Tag: Bulk Up

What To Eat To Bulk Up For Skinny Guys: The Ultimate Guide

What To Eat To Bulk Up For Skinny Guys: The Ultimate Guide

Skinny, beanpole, rawboned, scrawny, bony, lanky, skeletal, twiggy, gaunt, fragile, delicate, hollow-cheeked, as thin as a rake, skin-and-bones, sticklike, size-zero, emaciated, pinched, undernourished, underfed, rangy, spindly, gangly, gangling, gawky, spindle-shanked, starveling, and macilent. It would be safe to say that the world tends to be unkind when labeling underweight individuals.
Do you want to know the synonyms for ‘jacked’? Shredded, rugged, sturdy, muscly, stout, well-built, hefty, powerful, and lusty. If given a choice, most people would want to be a part of the latter group.
Ask a bro at your gym about putting on size, and they’ll tell you it is the easiest thing in the world. However, this is not always the case. Bulking up is simple in theory but difficult in execution. Although most of us know that we need to eat more to build muscle mass and size, it is only a piece of the puzzle. 
You must stay in a calorie surplus to build muscle, meaning you must eat more calories daily than you expend. At the same time, these calories must come from nutrient-dense sources. Eating junk food and chugging sugar-laden aerated drinks can get you to your daily caloric goal, but in the long run, it will lead you toward obesity and other health issues. 
A basic understanding of nutrition and how it plays a role in achieving your fitness goals is vital to be successful in your fitness journey. It will help you avoid fad diets and ensure you get the best bang for your buck. 
In this article, we discuss the basics of bulking for skinny guys, including the nutrition breakdown, and lay down 15 nutrient-dense high-calorie foods to help you hit your daily caloric goals. 

What is Bulking Up?
Contrary to what most people believe, bulking and weight gain are not the same thing. In a weight gain program, your only objective is to get from your current weight to your goal weight. However, in a bulking program, you must also gain muscle mass and improve your physique aesthetics. 
Bulking up requires a combination of increased caloric intake and weight training exercises. During a bulking-up program, you want to add muscle mass to the body while minimizing fat gain. 
Bulking is the name of the game for skinny guys wanting to add muscle mass. It requires consuming a high-calorie and protein diet and engaging in strength training exercises to stimulate muscle growth.
Besides helping you develop muscle size and strength, bulking up has several other benefits, including boosting metabolism and immune system, better nutrient absorption and energy levels, and improving overall health. Unlike the ‘dirty bulking’ diet, the nutrient-dense foods listed in this article will also avoid health issues, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. [1][2]
Although most people know they need to enter a calorie surplus to add size and strength, they are clueless about the foods they should add to their diet plan. If you are one of these people and are looking for answers, you’ve come to the right place. This article contains 15 high-calorie foods to help skinny guys build size and strength. 
Overview of the 15 Best Foods For Bulking Up
We have put the nutritional information of the 15 foods into a convenient table with their serving sizes, calories, protein, carb, and fat content, to help you make the right dietary choices:

Serving Size
Protein (in grams)
Carbohydrates (in grams)
Fats (in grams)

Whole Milk
1 cup

1 oz

1 oz

1 medium

Peanut Butter
2 tbsp

Brown Rice
1 cup

Sweet Potato
1 medium

Whole-Grain Bread
2 slices

Dried Fruit
1 oz

3 oz

Chicken Breast
100 gram

3 oz

1 cup

1 cup

Weight Gainer Shakes
1 serving

15 High-Calorie Foods For Skinny Guys To Bulk Up
Given below is a list of lean protein, fruit, nuts, and vegetables that will help underweight lifters bulk up:
Whole Milk

Whole milk is an excellent source of calories, protein, carbs, and fats. It is versatile and convenient; you could include milk in any of our meals throughout the day. It is also easily digestible. 
Furthermore, skinny guys trying to bulk up can also include yogurt and curd in their grocery list. You can pair them with your three big meals or eat them as a snack anytime throughout the day. 

A cup of whole milk contains 150 calories, eight grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and eight grams of fat. 


Cheese is another dairy product that should be a part of a skinny individual’s dietary routine. This nutrient-dense food comes in different shapes and sizes, making it perfect to add to a wide variety of dishes. 
Mozzarella, ricotta, cheddar, Swiss, feta, goat cheese, and cottage cheese are a few different types of cheese whose protein, carbs, fat, and calorie content can change depending on their making process. 

One ounce of cheese delivers 110 calories, seven grams of protein, one gram of carbs, and nine grams of fats. 


Nuts are packed with fats and are a convenient source of the macronutrient. Besides fats, nuts contain a healthy amount of protein and carbs. You can also add seeds to your daily serving of nuts to make things more interesting. 
Almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, Macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are some of the most popular nuts and seeds. You can add nuts and seeds to your meals or grab them as a snack. 

Depending on the type of nuts, one ounce serving of nuts contains 170-200 calories, 4-6 grams of protein, 3-5 grams of carbs, and 14-18 grams of fats.


Avocado is popular among fitness enthusiasts as a high-quality fat source. This fruit primarily contains monounsaturated fats, fiber, and vitamins, which can help reduce the risk of blood pressure, regulate glucose levels, promote healthy blood lipid profiles, and improves insulin sensitivity. 
Avocado is mostly added to salads or consumed by itself. You could also add avocados to smoothies for a quick high-calorie meal. Also, a guacamole dip is an excellent option for folks looking for a healthy spread. 

One medium-sized avocado contains 300 calories, three grams of protein, 17 grams of carbs, and 25 grams of fats. 

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a staple in most fitness enthusiasts’ cupboards. Although peanut butter is mainly eaten for its fat content, it also contains a healthy dose of protein and carbs. You could also add peanut butter to shakes and smoothies for a delicious snack. 
Some alternatives to peanut butter include almond butter, cashew butter, and hazelnut butter. You could switch between these alternatives to keep your meals interesting. However, ensure that these butter are not laden with artificial sweeteners and sugar. Prefer organic peanut butter over the others. 

Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain 200 calories, eight grams of protein, six grams of carbs, and 16 grams of fats. 

Brown Rice

Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate that is an excellent energy source for the body. Carbs are the most crucial macronutrient during the bulking phase. Brown rice’s versatility makes them an excellent food to add to any meal and fill a calorie void. 

A cup of brown rice includes 220 calories, five grams of protein, 45 grams of carbs, and two grams of fat. 

Sweet Potato

This food is packed with complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. It is one of the few inherently delicious foods in a healthy diet. You could consume sweet potato as a side in your main meals or as a snack. 

A medium sweet potato packs 100 calories, two grams of protein, 24 grams of carbs, and 0.2 grams of fats. 

Whole-Grain Bread

Whole-grain breads are delectable and highly versatile. They contain a high-calorie content in a small serving size. Most people eat bread in their breakfast. However, you could add it to any of your meals.
Unlike refined white bread, whole grain bread contains the entire grain, providing a wealth of vitamins and minerals. Whole-grain bread also digests slower than white bread, providing a constant energy supply throughout the day. 

Two slices of whole-grain bread contain 200-250 calories, 8-12 grams of protein, 36-48 grams of carbs, and 2-5 grams of fats, depending on the brand. 

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a nutrient-dense snack that is easy to transport, has more shelf life than fresh fruit, and is easy to carry. It contains a good amount of carbs, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 
Almonds, cashews, raisins, apricots, dates, and prunes are a few types of dried fruit. Dried fruit is also great for satisfying your sweet cravings. However, dried fruit contains more concentrated sugar than fresh fruit. You must consume dried fruit in moderation, as excessive intake can lead to high sugar intake and digestive issues.

An ounce of dried fruit contains 100-120 calories, 0-1 grams of protein, 25-30 grams of carbs, and 0-1 grams of fats. 


Salmon is the go-to seafood for most lifters. This high-quality protein is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is an excellent food choice for folks looking to build muscle and improve overall health. Since salmon is a quick-absorbing source of protein, consume it right after your workout for the best results. 

Three ounces of salmon contains 150 calories, 17 grams of protein, zero carbohydrates, and nine grams of fat. 

Chicken Breast

The good old chicken breast is one of the best foods for building muscle mass without adding body fat. You could consume chicken breast during your lunch or dinner and ideally after your training session. 

A 100 grams serving of chicken breast consists of 165 calories, 31 grams of protein, zero carbs, and 3.6 grams of fat. 


Beef is rich in protein and essential amino acids, which can help build muscle mass. It is also a good source of iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, improving overall health and vitality. Choose lean cuts of beef, such as sirloin, flank, or round steak, to limit your fat intake. 

A three-ounce serving of beef contains 180 calories, 22 grams of protein, no carbs, and 10 grams of fat. 


Granola is an often overlooked complex carbohydrate in a bulking regimen. It is an excellent breakfast food and snack that is made from a combination of oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Granola also contains a healthy dose of fat and protein, making it a well-rounded food source. 

A cup of granola generally comprises 400-500 calories, 7-9 grams of protein, 66-80 grams of carbs, and 12-16 grams of fat. 


Quinoa is one of the few plant-based foods with a complete protein source, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids the body needs to build muscle. It is a must-have in every vegan diet. You can add quinoa to salads, stir-fries, or as a side dish. 

A cup of quinoa delivers 220 calories, eight grams of protein, 39 grams of carbs, and 3.5 grams of fats. 

Weight Gainer Shakes

Weight gainer shakes are a godsend for folks who have difficulty meeting their nutrition goals through whole foods. A serving of a weight gainer can contain between 200-300 grams of carbs and a decent amount of protein. You could also use a whey protein supplement instead of a mass gainer, as per your macros. 

Depending on the brand, a 300-400 gram serving of a mass gainer supplement delivers a monster 1,000-1,300 calories, 45-60 grams of protein, 200-300 grams of carbs, and 2-6 grams of fat. 

Tip: Calculate your recommend daily protein, carbs and fat intake.
Nutrition Planning For Bulking Up For Skinny Guys
Now that you know about the 15 high-calorie foods to help skinny guys bulk up and build muscle, it is time to put the knowledge to work. Here are some nutrition planning tips to help you in the process:
Skinny folks must use a calculated approach to enter a calorie surplus to add size and strength. Your goal should be to eat 300-500 additional calories daily. Bumping up your calories by 500 kcal will help you gain a pound of weight each week, which is a sustainable and healthy approach to bulking up. [3]
After arriving at a daily calorie goal, you must break it down into a suitable carbs, protein, and fats ratio to achieve your goal physique. A 40-30-30 split (40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats) is one of the most reliable macronutrient ratios for building muscle mass and strength while limiting fat buildup. 

Here is an oversimplified step-by-step process for setting a calorie and macronutrient goal to bulk up for skinny guys:

Use a calorie-tracking tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal, to calculate your daily average calorie intake for the last five days.
Bump up your calorie intake by 300-500 calories.
Break down the calorie goal into a suitable macronutrient split.
Alternatively, you could use our online calorie and macronutrient calculators for this process.
Design a diet using the 15 high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods mentioned in this article.

Remember, you might need to tweak your diet plan for the first few weeks until you find something that works for you. Seek expert help if you have trouble designing a diet plan; it will save you a lot of time, effort, and money. 
Wrapping Up
Skinny folks must enter a caloric surplus to build muscle and strength. However, you must remember that all calories are not created equal. Although dirty bulking is more convenient (and delicious), it can lead to excess body fat and chronic health conditions. 
Skinny guys must add the 15 high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods mentioned in this article to their grocery list and follow a customized training program to bulk up sustainably, improve their overall health and physical performance, and achieve the physiques of their dreams.

Troesch B, Biesalski HK, Bos R, Buskens E, Calder PC, Saris WH, Spieldenner J, Verkade HJ, Weber P, Eggersdorfer M. Increased Intake of Foods with High Nutrient Density Can Help to Break the Intergenerational Cycle of Malnutrition and Obesity. Nutrients. 2015 Jul 21;7(7):6016-37. doi: 10.3390/nu7075266. PMID: 26197337; PMCID: PMC4517043.
Drewnowski A. Impact of nutrition interventions and dietary nutrient density on productivity in the workplace. Nutr Rev. 2020 Mar 1;78(3):215-224. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuz088. PMID: 31889196.
Cleveland Clinic. “High-Calorie Foods and Snack Ideas to Gain Weight.” Cleveland Clinic, 2020, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/16555-snack-ideas-for-weight-gain. Accessed May 8, 2023​


How To Bulk Up Without Getting Fat – The Essentials

How To Bulk Up Without Getting Fat – The Essentials

            It’s winter, which means bulk-up time! In this article, we will give you some advice on how to do it properly this year, getting the muscle mass up, without turning into a walking bucket of grease. Read on to find out how to bulk up without getting fat.
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First Things First: Some Fat Isn’t Avoidable
           Guys, bulking up targets muscle gain, but gaining some fat is inevitable. Why? Because that is how nature works, when you up your caloric intake, your body’s ancient mechanism starts deciding what do do with it. Yes, you will train hard, and most of that new weight will be muscle (and water), but some of it will end up stored as fat.
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        The same goes for cutting—you can’t just choose only to burn fat, you will lose some muscle mass in the process as well. There’s a catch, however—steroids. If you are juiced up, you will basically only get the good part of both bulking/cutting, but even then, it is possible to get fat or burn muscle if you are not doing it right.
          So what’s the point of this article? The point is not to get fat. There is a big difference between getting some fat in the process, and turning into a mush that almost looks like he never trained before. A big difference.
Must Read: Bulking Up? Why you Need a Trainer at the Beginning?
          This article will go through some tips that will help you manage your nutrition, which will lead to quite a “clean” bulk (we will get to that later too). This is not only important because it is healthier, as we know you only worry about gains. It is crucial as it will make the cutting process much easier because that is usually where things fail—you bulked up too much, and you just become fat. That is what we want to avoid. Let’s go!
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Tip #1: Give It Enough Time
            Making a bulking plan is the same as making any other plan in your life. Like you can’t become fluent in a foreign language in two months, it is impossible to gain 20 pounds and then shred em down in two months either.
              If you are natural, your best approach is to use the whole winter to bulk up, use the entire spring to cut, and to get lean for the beach season. Of course, if you are not getting ready for the summer, this is irrelevant, the time needed is the point. That will give you enough time to do things properly, minimizing fat gained. Your goal is to gain 0.5/1 lbs per week, not more! So, if you are bulking for two months, that will be 4-8 lbs of total body weight. Keep in mind, this is fat, muscle, water, and everything else that follows.
          If you are short on time, clean bulk is your only option, as you don’t want to risk staying fat. Therefore, if you don’t have time to go through a real bulk followed with a cut, just up your protein intake, and closely monitor your physique and waist circumference.
Tip #2: Up Your Protein
           It should be clear that if you are looking to bulk (gain weight), you will need to enter a caloric surplus, which means you will need to consume more than you spend. Without this, adding muscle mass fast won’t happen, unless you are a total beginner. But, if you want to do bulk the right way, your primary focus should be to increase your protein intake. Proteins are the central building block of muscle, and since your goal is to increase muscle mass through intaking more calories, proteins are your ally.
             So, include a protein-rich meal in your diet. This can be eating a big can of tuna, chicken breast, and a salad for dinner, or drinking a protein shake in the morning and prior to your workouts. You can also start eating more dairy products, such as cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. And of course, eggs are your friend, plus they are inexpensive protein source. If you are a beginner, and underweight, this alone will help you gain muscle, especially if you haven’t supplemented with protein before.
Related Article:: Best Nutrition Plan during Cutting and Bulking Steroid Cycle
Tip #2: Watch The Junk
          While beginners can benefit only by adding a protein-rich meal a day, more advanced lifters and bigger guys will need a more radical approach.
           The easiest way to increase your caloric intake is to eat more fatty foods. Fats have 9 calories in a single gram, while proteins and carbs have 4 calories, making them much more “efficient.” So yes, adding more fatty foods to your diet will get you results faster if you just look at the calculation. Just be careful not to overdo it as it can make you fat quickly. Not only that, you will increase your total caloric intake, but by adding only fat to your diet, you will reduce your relative protein intake, which isn’t great.
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            As for the carbs, you need those too, as they fuel your hard workouts (we will get to that later). But, opt for some high-quality carbs, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and of course, green veggies. You can also eat fruit. Try to up your carbs before your workouts, to maximize your effort, but reduce the intake after training, especially if you do it in the evening.
             When reading this, you must be thinking that junk food is an ideal bulking partner: it contains a lot of calories, mostly from fat and carbs. However, not only that it is unhealthy, but the combination of these high fat and high carb, ultra-processed foods is going to make you gain weight too rapidly, most of it stored as fat. Therefore, try to minimize the amount of food you eat out, as you will have a hard time shredding that fat down.
Tip #3: Train Hard!
            People, if you are upping your calories, more energy will be available to you, which means you must train harder. That can mean many things: upping the intensity, frequency, or volume, and in some cases, even a mix of those. The important thing is: you are eating more, which means you need to do more.
            Now, there is a wrong kind of “more,” and that is only focusing on strength. While yes, you will get stronger as your weight increases, as you’ll have more leverages, that is not the goal here. The goal is to gain more muscle mass, so avoid training in the lower rep ranges. Keep your sets in the “bodybuilding zone,” which is 8-12 reps for most movements. But, as we said before, up the intensity too, by adding more weight to the bar, and getting (close) to failure.
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            Also, the focus of the majority of your workouts should be on compound movements. You have more energy, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t go hard on those major lifts. Here, you can slightly lower the rep range in order to go extra heavy, but don’t go below five. And make sure you follow up the compounds with some isolations, as they are less taxing on the body anyway.
Tip #4: Prioritize Recovery
           While it is true that your recovery will be much better when you are in a caloric surplus, as there is enough in the bloodstream to mend those muscles, you should still make sure you are getting adequate rest. That’s primarily because you are going to train harder, which will increase your stress hormones, which are mostly catabolic.
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            So, prioritize rest. Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours per night. But, also make sure you are not overtraining. Train hard, but have a reasonable plan, and leave at least one, ideally two days off every week. And plan deload weeks, where you will let your body recover and catch up. You can do these once every four weeks, or once every eight weeks, depending on your exercise intensity and the length of your bulking cycle.
Tip #5: Track Progress
          This one is essential, as it separates you from getting obese. You need to track your progress regularly, to have the right picture of it, and adjust accordingly. First, take a picture of your physique before starting out, and continue taking pictures once per month. Make sure you take side pictures as well, which will get you a better picture of the size of your gut.
          Also, once per week, in the morning, on an empty stomach, measure your weight, but also weight circumference. The goal is to weigh more, without getting fatter, and your waist will be a good indicator of this. But, you should also take measurements of your other body parts, such as quads, chest, biceps, back. That will not only tell you if your muscles are growing, but will serve as a tremendous motivator to continue doing things the right way. However, this is a slow process, and once per month is more than enough.
Tip #6: Don’t Forget Cardio
          While this sounds counterintuitive, as cardio is a tool used for cutting, doing cardio will help your clean bulk efforts too. Plus, cardio is essential for health, and avoiding it will hinder your longevity. So, 2x per week, on those days you are not going heavy, do a 30-minute cardio session. This can be anything from rowing, swimming, jogging, or riding a (stationary) bike. Just make sure you opt for low-intensity, rather than HIIT, as you will already go heavy on your weights workouts.
Must Read:: Best Cardio And Weight Exercises To Lose Weight
         Cardio will also help with your recovery, as it will get the blood flowing through those damaged muscles, helping them heal up.
Tip #7: Consider supplements
            As we noted, this article is primarily for natural lifters. If you are on steroids, you will probably be able to bulk even if you are not that careful. But, natural lifters will have to do things the hard way, and get fewer results.
             Therefore, supplementing is critical. First, if you are not using it, creatine alone will make you bulk up very fast. It will tie water to your muscles, increasing your weight, but also size. Also, it will give you more energy, allowing you to lift harder, which will result in more muscle gains in the long run.
            We mentioned protein before, and supplementing with quality when protein powder is always a good option during your bulking phase. If you don’t tolerate it, or you are a vegan, opt for something plant-based, such as brown rice or pea protein. As for the other supplements, you can try weight gainers, if you are really struggling to eat regularly. Or, you can use caffeine-based pre-workouts to give you a boost, which will allow you to train harder.
            But, keep in mind that supplements are only that, and are designed to make your nutrition better, not to replace it. In other words, focus on real foods.
           That was our take on bulking. If you follow our tips, you are likely to gain quality weight in your bulking phase, minimizing the need to cut down before summer drastically. Doing things slowly while tracking your progress, training hard, and focusing on quality foods is always the best approach that will lead to longterm results. Remember, if you only aim for the summer season, you will need to start all over again once you get back from the holidays. It is a much better idea to embrace a fitness lifestyle, and stay awesome all year round.
Stay strong!