Tag: Natural Bodybuilding

Veronica Malloy: How To Ensure Bodybuilding Supplements Pass Drug Tests

Veronica Malloy: How To Ensure Bodybuilding Supplements Pass Drug Tests

PNBA Natural Figure Competitor Veronica Malloy goes into detail about supplements and passing WADA compliant drug tests.
The Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association prides itself on being rigorous on keeping the league completely natural. They apply WADA compliant testing to all athletes who compete – to ensure that the competitions are fair and all-natural. But this dedication goes beyond the “big bad” drugs such as steroids and insulin. WADA has a long list of substances that are considered banned – even if they are legal in the United States and in other countries. So how does an athlete, who wants to be natural, avoid failing a drug test while using legal supplements? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, we talk in-depth with pro natural Figure competitor Veronica Malloy on the best way to find WADA compliant supplements.
Veronica Malloy is not only a PNBA natural competitor – she’s also a team captain who helps work with the league to ensure that it stays fair and drug free. This means that she can work with the league and request testing on athletes that she finds “suspicious” of using banned substances.
So it’s safe to say that Veronica Malloy has a deep knowledge about natural bodybuilding, the INBA/PNBA, and WADA compliant substances for bodybuilding. She’s currently preparing for the INBA/PNBA Pro/Am World Championships in Florence, Italy. It’s one of the largest competitions in the natural bodybuilding season – and one that provides many pros an opportunity to qualify for the Natural Olympia.
That’s why we connected with Veronica just under two weeks before she competes. We wanted to check in on her contest prep, highlight her bodybuilding origins, and discuss the trending topics in natural bodybuilding today.
Banned substances and compliant bodybuilding supplements
One such topic is bodybuilding supplements and passing drug tests. While the INBA/PNBA league focuses on drug tests to prevent substances such as steroids into the sport – it also has a long list of other banned (but legal) substances decided upon by WADA. Drug tests compliant with WADA follow the same strict rigorous rules used by the Olympics. It’s the best of the best when focusing on keeping the sport fair and safe.
The supplement industry is bigger than ever in fitness. But not all bodybuilding supplements use the same ingredients. In fact, there are many supplements that have ingredients that would fail a WADA compliant drug test. This puts more responsibility on the athletes to ensure they stay fully clean when purchasing supplements.
We asked Veronica Malloy how a bodybuilder, who wants to be natural, can ensure the supplements they take are truly all-natural as per WADA’s ruleset. Veronica admits that this responsibility is a part of the work an INBA/PNBA athlete needs to put into their career. It’s the same kind of effort that needs to be focused on as training and overall nutrition.
Unfortunately, WADA does not have a list of compliant supplement brands. So the bodybuilder needs to do research, use the WADA website, and learn what supplements will pass drug tests. When performing at the top level of athletic ability – being natural becomes a key responsibility of the athlete. Veronica mentions past examples of athletes who failed drug tests – not because they wanted to cheat with steroids – but because they were unaware the supplements they took included banned substances in the ingredients
Despite intentions, the INBA/PNBA will not allow an athlete to compete, or retain their title, if they fail a drug test. They also end up on the wall of shame. This is why Veronica Malloy suggests that the best tactic for natural bodybuilders is to do the research, find a supplement they trust, and stick with it. With that experience over time – it becomes easier to know which supplement brands not only pass the drug test but also work best for their physique needs.
Wrap Up
Veronica Malloy talked about many other topics during our nearly half hour interview. She discusses how steroids uniquely affect women competitors in untested leagues and why she decided to stay all-natural. She also discusses the upcoming Pro/Am World Championships in Florence, Italy.
You can watch Veronica Malloy’s full comments in our GI Exclusive interview above. And make sure to stick around this weekend for our coverage of the World Championships event!

PNBA Natural Bodybuilder Kayla Rowling: How To Decide Between Flexible Dieting & A Strict Meal Plan

PNBA Natural Bodybuilder Kayla Rowling: How To Decide Between Flexible Dieting & A Strict Meal Plan

PNBA Pro Bikini Diva competitor Kayla Rowling on why she chooses natural bodybuilding and how she handles diet plan.
On June 25, 2022 – the INBA/PNBA World Championships is being held in Florence, Italy. It’s one of the larger competitions in the natural bodybuilding league giving amateurs a chance to go pro and also pro athletes a chance to qualify for the Natural Olympia later this year. Pro Bikini Diva competitor Kayla Rowling is one such athlete looking to earn qualification. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Kayla Rowling explains her strict diet plan as she preps for the World Championships.
In just under two weeks, Kayla Rowling will be competing against some of the best in the world for qualification to the Natural Olympia. That’s why we connected via video call to check in on Rowling’s contest prep and look back at her bodybuilding origins and why she chose to go all-natural.
Kayla Rowling started competing in 2018 – but her fitness journey came much sooner. With an initial interest in cheerleading – she would work with a trainer to help improve her routines. She clearly had talent and so her trainer suggested she consider competitive bodybuilding in the Bikini division. Rowling was initially unsure – but she decided to check out a show. Her first thought – she could do this and she could do it better than many she was seeing on stage.
This started Kayla Rowling’s journey into bodybuilding. She went through many trainers to find the perfect one – and eventually landed in the INBA/PNBA natural bodybuilding league. She now looks towards the World Championships in Florence, Italy to push towards qualifying and hopefully winning the Natural Olympia.
Why Kayla Rowling Chose Natural Bodybuilding
But how did Kayla Rowling end up choosing the all-natural tested league path? There are many untested leagues, such as the IFBB, that bring in immense popularity. For Rowling, it was about the longevity of her career and her health.
“I really value longevity. And i could just see myself becoming obsessed but not in a good way if I were to take any enhancements. Because I know that’s not sustainable long term. And I personally don’t want to look like that all of the time.”
Beyond longevity – Kayla brings up an interesting point. As an athlete, she has a competition in her to succeed. She understands enough about her own competitive nature to realize that an untested league would lead her to pushing PEDs too far in order to be on top.
This, of course, matches current discourse in the larger bodybuilding conversation regarding recent untimely deaths in the sport. Many on the inside of the sport are claiming that the doses and power of PEDs are becoming stronger – and that young athletes are taking more PEDs than ever before. Kayla Rowling avoided this issue all together by focusing on a tested league to keep her own ambitions in check.
Strict Dieting vs Flexible Dieting
Kayla Rowling also goes into detail about her diet plan mentality and how she works with her coach to improve year after year. For Rowling, she focuses on an extremely strict daily diet that only changes to accommodate for optimizations to her physique. Essentially, Rowling relies 100% on her coach to give her a meal plan and she sticks to it without deviation. Her meals are rather repetitive. But much like Jay Cutler, she prefers to focus on the results rather than the joy of eating food.
This is in stark contrast to another approach that Rowling calls flexible dieting. In this method, a bodybuilder would focus on always ensuring they hit their macros – but mixing up their meal within those limits. This helps make eating less repetitive. For some, taking the variety out of food makes it harder to stick to a diet. So flexible dieting helps stay on point.
Kayla Rowling, on the other hand, can’t allow herself to be flexible. She prefers regimented meals like military drills. This is what works for her – and she thinks the biggest struggle for new Bikini Diva athletes is figuring out which style of dieting works best for success on a personal basis.
Wrap Up
Kayla Rowling goes into much more detail about he bodybuilding origins, her training and diet routines, and her life as a natural competitor. You can watch her full interview in our GI Exclusive above. You can also make sure to catch our coverage of the INBA/PNBA World Championships on June 25th, 2022. Stay tuned!

Hardcore Truth: Are Misleading Supplement Companies Hurting Natural Bodybuilder Careers?

Hardcore Truth: Are Misleading Supplement Companies Hurting Natural Bodybuilder Careers?

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Johnnie O. Jackson discusses what it really means to be a natural bodybuilder in a world with misleading supplement companies and unknown banned substances.
While not as popular as major untested leagues such as the IFBB Pro or Elite Pro leagues – natural bodybuilding has been seeing a resurgence, possibly due to the increased fears around athlete health. The leading league in the natural bodybuilding space, the INBA/PNBA, has touted the most rigorous testing to ensure a fair and natural competitive space to great success. But being natural today might be more complicated than in any other time in bodybuilding history. Why? In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson discusses misleading supplement labels and how that may undercut the goals of a natural bodybuilder.
Johnnie O. Jackson is a lover of bodybuilding whether it is natural or untested. So he’s followed and seen interviews with natural bodybuilders to get a better understanding of their world. Jackson notes that most natural bodybuilders like to wear their natural status as a badge of honor. There’s nothing wrong with that, Jackson argues, but he does worry about what it means to be natural in the modern fitness space.

Are misleading supplements hurting natural bodybuilders?
Specifically, Johnnie O. Jackson is worried about the transparency of supplement products and what ingredients are really included. As many may know, the supplement industry has a bit of a grey area in regards to banned substances. It’s a companies responsibility to ensure all ingredients are legal and not banned. But this list is changing literally every year A popular substance for a company can suddenly be banned due to a change in regulations for a certain ingredient.

Most companies comply, but there has been proof that this is not always the case. The recent major headlines involving Blackstone Labs selling products with banned substances is an example of this. Beyond the legality and the massive sentencing that came with this case – there are also millions of customers who consumed the products trusting the brand. Not knowing they were ingesting banned substances.
Take this notion over to natural bodybuilding – and you can see the problem. These athletes are not trying to break the rules but perhaps they are unknowingly due to misleading labels and misleading companies. Johnnie O. Jackson wonders how many natural bodybuilders walk around truly believing to be natural only to unknowingly be ingesting banned substances. Even worse, how many natural bodybuilders end up testing out of a competition due to unknown banned substances in a product?
This issue is larger than just natural bodybuilding. In MMA, there have been a small handful of athletes who later fail drug tests – seemingly due to a banned ingredient that they were unaware was in an over the counter supplement. Some of this is not illegal either. Some supplements that are banned in the MMA might not be banned by the government. If a label is not truly transparent, an athlete may accidentally take a legal substance that is banned in their sport.
For natural bodybuilding, most leagues simply do a lie detector test. These are not very effective, and by Johnie O. Jackson’s logic, could lead to many bodybuilders passing and competing with unknown banned substances in their system. Again – not on purpose but via misleading supplements.
However, the leading natural bodybuilding league, INBA/PNBA, is aware of the limitations of a lie detector test. Which is why they do WADA approved drug testing for every competition to ensure all athletes are natural. While this may prevent an unfair competition – the same misleading supplement issue can still derail honest bodybuilder careers. If an INBA or PNBA bodybuilder was using Blackstone Labs because it contained “no banned substances” – they would later fail out of competition due to the tests discovering it. In the INBA/PNBA, not only are you dropped out of the competition, you are also banned for life.
While Johnnie O. Jackson has a legitimate worry for natural bodybuilders due to the grey area of supplements – this is a fear and issue that many pro natural bodybuilders are familiar with. In fact, many pro natural bodybuilders are very vigilant for this exact reason. They are very detailed on what supplements they put into their system and do vigorous research to ensure their career (and way of life) is not derailed.
It’s a challenge, and one that shows the extreme dedication, focus, and passion of natural bodybuilders. It’s that same focus and dedication that goes into training and dieting across all of professional bodybuilding – regardless of testing status.
Wrap Up
Johnnie O. Jackson brings up a very good point that should be brought into the mainstream discussion more often. But his worry also showcases an extra layer of how dedicated bodybuilders can be depending on their goals. Hopefully this video will help educate aspiring natural bodybuilders from avoiding certain mistakes as they start their journey.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson’s full comments on natural bodybuilding and supplements by watching the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to swing by every Thursday for new episodes each week!

Philip Ricardo Jr: How To Become A Successful Pro Natural Bodybuilder

Philip Ricardo Jr: How To Become A Successful Pro Natural Bodybuilder

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Philip Ricardo Jr. discusses the INBA/PNBA and how bodybuilding lovers who do not want to use drugs can become successful as a pro natural bodybuilder.
Philip Ricardo Jr. has his own promoted INBA/PNBA natural bodybuilding competition coming up this month. The Pro/Am Philip Ricardo Legends International is set for April 30, 2022 and will be the first major event in the INBA/PNBA 2022 season. That’s why we decided to reconnect with Ricardo Jr. and discuss his upcoming show and other trending topic sin both natural and untested bodybuilding. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Philip Ricardo Jr. goes into detail on how become a successful pro natural bodybuilder.
For many fans in the bodybuilding world, it’s seen that an actual bodybuilding career or success can only happen in the IFBB Pro league. That in order to become a successful bodybuilder, one will have to use PEDs such as steroids to become a bodybuilding superstar. But Philip Ricardo Jr. wants bodybuilding lovers to know that this isn’t true. The leading league in natural bodybuilding, INBA/PNBA, is taking strides to make pro natural bodybuilders super stars in their own right.

That’s why we reconnected with Philip Ricardo Jr. – to discuss the tactics and paths that aspiring natural bodybuilders can take to find success and a career in bodybuilding without having to resort to PEDs. With Ricardo’s very own Pro/Am show around the corner kicking off the INBA/PNBA season – there was no better time to inform those on the fence how they can go from aspiring bodybuilder to natural bodybuilding champion.

The INBA/PNBA Pro/Am Philip Ricardo Legends International is set to be the first major show of the INBA/PNBA season. Not only is this the first pro/am show of 2022 for the league, Philip Ricardo Jr. has personally worked to ensure that some of the biggest names in the INBA/PNBA will be competing. Former Mr. America and Natural Olympia champions will be in attendance to make for a superstar weekend (that Generation Iron will cover and provide a full recap later this month).

But how does one become an INBA/PNBA superstar? Is it possible to make a full time career out of being a pro natural bodybuilder? Philip Ricardo Jr. took some time with us to detail how the INBA/PNBA qualification system works and how the major pro shows handle prize money and promotion.
The INBA/PNBA is not unlike the IFBB/NPC. The INBA league (International Natural Bodybuilding Association) is the amateur division of the league. The PNBA (Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association) is the pro division of the league. Amateurs compete in INBA shows to eventually earn their pro card.
But unlike the IFBB Pro league, once a natural bodybuilder receives a pro card – they can continue to compete in the INBA amateur league as long as they want. This allows for flexibility in the bodybuilder’s career – they can continue to compete until they feel their physique is prepared for the pro level. Yet, while they prepare they can still gain experience (and cash prizes) by competing in the amateur league as they transition into pro.
The Pro/Am Philip Ricardo Legends International is the first pro/am of the season and a perfect showcase for what kind of success a pro natural bodybuilder can really achieve. In addition to this – you can witness the INBA amateur league strive for the next round of pro card qualifications.
Check out Philip Ricardo Jr.’s full tips and info on how to become a successful pro natural bodybuilder by watching our GI Exclusive interview segment above! And for more information on the Pro/Am Philip Ricardo Legends International – visit the official INBA/PNBA website right here.

WATCH: An Inside Look At The Natural Olympia 2021 | Backstage, Posing Routines, & Awards

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A visual deep dive into the Natural Olympia 2021 competition.
November 11-13th, 2021 held the Pinnacle of Natural Bodybuilding – the Natural Olympia. This is the biggest event of the year for the INBA/PNBA natural bodybuilding league. Much like the IFBB Pro’s Mr. Olympia – it showcases the best athletes from across the world who have fought to qualify for this yearly event. With strict WADA drug testing guidelines to ensure that all athletes are natural – this event is the biggest weekend of the year for natural bodybuilders across the world.
Generation Iron was on the ground floor reporting on the event as well as capturing footage with our camera crew. We captured a behind the scenes and on stage look to give a full encapsulation of the event. With 20 divisions across both traditional and masters categories – this is one of the most super-sized bodybuilding events in the world.

You can watch our full behind the scenes look at the event above. Read on to get a full break down on the details of the Natural Olympia 2021. You can also check out our official results from the event right here.
What Defines INBA/PNBA Natural Bodybuilding?
There are many natural bodybuilding leagues – but the INBA/PNBA is certainly the biggest – reaching across the country and having athletes representing over 15 different countries across the globe. While nearly all pro bodybuilding leagues claim to condemn steroids – only certain leagues dedicate themselves to drug testing athletes before every competition. The INBA/PNBA leads in this regard. They use the most technically advanced drug test system (WADA – which is used by the Olympics) to ensure fairness across all athletes and competitions.
How The Drug Testing Works

The INBA/PNBA league uses the most sophisticated and advanced drug testing system in professional sports – the World Anti-Doping Agency (also known as WADA). WADA testing is the same system used for the Olympics every four years – and is known for it’s accuracy and quality.
The INBA/PNBA league uses WADA testing before every major competition. If a pro natural bodybuilder should fail the test, their titles are revoked and they are placed on the INBA/PNBA Wall Of Shame – a virtual list of competitors who have attempted to cheat the competitions and drug tests.
How The Judging Works
The Natural Olympia is a natural show which means that there are some differences from the IFBB shows. The biggest distinction when it comes to judging is the size of the athletes. There is not as much muscle mass for natural athletes as opposed to IFBB competitors, specifically Men’s Open. Despite the difference in size, athletes compete in similar categories.
In the Men’s Physique division, competitors perform bodybuilding poses and a T-walk. The judges have to adjust because the muscle mass is smaller despite the level of conditioning remaining high. Athletes can qualify for the Natural Olympia by competing in one PNBA competition. This has to be a professional show and they do not need to win a specific placing.
The Divisions
While there are a lot of similarities – the INBA/PNBA features a wider array of divisions that might seem familiar but with a slight twist on the typical formula you see in an IFBB Pro show. Below is a quick list of the full divisions (please note that each division also has a masters counterpart for ages 40+.

Men’s Bodybuilding Open
Men’s Classic Physique Open
PNBA Angels
Figure Classic
Men’s Sport Model Open
Women’s Sport Model Open
Women’s Physique Open
Figure Open
Bikini Divas Open
Men’s Physique Open
Women’s Bodybuilding Open

The goal for the INBA/PNBA is to provide as many opportunities for athletes to compete. Whichever physique type goal an athlete might desire there is a division for it – so long as there are enough competitors interested in competing.
Creativity is also rewarded across these divisions. The PNBA Angels must showcase custom made costumes as part of their routines. Other divisions such as the Men’s Classic Physique also usually feature some element of a costume to coincide with the posing routines.
Wrap Up
There’s no doubt that the INBA/PNBA’s Pinnacle Of Natural Bodybuilding Natural Olympia is the biggest natural bodybuilding event on the planet. This year’s showcase was no different – and we were excited to provide a deeper inside look than traditionally seen over the years. You can watch our full recap and behind the scenes look in our GI Exclusive video above.

Natural Bodybuilding Leagues INBA/PNBA Name Generation Iron Official Media Partner

Natural Bodybuilding Leagues INBA/PNBA Name Generation Iron Official Media Partner

Generation Iron is now the official media partner of the INBA/PNBA.
Generation Iron Brands, the Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA), and the International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA) have agreed to a long-term partnership in which the Generation Iron Network will be the official media outlet for all INBA/PNBA natural bodybuilding events including the Pinnacle of Natural Sports The Natural Olympia competition. Over 60 countries are affiliated and represent the INBA/PNBA.
The Generation Iron Network first launched in 2013 alongside the release of the feature film – Generation Iron. It has since grown and expanded to be the number one media outlet for all things bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sports. Providing not only news coverage but also informative training/nutrition guides and exclusive video interviews with top fitness athletes.

Under this new partnership, Generation Iron Network will be the official news hub for all officially sanctioned INBA/PNBA pro natural bodybuilding events as well as featured athlete profiles, exclusive interviews, and qualification standings. This also includes the Pinnacle of Natural Sports The Natural Olympia competition – the biggest natural bodybuilding event of the year.
Athletes represent at least 30 different countries at the Natural Olympia with the winner’s natural anthem played during the gold medal ceremony. The Natural Olympia awards payouts of up to $100,000 in cash and prizes. Over the course of the decade, the INBA/PNBA has awarded five new cars (2011-2015) and Gains In Bulk has sponsored six Harley Davidson prizes (2016-2021). You can visit the official Natural Bodybuilding website for more information.

Generation Iron Network will build strategic media campaigns to bring pro natural bodybuilding event coverage directly to viewers across the world. The company will utilize its expansive media presence and its global digital subscriber base to introduce a deeper understanding of pro natural bodybuilding events and athletes directly to viewers. 
Generation Iron Network previously explored the world of pro natural bodybuilding and the INBA/PNBA in the feature film documentary Generation Iron: Natty 4 Life. The film highlighted star athletes such as Rob Terry, Philip Ricardo Jr., and Adrian Pietrariu.
Generation Iron Network continues to expand and grow its coverage for bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sports. This partnership will be a great addition for both the pro natural bodybuilding and general fitness community as both will work together to bring pro natural bodybuilding coverage to the mainstream.
“Generation Iron is thrilled to join forces with the INBA/PNBA organization,” stated Generation Iron partner Edwin Mejia Jr. He continued:

“The INBA/PNBA has been the world’s leading Natural Bodybuilding organization. The Natural Olympia has continued to evolve under Denny Kakos and now reaches over 60 countries. We look forward to covering the Natural Olympia and develop engaging programming their athletes.”

Generation Iron Network will remain editorially independent and will not have any restrictions on news or reports related to the INBA/PNBA. 

Philip Ricardo Jr: How Mr. America Will Help Him Reclaim The Natural Olympia Title

Philip Ricardo Jr: How Mr. America Will Help Him Reclaim The Natural Olympia Title

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Philip Ricardo Jr. was a last minute entrant into the Mr. America 2021 – but he’s confident the experience will help him be better prepared for this month’s Natural Olympia competition.
In 2019, Philip Ricardo Jr. became the new champion of the Natural Olympia competition. The event is an all-natural WADA compliant version of the Mr. Olympia. They have no direct affiliation – but the prestige is the same for the natural athletes who compete in the INBA/PNBA bodybuilding leagues. Ricardo Jr.’s victory also came the same year Generation Iron produced Natty 4 Life – the fourth film in the Generation Iron documentary series.
Now in 2021, Philip Ricardo Jr. is ready to reclaim his title at the Natural Olympia happening in November. And he believes that the Mr. America might just be the linchpin to help him bring his best physique to the stage. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Philip Ricardo Jr. discusses the challenges of being a late entrant into the Mr. America 2021… and how it will ultimately help him win the Natural Olympia later this year.

Philip Ricardo Jr. is one of the most iconic natural bodybuilders currently competing in the division. He won the Natural Olympia in 2019 and has remained one of the most skilled and impressive competitors in the league. So it was exciting when he was announced last minute to compete at the Mr. America 2021 competition earlier in October. While the announcement was exciting for fans and helped bring an even bigger spotlight on the historic competition – this wasn’t a secret announcement that Ricardo Jr. had been prepping for.
In fact, the decision was just as much a last minute call for Philip Ricardo Jr. as it was for the fans. This meant that his contest prep was shortened. It wasn’t ideal and it was a true struggle for him in the weeks leading up to the show. Ultimately, Ricardo Jr. did not win the Mr. America competition. He’s not concerned though – as he saw this event as a key strategy in preparing for the biggest natural bodybuilding event of the year. The Natural Olympia.

It’s a strategy that is equally risky as it is rewarding. IFBB Pro competitor Iain Valliere committed to the same sort of tactic when he competed at the Arnold Classic just two weeks before competing at the Mr. Olympia. On one hand, it can throw off timing and cause the athlete to be “off peak” when he or she steps on stage. On the other, it can keep the athlete in full preparation weeks before – and then adjust any small issues noticed in the first competition just in time for the second.
Philip Ricardo Jr. seems to believe that the prep for Mr. America will push him harder – giving him an advantage when he steps on the Natural Olympia stage this month. So perhaps the goal wasn’t to put all of his eggs in the basket of winning Mr. America. Instead, it pushed his contest prep harder than ever before, took the Mr. America placing in stride, and is now confident he will be in the best shape of his life when he steps on stage in Las Vegas for the Natural Olympia.
Only time will tell. But as a previous Natural Olympia champion – we know he has it in him to present a championship-winning physique. Will the Mr. America prep do him more harm than good? That remains to be seen. We wish him the best as he battles to reclaim his title as Natural Olympia champion.
You can watch Philip Ricardo Jr. talk in more detail behind the scenes of the Mr. America 2021 in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Colin Congo Answers: Are All Pro Sports Riddled With Steroids?

Colin Congo Answers: Are All Pro Sports Riddled With Steroids?

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Colin Congo compares pro bodybuilding to other sports when it comes to steroid use and policing of PEDs.
Colin Congo is a pro natural bodybuilder and also an active member in the FBI. This creates an interesting intersection between his personal beliefs about steroid use in bodybuilding – and the legal reality behind policing illegal steroid use in bodybuilding and other sports. The sport of bodybuilding is a strange beast in this way. Most leagues don’t actively test for illegal steroid use. That being said, it’s a general understanding that most pro bodybuilders use PEDs in order to reach the shocking level of muscular and size on display during contests. This fact, it’s argued, is what prevents a more mainstream version of success for the sport – such as being televised on mainstream broadcasts.
But there are those who point out that bodybuilding really isn’t any different from other pro sports. While different sports have different degrees of testing – it can be argued that almost all pro sports have athletes that use steroids and PEDs. The fact that Olympic teams such as Russia were the subject of wide spread steroid use seems to be proof that not everything can get caught (even if they do get caught eventually). That’s why we ultimately pulled on Colin Congo’s expertise as both a natural bodybuilder and a member of the FBI – do all pro sports really engage in consistent use of steroids? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Colin Congo shares his take on steroid use across all pro sports, how it’s policed, and if it can ever really be stopped.

No matter the sport, it seems at some point in time the greatest athletes in sporting culture ultimately get caught for steroids or other PED usage. Lance Armstrong is a famous example, as well as MMA legend Jon Jones. Most recently, the entire Russian Olympic team was the subject of a in-depth documentary exposing wide-spread steroid use among its athletes. Different pro sports handle drug testing in different ways. But one thing that seems to remain true is this – pro sports cannot 100% police PED use. Even for the most lucrative leagues – it’s too expensive and too logically complicated to regularly test all athletes.
With this in mind, how often are pro athletes really using steroids? Pro bodybuilding often gets a bad rap for steroid use and its unwillingness to test for it. But is bodybuilding really any different to other pro sports that are far more popular? Baseball, Basketball, Football – all major sports have their own steroid scandals. Is steroid use simply unavoidable on a pro level?

We asked this very question to Colin Congo – a bodybuilder who has dedicated his life to being all natural and also is an active member in the FBI. While he has no way of knowing the truth behind all key athletes across all pro sports – he is able to use his anecdotal experiences between the FBI and natural bodybuilding as a foundation for the bigger picture. As far as Congo is concerned, the logic is sound – steroid use is most likely far more used in pro sports than many fans realize.
Colin Congo says that a combination of massive money on the line and an uneven playing field contribute to steroid use in pro athletes. If an athlete knows some are using steroids, that puts them at a disadvantage. So why not close the gap by using PEDs as well? On top of that, many pro athletes have their income directly related to their ability. When hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line – the risk is suddenly becomes more worth it.

Colin Congo points out the irony for how reviled athletes become upon being caught for steroids. For example, Congo recounts Lance Armstrong having his entire reputation destroyed by being caught for PED usage. A friend and colleague of Congo’s took a look at the stats for other cyclists during Armstrong’s time. All of them were hitting close levels to Armstrong. After he was caught, in the years after those times and stats dropped significantly.
Congo’s take on that data? Many more cyclists were using the same drugs – but didn’t get caught. The reality is that Lance Armstrong was doing the same thing as all other athletes on his level. He got caught, his reputation is sullied, but really the entire sport’s reputation should take a hit. The problem is more endemic than media makes it out to be.
You can watch Colin Congo go into full detail about his thoughts on steroid use across all pro sports in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

Pro Natural Bodybuilder Colin Congo: Drug Tests Can Probably Be Beaten

Pro Natural Bodybuilder Colin Congo: Drug Tests Can Probably Be Beaten

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Pro Natural Bodybuilder Colin Congo gets honest about drug testing – claims no drug test can be 100% accurate.
With the Mr. America 2021 just around the corner, we are reconnecting with some pro natural bodybuilders from our time filming Generation Iron: Natty 4 Life. Colin Congo is a Men’s Physique pro natural bodybuilder set to compete at the Mr. America in October. We reconnected with Congo to discuss the realities of natural bodybuilding and drug testing in the sport. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Colin Congo explains why he thinks the drug tests can be beaten.

Natural bodybuilding is often met with skepticism in the overall bodybuilding world. There is little evidence for that criticism except for gut reactions. Namely, that some natural bodybuilder simply look too massive and shredded to be possibly all natural. The biggest natural league in industry, PNBA/INBA, utilizes WADA drug testing for their events. This is the same drug testing used for the Olympics.
That’s a strong credibility to have for pro natural bodybuilding. So it seems the overall skepticism speaks to something bigger than just bodybuilding. In nearly all professional sports – fans believe that someone is getting away with using PEDs – whether there are tests or not.

But does this skepticism have any merit whatsoever? We asked this very question to Men’s Physique Pro Natural Bodybuilder Colin Congo. A featured athlete in Generation Iron: Natty 4 Life, we reconnected with Congo to dive deeper into his thoughts on drug tests and whether or not they are effective.
Colin Congo admits that he thinks that the WADA tests can be beat. That being said, he thinks that they ultimately do what they are meant to. Majority of athletes know they will be tested and have no interest in trying to beat it. And the WADA tests do catch PED users yearly in the league. The remaining small percentage of athletes who get away with it are a very small number.
That’s why Colin Congo doesn’t say anything even when he believes that there is a competitor on stage who is enhanced. Congo claims that he knows when he steps on stage, there will always be a chance someone is unnatural. In fact, he’s gone into competitions believing someone battling against him was enhanced. He never said anything. That person won the competition.

Colin Congo doesn’t see himself as the gatekeeper for drug testing. That’s what the federation is for. He also knows that many natural bodybuilders are often mistaken for being enhanced. Sometimes, it seems like something is impossible without the use of PEDs. But that’s the great thing about pro natural bodybuilding – they accomplish things that seem impossible. So Congo won’t call someone out without 100% evidence – because he could simply be wrong.
“This test can probably be beaten if I had to guess. And I know there are folks out there who are going to be on stage with me that are not 100% natural,” Colin Congo states in our interview. He continues:
“I know there are dudes out there that are 100% natural that just have absolutely gifted physiques. And they are going to look enhanced and they are going to just look like that. I’m not the gatekeeper for who’s natural and who’s not. I know I get up there and put my best physique on the stage. And I’m counting on the organization to hold those guys to the same standard that I’m holding myself to.”
Nothing can ever be 100% guaranteed. But a drug test on the level of WADA also helps create preventative measures that stop athletes from even thinking of trying in the first place. It’s like a sign that says, “You are being filmed.” Even if there is actually no camera filming – most people will assume that they are, in fact, being filmed and not steal from a store. Sure, some will call the bluff and cheat. But the measures in place help far more than nothing at all.
You can watch Colin Congo go into more detail about natural bodybuilding and drug testing in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!