TREN A STEROID First Trenbolone Acetate Cycle:
Trenbolone Acetate is by far the best choice for anyone considering which ester tranbolone to stack with their testosterone cycle. Anyone familiar with the Tren family will tell you this is particular ester is shortest in half life aside from the esterless base trenbolone and that it more easily controlled should any unwanted negative side effects occur.
If this is your first time using this steroid then you can get away with 50mg every other day and still reap the benefits by way of massive strength and muscle gains. This is obviously in addition to testosterone, as i would advise anyone agaist running a cycle of trenbolone by itself!
Its always advisable whenever possible to try running similar half lifes with the hormones your stacking together. So since were talking about trenbolone acetate, the obvious choice for ester life realtionship would be Testosterone Propionate. You can successfully run propionate every other day as well right alongside your Trenbolone acetate.
Test Propionate: 200mg EOD
Tren Acetate: 50mg EOD
Can I Mix Injectable Steroids In The Same Syringe?
Provided both or all of your injectables are oil based steroids, then yes you can mix them and inject them all together. Never Mix Oil and Water based steroids in the same syringe.
TREN A STEROID & testosterone Propionate Cycle Length:
I would suggest you run this combination for 12 weeks.
First Trenbolone Cycle Expectations:
We actually have a great post on this, with a week by week account of Trenbolone Expectations in our Anabolic Steroid Forum. You can find that link at the bottom of this article named “Trenbolone Expectation”.
What I can say provided your doing everything right is that you can expect a lot of attention. You’r size change after and even half way through your first trenbolone cycle will be noticable. So just be ready for it.
“What is he on”
“He’s Juicing”
“Juice Head”
How To Train On My First Trenbolone Cycle:
Yes, it matters how you train on your very first run with this compound stacked with your testosterone. Provided your training 3 days per week minimum, and when I say training, I mean your using free weights, not machines, or bands or God knows what else. It would serve you well to go heavy especially in the big 3! Bench, Squat and Deadlift. If you don’t train even one of those three, then you have no business running tren of any kind. Tren is a game changer, and should be treated as such through how you train. Its a harsh compound, that comes with more negative side effects than most any other steroid out there, and there is no point in using it if your not going to take full advantage of its benefits.
This means Every workout should be planned out around whichever of the BIG 3 compound exercises your performing that day. Lay in bed each night visualizing the next day in the gym, exercise by exercise, the entire workout. Make sure you to stick to your planned workout. If your ready to move on to the next exercise and someone else is still training there, Do NOT be the guy who walks away and settles to use the rope pull down machine when you’re suppose to be doing skull crushers!
Don’t stand there waiting for them to get finished either! Ask “Hey can I work in?” 99.999999% of the time, the person is one of two things, almost done, or happy to let you work in.
Yes, it is that important to maintain your training schedule, and workout routine!
What Should Diet Look Like On First Trenbolone Acetate Cycle?:
If your doing everything talked about above, then you’ll have no problem eating like theres no tomorrow! At this point in the game its not so much what you eat as it is when you eat. Yes, timing matters, and especially so when you begin using other compounds like insulin or IGF 1 lr3, but for now it is just important that you eat more meals spread out through the day as opposed to eating one or two big meals and picking at little junk snacks all day.
You do not need to consume 2-3 grams of protein per pound of your body weight in order to pack on muscle!
No other compound in my opinion can do to an athletes body what trenbolone can when stacked with other steroids such as testosterone like the cycle above.
Your 2nd Trenbolone Cycle:
Here is One of those rare instances where the first time wasn’t the best time, Your 2nd Trenbolone Cycle.

Myogen Trenbolone