Tag: sex

Sudden Death During Sex

Sudden Death During Sex


Sudden Death During Sex

“Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” That saying refers to people who put more food on their plates than they can possibly eat. Viagra created a similar situation for guys with bad hearts – their penises are bigger than their hearts. They want sex, but don’t have the physical stamina or cardiovascular health to complete the job. Poor metabolic health triggers heart disease and erection problems. Viagra can get you erect, but it can’t compensate for a weak heart. Sudden death during sex is a real danger for many men. Sex causes near maximal metabolic stress in older men. For guys with bad hearts: just because you can have sex doesn’t mean you should. Check with your doctor to determine if you have the health and stamina to be a sex machine. (Seminars Cardiothoracic Vascular Anesthesia, 10: 256-258)



Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life

Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life

Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life
For the majority of the lifters, eating and sex are two of their most favorite activities. What if we told you eating could improve your sex life? No, we’re not some angels sent from the heavens to fulfill your destiny. We’ll be talking facts here.
If you pop faster than a packet of corn, you’re going to greatly benefit from the things you’re going to learn today. What you eat affects how you’re going to perform under the sheets. Unlike your muscular structure, your sex drive isn’t dependent on your genetics.

If the blue pill or alcohol are your entrusted solutions for lasting longer in bed, we can imagine your insecurities. The fact that you’re reading this article is enough to establish that the duration you last in bed is directly proportional to your partner’s satisfaction.

Eating the right food won’t only improve your performance, it can help treat erectile dysfunction as well. The icing on the cake is that these foods benefit both ladies and men. So, eating a dinner consisting of these foods before hitting the sack will be a great idea.
6 Foods That’ll Improve Your Sex Life and Libido
Well, eating a banana on a date might be a tad too suggestive but it will ensure you’re starting things on the right foot. Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium and B vitamins.
These nutrients can help boost low energy levels – a common cause of low libido. B vitamins and potassium also contain bromelain enzymes, which help boost sex drive and can treat erectile dysfunction.
Potassium fights the effects of high sodium foods. Food high in salt can reduce the blood flow to the genitals which can make it harder to reach orgasm. Pro tip – if getting adventurous on the dinner table is not your thing, you would want to avoid eye contact while eating the banana.

This certain body part resembling food is rich in zinc. Zinc is a mineral that elevates testosterone while simultaneously boosting growth hormone. Both of these enhance physical performance (in and out of the sheets) and muscle growth.
It is no secret that adding seafood to your diet can improve your daily protein intake quantity and quality. Seafood can also improve your immunity as they are rich in omega fats.
While the oysters might not look like salmon or tuna, they offer fish-like benefits and have high levels of B12, vitamins A, D, calcium, iron, selenium, copper, and zinc. A study conducted in Turkey concludes that zinc has the potential to help restore nitric oxide activity (resulting in better blood flow) in a man’s equipment.
Clarification – the foods on the list are not deliberately listed to be implicative, we swear. Nuts like walnuts, peanuts, and pistachios all contain the amino acid L-arginine, which is one of the building blocks of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide (NO2) is a naturally occurring element in the body that helps the guys maintain an erection. L-arginine dilates the blood vessels which enables a better flow of blood throughout the body.
Eating nuts regularly can also help in reducing cholesterol levels. The higher your cholesterol levels, the harder it will be for the blood to travel to different parts of your body – including your pee-pee.

If rumors are to be believed, eating watermelons will make you last longer than a camel in the desert. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline which when converted to arginine, can boost nitric oxide synthesis and vasodilation.
A naturally occurring chemical called lycopene is present in high amounts in watermelons. Lycopene equals viagra in its ability to relax blood vessels which improves circulation to certain, ahem, body parts.
If L-arginine and citrulline sound familiar to you, it’s probably because most of the pre-workout supplements on the market contain both of these elements. These amino acids help in achieving a nasty pump in the gym.
Red Wine

Red wine might be the perfect way to start a long romantic night. According to a Journal of Sexual Medicine study, women who drank one to two glasses had heightened sexual desire compared to ladies who didn’t drink any wine.
But why red wine and not whisky, you ask? The antioxidant profile of the wines (like other food items on the list) triggers nitric oxide production in the blood which relaxes the artery wall and carries blood down south.
Pro trip – alcohol before a date night can be a two-edged sword. While going on a date with a girl who is out of your league might give you jitters, consuming a glass too many will stop the show before it starts.
Dark chocolate is another women’s favorite that is also great for improving your sex life. It also happens to be the most researched of the aphrodisiac foods. An antioxidant called flavanol is present in dark chocolates which like lycopene in the watermelons can boost nitric oxide levels and blood flow.
There is a high probability you were unaware about the libido boosting properties of garlic until now. As per some historians, ancient Egyptians consumed garlic to boost their sex drives and stamina.
According to a study, consuming garlic helps stop the formation of new fatty deposits, called nano plaques, inside the arterial walls. For the uninitiated, the arterial walls lead to your penis. So, garlic basically acts as the bulldozer which removes the fat deposits that block blood flow to the arterial walls.
Adding garlic to your kitchen staples will help keep your heart healthy and your erections strong. You could use the garlic in powder, paste or cooked form in your diet. Thanks to the great fragrance of garlic, it goes without saying – don’t eat garlic on a date night.
Other honorable mentions
Oats, blueberries, pomegrante, coffee, pesto, fatty fish, potatoes, ginger, pumpkin seeds, crab, green tea, pepper, spinach are some other foods/beverages that are great for boosting your sex drive. We highly recommend adding a combination of these to your diet.

Which of these sex life improving foods is a staple in your diet? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Forget Masturbation, These 6 Things Affect Your Workouts Even More

Forget Masturbation, These 6 Things Affect Your Workouts Even More

If you’ve been around the fitness scene long enough, chances are, at some point, you’ve been told by a gym bro that fapping can lead to weakness and muscle loss. On top of that, wanking before a workout is considered a sin by broscientists around the world.
Since this article is about things that affect your workout performance more than masturbation, we won’t go into if you should or shouldn’t have sex/masturbate before a workout. We have covered this topic in its entirety in a previous article. Check it out here.

Things Which Affect Your Workouts More than Sex & Masturbation
Work Stress

Do you know what’s worse than masturbating before a workout? Thinking about your boss before and during your workouts. Excessive stress is a known factor of decreased performance in every aspect – physical and mental.
While a small build-up of stress before an intense workout, a race, or a competitive event can improve your performance and focus, the problem begins when you begin to remain anxious constantly.
Stress is known to release cortisol in your body which increases your body fat storage levels and reduces your muscle mass. Cortisol also abrupts the protein synthesis and tissue growth by reducing the production of growth hormone.
The good news is, exercise is known to be a great stress-buster. No matter how tired or busy you might be, you should never miss a workout session. Creating a pre-workout ritual like listening to your favorite music or doing breathing exercises can be effective ways of getting you in your zone.
You’re Not Sleeping Well

If you’re not getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night, you’re just running on fumes. If you’re not rested well, no amounts of pre-workout supplements or caffeine can turn your workouts into productive sessions.
Sleep deprivation can impair your body’s fat-burning mechanisms, disrupt the insulin response, and can even affect your decision-making processes. Don’t be surprised if you can’t establish a mind-muscle connection in the gym if you haven’t slept well.
If you’ve trouble falling asleep, following a routine that includes things like not using your phone in the bed or switching off the lights after 11 pm can be of help. Waking up abruptly from deep sleep can also be a cause of exhaustion in some cases. Invest in gadgets/apps which help you wake up gradually.
Poor Diet

No matter how hard you train, you’re not going to get anywhere if you treat your body like a dumpster. Following a simple diet plan is one of the most effective ways of staying on track.
You should be eating anywhere between 6-8 meals every day spread-out evenly at two-hour intervals. Your diet should consist of lean proteins, unprocessed foods, and vegetables.
One of the most overlooked aspects of a diet plan is water. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, and prolonged muscle soreness. Drinking at least a gallon of water is necessary if you desire optimal performance.
Your diet plan should be designed keeping in mind your daily macronutrient requirements as per your goals. Reading labels and tracking calories should become second nature if you’re serious about your gains.

Your Muscle Recovery Lacks

Taking a day off of the gym can feel like a crime especially when you’re in your 20’s but you need to remember that you can’t give in your 100% in the gym if you’re not feeling your best.
If you’re constantly sore, you should consider taking an extra day off. Training too hard without proper recovery can lead to a state of overtraining. Overtraining can be counterproductive as it can lead to muscle catabolism.
You should give your muscles at least three days to recover before training them again. Rest days are a blessing-in-disguise. Recreational activities like yoga, swimming, biking can give your muscles enough stimulation to help with recovery.
If you’re a serious lifter and are having troubles with your muscle recovery, you should consider using supplements. A protein, BCAA, and glutamine supplement can be game-changers in helping your muscles recuperate from your grueling workouts.

Although hearing this might break your heart, genetics play a massive role in how your muscles develop. You might do the same calf exercises and lift the same weights as your training partner but there are no guarantees that your lower legs won’t remain the twigs they are while your buddy’s turn into full-brown bulls.
The good news here is, while you could have a genetically weaker muscle group, you can make up for it elsewhere. Your workouts should be designed around your genetic predispositions.
If you are slow-twitch muscle dominant, you’ll excel in exercises that require bursts of speed and power but will probably fatigue quickly. Getting to know your body takes a lot of time, and understanding what works for you takes even longer, so be patient.
Your Mental Health Needs Attention

Being under immense work or personal life pressure can kill your mood and motivation of working out but deteriorating mental health can impact every aspect of your life – both psychological and physiological.
Prolonged muscle soreness, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, muscle, and joint pains, and decreased appetite are a few symptoms of deteriorating psychological health. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you shouldn’t wait for them to die down but should instead consult a professional at the earliest. Letting mental problems run for longer can worsen the situation.
Most of the therapists, in any case, will suggest some sort of exercise in your recovery program. Working out can release endorphins (happy hormones) which can help alleviate your mood and can induce a sense of well-being.
While broscientists confuse ejaculation with wasting testosterone, they hardly talk about the things which can actually hamper your growth inside and outside the gym. If you want to see gains, impress the bodybuilding gods by working on the things mentioned in the article.

How are your gains going? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Sexercise – A Guide To Becoming a Legend in the Bedroom

Sexercise – A Guide To Becoming a Legend in the Bedroom

Become a sex and exercise expert.

Apart from being an incredibly fun word to say, sexercise can help improve your libido and make you a much sought-after individual. Okay, the last part could be an exaggeration. 
There is more to sex than most people realize. Not only does it help you have better (and more frequent) orgasms, but studies have also shown that sex can help improve your cardiovascular and immune health,  intimacy with your partner, boost your self-confidence, and enhance your IQ and EQ. Oh and also, it is how humans reproduce, keeping our race from going extinct. So for the sake of humanity, get it on tonight, but only after you are done reading this article. 
What is Sexercise?
As per Wikipedia, “Sexercise is a physical exercise performed in preparation for sexual activity and designed to tone, build, and strengthen muscles.”

Or as I would put it, sexercise is a physical exercise that helps you get laid and perform at your best. It also results in more satisfying sex.
The (s)exercises improve and quicken the flow of oxygenated blood, in higher and consistent amounts, along with other beneficial chemical compounds, to the genitalia. These compounds can improve fertility and your love-making session.
Related: Should You Have Sex Or Masturbate Before A Workout?
Origins of “Sexercise”

The term “sexercise” was coined by celebrity trainer Jason Rosell. He created a workout that combines exercises like squats, glute bridges, and core exercises with other strength-training moves to increase your stamina and sex drive. 
The word “sexercise” could also refer to the act of using sex as a way to exercise and stay fit.
The best part about sexercise, you ask?
You do not have to be a gym rat to work on your libido. Cardio exercises like swimming, running, jogging, cycling, and even dancing (any physical activities that raise your heart rate, get your blood pumping, and bring more oxygen to your heart and body) are just as effective.
Check Out: The Anabolic Doc: The Truth About Sex Problems Post-Steroids
Benefits of Sexercise 

Exercise and sex have their own benefits, but combining the two can bring you the best of both worlds. Sexercise can lead to the following benefits:
1. Improves Your Sex Life
We have all been in a position at some point (me excluding) where we wanted to try out a new position with our partner but could not simply because our bodies didn’t allow it. 
There are two ways of tackling this problem. First, loosen up your body, improve your flexibility, and build strength through sexercise. Second, give up your Kamasutra subscription and settle for what you can do in the bedroom. 
Certain exercises can also help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles used during sex. Kegel exercises can facilitate orgasms in the bedroom and help with urine leakage and incontinence.  
Next Read: Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life
2. Facilitates Conception 
A study found that moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercises (running or walking) can be effective in combating erectile dysfunction (ED). 
Couples trying to conceive often complain about sex feeling like a chore. Sexercises can help you try out new positions and spice things up under (or over) the sheets. Since sexercise can improve your overall health, it can have a positive effect on your fertility. 
3. Enhances Your Immunity 
Medical conditions like diabetes, depression, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances can harm your sexual function (desire, arousal, or orgasm). Sexercise can aid in fighting sexual dysfunction by improving your immune system. 
Must Read: Pre Workout Before Sex – Pumps Whilst Pumping
4. Builds Strength and Endurance 

Regular sexercise will advertently make you fit. As a result, it can make positions that require strength easier (think: ‘yourself on the shelf‘). At the same time, sexercise can build endurance and stamina and help you last longer in bed. 
Remember, the stronger your muscles are (arms, legs, core, heart), the better your sexual performance. 
5. Improves Overall Health
Both sex and exercise are known to have positive effects on your body. A landmark study found that sexual intercourse (not masturbation) can lower systolic blood pressure. That’s the first number on your blood pressure test.
Good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.
Check Out: These Are The Sexiest Male Body Parts As Rated By Women
6. Uplifts Mood
If you have ever had a good training or love-making session, you would agree that it is virtually impossible to walk away feeling sad, angry, or depressed. The hormones released during sexercise can help lighten up your mood. 
7. Builds Connection
Last but not least, sexercise can help build and improve connection with your partner. Whether you are in the gym working out with your partner or going at it in your bedroom, sexercise can improve your bonding and intimacy. 
Pro tip: Sexercise is better done with someone rather than alone – if you know what I mean. 
Check Out: This Actor and Bodybuilder is Marrying his Sex Doll
The Ultimate Sexercise Regimen
Depending on your current fitness level and your goal, you can choose from the following exercises to improve your sex drive:
1. Yoga

Yoga is one of the best ways to improve your flexibility, functional movement, and core strength. We are sure you know what a little strength and flexibility can do in the bedroom. 
Yoga can also help improve your balance. The best part about yoga is that you do not have to be a pro to try it. You can start with basic poses and advance to harder asanas as you gain experience. 
On top of that, yogi kamasutra fans will also be less prone to cramping up in the middle of a steamy session. 
Tip: The downward-facing dog pose is great for stretching and circulation, and the tree pose is good for balance. You could also try partner poses to turn up the heat. 
Watch: Sex, Love & Bodybuilding: How Post-Competition Depression Affects Relationships
2. Pelvic Floor Exercises 
When it comes to sex, what’s happening on the outside is just as important as what’s happening on the inside. If you want to improve your sex drive, you need to work your pelvic floor muscles.  
Kegel exercises are indispensable in a sexercise routine as they strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support your uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum.
Different people have different pelvic muscle strength levels. The worst part? This strength deteriorates with age. Meaning – kegel exercises are a good option to improve sex in the long term, as they help maintain the function of these muscles.
Kegel exercises can help keep your pelvic and vaginal muscles strong and healthy. This can lead to more intense orgasms. Over and above that, the versatility of kegel exercises makes them extremely convenient. You could do them anywhere at any time, and you do not need any equipment.
Check Out: THROWBACK: Rich Piana Explains Sex and Gains
A quick How-to do Kegel guide:

Locate the right muscles while urinating. 
The muscles you use to stop urine mid-flow are the same muscles you will use while performing Kegels.
Contract your pelvic floor muscles and hold for 10 seconds. Release for 10 seconds. Repeat five times.
If you cannot hold for 10 seconds at first, try holding for as long as you can and slowly build your way up to 10 seconds. 

3. Cardio

Cardio workouts are great sex drive boosters as they help build stamina and endurance, something we can never have enough of in the bedroom. Aerobic exercises increase your heart rate and improve blood flow and circulation. 
As a result, cardio can help an individual maintain moderate weight, improve blood pressure, boost overall physical fitness, and may help with erectile dysfunction and general sexual performance. 
Cardio sexercise includes:

Jumping Rope

Related: 8 Factors That Can Kill Your Gains Faster Than Masturbation
4. Strength Training 
Strength training sexercise can take your libido to another level. 
Why is that, you ask?
Lifting your partner and throwing them around can be fun, and at the same time, taxing on your muscles. 
While training for better performance in bed, you should focus on your core, arms, and hips. Adding compound movements like deadlift and bench press to your sexercise arsenal will help you be the DOM you have always wanted to be. 
Some of our favorite strength training exercises for improving sex drive include:

Hip Thrust
Glute Bridge
Kettlebell Swing
Bench Press
Barbell Bicep Curl

Related Read: 4 Awful Strength Training Mistakes You’re Making That Cost You Muscle
5. Sex 

Do you remember that adage, “practice makes perfect?” Turns out, the folks knew what they were talking about. 
We know what you are thinking, “but sex does not count as an exercise.” 
And that, my friend, is the beauty of sex. 
You can turn up the heat in the bedroom depending on the kind of intensity you want from your workout. You could turn vanilla sex into a sexercise by doing positions that are strenuous enough to help you shed calories and build muscle.
For example, one partner can lift the other, stretch to new positions, try a more vigorous rhythm, or simply have standing sex. Let your imagination run wild!
Sexercise Routine You Need To Try Today

Now that you know everything there is about sexercise, here is a routine you need to try if you want to improve your libido:
1. Running (HIIT): 10 minutes

Start your workout with a HIIT running session on a treadmill. It will get your blood pumping and prime you for the resistance workout. 

Walk at a brisk pace for one minute.
Perform an all-out sprint for the next one minute. 
Repeat until you complete 10 minutes. 

2. Downward Facing Dog: 5 minutes

The downward-facing dog is a great way to stretch and warm-up. 

Lie down on the floor with your wrists underneath the shoulders and your knees underneath the hips.
Curl your toes under and push back through your hands to lift your hips and straighten your legs.
Spread your fingers and ground down from the forearms into the fingertips.
Outwardly rotate your upper arms to broaden the collarbones.
Let your head hang and move your shoulder blades away from your ears towards your hips.
Engage your quads to take the burden of your body’s weight off your arms. This action goes a long way toward making this a resting pose.
Rotate your thighs inward, keep your tail high, and sink your heels towards the floor.
Exhale and bend your knees to release and come back to your hands and knees.

3. Squat: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps

Make sure you are not resting for more than 60 seconds between sets. Your sexercise routine should not last more than 60 minutes. 

Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width, toes facing front, and a barbell on your shoulders.
Drive your hips back while bending at the knees and pressing your knees slightly open.
Squat as deep as you can comfortably. 
Press into your heels and straighten your legs to return to the starting position. 

4. Barbell Bicep Curl: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps

Strong arms go a long way during a steamy session in the bedroom.

Stand with your torso upright and hold a barbell at arm’s length with a shoulder-width grip.
Grab the barbell with an underhand grip, so your palms are facing forward, and pin your elbows to your sides.
Exhale and lift the barbell using your forearms while keeping your elbow and upper arms stationary.
Curl the barbell until it is at your shoulder level.
Pause and contract your biceps at the top of the movement.
Slowly return to the starting position while breathing in.

5. Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps


Lie down with your back on a flat bench and grab a barbell with a shoulder-width grip.
Get in the starting position by unracking the barbell and extending your arms forward so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
Lower the barbell by flexing your elbows until the bar touches your chest.
Reverse the motion and push the bar upwards by extending at your elbows while breathing out.
Contract your pecs at the top of the movement.

6. Hip Thrust: 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps


Set up with your back against an elevated surface (like a bench or a box) with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. 
The bench should hit just below your shoulder blades, and your feet should be about shoulder-width apart. You can rest your elbows on the bench. 
Place a barbell across your hips.
Keeping your chin tucked, push through your heels until your thighs reach parallel to the floor — your legs should form a 90-degree angle. 
Squeeze your glutes at the top, then return to start. 

7. Plank: 3 sets of 1 minute each


Lie down in a prone position with your chest facing the floor.
Support your weight on your toes and your forearms.
Your arms should be bent directly under your body, and your upper arms should be perpendicular to the floor.
Keep your body in a straight line and maintain a tight core throughout the exercise.
Hold the position for as long as possible.

8. Kegel: (as mentioned above)
9. Happy Ending: Preferably at home. 
Sex and exercise have a lot in common. Both can make us sweat and can lead to better health, improved mood, and increased energy levels. If you are looking to improve your sex drive, perform the sexercise workout laid out in the article once a week. 
You could also switch the exercises in the article or perform variations depending on your experience level. 

Which is your favorite sexercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

These 5 Exercises Will Boost Your Libido And Give You Massive Gains

These 5 Exercises Will Boost Your Libido And Give You Massive Gains

Boost Your Libido
Working out can improve your life in more ways than it is credited for. It’s time people start looking at working out as more than just working on the muscles. Pumping iron can have both physiological and psychological benefits.
Spending some time in the weight room can improve your sex drive. Working out can even help you if you don’t feel any sexual desire. Feeling asexual can be caused by many reasons including stress, exertion, mental exhaustion, etc.

While lifting weights can help boost your libido, there are some exercises which work better than the others. Make these five exercises a part of your training routines to boost your libido –
1. Squats

Squats are a complete leg builder. This exercise can also help you with your low sex drive. Legs are the biggest muscle group in your body and working them by squatting can improve your testosterone levels.
Squats increase your overall muscles mass, strength and sex drive. There are enough variations of this exercise, so you’re never bored of it. Make squats a part of your workout routine to improve your libido.

2. Barbell Hip Thrust
No other exercise comes close to barbell hip thrusts when it comes to mimicking a sexual position. This exercise also happens to be one of the most effective in improving your sex drive. It also adds muscle mass and strength to your lower body, especially glutes.
It can be incredibly hard to not think about sex while performing this exercise. Tip: avoid making eye contact with the opposite sex while you’re doing this exercise if you don’t want to end up sending the wrong signals.
3. Bench Press
Compound (multi joint) exercises are the most efficient in helping you improve your testosterone levels and sex drive. Bench press has been the poster exercise for manhood for a long time.
This exercise helps broaden your chest which, for many men, can lead to increased confidence. We hope you make it count and put this raised confidence to good use with women. Incline and decline bench press can work different areas of your chest.
4. Deadlifts
Deadlifts work your entire body. There are only a few other things as badass as lifting some heavy weights off the ground. Deadlifting regularly can improve your libido and make you stronger at every other exercise.
Deadlifts can also help you in adding lean muscle mass. Avoid heavy deadlifts if you’re suffering from a back injury. You can also try different versions of this exercise like sumo deadlifts or dumbbell deadlifts to keep your body guessing.
5. Clean and Press
Clean and press primarily work your shoulders, but secondary muscles like your upper and lower back, traps, hamstrings, quads, glutes, and calves are also involved. It is a full body exercise which can improve your physique and sex drive.
Clean and press is also a compound exercise which will help you put on muscle mass and definition. You can perform this exercise in a hypertrophy workout or a strength workout. All you need to do is adjust the number of sets and reps.
Which according to you in the best exercise to boost your sex drive? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

These Are The Sexiest Male Body Parts As Rated By Women

These Are The Sexiest Male Body Parts As Rated By Women

These Are The Sexiest Male Body parts As Rated By Women
Many of us get a gym membership so we can impress the women around us. Women can be the inspiration to lose those extra kilos or pack on some muscle mass. No matter how much you would want to deny it, but a fit bod will always beat a dad bod.
Researchers at Western Illinois University conducted a study where they asked several women to rate the sexiest muscles on a man. While we could have guessed a few of these body parts, some are completely shocking. These are the results of the not-so-surprising study.

1. Abs
There are no surprises here. Abs were rated the sexiest male body part by women. Having a shredded midsection adds to the overall aesthetics of your physique. They are so much more important if you’re planning to hit the beach with your lady love.

While abs are the sexiest muscle on a man, they aren’t easy to obtain. It takes discipline in your diet and training to achieve them. Follow this ab workout to get on the radar of women with your chiseled midriff.
2. Biceps
Biceps have been the symbol of strength and machoism for centuries. If you want to impress a woman with your muscles, there is no way you can do it with skinny arms. Chances are you already know this and are working on your guns.
The Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger referred to his biceps as mountains. You need to follow the same approach to build sleeve-ripping pythons. Turn your skinny arms into mountains with this bicep workout.
3. Chest
A broad chest is hard to develop, and there are only a few other things women appreciate more than chiseled pecs on a man. A full and muscular chest is what separates the men from the boys.
Your chest workouts should be a mixture of compound and isolation exercises. Compound exercises add to the size of your chest while isolation exercises add definition. Follow this Bradley Martyn chest workout for insane gains.
4. Obliques
Most people overlook training their obliques. Their core workouts consist only of ab exercises. Your midriff cannot be deemed complete without well-defined obliques. Obliques are the fish gills like muscles at the sides of your abs.
Women rated obliques as the fourth sexiest muscle on a man, and this should be reason enough to start training them. 10-minutes of oblique training during an ab workout is enough to add definition to your midsection.
5. Triceps
A pair of shredded arms gives women the surety you can hunt for them and keep them safe and warm. Although your triceps don’t get the same attention as your biceps, they make up two-thirds of your arms.
You can’t afford to slack off during your triceps training. Your triceps should look like a horse kicked you in the back of your arms. Training your triceps isn’t about lifting heavy weights as much as it is about focusing on achieving muscle failure.
6. Butt
We didn’t expect glutes to be on the list of the sexiest male body parts. We’re sure well shaped and sized butts would be one of the top two body parts on the list if men would have taken this same test.
If you have been skipping your leg days, this should be a wake-up call for you. Apart from the usual squats and deadlifts, you should be focusing on glute building exercises like the donkey kickbacks and reverse abductor presses to work on your rear.
Do you agree with the women on the sexiest male body parts? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

5 Ways To Boost Testosterone Naturally

5 Ways To Boost Testosterone Naturally

Improve Your Testosterone Levels Naturally
Have you ever wondered why women don’t get as big as their male counterparts even if they train as hard as them? This is because of a hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone and is responsible for puberty, development of sexual organs and building of muscle mass in men.
We have good and bad news for you. Bad news first: if you have been training for a long time but still can’t see any results, low testosterone levels can be the reason for this. Now, the good news: you can improve your testosterone levels naturally and can take your muscle gains to the next level.

Here are some benefits of having high testosterone levels:

Testosterone helps in losing body fat.
It might also helps in fighting depression.
Helps in gaining muscle mass.
Increases your sex drive.
Improves your performance in the gym and outside.
Strengthens your bones.
Better cognitive abilities.
Improves the functioning of your heart.

These benefits should be enough to get you to work on your testosterone levels. Who wouldn’t want to perform better in the bed and gym? If you’re a performance athlete or want to be one, testosterone can be your ‘limitless pill’. You could increase your testosterone levels with steroids, but if you’re in it for longevity and want to be safe, using natural methods is the way to go.

1. Eat Right
If you want to increase your test levels, you will have to stop eating junk food. Your diet and nutrition play a huge role in boosting your testosterone levels. You need to make sure you have your carbs, protein, and fats in the right quantities.
Some people believe eating fats can reduce their T levels and completely remove it from their diets. Doing this can be counterproductive to your goal of increasing your test levels and building muscles.
Cholesterol is another thing you need to have in your diet. Cholesterol is present in every cell of your body and plays an important role in producing hormones, digesting foods and producing vitamin D.
2. High-Intensity Exercise
More isn’t better when it comes to spending time in the gym. Long durations of workouts can lead to a fall in the testosterone levels in your body. You need to make sure your training routines are short and effective.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best ways to boost your test levels in the gym. Other training principles like hypertrophy can also be of great use in increasing the testosterone levels in your body.
Workouts exceeding one hour can cause exhaustion and lead to lower test levels in men. You should keep your workouts shorter than an hour. You can achieve this by reducing the rest time between your sets.
3. Consume Testosterone Boosting Ingredients
Consuming test boosting ingredients can be one of the quickest ways to improve your testosterone levels. If nothing else seems to work out, you can supplement with these ingredients and take your gains to the next level.
Zinc is one the 24 essential minerals needed for the efficient functioning of the human body. One of the most important roles of zinc in men is to produce and maintain adequate test levels.
Vitamin D is another test boosting mineral. You can take it naturally through sunlight or a supplement. A study done by the researchers at the College of Charleston concluded testosterone levels are significantly higher when you supplement with BCAA pre, during, and post exercise.
A great testosterone booster can give you clinically dosed ingredients to boost low T levels. Check out the best testosterone boosters on the market here to give you an edge with training, energy, performance, and endurance.
4. Reduce Stress and Weight
Stress causes cortisol formation in the body which can have a long-term negative impact on your body. Since your cortisol and test levels are inversely proportional, a rise in your cortisol levels can result in a drop in your testosterone levels.
Stress and high cortisol levels can also lead to weight gain, increased appetite and formation of harmful fat around your organs. All these factors then result in lower testosterone levels.
Increased body weight can also be a cause of low T-levels and poor performance in the gym and outside. You need to focus on a balanced diet and lifestyle to improve your test levels and function optimally.
5. Have Fun In Bed
By fun we mean sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause a drop in your test levels. You need to be logging in 6-8 hours of sleep every night. This will ensure higher testosterone levels, and your body will have enough time to recover from your workouts.
A study conducted by the University of Modena, Italy found that for every additional hour of sleep, your testosterone levels rise 15%. If this won’t make you sleep more, we don’t know what else will.
Sex can be your best friend when it comes to increasing your test levels. Many people think their testosterone levels fall after they have sex or masturbate, this is the reason they avoid both of these before a workout. Having sex before a workout increases your testosterone levels and can improve your performance in the gym.
Do you know of any other way to boost your testosterone levels naturally? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.