
Trenbolone: Anabolic Steroid Profile

In the past few years, Trenbolone’s popularity has surged manifold. It has gone from an anabolic that was rarely used, to one that’s now being used by first-time gear users in their maiden cycles. The primary reasons for the popularity is the sheer strength of the compound. It enjoys an unprecedented 500 rating on the…

Sustanon 250 – Anabolic Steroid Profile

While most performance enhancement cycles with testosterone as the base will use single ester compounds like Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate, a lot of athletes are now switching to Sustanon. Sustanon is a four ester blend of Testosterone that was originally designed as an alternative to conventional esters used for TRT. (1) The idea behind…

Proviron: Anabolic Steroid Profile

DHT derived compounds are typically notorious for causing severe androgenic side effects, which deters a lot of athletes from using them. If you are prone to acne or genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness, then adding just about any DHT based steroid to your stack will trigger these sides. Not pleasant at all, when you…

Primobolan: Anabolic Steroid Profile

Primobolan, also called Primo for short, has always been a compound deeply rooted in Anabolic steroid mythology. A lot of people believe that it was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s go-to drug for years before he discovered the D-Bomb. Well, if you look at Arnie in his teens, he sort of has that less-beefy, more vascular look which…

Ostarine: A very weak SARM that can cause massive suppression

Ostarine, also called Enobosarm is routinely peddled on the internet as a very ‘mild’ performance enhancement drug that can produce some amazing gains. (1) Amongst a slew of positive effects that are spoken about, increasing lean muscle mass and reducing body fat are at the forefront. When you consider the fact that SARMS are known…

Masteron: Anabolic Steroid Profile

Very few anabolic steroids have enjoyed the success of Masteron in therapeutic applications. For over two decades Masteron was the go-to drug for the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in the US and elsewhere in the world.(1) It has a strong anti-estrogenic effect which prevents cancer cells from binding to estrogen receptors in mammary tissue….

Equipoise: Anabolic Steroid Profile

Along with Trenbolone, Equipoise, commonly called EQ amongst bodybuilders, is a veterinary-grade drug that has slowly made its way into performance enhancement. Well, it was available for human use briefly. But it was one of the compounds that was discontinued in the 1970s and since then, has largely been available in the veterinary drug market….

Clenbuterol: Potent Fat Burner Profile

Ever since Ephedrine was banned in the United States, there has been a dearth of viable alternatives that can selectively help burn body fat. Not that Ephedrine isn’t available in the black market. But if you are prepping for a competition, or just want to peel off the last few layers of stubborn body fat…

Are legal Steroids for real?

Frustration can begin to set in your bodybuilding or fitness journey when you reach a plateau, which is most likely to occur once you cross 30-35. No matter how hard you try, the weights just seem to get harder and harder to lift. You cannot break through it, be it muscle gain or fat loss….

Anadrol: Anabolic steroid profile

Anadrol or the A-Bomb is often called the ‘Dry Dianabol’. That’s no mean feat folks, for Dianabol is hands down, the most powerful oral anabolic steroid in the world. A common gripe that steroid users have with Dianabol though, is that it is a ‘wet’ compound. In other words, while it will get you big…