Tag: womens physique

Alexia Clark Profile & Stats

Alexia Clark Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Alexia Clark
Image via Instagram @alexia_clark
Alexia Clark is an American fitness model and social media celebrity born on 22 May 1990 in Arizona. With over 2.1 million followers on Instagram, she is one of the most-recognized fitness celebrities on the internet. Alexia is known as the ‘Queen of Workouts.’
Below is a complete breakdown of Alexia Clark’s profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Carriejune Anne Bowlby

Date Of Birth

110-120 lbs


Fitness Model,
Social Media Celebrity

Image via Instagram @alexia_clark
Born and raised in Arizona, USA, Alexia had an active childhood. Growing up, she loved to exercise and was engaged in many sports. According to Clark, high school sports were an outlet for all of the competitive energy pent up inside her.
Her love for fitness grew immensely when she enrolled in Arizona State University to study marketing. Since she did not enjoy her degree, she spent most of her time working out in the gym and researching ways to improve her physique. 
Fitness is like a cure-all drug for Alexia Clark. She believes working out every day helps boost her energy and outlook on life. Clark notices a negative impact on her mood every time she misses a workout.
Alexia started working at a marketing company after graduation. Although Clark landed a great job, she realized she had no passion for it. It was then she decided to follow her passion and left her job to become a personal trainer. 
New Beginnings – Fitness Modelling 
The Instagram celeb’s family and friends have always been supportive of her choices and decisions. Alexia reveals that she did not feel anxious or nervous while leaving her steady job to pursue a new career. 
According to Clark, she grew up listening to self-improvement and motivational speakers on tape that her dad played for her and her two brothers in their car whenever they were driving. 
From that point, it took her two years to sculpt her physique. Alexia Clark credits her family and friends as being the biggest influences on her. They encouraged her to succeed as a fitness model by pushing her to audition for numerous photoshoots. 
Lo and behold, the ‘Queen of Workouts‘ got selected in the second audition she attended. Alexia Clark was featured on the cover page of a popular fitness magazine.
She then began appearing in commercials and ads for several popular brands and companies. Some of the most popular magazines she has appeared in include “Men’s Health Magazine” and “Good Morning America.”
Turning into a Social Media Star
In 2013, Clark started posting pictures and videos of her lifestyle and training on Instagram. 
She was always trying new exercises and a combination of movements in her workout. Looking at her progress, people close to Alexia started asking her for fitness advice. Many did not live near her and could not train with her, so Clark started posting her workouts on social media.
According to Alexia, it started with just friends and family following her workouts, but over a short period it turned into thousands, and the thousands turned into two million people.
Alexia Clark’s Instagram profile is a goldmine for workouts, exercise, and nutrition tips. 
Image via Instagram @alexia_clark
Alexia Clark is a hardcore fitness athlete. She trains seven days a week. Yes, you read that right. She takes no days off. 
Clarks mixes HIIT workouts with traditional CrossFit training, creating her own unique style of workouts. 
Although Alexia trains every day and performs a lot of functional movements, she is not a fan of lifting heavy. Instead, she focuses on following a full range of motion and perfecting her form.
Alexia Clark Training Routine 
The following is Alexia’s full-body circuit training workout for burning fat:
1. Circuit 1 – 3 rounds

Push-up: 10 reps
Jump Over: 10 reps
Bent-Over Row: 10 reps
Overhead Press: 10 reps
Squat: 10 reps

2. Circuit 2 – 3 rounds

Ball Toss: 10 reps
Dips: 10 reps
Kettlebell Swing into Press: 10 reps
Step-up: 10 reps
Plank Press: 10 reps

3. Circuit 3 – 3 rounds

Pull-up: 10 reps
TRX Row: 15 reps
Battle Ropes: 40 reps
Sit-up: 15 reps
Wall Walk: 20 reps

4. Circuit 4 – 3 rounds

Close-grip Pull-down: 10 reps
Single-Arm Lat Pull-down: 10 reps
Oblique Crunch: 10 reps
Cable Reverse Grip Row: 10 reps
Rear Delt Fly: 10 reps

Note: While doing the circuits, limit your rest duration to 45-60 seconds between rounds. 
Not to mention, Alexia Clark does not do the same workout twice. She ensures she never hits a plateau by constantly including different training techniques, exercises, and styles into her workouts. 
“Every day presents new challenges, and no two days go exactly the same. The same should apply to your fitness regimen, to keep it mindful.” – Alexia Clark
Training Advice from Alexia Clark
Here are a few training tips from the ‘Queen of Workouts’:

Consistency is key: According to Alexia, one of the biggest challenges she faced in the beginning was staying consistent with her training. She insists on making your fitness routine a habit.
Change is the only constant: Not only does changing her workouts consistently keep Alexia interested, but she also believes that it helps her yield the best results. 
Make fitness a part of your lifestyle: An individual needs external motivation to train when they look at working out as a chore. Making your fitness routine a daily ritual will help you become the best version of yourself.
Be a part of a community: Being a part of a community can keep you accountable and give you a platform to share your journey. Alexia believes that training with friends and family helps create a healthy environment where everyone motivates each other. Clark has built a community of herself called the “Queen Team“.

Image via Instagram @alexia_clark
Alexia Clark follows a nutrient-rich whole food diet. She keeps her diet clean all year round and does not believe in eating cheat meals. The Instagram star likes to receive her nutrients from a variety of quality sources and does not limit herself to certain foods.
Alexia meets the majority of her daily calorie needs through protein and fiber-rich foods. Some of her go-to foods include chicken breast, egg whites, fish, feta cheese, and dark green veggies.
Alexia Clark’s Daily Meal Plan
When looking to shed body fat, Alexia’s diet includes:
Meal 1

Warm Lime Water: 1 glass
Egg Whites: 2
Oatmeal: 1 serving

Meal 2

Fruits: 1 serving

Meal 3

Vegetable Soup: 1 serving
Egg Sandwich: 1
Brown Rice: 1 serving
Fish: 1 serving

Meal 4

Fresh Fruit Juice: 1 glass
Vegetable Salad: 1 serving

Meal 5

Greek Salad: 1 serving
Feta Cheese: 1 serving
Soup: 1 serving

Image via Instagram @alexia_clark
Alexia Clark uses the following supplements to improve her recovery and maintain her shredded physique throughout the year:

Fat Burner: A fat burner makes sure she is not storing excess body fat. An effective fat-burning supplement converts stored body fat into energy. 
BCAA: Helps build muscle, decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness.
L-Glutamine: Helps muscle recovery, gut and immune function.

Kessia Mirellys Profile & Stats

Kessia Mirellys Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Kessia Mirellys

Kessia Mirellys is an American IFBB Wellness professional athlete. Her jaw-dropping physique and imposing onstage presence are earning her fans across the globe. With her healthy lifestyle and strict training regimen, Mirellys wants to inspire other women to achieve their dream physiques. 
Below is a complete breakdown of Kessia Mirellys’ profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Kessia Mirellys


135-145 lbs


Fitness Model, Wellness Athlete

We want you to stop what you are doing, get up, walk to your closest mirror, and repeat after us, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the most shredded legs of them all?”
If your mirror is as honest as the one on the Evil Queen’s wall, it will show you Kessia Mirellys‘ latest Instagram photo. 
Kessia has thick legs and a shredded upper body, a combination that can put many male fitness Instagram celebrities to shame. 
Mirellys started her fitness career in the fitness division but switched to the Wellness division when it was introduced and started gaining traction.
In the fitness industry, Kessia is usually regarded as the girl with the most sculpted abs. 
Mirellys is a proponent of lifting weights and eating healthy. She wants to put to rest the myth that pumping iron can make women look bulky and manly. 
On being asked about her idols and influences, Kessia responds that she is not motivated by any individual in the fitness industry. Instead, she is inspired by her family, more so her father.
Kessia’s father has been her biggest inspiration. He not only initiated her in fitness at the age of five but has also been her biggest and most reliable support system ever since.
Mirellys’ father woke her up every morning at 04:30 to ensure she never missed a training session. On top of that, Kessia draws inspiration from her two-time cancer survivor brother. 
The Puerto Rican fitness star’s training style has evolved over the years. At the start of her fitness journey, Kessia Mirellys focused on basic movements like squat, push-up, pull-up, and chest press to carve her dream physique. 
However, her training methods changed drastically as she started working with professional trainers. Under the guidance of her trainers, Kessia started using a combination of isolation and compound lifts and advanced training techniques to develop a stage-worthy physique. 
Mirellys’ hard work in the gym and discipline with her diet paid off as she began noticing substantial progress in her physique. 
Some of Kessia Mirellys’ favorite exercises include weighted farmer carry, overhead straight arm extension for the chest and lateral muscles, and hanging leg raise for a shredded midriff. 
Kessia Mirellys’ Favorite Type of Workouts
Mirellys keeps her muscles guessing by switching her workouts constantly. By shuffling between lifting heavy weights to build muscle mass and doing plyometrics such as jumping squat, box jump, and explosive push-up, Kessia makes sure she does not hit a plateau.
According to the Wellness athlete, her training style helps keep her body ‘tight‘ and in shape. Kessia has been doing plyometrics ever since she was a child, and in her own words she says; “I’ll probably be doing them for the rest of my life”.

Kessia Mirellys’ Favorite Core Exercises
If you could not tell by her washboard abs, Kessia is a fan of core exercises. She favors exercises that engage her entire core throughout the exercise. Some of these movements include leg raises and crunches. 
While performing core movements, Kessia does not allow her muscles to relax. She does not lockout at the top or bottom of an exercise. She likes to keep constant tension on her target muscles throughout an exercise. 
Workout Structure 
The fitness model likes to start her workouts with heavy compound movements. Performing multi-joint lifts at the beginning allows her to power through lifts like squat, deadlift, bench press while she is fresh. It is also an effective way of burning excess stored body fat. 
Doing compound movement later in the workout when you are fatigued is not as effective since you are not at 100%. 
After completing compound exercises, Kessia then moves onto isolation lifts to annihilate her muscles. These exercises help her develop her muscle conditioning and striations. 

Kessia Mirellys Workout Routine
Here is the IFBB Pro’s workout regimen to carve the physique of your dreams:
Back & Abs

Pull-up: 4 sets to failure
Lat Pull-down: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Single-Arm Machine Row: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Cable Row: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Straight-Arm Rope Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Barbell Row: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise: 4 sets to failure
Decline Bench Resistance Band Crunch: 4 sets to failure
Cable Crunch: 4 sets to failure

Hamstrings and Glutes


Resistance Band Air Squat: 1 set of 12-15 reps
Resistance Band Kick-back: 1 set of 12-15 reps 


Lying Leg Curl: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Stiff Leg Deadlift on Hack Squat: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Sumo Deadlift: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Smith Machine Single-Leg Lunge: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Smith Machine Stiff Leg Deadlift: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
One-Leg Hip Thrust with Dumbbell: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Cable Kick Back on Bench: 2 sets of 10-12 reps


Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
One-Arm Side Lateral Raise: 4 sets of 10-12 reps (each side)
Dumbbell Front Raise: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Alternating Machine Lateral Raise: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Cable Rear Delt Fly: 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Abby Pollock Profile & Stats

Abby Pollock Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Abby Pollock
Image via Instagram @abby
Abby Pollock is a social media fitness celebrity born on 15 October 1994 in Toronto, Canada. Her not-so-humble fan following (710K followers on Instagram and 898K subscribers on YouTube) is a result of her motivational and instructional posts, humility, and total transparency with her followers. 
Below is a complete breakdown of Abby Pollock’s profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Abby Pollock

Date Of Birth

150-160 lbs


Physique Competitor

Image via Instagram @abby
Abby Pollock was not always the fitspo people know her as today. She suffered severely from under-eating while growing up. Although Pollock was always active and involved in sports, she wanted to be skinny. 
By the time Abby Pollock entered grad school, she was 20 lbs underweight and was struggling with symptoms of anorexia (lack of appetite) and bulimia (binge eating followed by purging; and excessive concern with body shape and weight).
Abby was struggling in school at the time and was in a bad relationship. As a result, she used food as a “safe space.” Without any prior dieting knowledge, Abby decided to limit her daily calorie consumption to 1,000 kcal with the goal of remaining skinny. 
Abby Pollock used MyFitnessPal to track her diet and calorie intake and ensured she did not eat more than the bare minimum required to function throughout the day. Meaning – despite her hectic study schedule and regular cardio training, Abby restricted her diet to 900-1000 calories per day.
As Pollock lost weight through her restrictive diet program, she became obsessed with losing more. In the process of losing more weight, she progressed from simply eating “clean,” to eating a paleo diet of raw foods.
Entering The Fitness Lifestyle
Her typical diet routine included having a vegetable smoothie for breakfast and then eating a small salad for lunch and dinner. After following the calorie-restrictive diet plan for a while, Abby Pollock realized she was always tired and running low on energy. It was then she realized she needed a lifestyle change. 
The final nail in her old diet plan’s coffin came when, in 2013, she found out that her father had terminal cancer. This terrible news, combined with issues in her love life caused Abby to look for a way out of her suffering (both emotional and physical).
On being asked about this period, Abby says, “I was done playing the victim.” She decided to turn her life around and planned to make big modifications to her diet and training routine.
Being a fitness noob herself, Abby Pollock hired a personal trainer and nutritionist to create a workout routine and high protein diet to help her physique transformation. 
To kickstart her transformation journey, Abby increased her calorie intake to 2,000 kcal per day. Her workout program was focused on adding muscle mass to her thin frame.
Lifting weights and eating right helped her carve the physique of her dreams.
Becoming a Social Media Sensation
While undergoing her transformation, Abby Pollock started posting about her journey and experiences on her social media channels. Unexpectedly, her story resonated with a lot of people, and she started attracting attention. 
Abby also landed interviews with some big women’s lifestyle magazines – talking about her story and explaining how she changed her life around. This took her fan following to the next level.
Once she built a decent following on Instagram, she began posting motivational videos and photos. Abby wanted to use her platform to help other women struggling with their weight.
Her soaring popularity led her to start a YouTube channel. Abby Pollock started making training, nutrition, and lifestyle videos to reach out to a larger audience. Abby’s videos were warmly received, and she turned into a fitness sensation. 
Image via Instagram @abby
Before Abby Pollock started following a personalized training program, she was doing two hours of cardio a day. The high cardio activity combined with her low-calorie intake put her in a calorie deficit. Abby was burning more calories in a day than she was consuming, meaning – she could not build the body she wanted.
After discussing her goals with her trainer, Abby switched to doing two shorter cardio sessions per week instead of the two long hours of cardio every day. 
Pollock also added resistance training to her workout regimen to help her build muscle mass. Abby performs four weightlifting workouts per week. Her training philosophy includes lifting as heavy as possible without compromising her form.
Once she put her new training program and approach into motion, she noticed impressive gains in her glutes and quads. According to her, she was building the body that she had always dreamed of, with the weighted exercises she had always feared.
Training Routine
Abby Pollock hits the gym four times a week and her workouts last anywhere between 45-60 minutes. Her four-day training routine includes:
1. Lower Body

Squat: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Step-up: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Hip Thrust: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Reverse Lunge: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Standing Smith Machine Calf Raise: 3 sets of 15-20 reps

2. Back and Biceps

3. Shoulders and Triceps

Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Lateral to Front Raise: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
EZ Bar Upright Row: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Dumbbell Shrugs: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Cable Press-down: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Diamond Push-up: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Dumbbell Kickback: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
EZ Bar Skullcrusher: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

4. Lower Body

Barbell Squat: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Lunge: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Cable Pull-through: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
GHD Extension: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Hip Thrust: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Seated Calf Raise: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Image via Instagram @abby
After following a balanced diet for years, Abby Pollock has arrived at the ideal calorie value she needs to consume every day to keep her physique in shape.
Abby follows a flexible diet that allows her to eat whatever she wants as long as it fits her daily calorie needs. She also focuses on her daily macronutrient needs and consumes a healthy dose of carbs, protein, and fat in each meal.
Apart from flexible dieting, Abby also incorporates intermittent fasting into her regimen. She fasts for 16 hours a day which is said to increase the body’s capabilities of using stored energy.
Abby Pollock’s four meal diet program includes:
Meal One

Scrambled eggs with ground turkey and vegetables
Snack: An apple with baby carrots

Meal Two

(‘Chocolate oats’) Oatmeal, egg whites, almond milk, cocoa, and stevia mixture

Meal Three

Spaghetti squash with ground turkey, vegetables, and cheese sauce made from almond milk and cheddar

Meal Four

Protein ice cream made with protein powder, a banana, almond milk, and ice.

Brigitte Goudz Profile & Stats

Brigitte Goudz Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Brigitte Goudz

Brigitte Goudz is a fitness model born on 24 July 1994 in Pennsylvania, US. Growing up, Brigitte had a negative self-image and low self-confidence. Starting training at the age of 18 helped her transform her physique and mentality. Since then, she has become a force to be reckoned with in the fitness industry. 
Below is a complete breakdown of Brigitte Goudz’s profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Brigitte Goudz

Date Of Birth

135-145 lbs


Fitness Model

Brigitte Goudz was born in Pennsylvania. She struggled with low-self esteem in her teens. Her shyness and negative self-image turned her into an introvert who was afraid to speak up and express herself among her peers. 
However, Brigitte’s personality began changing after she got out of high school and started going to the gym. In a short time, she developed a liking for lifting weight and training.
Unlike most girls that join a gym for the first time, Brigitte Goudz skipped the cardio section and headed straight to the weight room. The change she saw in her physique through resistance training made her realize that it is an extremely underutilized aspect of women’s fitness routines. 
Not only did lifting weights help Goudz transform her physique, but it also molded her confidence. On being asked about her transformation journey, she said, “This change and the positive self-image I got through bodybuilding motivated me enormously.”
Thanks to her growing self-confidence and improving body image, Brigitte started posting pictures of her chiseled physique on social media.
Over and above her improved confidence and self-image, posting pictures of herself on the internet gave her the opportunity to make a career out of her passion. 
Over three years, she started gaining a serious following on Instagram with people appreciating her positive mindset and insane physique. By 22, she became a sponsored athlete and a fitness model.
“Don’t sit on the couch and wait for it. Do new things that scare you. Never become comfortable. Unfollow negative people on social media. Go to bed early and wake up early. Fuel your body with nutritious foods and drink a shit ton of water. Do not gossip and always remain humble.” – Brigitte Goudz
A Bright Modeling Career
As her Instagram following ballooned, people started taking notice of Brigitte Goudz. It was not long before she was approached by a modeling agency that offered her first photoshoot.
Her newfound confidence came to her rescue, and she crushed her first modeling assignment. Shortly after, she was signed to one of the best modeling agencies in Pennsylvania. 
With her novel modeling success, Goudz focused all her energy on becoming a full-time fitness model. As time progressed, her projects began getting bigger, and she has since modeled for major magazines and brands. 

Some of the brands Brigitte Goudz has modeled for include:

Violate The Dress Code
Granite Supplements
I Sew It You Show It

Brigitte Goudz loves training, and it is probably the best part of her day. She follows a 5-6 day per week training regimen. Goudz likes to start her workouts with a cardio warm-up, usually on a treadmill or Stairmaster for 5-10 minutes.
Apart from her training routine, she could also do two or three “full-on” cardio sessions per week if she wants to lose fat.
Her favorite exercises are pull-ups and knee bends, and her favorite body parts are legs and glutes.
Brigitte Goudz’s Workout Routine

Monday: Heavy upper body training
Tuesday: Heavy lower body training
Wednesday: Break
Thursday: Quadriceps, chest
Friday: Back, arms
Saturday: Break or shoulders, legs, biceps
Sunday: Break or shoulders, legs, biceps

1. Hamstring Workout

2. Glute Workout

3. Back Workout

4. Arm Workout

Alternating Single Arm Cable Curl: 4 sets of 15 reps
Close Grip Bench Press: 4 sets of 12 reps
Bodyweight Dips: 4 sets of 12 reps
Spider Dumbbell Curl: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curl: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Barbell Skullcrusher: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

5. Quad Workout

Brigitte Goudz is an advocate of counting calories and planning your meals in advance. She abides by this philosophy to avoid gaining excess weight and body fat. Brigitte uses an app to track her calories and daily macronutrient consumption.
Goudz eats “clean” all year round to stay in a photoshoot-ready condition. She does not believe in the off-season or cheat meals but rather sticks to healthy food at all times. 
These are Brigitte’s favorite food:

Proteins: eggs, organic chicken, organic beef, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese
Vegetables: lettuce, green beans, tomato, cucumber, spinach, beetroot
Carbohydrates: fruits, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, pumpkin, wholemeal bread
Fats: almonds, peanut butter, olive oil, and coconut oil

Brigitte Goudz uses a range of supplements to improve her physique:

BCAAs: Suppresses protein breakdown and is an efficient energy source during exercise.
ZMA: Boosts muscle growth and strength and improves endurance, recovery, and sleep quality.
Whey Protein: Helps gain muscle mass and strength while losing fat.
L-Carnitine: Helps your body turn stored fat into energy.
Creatine: Increase muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance.
Yohimbine: Quickens fat loss.

Brigitte Goudz has some tips for people just starting their fitness journey:
1. Eat Right
Goudz believes that overlooking the importance of quality nutrition was one of the biggest beginner’s mistakes she made. Not following an effective nutrition plan hindered her physique development as she felt that her body was not responding even to her intense workouts.
2. Rest
According to Brigitte Goudz, she was obsessed with training in her beginning days and did not give her body enough time to rest and recuperate after workouts. This eventually resulted in over-training and slow muscle growth.

Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique Results

Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique Results

Sarah Villegas repeats as champion in the Women’s Physique division at the Olympia 2021.
The Women’s Physique division was one to behold on Friday night. The excitement began during prejudging and it continued during the finals. In the end, it was Sarah Villegas who took home the title.
Villegas wins her second-straight title after being named the champion during the 2020 contest. There was plenty of competition coming into this year and Villegas made sure to enter in her best shape. That was clear all throughout the show.

There was plenty of competition this time around for Villegas. Brooke Walker proved to be a force and finished with the bronze while X took home second place. Villegas has now solidified her spot in Women’s Physique and will continue to defend her title.
The full results have been announced. Check out how the Women’s Physique division played out on Friday night!

Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique Results

First Place – Sarah Villegas
Second Place – Natalia Abraham Coehlo
Third Place – Brooke Walker
Fourth Place – Barbara Menage
Fifth Place – Ana Harias

Previous Olympia Women’s Physique Winners

2020: Sarah Villegas
2019: Shanique Grant
2018: Shanique Grant

Generation Iron will have complete coverage of the 2021 Olympia throughout the weekend. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation, NJ.com, and FanSided. Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.

Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique Prejudging Report & Analysis

Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique Prejudging Report & Analysis

Highlights from the Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique prejudging.
The Olympia 2021 Women’s Physique division saw prejudging come and go on Friday morning. Reigning champion Sarah Villegas headlined a group of 18 competitors looking to take home the Olympia title. We will find out the winner on Friday night and this prejudging round gave a sense of where the athletes stand.
It is no surprise that Villegas was part of the first callout, along with five other competitors. Brooke Walker and Natalia Abraham Coelho joined Villegas and are contenders to take the crown. There was not much movement in the first callout with competitors hitting some of their best poses.

Elizabeth Bradshaw was a late addition to the second callout after being left out of the first. Ana Harias, Barbara Menage, and Melissa Teich were also part of the first callout.
Villegas returned for the final callout as part of a top four. Walker and Coelho returned as well, along with Menage. This shows that there is a clear top level of competition to take down. Check out a full breakdown of the Women’s Physique prejudging below. the champion will be crowned on Friday night during the first night of finals.

Callout Report

First Callout

Natalia Abraham Coelho
Ana Harias
Barbara Menage
Melissa Teich
Brooke Walker
Sarah Villegas

Second Callout

Laura Pintado Chinchilla
Patricia Gosselin
Anne-Lorraine Mohn
Ivie Rhein
Christelle Zarovska
Elizabeth Bradshaw

Third Callout

Tanya Chartrand
Lenka Ferencukova
Alyssa Kiessling
Bork Im Park
Emily Renee Schubert
Carli Terepka

Fourth Callout

Ana Harias
Melissa Teich
Ivie Rhein
Christelle Zarovska

Fifth Callout (Top 4)

Natalia Abraham Coelho
Barbara Menage
Brooke Walker
Sarah Villegas

Generation Iron will continue to provide full coverage of the 2021 Olympia throughout the weekend. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation, NJ.com, and FanSided. Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.

NPC Nationals Mens Classic Physique and Womens Physique Backstage Video

NPC Nationals Mens Classic Physique and Womens Physique Backstage Video

NPC Nationals Mens Classic Physique and Womens Physique Backstage Video     NATIONAL PHYSIQUE COMMITTEE RULE CHANGE: GREEN CARDS November 26, 2019 At the NPC National Board Of Governor’s Meeting held at the 2019 NPC National Championships, a New Rule was enacted in regard ALL United States Valid Green Card Holders. Starting in 2020, All…

NPC Nationals Womens Physique Overall Winner.

NPC Nationals Womens Physique Overall Winner.

Ashley Bader Womens Physique Overall Winner 2018 NPC Nationals & New IFBB Professional Athlete! CONGRATS!