Do Most of You Deadlift?


New member
I was curious if most of you bros use deadlifts regularly in your routines. I see so many guys at my gym- guys who are not bodybuilders and who are quite small and probably have not been lifting for very long- doing endless sets of EZ-curls, forearm curls, tricep extensions, machine flys, and so forth, and I want to scream at them to stop wasting their time, and hit the compound movements! It drives me crazy. I rarely see people doing deads at Ballys, or cleans, or heavy squats, or any other compound exercise that takes maximum effort. Ok. I feel better now.

I start the tren next week @ 90 mg/eod. How long does it take to kick in? I am very excited (not about the numerous injections though).

Right on with regards to the Deadlifts. Deadlifts are KING!
Cool. It is even more special because the tren is the result of my own personal chemistry competence...LOL.
A friend of mine at the gym said this to me the other day: if it hurts, if it is exhausting, if it drains you of all your energy and makes you want to lay down and cry, then you know it is a great exercise.

Right. Under this definition, deadlifts are a great exercise.
I laid off of them for about three months. In the interim, I started doing stiff-legged deads on leg day for my hams and lower back and then I started up my normal deads last week (on back day)and I was pulling much more weight than I was when I stopped. It felt great.
SNDMN said:
I laid off of them for about three months. In the interim, I started doing stiff-legged deads on leg day for my hams and lower back and then I started up my normal deads last week (on back day)and I was pulling much more weight than I was when I stopped. It felt great.

hmmm...just like I promised, eh?
I was going to post a thread on this tonight but I'll just vent in this one. I do deads every back workout just about. As some of you may know, I slipped a disk (I think it was just bulged, but that was the diagnosis) about 6 or so months ago. Damn the pain. Anyway, I have been trying to slowly get up in the weight. I hit 135 x 10 to warm up, then 225 x 10 for a second set. I then moved to 315 x 6 and was feeling in it today. So I moved on to 405 x 2 and said I'm gonna hit 455 x 1 today. After about 1/2 way I wasn't going anywhere so I dropped it. I decided to try again, about 15 min later, and had the same results. Damn damn damn. So I went back to 405 x 2 and 315 x 6. I was so dissapointed because I have gotten 455 before, but I have that back injury in the back of my head. Sorry to vent and yes I do deads. People who don't....NEED TO! Sorry I had to vent.
i don't dead lift cuz it gives me sores but i compensate by doing heavey dumbell rows (using 150Lbs dumbells) lol works forme at least .
Love the deadlifts :) got 495 for a triple :) I am old school I lift heavy squats and deadlifts always have. I dont see many deadlifting in my gym and the squats are most times what I consider maybe 1/4 squats :)
Deads are a great full body can look at most people who dead and those who dont and you can really tell especially w/lower back thickness and shape...
Never used to dead much... I did stiffies for hams... but never regular deads... I did lots of research a couple years ago to improve my workouts and everyone everywhere suggested squats, deads, and bench for size and strength.

I concentrated on those for the last couple years... but I had to drop deads a few months ago... my lower back just can't handle them. I can barely walk for weeks after doing a heavy dead.

I don'T know how you guys do it. Props to ya.
