountains as the Spiderman curls. In this exercise, lie on an incline bench with your chest against the pad and hold a barbell in your hands.
Your arms should be extended so they’re perpendicular to the floor. Curl the weight so the bar is almost touching your forehead. Return to the starting position while making sure you don’t use momentum by swinging the barbell and taking the bar behind the perpendicular point.
Reverse Grip Cable Curls
You don’t want to be the guy with muscular biceps and skinny forearms. Small elbow joints and wrists and muscular forearms, bis and tris give the illusion of giant arms. Reverse grip cable curls are an incredibly effective exercise in targeting your biceps and forearms.
If you want to put extra tension on your forearms, grab the bar with a monkey grip. Not using the thumb grip makes you hold the bar tighter and in the process, you squeeze harder and recruit your forearms.
Smith Machine Drag Curls
Smith machine drag curls focus on your biceps primarily and eliminate any momentum you might use in performing the standard barbell curls. As the name suggests, in this exercise you’ll be dragging the weights up to your upper abs.
Begin lifting the weights by pulling your elbows back. As the bar rises, bend your elbows to curl the weights to your torso while keeping your elbows behind you the entire time. Hold and contract your guns at the top of the movement.

Which is your favorite biceps exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

6 Little Known Facts For Building Bigger Arms

6 Little Known Facts For Building Bigger Arms

6 Facts for Building Bigger Arms
Big arms have been the symbol of machoism and badassery for a long time. Ask someone to flex their muscles and he’ll probably flash you with their biceps. Muscular arms are fancied by men and women alike.
Although arms are one of the most sought-after muscle groups, you don’t see a lot of people walking around with shredded bis and tris. A few tweaks to your training and nutrition can take your arm size to the next level.
1. Train the Weaker Muscle Group First

Most people have an imbalance between their biceps and triceps unless they’re a genetic freak. Many people like training their stronger muscle group first. Doing this can lead to the strong muscle getting stronger and the weak muscle group getting weaker.
If your biceps are stronger than your triceps, you should train your triceps at the beginning of your workouts. If you train your weaker muscle group later in the workout, you might already be fatigued and wouldn’t be able to train your muscle effectively.
2. Advanced Training Techniques

Advanced training techniques can help you take your gains to the next level. You should have at least one advanced training technique in your arm workout. This helps you pump extra blood into your muscles.
Blood flow restriction training (BFR), supersets, drop sets, intraset stretching is some of the training principles you should follow in your workouts. There are enough variations of the advanced techniques so you won’t get bored of them.
3. Add Volume and Intensity
Most people make the mistake of sticking with the same volume and intensity throughout their workouts. Volume is the number of sets you’ll be performing. Intensity, though a little vague, is how much effort you’re going to put in the set.
Changing the number of sets and repetitions every couple of weeks can ignite muscle growth and can add inches to your arms. You should switch between high volume, low intensity and low volume, high-intensity workouts to take your gains to the next level.

4. Target Your Arms from All Angles
Your biceps consist of two heads and your triceps have three heads. There is no one exercise which can target all the heads at the same time. You need to be doing different exercises to target your muscles from different angles.
Your biceps have a long and a short head. The short bicep head is worked when you have a wide grip and the narrow grip works the long head. Overhead exercises while training triceps work the long head while most of the other exercises work the medial and short head.
5. Shock the Muscles
If you have been working out, but don’t see any results, it could be because you’ve hit a plateau. If you do the same thing in every workout, your muscles will get used to them and will stop responding.
Do something new in every workout and keep your muscles guessing. Perform a new exercise, change up the intensity or volume, target your muscles from a different angle or use an advanced training technique to shock your muscles.
6. Eat Big and Be Patient
You don’t build muscle in the gym. You break your muscles in the gym, and they repair and grow bigger while you’re outside the gym. Your diet and nutrition should be on point to speed up your recovery and muscle growth.
Rest is an important aspect of your training. No matter how hard you workout, you won’t see the results until your body is properly rested. You need at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night to see optimal results.

How often do you train your arms? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Calum Von Moger Shares Insider Tips and Tricks for Improved Bicep Peaks

Calum Von Moger Shares Insider Tips and Tricks for Improved Bicep Peaks

Calum Von Moger is back with a new video for fans that goes into almost too much detail about his epic arm workouts.
Biceps are crucial. Bicep peaks are something no self-respecting bicep can survive without. Watch Calum Von Moger’s epic workouts on his YouTube channel where he shares his secrets to building the most insanely shredded biceps in the game. Check out the video above for the episode in full.
When it comes to working hard and finding the right workouts, looking to the pros and those who have gone before us is a great way to boost all our gains. They’ve done it before and are living proof of what can happen when you grind in the gym. Plus, they have all the knowledge and expertise that you need most. So many websites and influencers claim to know exactly how to get a massive and shredded physique but at the end of the day, why not look to professional bodybuilders and those we aspire to be for that sought after advice?
Who better than Generation Iron’s very own Calum Von Moger to teach us about the incredible tricks behind stunning biceps? The man is a living legend and his biceps are beyond reproach. His approach to fitness includes a strict supplement plan and workout plan so his gains never suffer one single day.

Full Name: Calum Von Moger

Date Of Birth

245-255 lbs.


Classic Physique

As one of the biggest names in bodybuilding, Calum’s workout style is unlike anyone else. From his early days in Venice, Calum has become a huge name in bodybuilding and integrates great exercises to round out a complete and effective workout.
About Calum Von Moger
Calum Von Moger was born in Geelong, a small town just outside of Victoria, Australia. Raised with five siblings, his environment was one of activity, discipline, and a real emphasis on nutrition. When he was 14-years old, he began lifting and was hooked. After years of training, he decided to compete in a local show and won his first ever bodybuilding competition. Winning junior and amateur events, he earned his pro card and competed against the best. As injuries began to plague his career, he remained dedicated and bounced back, returning stronger than ever as the fierce competitor he is.
Check out his journey in the Generation Iron Original Film Unbroken: Calum Von Moger here!
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Calum Von Moger Workouts
With an unconventional style of training unlike others, Calum knows just what it takes to put on real size and compete with the best. Let’s take a look at some of these awesome workouts so we can see those gains too.
Day 1 –  Chest Day Workout
An excellent video from Gold’s Gym that follows Calum von Moger’s chest routine within the gym.
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Incline Dumbbell

Flat Dumbbell Fly

Dumbbell Pullovers

Flat Bench


Day 2 – Back Day Workout
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Lat Pulldown

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Dumbbell Single Arm Rows

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

Barbell Deadlifts

Day 3 – Shoulder Workout
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Barbell Standing Press

Seated Barbell Press

Seated Dumbbell Press

Side Lateral Raises

Standing Bent Over Rear Delt Fly

Barbell Shrugs

Day 4 –  Leg Workout
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Leg Extension

Front Squat Machine

Leg Press

Leg Curls

Standing Smith Machine

Calf Raises

Day 5 – Arm Workout
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Preacher Curls

Barbell Curls

Concentration Curls

Cable Extensions

Lying Skullcrushers

Rope Pulldowns

Day 7 – Biceps & Tricep Workout


Close Grip Bench Press

Dumbbell Pullover


DB Triceps Extensions

If you have trouble following workouts or sometimes find them confusing, don’t worry. Von Moger makes it all extremely clear, easy, and accessible in the video. You get to follow him along through the workout as he does it, so there’s no issue figuring out how he gets it all done. It is kind of a rough workout that is definitely recommended for intermediate level athletes and above.
“I’ve been avoiding the daytime workouts because it’s hot, but there’s still all these gyms closed here,” Von Moger gave as his reasoning for continuing to work out in his garage and backyard instead of shooting a video like he typically would in a gym. This makes the video especially relevant for those of us who feel like we’re stuck in endless quarantine. You can easily lift weights at home and these exercises are easy to do without fancy equipment.
Von Moger also had some advice for people who are just starting out on their own fitness journey.

View this post on Instagram

What’s my advice for someone just starting out in the gym? – Practice good form/technique before trying to take on heavy weights . – Warm up stretch properly before starting, drink plenty of water/bcaas, stay focused don’t get distracted by people or CrossFit . – Prioritize free weights and compound exercises in your program like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, barbell rows, dumbbell curls and presses. These ones help build a strong foundation for you later. If you wanna be big you need to do these ? . – Increase your protein intake, especially after a workout . – And.. enjoy your workouts, have fun, don’t rush. The gains will come it takes time. Just Be patient. It’s a great feeling having muscles.. I recommend them to everyone.
A post shared by ??VON.MOGER (@calumvonmoger) on Aug 27, 2020 at 11:58pm PDT

Calum Von Moger’s Supplementation
Von Moger is a big fan of pre-workout and stretching before working out; he takes almost half an hour in this video to prepare himself for the exercise. This is a great habit to cultivate early because it does make your workouts much safer and more effective while offering a great supplement to start with.
Increasing your protein intake after a workout is another classic Calum Von Moger tip that should definitely be practiced by everyone and a protein powder will greatly benefit you in terms of growth, recovery, and weight management. These are things that literally anyone looking to improve their strength and performance can do, so you should be doing them. They’re not difficult and they form the cornerstones of a successful fitness habit.

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders and Best Pre-Workouts to get great supplements that will work wonders for your gains!

Wrap Up
Calum Von Moger is a force in the bodybuilding world dedicated to competing and being as big as he can. This workout is great for boosting all your gains and mixed with a proper supplementation routine, you will see great results. Give this workout a try and see what it can do for all your gains so you can look like Calum himself.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*All images and media courtesy of Calum Von Moger Instagram.

An Arm Workout You’ll Feel Until Next Week

An Arm Workout You’ll Feel Until Next Week

The arm workout you will write home about. 
Let’s be honest. Everyone loves training arms. Some bros (to look like total badasses) might say that legs are their favorite muscle group to train but push them a little, and they will tell you arm workouts run a close second. And at this point, you will know the truth. 
We hate to break this to you, but there is no “alpha male“ without jacked muscles. A pair of ripped pythons can make you stand out. Jacked arms are symbolic of strength, look aesthetically appealing, and garner attention, whether in the workplace or on the street.

Although you might see people in your gym training their arms more than twice a week and flexing their guns at every chance they get (yes, even on leg days), but only a very few lifters have pythons that the Greek gods would approve. 
Mostly, the reason behind lagging arms development is not a lack of training equipment or intent but a dearth of correct training techniques. If your arm workouts only consist of a few bicep curls and tricep pushdowns, do not be surprised if your tiny wigs never grow into venomous pythons. 

Also Read: 5 Ways To Bring Up A Lagging Body Part
Workout Principles For a Kickass Arm Workout

Arms are a relatively smaller muscle group. While you do not need as much intensity while training your guns as you would while training your lower body, do not use this as an excuse to show them mercy. Here are the principles you should be following during your arm workout:
1. Antagonistic Supersets
Lifters tend to train their favorite muscle group at the beginning of a workout. While some people train biceps at the beginning of their arm workout, others start with triceps. 
The problem with this technique is that by the time you get to training your weaker muscle group, you are fatigued, and do not have enough gas left in the tank to break new ground. 
Not only do antagonistic supersets lay the groundwork for biceps and triceps muscular balance, but they also are time efficient.  
2. Hypertrophy 

Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscular size achieved through exercise. To achieve hypertrophy, you should perform 12-15 reps per exercise and not rest more than 60-90 seconds between sets.
In this arm workout, you will not be stopping for rest between exercises while performing the antagonistic supersets. 
Remember: Do not lift a weight that is too light, as that will not allow you to see the same gain of definition.
Related: 5 Ways To Write a Great Training Program
3. Rest-Pause Sets
Most individuals usually perform 12-15 reps in a set. After a few training sessions, people get a good idea of how much weight they need to be lifting to hit failure by 12-15 reps. 
While there is nothing wrong with this technique, you need to remember that we are on a mission to remain sore until our next arm workout. We want to push our arms to their limit. 
Rest-pause sets give your ATP (adenosine triphosphate) reserves enough time to replenish so that you can perform an additional 5-10 reps without getting you out of hypertrophy. 
Muhammad Ali explained this the best when he said:
“I don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.”
Also Read: How To Increase The Time Under Tension To Maximize Your Gains
4. There Are No Accessory Muscles in This Arm Workout 

Forearm training is an afterthought in most arm workouts, but this routine is unlike most regimens. Bodybuilding is a game of illusions. Muscular forearms and small joints (if you have them) can give an illusion of bigger arms. Stick with this arm workout for 12 weeks, and you might end up looking like The Hulk – at least in the arms department. 
Check Out: Advanced Training Techniques To Take Your Gains To The Next Level
5. Mind-Muscle Connection
Bodybuilding is not about lifting as heavy as you can or just going through the motions for the sake of it. If you want your biceps to look like mountain peaks and triceps to resemble horseshoes, you need to focus on contracting your muscles with every rep. 
The better your mind-muscle connection, the more muscle fibers you will be recruiting during your exercises. A higher degree of muscle activation also means that you lower the chances of injuries during your sets. 
You should not turn your rest periods between sets into dead time. Utilize that time to flex your muscles as hard as you can and hit your favorite poses. 
Related: 6 Ways To Improve Your Mind-Muscle Connection
6. Shock Your Muscles Into Growing
Your muscles stop responding when they get used to your workouts. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not always need to perform new exercises to stimulate muscle growth. 
If you perform the arm workout laid out in this article for eight straight weeks (which you should), you could add variety to your workouts by switching the number of sets, reps, and advanced training techniques. Never perform the exact same workout for more than three weeks on a stretch.
With all said and done, here is a simple gauge to find out if your arm workout was a success: are you able to touch your right shoulder with your right hand? If yes, then you did not go hard enough. Keep taking this test between your sets to check how you are doing. 
Must Read: This is How Your Training Should Change as You Get Advanced
8 Week Arm Workout From Hell
As Big Ramy would say, “the winter is here.”
If you have lagging arms, the “bulking season” is a great time to work on them. Carve them while they are under wraps, and come out brandishing your polished guns when the sun is out. 

1. Superset
(a) Standing Bicep Cable Curl: 3 sets 12-15 reps, no rest


Adjust the pulley to the lowest setting. 
Attach a straight bar to the pulley. 
Grab the bar with a supinated (palms facing up) grip and stand upright with a shoulder-width stance.
While keeping your elbows pinned to your sides, curl the bar toward your chest.
Hold and contract your pythons at the top for a couple of seconds.
Return to the starting position with a slow and controlled motion. 
Repeat for recommended reps. 

(b) Straight Bar Tricep Pushdown: 3 sets 12-15 reps, 30-60 second rest


Attach a straight bar to a cable stack as high as possible.
Stand with an upright torso in a shoulder-width stance.
Grasp the straight bar with a pronated grip (palms facing down) and lean forward slightly by hinging at the hips.
Initiate the movement by extending your elbows and flexing the triceps.
Pull the handle down until your elbows are almost locked out.
Squeeze the life out of your triceps at the bottom of the movement.
Return to the starting position with a controlled motion. 
Repeat for repetitions.

Rest-Pause: 10 seconds 8-10 reps

Every exercise in this workout routine (except forearm lifts) includes a rest-pause set. Meaning – after performing 12-15 reps of an exercise, rest for 10 seconds, and then perform 8-10 more repetitions of the same movement with the same weight before moving onto the next lift. 
2. Superset 
(a) EZ Bar Skullcrusher: 3 sets 12-15 reps, no rest
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This is no accident. You will be alternating between biceps and triceps as the first exercise of your supersets. This technique will ensure that you are training both muscle groups with the same intensity.

Choose your desired weight and sit on the edge of a flat bench with the EZ bar on your lap. 
Lay back while lifting the bar to your chest.
Once in position, press the bar until your arms are fully extended and perpendicular to the floor. 
While keeping your elbows pinned in position, lower the weight towards your forehead by lowering your forearms. 
Once you are a few inches away from your forehead, reverse the movement by extending your elbows while flexing the triceps to lock out the weight.
Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

(b) Zottman Curl: 3 sets 12-15 reps, 30-60 second rest
[embedded content]

Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing each other.
Curl the weights up to your shoulders, keeping your upper arms still and turning your hands so your palms face up as you lift.
Pause at the top of the movement and slowly rotate your grip so your palms are facing downwards. 
Lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position using the overhand grip.
When the dumbbells are close to your thighs, turn your hands so that your palms are in the starting position facing one another.

Rest-Pause: 10 seconds 8-10 reps

3. Superset 
(a) Barbell 21s: 3 sets 12-15 reps, no rest
[embedded content]

Stand upright with a shoulder-width stance.
Grab a barbell and hold it in front of your thighs. 
While keeping your elbows pinned to your sides, curl the barbell to the halfway point (up to your belly button).
Return to the starting position and complete seven repetitions with this range of motion. 
Without pausing, curl the same weight all the way to the top, then lower the weight to the halfway point and back up again. Perform this for 7 reps.
Finally, perform 7 reps of full barbell curls from the bottom to the top.

(b) Dumbbell Kickback: 3 sets 12-15 reps, 30-60 second rest
[embedded content]

Position yourself on the left side of a flat bench with your right knee and right hand resting on the bench.
Using a neutral grip, pick up the dumbbell with your left hand. Keep your back straight and look forward.
Tuck your left upper arm close to your torso and bend at the elbow, forming a 90-degree angle with your upper arm and forearm. This is the starting position.
Moving only at the elbow, raise the dumbbell behind you until your arm is fully extended.
Pause, and then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.
Repeat this movement for desired reps before switching sides.

Rest-Pause: 10 seconds 8-10 reps

4. Superset
(a) Single-Arm Overhead Extension: 3 sets 12-15 reps, no rest


Stand upright in a shoulder-width stance.
Grab a dumbbell with one hand and position it behind your head with the elbow flexed to 90-degrees.
Place your other hand on your side or abdomen for stability.
Press the dumbbell upward until your arm is fully extended. 
Pause and contract your tricep at the top of the movement. 
Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides.

(b) Dumbbell Hammer Preacher Curl: 3 sets 12-15 reps, 30-60 second rest
[embedded content]

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and sit on a preacher bench.
Keeping your elbows flexed and your palms facing each other (neutral or hammer grip), place the backs of your upper arms flat on the pad.
Lower the dumbbells in a slow and controlled motion until your arms are fully extended. 
Curl the dumbbells back to the starting position explosively.
Pause and contract your pythons at the top of the movement. 
Repeat for reps. 

Rest-Pause: 10 seconds 8-10 reps

5. Superset 
(a) Supinated Grip Pull-Up: 3 sets 12-15 reps, no rest


Grab the pull-up bar with your hands roughly shoulder-width apart and your palms facing towards you.
Bring your shoulder blades down and contract your lats and biceps to pull up until your chin rises above the bar.
Pause at the top and squeeze your biceps.
Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

(b) Diamond Push-Up (weighted): 3 sets 12-15 reps, 30-60 second rest


Get on all fours with your hands together under your chest.
Position your index fingers and thumbs so that they are touching, forming a diamond shape.
Extend your arms so that your body is elevated and in a straight line.
Lower your chest towards your hands while ensuring you do not flare your elbows out to the sides.
Stop when your chest is a few inches away from the floor. 
Return to the starting position explosively. 
If the bodyweight version of this exercise feels too easy, feel free to add resistance by getting someone to place a weight plate on your upper back. 

Rest-Pause: 10 seconds 8-10 reps

6. Triset
(a) Pull-Up Bar Hang (Dead Hang): 3 sets failure, no rest


Use a step or bench so you can easily reach the bar. You shouldn’t jump into a dead hang. 
Grab the overhead bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip.
Hang on to the bar while keeping your arms straight. 
Hang for as long as you can.

(b) Farmer’s Walk: 3 sets 30 seconds, no rest


Grab a dumbbell in each hand.
While standing tall, keeping your shoulders, back, and core tight, walk at an even pace for 30 seconds.

(c) Behind Back Cable Wrist Curl: 3 sets failure, 30-60 second rest


Attach a straight bar to a low pulley. 
While facing away from the pulley, squat down, and grab the bar with a pronated grip. 
Squat back up and stand with a shoulder-width grip.
While keeping your arm straight, slowly open your hands and let the bar slide from inside your palms to the tip of your fingers.
Return to the starting position by clenching your fists so that the bar is raised into your palms.
Curl your wrists and hold for a count of two.
Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. 

Disclaimer: It is absolutely normal for your arms to cramp up during the day after you perform this brutal arm workout. Get accustomed to the pain, and it will not be long before you put on an inch on your arms. Good luck!

How often do you train your arms? Let us know in the comments below.
Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Build Bigger Biceps With These 3 Dumbbell Exercises

Build Bigger Biceps With These 3 Dumbbell Exercises

Build Bigger Biceps With These 3 Dumbbell Exercises
Nothing gets your confidence up like looking down at your arms and seeing a pair of bulging biceps. At the same time, nothing can be harder, or more confusing than growing those bulging biceps. There are so many exercises to choose from, and they all seem to do pretty much the same thing, right?
You’ve got barbell curls, dumbbell curls, concentration curls, zottman curls, incline curls, supinated dumbbell curls, hammer curls, preacher curls, spider curls, and the list goes on and on…

But what are the best exercises to actually build bigger biceps? First, let’s get a quick anatomy lesson.
Biceps Anatomy 101

Pics Of Biceps Muscle With Name Muscle Pictures Ii | Chandler Physical Therapy – Anatomy Inner Body

The biceps originate in the shoulder and insert below the elbow. In the picture here, you can see that the long and short head of the biceps actually take different paths through the shoulder before they connect. The short head goes around the humerus (the big upper arm bone), while the long head goes over top of the humerus.
Why is this important?
Depending on the position of your humerus, the biceps will be stretched to varying degrees, which affects how your biceps behave during an exercise.
For instance, if your elbows are back behind your body, like in an incline curl, then the long head of your biceps will be stretched more than the short head. If your elbows are in front of your body, like in a spider curl, then both heads will be stretched less. We’ll talk more about why that matters in a bit.
Biceps Functions
The other important thing to know about your biceps is that they have two functions: flexion and supination.
Flexion is the act of bringing your hand towards your shoulder, and supination is the act of turning your hand from a palms down position, to a palms up position.

From the textbook to the Gym
Now that you understand about your biceps anatomy and functions, let’s dive into the workout.
Build Bigger Biceps With These 3 Dumbbell Exercises
This workout switches up the angle of your arms to vary the stretch in your biceps. Stretching your biceps more will help emphasize the long head, working your biceps peak, and stretching your biceps less will help you get a really strong contraction.
In addition to changing the angle, this workout incorporates both biceps functions, flexion and supination, for a full biceps workout.
Exercise #1: Dumbbell Spider Curls – 3 sets x 10, 8, 6 reps
With your elbows in front of you, like here in the spider curl, your biceps are stretched less. This allows you to get a really strong contraction. Make sure to squeeze your biceps as hard as you can at the top of this movement.
Exercise #2: Supinated Dumbbell Curls – 3 sets x 8 reps
Supinated dumbbell curls are one of the best biceps exercises because it incorporates both flexion and supination. Make sure to twist your wrists earlier in the movement, rather than later, and twist and squeeze as much as you can at the top.
Exercise #3: Incline Dumbbell Curls – 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Remember that if your elbows are behind your body, like here in the incline curl, then the long head is stretched more. Since the long head is stretched more, this will cause it to slightly work more.
Want to get a taller biceps peak? The peak is actually the long head, so doing incline curls can help.
Pro Tip: Flex your triceps at the bottom of the movement. This will ensure you get a full stretch for your biceps and don’t cheat.
This workout is one of the best biceps workouts because it works your biceps in the flexed position, in the stretched position, and hits both functions of your biceps.
Also, you only need a dumbbells, so it can be done at nearly any home or commercial gym.
Have a different combination of dumbbell biceps exercises you like? For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Jake is a former personal trainer & current fitness nerd. Check out more tips to get bigger arms on his site AnywhereArms.com.

*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Claim The Mr. Biceps Crown With This Zac Aynsley Arm Workout

Claim The Mr. Biceps Crown With This Zac Aynsley Arm Workout

We are letting you in on Zac Aynsley’s secret to massive arms. 
Before we get to the meat of the article, we want you to put your hand on your heart and answer this for yourself – Would you still workout if you could never have biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger, no matter how hard you try? 
If you just caught yourself shaking your head, rest assured, you are not alone. Arms are probably the most loved muscle group. Look around your gym on any random day, and you will probably see a good number of people training their arms. Heck, you might even find people who are training their legs flexing their arms in the mirror. 

If building guns is as easy as curling dumbbells for a few sets, everyone would be walking around with bazookas. There is one fitness celebrity, though, who continues to impress with their arms – Zac Aynsley. 
Zac’s arms are so freaky that the Governator himself praised his pythons. 
“For years I had people telling me I was worthless, but here was The Terminator telling me I looked great. It meant the world to me.”

There has been no stopping Aynsley since that day. His physique is improving in every aspect, and his pythons are taking on a life of their own. But things were not always so smooth for Zac Aynsley. 
The Zac Aynsley Story
Zac Aynsley did not always have perfectly chiseled arms. In fact, Zac had a pretty traumatic childhood. He was bullied for being too thin and weak. In an interview with GQ magazine, Zac revealed that –
Let us not get ahead of ourselves. Let us start from the beginning. 
Zac Aynsley was born on July 2, 1994, in Northumberland, England. In his childhood and teens, he was malnourished, underweight, and ate a poor diet. Zac’s diet mainly consisted of sweets and processed foods.
Also Read: 5 Foods You Need To Cut Out Of Your Diet Right Now
Because of how he looked, he became an easy target for bullies while still in high school. Constant ragging caused Zac depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.
During this time, Zac was not physically active. He spent most of his days playing video games to escape the harsh reality. 

An Unexpected Turn
One day, Zac’s friend asked him if he wanted to try his hand at DJing. Aynsley could not turn down the deal and quickly accepted the offer to try it out to change his monotonous lifestyle.
At the age of 15, Zac Aynsley got a taste of stardom when he became popular at local clubs for his DJ skills. Not only was Zan earning handsome money, but he was also gaining positive attention from people around him. The newfound fame added to Aynsley’s confidence and self-esteem. 
One thing led to the next, and before Zac could make sense of any of it, he was touring the country. 
Even though Zac’s DJ career was taking off, he had to return home to finish college. With all the partying, drinking, and success he had, Zac forgot to work on his worsening health. He was in the worst shape of his life when he got back to Northumberland. 
To get reconnaissance of his health, he went to the doctors to get his blood work done. To everyone’s dismay, Zac’s internal organs were deteriorating due to his reckless DJ lifestyle.  
According to Zac, the doctor told him that he had a liver of a 50-year old. Zac was warned that he needed to make amends to his lifestyle if he wanted to live a long and healthy life. 
The Tipping Point
At this point, Zac decided to turn around his life. He attended University and earned a degree in photography. Aynsley was eventually introduced to bodybuilding which helped him channel his focus, energy, frustration, and anger into something positive. 
Like most newbie lifters, Aynsley became a die-hard Arnold Schwarzenegger fan after seeing his pictures and videos. The Austrian Oak gave him additional motivation for working out and becoming healthier. 
Zac Aynsley worked on all aspects of his daily routine to improve his fitness level. He made sure his diet had enough calories and nutrients to help his body recover from the mess it was in.
The progress he saw in a couple of weeks was enough to get him hooked to the new lifestyle.  
Internet’s Coming of Age
Years of hard work and sacrifice helped Zac build an incredible physique. Little did Aynsley know at that time, but his new and improved body was going to change his life in more ways than he could have imagined. 
Zac started gaining a lot of traction on his social media profiles as soon as he started posting his photos online. Impressed with Zac’s physique, one of Florida’s top photographers offered to do a photoshoot with him. Aynsley knew this was too good and big an opportunity to skip. He flew down to Florida, and this decision became a turning point in his career.
Seven weeks after the photoshoot, Zac started receiving recognition from some of the most influential people in the fitness industry, including Arnie and Phil Heath. 
Since then, Zac Aynsley has hit several milestones, including:

10+ TV appearances
10+ Book covers – USA
5+ Minor magazine covers / 15+ Features
Traveled to over 17 countries

Zac Aynsley’s Nutrition Plan
You do not end up looking like Zac Aynsley while hogging on burgers and fried chicken. Depending on your current weight, you need to determine a daily calorie goal for yourself. Incorporate quality sources of protein, carbs, and fats to meet your daily macro goals. 
Thanks to his ectomorph body type, Aynsley had been a weak kid growing up. Zac eats anywhere between 3200-5000 calories a day, depending on if he is bulking or cutting. To make up for his fast metabolism, Zac eats up to seven meals a day. 
Zac Aynsley’s Bulking Diet Plan
Meal #1

3 egg whites
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 cups milk
1 banana

Meal #2 

5 oz chicken
8 oz sweet potato
1 banana
2 slices whole-grain bread 

Meal #3

5 oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice
citrus fruit

Meal #4

3 egg whites
half cup oatmeal
1 apple
5 oz fish
2 cups vegetables

Meal #5

1 apple
8 oz yogurt 
half cup cottage cheese
1 scoop protein shake

Meal #6

protein shake
brown rice

Post Workout

protein shake
white potato

Meal #7

5 oz steak 
1 egg white
4 oz sweet potato
2 BCAA pills

Meal #8

casein protein shake

Eating eight (nine, if you consider the post-workout) meals is no joke. It can be especially tuff for you if you usually eat three meals a day and want to gain weight and put on muscle mass. If you are having trouble eating eight meals a day, supplements can help you meet your daily macro goal. 
Here are some of our favorite supplements:
Best Men’s Protein Powders For Bulking & Lean Muscle Growth 2021
The Best Mass Gainers For Clean Bulking & Muscle Mass 2021
Best Pre-Workout Supplements For Muscle Building (Updated 2021)
Zac Aynsley Arm Workout
Pre-Requisites of The Zac Aynsley Arm Training Split
1. Partial Repetitions
Zac Aynsley incorporates the partial rep advanced training technique at the end of his sets to annihilate his muscles. In the case of machine preacher curl, he completes 15 full reps and then limits the range of motion to the top half of the movement until he hits muscular failure. 
Related Read: Advanced Training Techniques To Take Your Gains To The Next Level
2. Zero Routine
Aynsley picked up this training principle from the Governator. He never limits himself to a pre-planned workout and usually modifies his routine on the fly. According to Aynsley, your body will get used to your workouts if you follow a set routine and stop responding. For this reason, he never does the same workout twice. 
3. Warm-Up Sets
Before starting the working sets, Aynsley might do a set or two with a lightweight to get a feel for the lift. It also helps in getting the blood flowing to the target muscles.
4. Short Workouts 
According to Zac Aynsley, most people make the mistake of stretching their workouts too long. His arm workouts never last more than 45 minutes. Aynsley limits his rest duration to less than 45 seconds between sets. 
Keeping the rest time short is necessary for inducing a muscle-ripping pump. Also, since your arms are a small muscle group, they do not need the typical 1-2 minutes of rest for recuperation. 
Must Read: The Science Behind Muscle Recovery: Understanding Active Recovery
5. Mix-Up The Number of Repetitions
Aynsley constantly switches up his rep structure to keep his muscles guessing. For some exercises, he might do as many as 30-40 reps per set. 

Zac Aynsley Bicep and Tricep Workout Routine
1. Machine Preacher Curl – 3 Sets 15-10 Reps – 30-second Rest
Zac Aynsley starts his arm workout with an isolation lift to pre-exhaust his muscles. Exhausting your muscles at the start of the workout will ensure that you do not have to lift heavyweight in compound exercises. You will get almost the same amount of muscle fiber recruitment while lifting lighter weight in compound lifts as compared to lifting heavy without pre-exhaustion. 
2. Superset

EZ Bar Curl (wide grip to narrow grip)- 3 Sets 15-10 Reps – No Rest
Single-Arm Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 20-15 Reps (each arm) – 30-second Rest 

Aynsley starts EZ bar curl with a wide grip and performs 15 reps. Without keeping the bar down, he switches to a narrow grip and curls until failure. 
Single-arm cable tricep extension is a high-rep exercise for Zac. He never does less than 15 reps of the lift. Aynsley trains his triceps to failure on the tricep extension. After he is done with 15-20 reps on each side, he does a dropset until failure. 
3. Single-Arm Machine Bicep Curl – 3 Sets 15-12 Reps (each arm)
During single-arm bicep curl, Zac keeps the reps slow and controlled. He follows a 1:1:2:0 (concentric, pause and squeeze, eccentric, and rest at bottom) rep tempo to annihilate his biceps. If you do not have access to a bicep curl machine at your gym, you could use the cable machine by attaching a D-handle bar to the pulley.
4. Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 20-15 Reps – 30-second Rest
Zac Aynsley follows a full range of motion while performing the exercise. He brings the bar close to his forehead at the top of the movement and extends his arms straight at the bottom. 
5. Reverse-Grip Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 20-15 Reps – 30-second Rest
Aynsley finishes off his workout with the reverse-grip cable tricep extension. 
This might look like a short workout, but if you keep the intensity high, you will not know what to do with the pump in your arms at the end of the Zac Aynsley arm routine. 
You will never see Zac Aynsley lift crazy weight while training his pythons. He chases a pump and focuses on a mind-muscle connection. 
Now an official Generation Iron sponsored and managed athlete, we are proud of the fact that Zac Aynsley is growing in popularity inside and outside the gym, and inspiring people to transform their lives. We cannot wait to share more about Zac’s journey as it unfolds. 
Finally, if you are inspired by Zac Aynsley’s story but doubt yourself and your ability to transform your physique, let this message from Zac be the guiding light for you:
“Go ahead, tell me that I’m not good enough. Tell me I can’t do it! Because I will show you over and over again that I can, and trust me… I will.”
We could not have summed up the article better ourselves.

Who, according to you, has the best arms in the fitness industry?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.