My log to showtime

No workout today, got up and did 30 min on the treadmill. Started my supps for my prep today so hopefully the body starts changing soon. I'm going to do my own prep til 9 or 10 weeks tgen let Guy Cisternino bring me in the rest of the way. He's pretty swamped with his own competition season rt now and I know what needs to be done this far out. Going to switch over to brown rice and sweet potatoes probably wed or Thursday. I'll start posting my diet too. I will tell you I already miss my natural Peanut Butter!! Lol
Nice log! I'm enjoying it. It will be interesting to see how your training changes with your prep
Tuesday was arm day. I got up at 5:30 and got in 30 min of cardio tgen headed to tge gym. Good arm workout.
10 & 10 bicep curls 3 sets
1 arm dbell curls (palms up) 30x12 40x10 45x10
1arm hammer curls 60x10 65x10 70x8
Rope hammer curls 3 sets of 15, 12, 12
High cable curls 2 sets of 12
Rope press downs 3 sets of 25
Close grip bench press 3 sets 135x15 185x10 235x10
Dip machine 3 sets 15, 12, 12
1 arm reverse grip 3 sets of 12
Burn out with straight bar press downs 1 set, I got 22.

Today (Wednesday) I got in 30 min on the treadmill at 5:30 am
I got 35 min on the treadmill this morning, I noticed a little difference today in the body. Think cardio and clean diet are really starting to make a difference. Sat is 13 weeks out so unless I forget or the baby isn't cooperating when I get up I'm going to take pics on Sat. No clue what I weigh but supps are starting to kick in as I am feeling fuller through the shoulders chest and arms. Quads have a few cross striations starting to peak through in the quads and triceps BUT I still have a tire around the midsection. LOL
Have deads and rows tomorrow for back day!
I don't know how you're doing this with a new born! Keep it up bro! Looking forward to the pics!

LOL not the easiest thing ever but Im making it ok.

I sucked this weekend at getting my workouts in here. I was swamped. My wife was busy all weekend so I had my 4 year old boy and my baby girl by myself. pretty hectic LOL
Friday was back,
5 sets of Lat pulls
deads 135x12 225x10 275x10 315x 8 365x8
high hammer rows 4 sets
bbell rows 135x 12 185x10 195x8 205x8 205x8
rope low pulleys 4 sets
dbell shrugs 4 sets
smith shrugs 3 sets

Sat was delts and chest (Cardio 35 min in the am)
I hit 100's on Dbell presses everything else was the usual.
I decided to completely switch things up on chest. Looking at a few pics taken the night before I realized my upper chest is awful so Ive decided to hit upper chest extremely hard

2 sets of cable crossovers to warm up
Hammer strength incline 4 sets
Dbell incline press 75x10 85x10 95x10 100x8
smith machine incline press, but I lowered the bench from the 3rd whole down to the 2nd whole to hit a different angle. 4 sets
fly machine 3 sets
cable crossovers 2 sets

Legs today (Sunday) Cardio 35 min this am
leg ext 4 sets of 25
squats 135x10 185x10 225x10 275x10 315x8
leg press feet apart 4 plates each sidex25 6 platesx20 8 platesx15 10 platesx10
lunges 2 sets of 20 holding 45lb dbells
abbductor machine 3 sets of 15
adductor machine 3 sets of 15
lying hamstring curl 3 sets of 15 12 10

not near as heavy as few weeks past but a felt great, legs are extremely tired!!
Cardio tomorrow morning no weights.
I was just telling The Dude the other day I don't know how parents can diet/train for a show. We don't have kids, but some days I feel so overwhelmed from my long to-do list and dieting that I don't even feel like showering (I do just fyi, lol). Anyway, good for you and good luck!!
Hey silk thx for stopping in on my log! I will admit doing it with a child this time is a lot harder than the last time! lts a nonstop juggling act, I understand that I'm going to miss a few cardio sessions and may miss a workout or have to do it at a very shitty time but having a kid has its advantage too, I'm always busy so tge day goes by fast, my wife doesn't want to go out because it's such as a hassle ;) and most of all she brings me more happiness than anyone can imagine, so it helps offset the shitty feeling of dieting. It's also not going to be forever either, 12 weeks 5 days and I'm a free man and it will make being a regular dad seem like a cakewalk.
Been another few days since I updated, everything is running smoothly. I've gotten in at least 35 min if cardio every morning this week. Had a great arm workout Tuesday. Then I moved up my back day along with my delt and chest day one day since I will be out of town sat at my parents house for fathers day. Yesterday for back I didn't quite the same number of reps but I pulled tge same weight. Last two sets were 3365x6 & 405x5. Everything is clicking rt a long. I may try to take a couple of pics in the morning since it will be the 12 week mark.
I didn't train on sat because we went to my parents house fathers day then today got all jacked up because of the inlaws. Luckily I'm off tomorrow and can just train legs then. I bumped my cardio up to 40 min in the AM today. Quads are really starting to show striations alOng with tris. I had to cut back on my supps, I miscounted everything was going to be a few dosages short and I honestly can't afford anymore so I figured screw I'll cut it back for two weeks and hit everything full force from 11 weeks on. Not a huge difference but I can tell a difference in my fullness during the day. So tomorrow will be 40 min of cardio first thing then get a few meals in and go kill legs!
I went ahead and did another 30 min of cardio tonight and then ate my last meal of 10 oz of talipia and 1 cup of green beans. off to bed feeling pretty good!
Been another few days since I updated, everything is running smoothly. I've gotten in at least 35 min if cardio every morning this week. Had a great arm workout Tuesday. Then I moved up my back day along with my delt and chest day one day since I will be out of town sat at my parents house for fathers day. Yesterday for back I didn't quite the same number of reps but I pulled tge same weight. Last two sets were 3365x6 & 405x5. Everything is clicking rt a long. I may try to take a couple of pics in the morning since it will be the 12 week mark.

will u post the pics here or do u have another spot ur posting pics? i just ask cause some guys keep their pics in log while others in pic forum, dumb if u ask me, but anyhow looking forward to see the pics brutha
I'm going to post them here, I just haven't taken any yet. My wife is still asleep in the mornings and hate taking pics after I eat because bloat so hold so much water. I'll see what I can do though ;)
new pics

11 1/2 weeks out. Very happy with my back, still have that pesty tire around lower abs but I guess thats why i am 11 weeks out and not 4. LOL all critiques welcome.
Had a great leg workout Monday. Weight wasn't as heavy but I did a lot of volume and reps. Tuesday was arms and I hit them as hard as I have in a long time. I'm doing 40 min of cardio now onthe AM. Diet still hasn't changed but I'll probably changed a few things up.
I'm a little frusterated, I had to cut cardio way short this morning from 40 to 11 min this morning. My baby girl woke up screaming and I promised my wife she could sleep in this morning. I knew going into this prep that things like this would come up but it sucks. I will go ahead and do 45 min of cardio after my workout today. I got heavy deads and rows for my back workout so it may be a little rough getting it all in.
not the best pic but noticed my quads are beginning to get striated. They look a lot better than pic shows but anyway just wanted to put it in my log.
They look pretty good in the pic to me! Getting some nice separation too. How are the "supplements" working for you?