
Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base Testosterone-CHP Leave it to French if you want something off the menu or out of the normal. If you thought their Parabolan and its 76mg per 1.5ml dosage ampules was strangely dosed wait until you see their various esters Testosterone CHP dosage scheme.  Basically, what we…

Building Muscle Mass Using Steroids Equipoise and Dianabol

Equipoise Boldenone and Dianabol Effective Steroid Combinations for Building Muscle Mass! We’ve become a society that believes that more is always better. This appears to ring true with steroid use today. It’s now more common than ever to see men using upward of 1,000mg of testosterone per week. This doesn’t even take into account the other steroids, such…

Never Use Anabolic Steroids Without Having Set A Goal! It’s The Golden Rule

      Anabolic Steroid Golden Rules  Anabolic steroids, technically known as anabolic-androgen steroids (AAS) or colloquially simply as “steroids”, are drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the body. They increase protein synthesis within cells, which results in the buildup of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles. Anabolic steroids also have androgenic and…

SARM Sciences Stacking Synergy Guidelines

SARM Sciences Stacking Guide SARMS STACKING & SARM STAGGERING SARMs are often stacked together, which means that you use two or more compounds at the same time during a cycle. The reason why SARMs are stacked together is simple, you want to get the best results possible. Stacking different SARMs together has gotten extremely populair because of…

How To Make Bacteriostatic Water

How To Make Bacteriostatic Water by Muscle Mechanic   Heard there been a shortage according to search and topics on boards. So I will tell u guys how to make your own BA Water!!! I wrote this article before so it may be similar to another but I am re-writing just for u guys. Here…

Halotestin Is For Strength!

Halotestin Is For Strength!   A popular steroid among powerlifters, and fighters be that MMA or Boxing. Halo will not pack on loads of muscle which is why its not a steroid of choice with many bodybuilders. It will however harden a bodybuilder up towards the end of his pre contest preparation allowing him to…

Solidify Steroid Cycle Gains During Post Cycle Therapy. Mass Gains Keepers Post Cycle Therapy 4.0

Solidify Steroid Cycle Gains During Post Cycle Therapy. The Mass Gains Keepers Post Cycle Therapy 4.0. With Cardarine and Ostarine Stacked with IGF 1 lr3 The key purpose of choosing your post steroid cycle drugs is to ensure your able to jump start your bodies natural testosterone production again. Understand however that once you cycle…

Squatting is essential if you want to build a powerful and massive overall physique.

Squatting is essential if you want to build a powerful and massive overall physique. Beginners Guide To Squatting 1 Foot Placement Feet should be just in-line with your shoulder width to slightly outside it. This placement will work your Ass and Inside your thigh.  If your feet are just inside your shoulders, your hitting the…

TREN A STEROID Trenbolone Acetate

 TREN A STEROID First Trenbolone Acetate Cycle: Trenbolone Acetate is by far the best choice for anyone considering which ester tranbolone to stack with their testosterone cycle. Anyone familiar with the Tren family will tell you this is particular ester is shortest in half life aside from the esterless base trenbolone and that it more…

Post Cycle Therapy Ancillaries.

Arimidex,  Tamoxifen aka Nolvadex, Clomid, Letrozole aka Femara, Caborgoline aka Dostinex   POST CYCLE SARM IGF-1 lr3 STORE