Igf, test, masteron, avar cycle

Great log. Lots of excellent information!!
Thanks Brother. At 40 being a little older I can't run certain things at any given time, I gotta be safe.
Testosterone, masteron, and deca have always been safe for me. Eq isn't an option right now with high red blood I am getting it down though, and tren with high red blood don't mix from bp raised.

I never added gw.
Right now doing this
Test e 500- around 600mg a week
Masteron e300- around 700mg week
Test p150- around 100 eod 300mg per week
Been doing above for 3 weeks

One week ago added
dbol 25mg prewk
NPP 300- about 90 eod 270mg per wk
Deca 300-about 300mg per wk

Everything working like it should backed dose of test down after first week or so
Current doses are listed above.
Good thing it's high mg per or I would have to do extra pins at just those doses. Switching to M-W-F on npp and test prop this week and M and F for testE, mastE, and deca.
Will stop npp and test prop after another 10 days and dbol too.

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Starting to feel good. Doing much better with diet. Wanna give a big thanks @Yellowsnow and @JackSteel for reminding me importance of potassium and good sources of it. I used to consume all these things and paid more attention but slowly I let them go and had almost forgot!!!
My days been like this
Get up in morning
2packs oatmeal 45 grams protein
and banana and or dried mango
igf bilateral 60mcg total
Dbol 25 mg
Cialis around 7 mg
Workout at gym
Breakfast 3 boiled-2yokes eggs biscuit with 3 eggs girl from store has them for me M-F special request I asked for
7:20 work
9:00 1 cup fat free cottage cheese apricots or grapes or raisins
11:30 salad balsamic vinaigrette
2 boneless skinless chicken breast or roast beef
3:30 protein bar 30 grams 3/4 anyway coconut water
6:00 supper tonight chicken fajitas 2 lots of chicken breast
8:00 fat free yogurt
Sleep 10:00-11:30 normally don't sleep much lol!
Diet been about this way will continue not having sugar cravings as much at night![emoji120] [emoji106]

Sex drive been thru the roof what u expect prop kicked in two days.[emoji12]

Starting to feel harder and seem a little Tighter.
Current weight 192
Feeling good did phlebotomy Monday red blood hemoglobin was 15.9 before draining.
Last phlebotomy 24 days before Monday hemoglobin was 19.0

Cardio hasn't started yet have to figure out when to work it in will do heavy bag Mauy Thai and kickboxing. Prolly 3 days a week one day on weekends other 2 during week on rest days.
Working out 5 days a week and will do the three cardio 3.
Feeling good and have gotten serious.
Sunday is will post a photo every Sunday I will post photo.

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All gear dosed
Test e 6-700 wk
Masteron e 6-700 wk
Deca around 300 wk
MC igf 60mcg day only I would use
For another week
Test prop 75 mwf
NPP 100 mwf
Dbol 25 day prew
After one week will drop short esters and dbol
I will up test e to 800
Will up deca to 400
Will add proviron at 25-50mg a day.
Have sore shoulder since Monday hurt it at end of back workout supersetting with 50lb dumbbells standing alternating curls. Just is tight and sore

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Sorry missed Sunday photo upload. Lol!
Kids been sick!
Last Friday stopped prop and npp.
Still at 25 dbol pre-workout will cut it out soon
Started proviron 50mg a day. I take it at once no worries.
Test e 700 wk
Deca not much 300 wk joint lube
Masteron 700 or so.
MC IGF 60 mcg a day
Working out 5 days a week
Still haven't added cardio but been active when I play with kids and work hard cardio isn't necessary.
Hight 5'9"
Current weight 192 this morning before workout at 5:30am
My plan here is to lose bf get tight have some abs back
And leaning out to exaggerate muscles.
Not concerned with weight just getting tight
Here is a couple photos after shower.



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Good evening fellas.
Cycle blast same.
Upping testosterone tomorrow
Test e 500 will put at 800 wk
Masteron e will put at 900 wk
Deca will put at 500 wk
Proviron 50 a day
MC igf 60 mcg a day
Letro prolly 2 mg a wk prolly went bad!!!
Added Nolva at 20 mg last night will keep at 10 mg for a bit
If it gets water taken care of may continue.
Or will add some new letro or adex maybe Aromasin will see.
May add caber at .5 two times a week or less just to check it out.

I had got blood cells to 15.8 two weeks ago before draw so in a week I can do another phlebotomy if needed.
I had two issues if ai was bad it's old and not doing job. And blood cells were high at start of cycle.
I am more comfortable about estro now with nolva and blood cells.
Took weekend off from training will start in morning before work.
Weight at 192.

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Last edited:
Shoulder still hurting but it may be getting a little better.
Upped gear like I said
Testosterone e 750 wk
Masteron e 7-800 wk
Deca 4-500 wk
Proviron 50 mg a day
Nolva 10 mg a day
Letro around 1.5 mg per wk
Igf 60 mcg a day
Only did 3 workouts this week have to do legs and tris and bis over weekend.
Shit going on at work and gave that shoulder a rest after shoulder workout Wednesday
May have leaned up a little
Check it out. Got ways to go though!

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Looking good brother seeing some separation in your chest

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I had rough week. Haven't workout since Wednesday. Resting shoulder and the stress at work beat me down.
I was depleted in photos but look better with pump. Will update later in week

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I had rough week. Haven't workout since Wednesday. Resting shoulder and the stress at work beat me down.
I was depleted in photos but look better with pump. Will update later in week

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I'm with ya brother maybe it was in the air. It has been a full week since I hit the gym I am going tomorrow. Feeling better getting bp under control.

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These were out shower others two were from this morning Upon waking


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My plan was to be at 230 lbs but you guys look good under 200.. I might shoot for 190
Depends on height and genetics. I am 192 but gotto cut to 178 to look like GotTren! But I am happy with 185 at 9%
I have small kids, teenagers and grand daugher work is a distance as long as I can get my pump on it am happy

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I'm 5.10' tall I think 190 would look good on me but I think I'll be small..
That's a good weight for 5'10"
When I was younger I used to pull off 5'9" 212 with 8% that was before 27.
I got in bad car accident ruptured disc in neck and back. Now if I get over 195 I hurt. The broader upper body gets it kills lower back. Surgery would help but neck hurts worse so I still would have lower back
But 40 and surgery will be more comfortable nothing more

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I am definitely leaning up. Since dropping the little dbol and either the mast is kicking the proviron or something I am getting harder. I am seeing muscles coming out i ln back and the veins I normally have across the top of back.
I did put the 10 mg of nolva in a week ago and it's doing exactly what I hoped it would do. It's freeing fat that estro keep around.
Do care what anyone says Nolva cuts water off of this mechanic!
I haven't added any cardio in at all.
I am supersetting and doing workouts effortless.
I am not getting the pump I like but never do on a cut.
I gotta get this shoulder pain better figured out it isn't shoulder at all its between spinal cord and shoulder pinch nerve from c4, 5 or 6 it's two of those don't remember which 2. Would have to look at mri's.
Anyway glad I am losing but the pain sucks that I can't push like I want. And the pain was there with all the weight and water retention if did have so that isn't problem I stayed between 7-10% for 3 years and was much more pain free.
Update I dropped proviron shoulder and tendons feeling better in 3 days!
Lol! Aromasin will be heading my way soon
Sad when proviron kills estro better than my old Letro (it just got old liquid)
But I know I got good proviron!
Any masteron and proviron drying me out joints hurt tendons lips cracked
Still got ways to go but I know my body and it's happening the metabolism has kicked in! On toilet twice a day effortlessly! One of my clues everytime! No shit! Yeah shit! Lmao!
Switched to lighter weight but still maje it up to heavy 4 reps on main strength exercise
But reps are 8-12 and hurt from contractions between 8-12 that is weight I am using and going super slow on negative!
Yesterday shoulders
Smith shoulder press seated
20×1 15×1 12×1 10×1 8x2 4×2
Behind head 10×8
70 ' incline dumbbells 4×8
The next 3 done one behind other as supersets 3 quick movements with maybe 1 minute rest between each of 5 circuit sets. Bam bam bam!
Front raises 12×5 superset
Seated reverse pec deck 10×5 superset
Upright rows light slow
10 ×5 superset
Shoulders HAD PUMP!
gear used
Test e 750 wk
Masteron e 7-800 wk
Deca 500 wk
Stopped proviron for now already have more water weight but will adjust
MC Nolva 10 mg every night
MC igf 60-80 bilateral IM a day
MC store Anti-P took 0.25 mg last night
Here is photo after shoulder work for lunch 35 minutes was just getting pump needed longer

And one after showing last night

Hoping to get to 10% or 9% and hold over 186 lbs!

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Update I dropped proviron shoulder and tendons feeling better in 3 days!
Lol! Aromasin will be heading my way soon
Sad when proviron kills estro better than my old Letro (it just got old liquid)
But I know I got good proviron!
Any masteron and proviron drying me out joints hurt tendons lips cracked
Still got ways to go but I know my body and it's happening the metabolism has kicked in! On toilet twice a day effortlessly! One of my clues everytime! No shit! Yeah shit! Lmao!
Switched to lighter weight but still maje it up to heavy 4 reps on main strength exercise
But reps are 8-12 and hurt from contractions between 8-12 that is weight I am using and going super slow on negative!
Yesterday shoulders
Smith shoulder press seated
20×1 15×1 12×1 10×1 8x2 4×2
Behind head 10×8
70 ' incline dumbbells 4×8
The next 3 done one behind other as supersets 3 quick movements with maybe 1 minute rest between each of 5 circuit sets. Bam bam bam!
Front raises 12×5 superset
Seated reverse pec deck 10×5 superset
Upright rows light slow
10 ×5 superset
Shoulders HAD PUMP!
gear used
Test e 750 wk
Masteron e 7-800 wk
Deca 500 wk
Stopped proviron for now already have more water weight but will adjust
MC Nolva 10 mg every night
MC igf 60-80 bilateral IM a day
MC store Anti-P took 0.25 mg last night
Here is photo after shoulder work for lunch 35 minutes was just getting pump needed longer

And one after showing last night

Hoping to get to 10% or 9% and hold over 186 lbs!

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Looking good brother

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