Tag: Questions & Answers

Does Anesthesia Have A Negative Effect With Steroids?

Does Anesthesia Have A Negative Effect With Steroids?

Q:  I’m getting ready to have surgery in about 6 weeks, and I am going to be put under general anesthesia. At the time of surgery, I’ll just be coming off of 500 Test E, 500 Deca, 800 Equipoise) can you tell me if I have anything to fear or do I have to tell … Read More →
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hCG Intramuscular As An Alternative To Subcutaneous

hCG Intramuscular As An Alternative To Subcutaneous

Q:  Why would someone recommend HCG intramuscular, instead of sub-q? A lot of dudes seem to use it this way. I just always thought HCG and insulin were sub-q. A: Believe it or not, the manufacturer recommends HCG injections intramuscular. Odd, huh? Who knew?  It is a little known fact that has been bypassed by … Read More →
The post hCG Intramuscular As An Alternative To Subcutaneous appeared first on Bodybuilding Steroids Info.

Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles

Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles

Q:  Can you give me a few good cycles for mass building? Guys in the gym won’t touch me because I’m new and they don’t know what the deal is yet. I’m totally on the up-and-up, but I can’t find help. I’ve taken a few cycles back in my home state, but now that I’m in another state, I don’t know anyone. I didn’t really understand the first ones and why my buddies put them together the way that they did, so I don’t really have the ability to put one together on my own yet. Can you help?
A: First off, I’ll say that that’s common: new bodybuilders will get cycles from people and not really understand why something is the way it is. That’s an important part of the learning process. You should try to really understand why you are taking what you are taking before you do, since it will enable you to adjust as your body responds and doesn’t respond. I almost hesitate in giving you anything because of that fact – but I will give you a relatively mild cycle so that you can see why and how things work.
Currently….400mg Test E eod250mg Deca e/3rd day200mg Dbol ed20u’s of Apidra 5/2-off100-150mg of ephedrine training days only
If you are planning to stay on longer than 8 to 10 weeks, then you need to change some stuff up. I would say that you should add 100mg of Anadrol in for the Dbol in about 8 weeks, and change out Test Enanthate for Test Cypionate. Don’t forget to take PCT but that a whole other topic and you should probably know about it if you are taking mass cycles anyhow. HCG, Clomid, and Nolvadex are good.
After a 6 to 8 week break and good PCT, your next one, based on availability, can be:300mgs Tren (Trenboxyl E)500mgs of Sustaxyl
It’s a sound cycle and one you should stay on for about 10 to 12 weeks. Then follow that up with this for 10 weeks:50mg Stanoxyl Depot200mg Boldaxyl4IU Kalpatropin
Rotation and refreshing cycles by trading things in and out is key. Don’t stay on something too long without trading things in and out. It minimizes sides and it gives you the best growth for the dollar.

How Long Should Your Steroid Cycle Last?

How Long Should Your Steroid Cycle Last?

Q: I’m now stacking 200mg of Test a week, 200mg of Deca, and 20mg of D-Bol a day, and I’m sitting huge! I went from 191 to 213 in just 5 weeks! I want to stay on for another 19 weeks for a strong 24 week cycle! What is your opinion of this stack?
A: My opinion is it’s awesome, and congrats on getting so big! However you are staying on this cycle far too long! Remember you’ll be taking 540mg a week, 200mg Deca + 200mg Test + 140(20mg x 7 for the D-Bol). Now, this is not a t all a huge dose by todays standards, it’s more in line with what guys used thirty years ago, but it will still greatly impede your natural test output after just a month or so! I would suggest a 6 week cycle followed by 6 weeks off, and then go back on once you have regenerated your test! Another idea is to use testosterone compounds and anabolic agentsthat do not impede your natural test output! CorTESTEN is a real testosterone compound by Pharma-Stuttgart and it uses a novel approach to testosterone therapy by dramatically increasing what’s called ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) which increases androgen in the bloddstream.
Additionally corTESTEN contains several phytochemicals that have shown in numerous clinical studies to dramatically increase LH (Luteinizing hormone) production which then produces androgen from another faucet, so to speak. So corTESTEN increases test two ways, through increased ACTH production and increased LH production! This is a much better approach because you do no have to “ween” off like you would with steroids.

D-bol Versus T-bol – Which Is Best

D-bol Versus T-bol – Which Is Best

Q:  Doc D, how about a debate between D-Bol and T-Bol? I am on 1iu of GH everyday almost year around, and am currently doing 500mg Test Cyp/ 1x week for 12 weeks and 400mg Deca for 10 weeks. I want to add either D-Bol or T-Bol and not sure which is going to be best. Care to weigh in?
A: Well, figure out your PCT and CT therapies ahead of time, because you risk a whopping case of gyno here. But you also risk some very good benefits too. First off, do a week of HCG, continue with Clomixyl for 4 weeks + AIFM. Start Nolvaxyl about 2 weeks into Clomixyl, PCT. 
But do Aromaxyl throughout too. T-Bol is a good choice if you are close to a contest because it’s hard to detect. But in my opinion, I think D-Bol still blows T-Bol away in terms of results for mass gains. If you are cutting up and close to a contest, however, T-Bol is the way to go, though I think some of you already know my stance on D-Bol: That with a good diet you can get extremely hard and cut up, without water retention. Still, it is a personal preference and you should try both and decide for yourself. T-Bol is D-Bol without the potential to convert to estrogen. This is a good thing for most bodybuilders.
Oral Turanaxyl (OT) has experienced a lot of popularity since Kalpa Pharmaceuticals brought it out. Then it was a rush to produce it in other labs. It is Dianoxyl (D-Bol) with a 4-chloro modification to it. It lacks a 1-2 double carbon bond that D-Bol and T-Bol has and is aromatase resistant, so you don’t get the water retention and potential gyno. That’s another option. Why not try D-Bol this cycle and then replicate it 5 or 6 months later with the same elements, but with T-Bol. I’m not suggesting not to do another cycle in between, but if you’re going to do this exact cycle, and trade T-bol for D-bol, then take a break from this particular cycle for half a year when you next try.

Does Syringe Size Matter When Injecting Steroids?

Does Syringe Size Matter When Injecting Steroids?

Q: I am planning on doing a cycle here really soon. I’ve only done about 3 in my life and of those three, I had help with all of them—even down to the size of needle I would need. I’m on my own now, and don’t have the help anymore. Can you tell me what size needle I’d need for each drug?
A: Some AS require a certain size because of their composition and because of differences in viscosity of the liquid, so there is a definite protocol there for thickness. However, one must also consider how long the needle ought to be and that’s where some people end up injuring themselves. With a needle that is too narrow in size, and a steroid that is oil-based or has crystals, all that will happen is a failure to be able to pull the substance up into the syringe. However, if using a needle that is too long, and is injected into a muscle like the quad or calf, it can cause irreparable tissue damage because it travels too deep into the muscle. For the purposes of this column, I’ll assume you’re talking both length and diameter of needle here.
Site determines the length of needle you’ll want to use. If it’s in the hip, an often-fleshier area of the body, then the needle can be a little longer to accommodate piercing flesh, fat and muscle. Needle length will also have to be altered when your body fat is either lower or higher than normal. There is no need to push a 2-inch needle into your hip if you are hovering around 6% body fat. Likewise, a one-inch needle will not penetrate that 40-pound post-contest weight gain either!
Mostly, a 1.5” or 1” needle will do the trick, but keep a few 2” points around for good measure if you have higher body fat or get bloated often. As for the barrel of the needle (how wide the hole is for liquid to pass through), you’ll want to keep it as small as possible to avoid injury, but keep a few sizes around that accommodate both oil based AS and crystal base AS. The drugs to which I’m referring in those two categories are true veterinary crystal-based Stanoxyl Depot (the human Winstrol from Europe is not crystal based) and oil based drugs such as in the testosterone family (excluding test suspension, which is not oil-based). Still, I don’t think there’s ever a cause to drop beneath an 18-gauge size. I prefer a 21-23 myself, but sometimes when you’re mixing substances in one 3cc syringe, it becomes difficult. Remember, you can also draw up into the syringe with one needle that’s a little bigger and screw on a smaller one if you are mixing.
Sometimes the mix of lighter viscosity AS will thin out the heavier viscosity additions and make it possible for you to use a smaller needle all around. But then again, it depends upon how paranoid you are about injections. Some people will only use a scant 25-gauge needle, and nothing bigger, and simply avoid the heavier drugs in order to stay with the smaller size.

Using Growth Hormone For Fat Loss

Using Growth Hormone For Fat Loss

Q: I want to take GH just for fat loss, but I don’t know how much to take. What is the best dose to lose body fat?
A: A lot depends upon how much you weigh, how much fat you need to lose and what time frame you have. GH does work relatively slowly on fat loss. Generally, the dose for fat loss for about a 160-180 pound person is about 2-4 iu’s. Frankly 2 iu’s a day, using a subcutaneous injections would do the trick for this weight. Taking 4 iu’s might be overkill.
Don’t expect immediate results, body composition changes occur after a month and up to 3 months. We think that injecting the iu’s into the fatty areas directly also has some benefit for fat loss. There’s no such thing as spot reduction in the drug-free world, but with GH, we suspect that that isn’t as true. Fat loss is sustained longer when GH is used as a catalyst for lipolytic action.
However, you can eventually gain it back, as you would under any other circumstance, if you do not take heed of dietary and exercise maintenance standards. It is, however, an expensive way to lose fat.

How To Avoid Injury From Self Injections

How To Avoid Injury From Self Injections

Q: I just gave myself an injection into several parts of my arm. One of those has a small bruise on it. It hurts a lot and feels sore deep into the muscle. It hurt a little extra when I was doing the injection, but I did move the needle slightly. Is it anything to worry about?
A: Chances are, it’s not something to worry about if it’s just sore and there isn’t a big pustule attached to it. I’d worry if it were blowing up, causing excessive water retention around the site, seeping pus, discoloring badly or causing horrid pain in a surrounding joint. What probably happened is you hit a vein? This is really easy to do in the limbs and one of the reasons why it’s not altogether smart to site inject on a regular basis. I’d really only inject esiclene or synthol into limbs anyhow, just because site injecting drugs hasn’t really been proven to be so much more effective that it makes the risks worthwhile. I’ve known people who have had some nasty abscesses in their limbs at the site of injections all because they hit veins, inadvertently used dirty gear, or had dirt and sweat on the surface of the skin near the injection site prior to injecting.
It’s not really a good practice to get into. You can avoid hitting veins in two ways, but neither is foolproof. One, you can have someone else inject you and look for veins on the surface of the skin in places you cannot see and try to avoid them. Or, two, you can get into the good habit of aspirating to make sure you don’t inject a vein. Aspirating is simply putting the needle in and drawing back to see if you get air/suction, or blood. If you draw blood back up into the syringe, you’ve hit a vein and should re-insert the needle and try again. Always aspirate. You can hit veins in any area of the body, though it’s less likely in the hip and areas where it’s extra fleshy. Also, you mentioned that you jostled the needle when injecting, and that can also be the cause of pain. It’s also the reason why injecting your own upper limbs isn’t a good idea.

The Benefits Of Proviron In Your Cycles

The Benefits Of Proviron In Your Cycles

Q:  What are the benefits of using Proviron in a cycle?
A: Proviron by Dragon Pharma is a good anti-estrogen drug and is used to harden up the body toward the end of a cycle before a contest. It’s also a pretty hefty sexual stimulator and you have to be careful with it. Proviron also turns androgens into potent fat burners and so any androgen-heavy drugs you may be on will make you feel like the fat is melting off your body.
Start by running 25 mg/ day and work up to as much as 50 to 100 mgs daily.  If it’s pre-contest hardness and dryness you are after, use it about 4 weeks out and you’ll see a huge difference.

Can Steroids Help With Joint Injuries?

Can Steroids Help With Joint Injuries?

Q: I’m getting ready to start a growth cycle, but my shoulder has been bothering me. Should I start or wait? I’m going to take Decabol, Testabol Enanthate and some Boldabol.
A: Nandrolone may help your shoulder situation, but I’d wait. Honestly, you could do an interim cycle with just Oxanabol or another light oral, and train light to assess whether you can actually train through this pain, and get to the other side, or whether you need to actually take a break.
You should know what you’re dealing with before endeavoring a big growth cycle. It’s really not worth spending all that money if you’re just going to be at half mast in terms of ability to lift. If your shoulder is also limiting your chest movements, then definitely take some time off, do a light interim cycle upon returning, to work through pain with a little support, and then do a cycle you were planning.