Tag: Bodyweight

Hardcore Calisthenics Arm Workout To Build Muscle Mass and Strength

Hardcore Calisthenics Arm Workout To Build Muscle Mass and Strength

Arm training and weights go together like peanut butter and jelly. To build bigger biceps, you’ve got to do the curls. Conversely, you must do cable pushdowns and barbell skullcrushers to craft horseshoe triceps. Or do you? With a little ingenuity, you can get an awesome arm workout with nothing but your body weight. If […]
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Best 12-Week Bodyweight Training Plan To Build Muscle Mass and Lose Fat

Best 12-Week Bodyweight Training Plan To Build Muscle Mass and Lose Fat

Most people relate body transformations with high-end training facilities, the latest machines, and jacked trainers. Although these things can add to your workout experience, they aren’t necessary for carving your dream physique. Most people never start their fitness journey because they cannot make the time to hit the gym. Others fall off the bandwagon because […]
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5 Simple Exercises – A Routine for Daily Calisthenics Training  

5 Simple Exercises – A Routine for Daily Calisthenics Training  

There are several variables you need to consider when writing a workout plan. Once you’ve determined your training goal, you must choose a split, pick your exercises, put those exercises in the correct order, select a set and rep scheme, and allocate appropriate loads and interset rest times.
Invariably, your first draft won’t be perfect, so you’ll need to make changes on the fly, finetuning your workout until you’re 100% happy with it.
It’s no wonder some fitness professionals charge so much to design programs!
However, even the most well-designed workout routine is not worth the paper it’s written on if you don’t actually do it.
And that’s the rub, isn’t it?
You’ve got your gym membership, new workout, training shoes, lifting belt, knee sleeves, chalk, and all that other stuff you drag around in your gym bag. But, if you can’t get your butt in the gym and work out, you’ll never build muscle, get fit, or lose weight.
So, while variables like your training split, set and rep scheme, and exercise sequence ARE undeniably important, the most critical consideration for effective training is consistency, and consistency is KING!
In this article, we share an excuse-free calisthenic workout you can do at home. It’s designed to create an unbreakable exercise habit and make skipped workouts a thing of the past.
Use this workout when you are too busy to hit the gym or as an alternative to complicated, time-consuming gym-based programs.

Calisthenics for Excuse-Free Workouts

While there is nothing wrong with dumbbells, barbells, and machine-based strength training, you’ll need access to all this stuff if you want to use it. Of course, that usually means joining a gym.
Unfortunately, gym memberships can be expensive, and just getting to and from a gym can be time-consuming. When time is short, your workout will probably be the first casualty. After all, exercise is a leisure activity, and things like your job and family commitments will always take precedence.
While you could buy some equipment and build a home gym, this is not always practical; you’ll need enough space for your training equipment and the money to buy it.
The good news is that you can get a GREAT workout using just your body weight. In fact, the only equipment you really need is a pull-up/chin-up bar, which can be purchased very cheaply.
Calisthenics, or bodyweight training, has a long and storied history. The word calisthenics has its roots in ancient Greek and comes from the words for beauty and strength. Bodyweight workouts are the ultimate in fitness convenience, as you can do them almost anywhere and anytime.
And because you won’t have to travel to train, you should have no problem squeezing your workouts into even the busiest of schedules. With fewer barriers, sticking to your exercise routine should be a breeze.
But you’ll need to do more than a few push-ups a day to get fit, lose weight, or build muscle. Instead, you’ll need an effective but straightforward routine. And that’s where we come in.
In the next section, we share a simple yet powerful bodyweight workout program that always delivers excellent results!
The 5 Simple Exercises Routine – Overview
As its name implies, the 5 Simple Exercises Routine revolves around five basic calisthenic movements performed five days per week. You get weekends off for rest and recuperation.

The exercises are:

Air squats
Reverse lunges
Hanging knee raises

However, rather than do the same number of sets and reps each day, you’ll do one set of four of the exercises and five sets of the other. This adds up to nine high-quality sets per week, which is more than enough to produce good results (1).
This is a form of daily undulating periodization, where the volume/intensity of your workouts varies from day to day. However, the exercises are sequenced in such a way that you do each one back-to-back, which makes for a very time-efficient workout. In fact, even if you take it easy, you should be finished in 15-20 minutes.
Here are your workout plans:
Focus exercise: Push-ups



Air squats




Reverse lunges


Hanging knee raises


Focus exercise: Air squats  


Air squats  


Air squats  

Reverse lunges

Air squats  

Hanging leg raises

Air squats  


Air squats  

Focus exercise: Pull-ups   



Reverse lunges


Hanging leg raises




Air squat


Focus exercise: Reverse lunges


Reverse lunges

Hanging leg raises

Reverse lunges


Reverse lunges

Air squats  

Reverse lunges


Reverse lunges

Focus exercise: Hanging leg raises    


Hanging leg raises   


Hanging leg raises   

Air squats

Hanging leg raises   


Hanging leg raises   

Reverse lunges

Hanging leg raises   

How many reps?
The number of reps you perform depends on your current abilities and how you feel on any given day. So, for single sets, you do as many reps as possible (AMRAP), and for the five sets of your focus exercise, you do about 50-60% of your last AMRAP score.
For example, if you can do 25 push-ups in a single set, do five sets of 12 to 15 reps on your push-up focus day.
It’ll probably take you a week to get used to this program and zero in on the correct number of reps. That’s okay and no different from finetuning your weights for a gym-based workout. So long as you a) take your sets to within 1-3 reps of failure and b) strive to do more reps week by week, you WILL make progress!
As for rest periods, these, too, are based on how you feel. Move as quickly as you can between exercises but don’t feel you need to rush. Rest long enough that you can perform at your best, but don’t dawdle, either. You may need to rest longer between some exercises than others, e.g., after a leg exercise that leaves you feeling out of breath.
As you get fitter and more accustomed to the routine, you should find you can move more quickly between exercises and complete each program a little faster.
Related: Sets vs. Reps: Everything You Need to Know 
The 5 Simple Exercises Routine – Exercise Instructions
One of the best ways to maximize the effectiveness of any workout is to perform each exercise with perfect form. This keeps the tension on the muscles you want to work and stress off your joints. So, not only will your workout be more productive, but it’ll also be safer.
While you may be familiar with the simple exercises in this program, review the instructions below to ensure you are performing them correctly.  
1. Push-ups
Push-ups are the most widely performed exercise in the world, yet many people fail to do them properly. That’s a shame because a well-performed push-up is a thing of beauty! So make sure your push-ups are perfect – make your inner drill instructor proud!

Place your hands on the floor roughly shoulder-width apart and your fingers pointing forward.
Walk your feet out and back until your legs and body are straight. Brace your core, rotate your elbows in toward your sides to engage your lats, and pull your shoulders down and back.
Bend your arms and lower your chest to within an inch of the floor.
Push yourself back up and repeat.
Do not allow your hips to lift or drop out of alignment at any time.

Muscles targeted:

Primary: Pectoralis major, deltoids, triceps.
Secondary: Core.


One of the best upper body exercises – period!
Teaches you how to use your whole body in a coordinated, synergistic way.
Can be modified and adapted for all levels of exerciser.


Use push-up handles to increase your range of motion and take stress off your wrists.
Bend your legs and rest on your knees to make this exercise easier.
Raise your feet to put more weight on your arms and make push-ups more challenging.

2. Air squats
The bodyweight or air squat is a CrossFit staple. Working all your major lower body muscles, air squats are also great for hip and knee mobility and health. A high-rep set of air squats is very cardiovascularly demanding, so it’ll help improve your fitness and burn lots of calories, too.

Stand with your feet roughly shoulder width apart, toes turned slightly outward.
Brace your core and pull your shoulders back and down. Look straight ahead.
Bend your legs and squat down until your thighs are roughly parallel to the floor. Do not round your lower back. Extend your arms in front of you for balance if required.
Stand back up and repeat.

Muscles targeted:

Primary: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus.
Secondary: Core, abductors, adductors.


The undisputed king of lower body exercises.
Highly functional.
Great for improving knee and hip health and mobility.


Raise your heels on a one-inch block for a more quads-centric workout.
Use a wider stance to increase inner and outer thigh and hip engagement.
Pause for 2-3 seconds at the bottom of each rep to make this exercise more challenging.

3. Pull-ups
Pull-ups are probably the most challenging exercise in this workout routine. However, by doing one to five sets of pull-ups five days per week, it’s an exercise you’ll soon master. If you can’t do pull-ups, you can do inverted rows instead, which work the same muscles but involve lifting less of your body weight.

Hang from your pull-up bar with an overhand, slightly wider than shoulder-width grip.
Pull your shoulders back and down and brace your core. Bend your legs if necessary, so your feet are clear of the floor.
Leading with your elbows, bend your arms and pull your chest up toward the bar.
Extend your arms and lower yourself back down under control.
That’s one rep – keep going!

Muscles targeted:

Primary: Latissimus dorsi, biceps, forearms.
Secondary: Core.


An excellent back and biceps builder.
A good indicator of body weight.
An effective way to stretch and decompress your spine.


Start each rep from a dead hand – no swinging or kicking your legs.
You can also do underhand grip chin-ups if you prefer.
Use a resistance band for assistance if required, like this:

4. Reverse lunges
Working your posterior chain with simple bodyweight exercises is not always easy. Most effective movements for this region involve weights, e.g., deadlifts, kettlebell swings, reverse hypers, etc. Reverse lunges are more glute and hamstring-centric than forward lunges and are a great complementary exercise to air squats, which are more quads-dominant.

Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides. Brace your core and look straight ahead.
Take a step back, bend your legs, and lower your rearmost knee down to within an inch of the floor.
Push off your back foot and bring your legs back together.
Switch legs and repeat on the opposite side.
Alternate legs for the duration of your set.

Muscles targeted:

Primary: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps.
Secondary: Abductors, adductors.


Good for identifying and fixing left-to-right strength imbalances.
An excellent mobility and balance exercise.
Provides an effective indirect cardiovascular workout.


Lean forward slightly as you step back to increase glute and hamstring engagement.
Start each rep standing on a two to four-inch platform to increase your range of motion and the difficulty of this exercise.
Do this exercise next to a wall or handrail for balance if required.

5. Hanging knee raises
With so many bodyweight core exercises to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one to do. However, most are too easy to deliver much of a core strengthening effect. Hanging leg raises are much more challenging and effective, which is how they made it into this workout program.

Hang from your pull-up bar with your arms, legs, and body straight.
Brace your core, bend your legs, and pull your knees up to at least level with your hips. Tilt the bottom of your pelvis forward to maximize abs engagement.
Lower your legs and repeat.

Muscles targeted:

Primary: Rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, hip flexors.
Secondary: Obliques, forearms.


A challenging and effective core exercise.
An excellent way to strengthen your grip.
Provides a useful way to stretch and decompress your spine.


Use chalk or lifting straps to reinforce your grip.
Progress to straight legs if your abs are strong enough.
You can also do this exercise sat on the end of a bench for a similar but easier workout:

Simple Exercises Routine – FAQs
Do you have a question about this workout routine or any of the exercises in it? No worries because we’ve got the answers!
1. Is it safe to do the same exercises every day? What about recovery?
While it’s generally accepted that muscles take 48-72 hours to recover from a workout, that’s only true when you do intense bodybuilding-style workouts consisting of several exercises and multiple sets per muscle group
Simple bodyweight exercises are much less taxing, and providing you keep the volume relatively low, you should have no problem recovering from one workout to the next. In fact, you are only doing one hard training session per exercise per week, and the workouts themselves are very short.
So, rather than being dangerous or difficult to recover from, you should find that daily workouts lead to quicker improvements in your fitness and strength, plus you’ll master the exercises and become more proficient at doing them.
2. Can I change the exercises?
You can, and we actually encourage you to do so! Doing the same exercises daily could become boring, so use variations to keep your workouts fresh and interesting. For example, you could rotate between push-ups, decline push-ups, deficit push-ups, paused push-ups, and diamond push-ups.
While so much variation will make it a little harder to manage your rep count, provided you take each set to within 1-3 reps of failure, it will have the desired results.
3. How can I work some cardio into this routine?
The best cardio options for home exercisers are those you can either do at home or start and finish at home. This avoids having to travel for your workout, e.g., driving to the gym to ride an exercise bike, which is a colossal waste of time.
So, good cardio options that complement this workout routine include:

Try to accumulate a minimum of 10,000 steps (or the equivalent) per day for your fitness and health.

4. Are push-ups and pull-ups enough to build bigger arms?
While push-ups are predominately a chest exercise and pull-ups mainly work your upper back, both also involve your arms. Push-ups hit your triceps, while pull-ups also work your biceps.
In fact, your arms will probably fail before your bigger chest and back muscles when you do these exercises.
As such, push-ups and pull-ups have the potential to help, you build bigger arms.
That said, if more muscular arms are one of your training goals, you may want to finish your workouts with a couple of sets for your biceps and triceps. For example, you could do a biceps and triceps workout 2-3 times per week or train your biceps one day and your triceps the next.
However, avoid the temptation to do lots of direct arm training. Too much could lead to overtraining and interfere with your pull-up and push-up performance. That would be unfortunate given how productive these exercises are.
5. What is the best way to warm up for this workout
One of the great things about bodyweight exercises is how joint-friendly they tend to be. As such, you won’t need a long, in-depth warm-up before your workouts. However, you should still spend 5-10 minutes preparing your muscles and joints for what you’re about to do. This will not only reduce your risk of injury but also improve your performance, leading to a better workout.
Start with five minutes of easy cardio followed by dynamic mobility and flexibility exercises for your main muscles and joints. Finish your warm-up with one sub-maximal set (e.g., 50% of your normal reps) of each exercise. After that, you should be good to go!
6. Is 20-30 minutes of exercise per day enough for weight loss and fat burning?
Weight loss and fat burning have more to do with your diet than your workout plan. It’s much easier to eat less than it is to exercise more. Providing you have a sufficient caloric deficit, your body will have no choice but to burn fat for fuel. Adding exercise into the mix merely increases your energy expenditure and raises that deficit.
If you aren’t losing weight with 20-30 minutes of exercise per day, the chances are that you are still consuming too many calories. Adjust your diet to create a large calorie deficit. More exercise is not always the best way to lose weight, as it’s seldom sustainable.
Closing Thoughts
The 5 Simple Exercises Routine probably sounds too easy to be effective. After all, most workouts are much longer and harder, right? However, those workouts are also much more difficult to do consistently, and sticking to them requires cast-iron willpower, motivation, and lots and lots of time.
And that’s the problem, isn’t it?
For any workout to be effective, you actually have to do it. Not just for a week or a month, but for as long as it takes to get and stay in shape.
In other words, forever!
And that’s where following a simple, convenient workout comes up trumps. With fewer barriers to participation, you’ll start completing more workouts than you miss, and that’s what will give you the results you want.
Simple, frequent workouts will always produce better progress than complicated workouts you hardly ever do.
So, if you are fed up with starting workout programs you can’t stick to, try doing something so straightforward that it’s excuse-proof. Don’t let the power of simplicity fool you. It WILL deliver results.

Baz-Valle E, Fontes-Villalba M, Santos-Concejero J. Total Number of Sets as a Training Volume Quantification Method for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review. J Strength Cond Res. 2021 Mar 1;35(3):870-878. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002776. PMID: 30063555. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30063555/

4-Week Bodyweight Workout Program You Can Do At Your Home

4-Week Bodyweight Workout Program You Can Do At Your Home

4-Week Bodyweight Workout Program
Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, most gyms around the world are closed. It’s probably the first time in history that the fitness enthusiasts have been locked out of the gyms. This could be a big blow to serious lifters as a 4-week gym closure can be a death sentence for their gains.
Not hitting the gyms can have a major impact on your physique and can set you back on your progress by weeks. Most lifters use not having access to weights at home as an excuse to miss their workouts. In this article, we’ll be giving you a 4-week bodyweight workout program that you can do at your home.

Week 1 – Day 1-7

Treadmill / Stairs / Walk – 15 Minutes
Stretching – 2 Minutes 
Push-Ups – 100 Reps 
Cobra – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Downward Dog Push-Ups – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Bicep Push-Ups – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Squats – 3 Sets 25 Reps
Leg Raises – 3 Sets 25 Reps
Planks – 3 Sets 1 Minute Each

As you could tell, this is not your typical home workouts where you’re done before even breaking a sweat. You can rest for 30-seconds after completing every set. To maintain optimal intensity, you need to make sure that you complete the workout within an hour.

You need to do a total of 100 reps of the push-ups. Depending on your fitness level, you could complete the 100 reps in one set or perform 10 sets of 10 reps. The back is one of the hardest muscle groups to train with bodyweight exercises. You need to have a strong mind-muscle connection to train it effectively.
For the bicep push-ups, place your hands at your sides so that your fingers are pointing towards your legs and your wrists are facing forward. Pin your elbows against your torso. Warm-up your wrists and forearms before performing the exercise.
Week 2 – Day 8-14

Treadmill / Stairs / Walk – 20 Minutes
Stretching – 5 Minutes 
Burpees – 3 Sets 10 Reps 
Lunges – 3 Sets 15 Reps (Each Leg)
Inch Worm – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Wide Stance Push-Ups – 3 Sets 20 Reps
Prisoner Squats with Calf Raises – 3 Sets 20 Reps
Tricep Dips – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Reverse Crunches – 3 Sets 25 Reps
Superman Planks – 3 Sets 1 Minute Each

Most fitness beginners make the mistake of changing their workouts way too often. Although you need to avoid a plateau to keep making progress, you’ll be leaving gains on the table if you switch exercises before your muscles get the most out of them.
Stretching is an integral part of training at home. The fascia gives way to your muscles to get bigger when you stretch. You’ll see significant improvement in your muscle mass and conditioning with progress in your mobility and range of motion.
Week 3 – Day 15-21

Treadmill / Stairs / Walk – 30 Minutes
Stretching – 10 Minutes 
Decline Push-Ups – 100 Reps 
Scapular Push-Ups – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Push Back Push-Ups – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Bicep Leg Curls – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Sumo Squats – 3 Sets 25 Reps
Bicycles – 3 Sets 25 Reps
Plank – 3 Sets 20 Reps

In the bicep leg curls, lean against a wall, raise your left leg off the floor, and hold your left ankle with your right hand. Your right leg will stay planted on the floor. The goal is not to curl the leg but to apply resistance to your right bicep.
To do the scapular push-up, set up in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet together. Without bending your elbows, pinch your shoulder blades together and press your chest out. Do not let your core wiggle or your elbows bend to try to increase your range of motion.
Week 4 – Day 22-28

Treadmill / Stairs / Walk – 30 Minutes
Stretching – 10 Minutes 
Chair Push-Ups – 100 Reps 
Bodyweight Tricep Extensions – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Elevated Push-Ups – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Bicep Resistance – 3 Sets 30 Seconds
Narrow-Stance Squats – 3 Sets 25 Reps
V-Ups – 3 Sets 25 Reps
Plank Up-Downs – 3 Sets 20 Reps

In the elevated push-ups, place your feet on an elevated platform. Keep a neutral spine position and the crown of your head should be pointing towards the ground. If you’re attempting to do this for the first time alone, put a pillow under your head.
For the bicep resistance, you need to find a sturdy surface – something that won’t move no matter how much force is applied to it. Stand facing a surface which is at your waist level. Grab it with an underhand grip and try to curl it so that tension is placed on your biceps.

Are you following a bodyweight home workout program? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How Wrist Wraps Enhance Bodyweight Workouts For Support & Stability

How Wrist Wraps Enhance Bodyweight Workouts For Support & Stability

Use wrist wraps in efforts to enhance those bodyweight workouts.
We often find ourselves lifting big weight and neglecting the fact that bodyweight workouts can actually enhance our routine. A great bodyweight workout has the ability to provide for convenience and allow us the versatility of performing this anywhere and at anytime, however, for those of us looking to gain muscle and increase size, we look down on bodyweight workouts.
But we shouldn’t because these can greatly influence our gains with the right approach. For those concerned about unwanted soreness caused by those bodyweight workouts that target the upper body, fear not. Wrist wraps are a great lifting accessory that translates well into both bodyweight and weightlifting exercises. The right option for support and added stability, wrist wraps will go a long way for your routine.

Let’s take a look at both bodyweight workouts and wrist wraps to see how these two correlate. A great bodyweight workout can take our routine to new heights and a quality pair of wrist wraps will be a game changer when it comes to all of those support and stability goals.

Benefits Of Bodyweight Workouts
While we all love to lift big weight and take advantage of those machines in the gym, looking to bodyweight exercises also has plenty of perks. The benefits of bodyweight exercises will prove to you why you should put these into your routine and maybe even put an increased focus on these as well.
Benefits of bodyweight workouts include:

Convenient and versatile: These can be done anytime and anywhere and serve as a great workout with no equipment needed so you never have an excuse to not get a great workout.
Can build muscle: Bodyweight exercises actually can build muscle and it would be a mistake to neglect what these can do for all your gains (1).
Lower risk of injury: Without using weights and the sheer amount of load that weights can cause, what you will find is your risk of injury is lower and you can better tackle those recovery needs pain free.
Progression is strictly rep based: You can keep track of progress by counting how many you perform. If you start at ten push-ups and work to fifty, it is a clear line of progress in your strength goals.
Get that heart rate up: Work to elevate your heart rate to give yourself increased calorie burn and the chance at a great aerobic workout to increase endurance and shed some unwanted fat (2).
Perfect for all levels: Bodyweight exercises are perfect for people of all experience levels and will fit nicely into any number of routines.

Related: 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle
Are Bodyweight Workouts Worth It Over Weightlifting?
Bodyweight workouts are better than weightlifting if it comes to the right person. Both are highly effective forms for seeing gains, however, depending on who you are and what your intended goals are, you can better tackle any and all of those exercise needs.
Given the above benefits, it would appear that bodyweight workouts can offer great gains to you, but so can weightlifting. For those who are more into seeing muscle growth with strength and size, weightlifting is for you. Those looking to build muscle and get the heart rate going in a convenient way with less load, then bodyweight exercises are for you. While it is a preference, you just need to know what your intended goals are.

How Wrist Wraps Benefit You
Wrist wraps are a workout accessory used by many to improve their lifts and overall training. However, wrist wraps can benefit your bodyweight workouts and is something to consider, especially for those prone to wrist pain and potential problems with wrist support and stability.
Benefits of wrist wraps include:

Stabilize your wrist: For those who want a solid grip or a more stable feel when working out, wrist wraps will hold your wrist in place to prevent excess movement that can cause unwanted pain and injury (3).
Provide better grip: A better grip allows for more comfort and if you are undertaking an aggressive workout, the more comfortable you are, the better you will perform (4).
Support high volume and intensity: For those more intense movements, what you will find is wrist wraps will keep your wrists supported and able to tackle any of those problems.

How Wrist Wraps Benefit Those Bodyweight Workouts
One may be wondering how exactly wrist wraps can benefit your bodyweight workouts. Without lifting weight, why is it important to use wrist wraps? Well, wrist wraps can provide that comfort, support, and stability for a number of bodyweight exercises, especially with the intensity and strain of certain movements.
Think of a push-up. Your wrists are constantly moving and overtime, that wear and tear can cause unwanted pain. Or the burpee, where the explosiveness of this movement and the catching of yourself on the ground can be a lot on your wrists. With wrist wraps, what you will find is that you are better supported for intensity, more stable during those static exercises, and better assisted for those more dynamic ones.
Related: Best Bodyweight Partner Exercises To Add To Your Workouts
Certain Bodyweight Exercises With A Focus On Wrist Wraps
Let’s take a look at a few bodyweight exercises that you should use wrist wraps with to enhance gains and work for the best protection and support.
Great wrist wrap bodyweight exercises include:

Hand Walks

Check out our list of the Best Wrist Wraps for more great support and stabilizing products!

Wrap Up
Bodyweight exercise are perfect to include in your workout and when placed into your routine, you will see great gains minus the weight. While the load and increased strain on your wrists can be a lot, including wrist wraps in your routine is something to heavily consider for they can offer support, stability, and a great sense of comfort for those lifts. If you want to take advantage of a great bodyweight workout without worrying about unwanted wrist pain, then definitely consider wrist wraps in your gym bag.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Martins, F.; et al. (2018). “High-intensity body weight training is comparable to combined training in changes in muscle mass, physical performance, inflammatory markers and metabolic health in postmenopausal women at high risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled clinical trial”. (source)
Willis, L.; et al. (2012). “Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults”. (source)
Weiss, A. K.; Tsai, H. H.; Puffer J. C. (2002). “Bilateral Wrist Pain-Weightlifter”. (source)
Lee, Julia-Ann; Sechachalam, Sreedharan (2016). “The Effect of Wrist Position on Grip Endurance and Grip Strength”. (source)

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle

The 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises
Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t always need added resistance for building muscle mass. If you’re just starting to workout, you’d be better off starting with bodyweight exercises. Your own bodyweight is enough to shape your muscles.
With the growing popularity of calisthenics, bodyweight exercises have become even more popular. Performing bodyweight exercises are way more convenient than using dumbbells and barbells. You can do the bodyweight workouts in the convenience of your homes.
1. Pushups

Pushups are one of the first exercises people learn to perform for building muscle mass. This exercise helps with building size, strength, and definition in your chest. You can perform different variations like diamond, close-grip, wide-grip pushups to target your chest from different angles.
2. Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are the ultimate test of your upper body strength. If you are a beginner, it might be hard for you to perform bodyweight pull-ups. Ask someone for a spot or use an assisted pull-up machine until you build strength in your arms.
3. Squats

Squats are one of the most important exercises. It is a compound (multi-joint) exercise which targets multiple muscles. Squats help in building overall strength and will make you stronger at other exercises as well.
4. Dips
You can perform the dips on parallel bars if you have an access to them at the park near your home or at your gym. You could also use a chair at your home or a bench in a gym to perform the dips. Dips target your chest and triceps.
5. Walking Lunges
If you like going for walks, you might want to add walking lunges to your routine. Lunges target your lower body and will help in getting your legs in shape. You could also perform standing lunges if you plan on performing them indoors.
6. Step-Ups
We are not limiting ourselves to upper body exercises and are taking an overall approach to bodyweight exercises. Your legs are the foundation of your body. Step-ups help in developing your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

7. Donkey Kicks
Donkey kicks are the ultimate glute exercise. This exercise isn’t only for women, men can use some booty gains as well. Assume the starting position on all fours. Begin to lift your right leg, knee staying bent, foot staying flat, and hinging at the hip. Use your glute to press your foot directly toward the ceiling and squeeze at the top. Ensure your pelvis and working hip stay pointed toward the ground.
8. Calf Raises
Calves are one of the most stubborn muscle groups. You don’t need to use added resistance for developing your calves. Mimic the motion of a ballerina, stand on your toes, hold and squeeze your calves at the top of the movement for the best results.
9. Handstand Pushups
Broad shoulders are the epitome of a chiseled physique. Only a few other exercises target the shoulders like the handstand pushups. If you can’t perform a handstand pushup, use a wall for support or ask someone for a spot.
10. Planks
No physique can be deemed complete without a ripped midriff. Planks are the perfect exercise to target your core. A strong core can help you lift heavier weights as it stabilizes your body. Make sure you don’t let your crotch hang lower than your body or form a bridge while performing planks.

Which other bodyweight exercises should be on the list? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Jamie Foxx Does Not Have Trainer, Uses Bodyweight Exercises To Stay In Shape

Jamie Foxx Does Not Have Trainer, Uses Bodyweight Exercises To Stay In Shape

Jamie Foxx is a famous actor who does not use a trainer but believes bodyweight exercises are enough to stay ripped.
Jamie Foxx is a well-known name in Hollywood who has enjoyed a career that spans over two decades. Foxx is a multi-talented individual whose work has spanned from the big screen to music. At 53 years old, Foxx continues to be in amazing shape and he has done so without the help of a personal trainer and heavy weights.
Despite being more than capable, Foxx does not spend copious amounts of money to keep his physique in shape. Instead, Foxx uses a pull-up bar every morning to complete 20 a day. Foxx then falls to the floor and completes exercises such as push-ups, dips, sit-ups, and back extensions.

Jamie Foxx recently sat down with Men’s Health for an interview discussing his daily workout routine.
“I do that as soon as I get out of bed and that way I get it out of the way so I don’t have the anxiety, and I just get through it. If you do a little bit of that every day, pretty soon you’ll start to build up your endurance,” Foxx said during the interview.
“You don’t need a trainer, just go back to the old-school calisthetics,” Foxx said, referring to bodyweight workouts that can be done in any location without having to transport dumbells, barbells, or benches. The movements are also simple and can be done with minimal instruction.”
Foxx has been able to keep up an impressive physique and this even allowed him to grace the cover of the Men’s Health magazine. It is not unusual for actors to keep up their physiques to look their best on screen. Foxx can be put not that category.

Jamie Foxx has been apart of movies that has allowed him to remain in top shape. He has starred in movies such as Law Abiding Citizen, Baby Driver, and The Kingdom. It has been announced that Foxx is preparing to portray Mike Tyson in an upcoming limited series entitled ‘Tyson.”
This is bound to be an exciting series given the names that are involved. Outside of Tyson and Foxx, Martin Scorsese and Antoine Fuqua are executive producers. This is just another part that forces Foxx to remain in shape on a daily basis.
It is always impressive to see the shape that celebrities are able to remain in while working busy schedules. This is part of the routine and there are plenty of personal trainers able to keep celebrities on this tight schedule and routine. For Foxx, he does not need most of that and remains content with building a physique using bodyweight exercises and movements.
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