
  1. Silntrunin

    TNE and Anadrol recipes

    Finally get back to doing some brewing. Been a while since ive brewed any TNE or Anadrol. I had recipes for both but have no idea where i stashed them. Nothing like starting from scratch. Anyway after some searching this is what I ended up using for now. Im happy with the TNE recipe but will...
  2. Phill

    Euro-Pharmacies Clenbuterol injectable mini-log

    I start my second minicycle of injectable clenbuterol today. Have you tried it yet? Love Clenbuterol? I do! This is the second bottle I take, I took one last month. 1ml - 50mcg X 10 days
  3. G

    KL Review

    A late review but never the less i am here to say we are pleased.Big ups to the rep for dealing indirectly with my girl's shit.She dont fuck around when it comes to her stash being low.It is a dramatic and exciting year for us with her womens wellness and my own endeviors.We love the winny❤️ as...
  4. Metal85

    Update 3 weeks into TRT

    OK so back on real shit again I started w a loading dose of 2ml of test cyc next week 1.5ml this last week 1.25ml 1 shot a week. Libido almost back to crazy My eyes are no longer burning every day from being so overly lethargic. More motivation to do every/anything. I never want to be off...
  5. S

    Pharmacom pharma mix 1

    Hi I'm just wondering has anybody tried this blend before? If so what kinda results did you get? Thinking of running 2ml pw split 1ml mon 1ml Thurs. Testosterone phenylpropionate50 mg/ml Testosterone cypionate200 mg/ml Boldenone undecylenate200 mg/ml Any help appreciated.
  6. C

    Mix dbol anadrol help.

    Hello Gentlemen. Wants to do a mix. Please o. Pom in obtaining the recipe. I know that I needed gwaicol Bb Ba Anadrol 50mg and Dbol 50mg in 1ml. Do you have a proven recipe? Do you think the recipe works? Bb15% Ba 5% Gwaicol 15%
  7. Muscle mechanic

    How to make Bacteriostatic Water

    Heard there been a shortage according to search and topics on boards. So I will tell u guys how to make your own BA Water!!! I wrote this article before so it may be similar to another but I am re-writing just for u guys. Here is what is needed: - Benzyl Alcohol can be purchased at lab supply...
  8. Iron Game

    Post Injection Pain (Non Infection)

    Just some information I found that might be useful. What causes (non infection related) injection pain? first the shorter the ester, the higher the melting point secind, the concentration of the gear. third, the solvents used. fourth, injecting too quickly fifth, virgin muscle. Pain is...
  9. S

    Can I put 2 different brands of test c in 1 vial?

    Is it possible if you have 2 1ml vials of test c. From 2 different companies to take out all 1ml of one and put it with the other 1ml..so I will have 2ml all together in 1 vial
  10. cloudstrife1218

    Melanotan and Melanotan II General info and Guide to use

    Background Melanotan (MT) and Melanotan II (MT-II) are both analogs of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) which is produced within the pituitary gland. Along with other melanocortins, they are responsible for various internal human functions including skin and hair pigmentation...
  11. Iron Game

    Site Enhancing Oil and Stretching Fascia for Mass

    Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle. To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added...
  12. charliebigspuds

    nolva bloat

    novle bloat and other MC products.. just to clarify as ive done a search and could not find it.. dosing for MC products is -- 1ml so is that one full pipet= 1ml..? thanks for sharing and caring..:thumbsup:
  13. J

    MC Liquidex, what is the solvent?

    I have aromatase issues so I take adex even when off cycle. It helps but it's impossible to get the dosage right with the caps I have. I want to try a liquid and and dilute it to .5mg per 1ml so that I can take about .125mg per day when I'm not on. So is it diluted in alcohol or sterile...
  14. IronJulius

    can Ethyl Oleate keep the hormones from absorbing?

    so i still have a knot a week old from 2ml shot 1ml test300/deca300mg, 1ml tren E 200mg with EO. i had my blood work done last week and total T came back 234 which was very low for the amount of testosterone i had been taking. so im wondering if for some reason EO is keeping the hormone from...
  15. cloudstrife1218

    Cloudstrife1218's Official Tren/test/mast/MCIGF! cycle log

    Here we are boys and gals!! I am front loading the last few days of this week and then my cycle officially starts Monday. FYI, Cut stack is a Jintani blend. 50mg Tren Ace, 50mg Test Prop, 50mg Drostanolone Prop per mL, so 150mg/mL Weeks 1-2 Cut stack @ 1mL M/W/F/Su Cabaser @ .5mg T/Th Letro...
  16. Presser

    Advanced cutting cycle w/ Tren prop masteron winny and proviron. Short Ester Steroids

    (Advanced cutting cycle) by Oupa's Ripper This is a great cycle for lean mass and getting lean and ripped. I have not added anything to kick start this cycle as the short ester steroids gets to work fast. Short ester orals Winstrol and Proviron are introduced after the Tren Ace substance, as...