Tag: Injectable Steroids

Women & Injectable Steroids

Women & Injectable Steroids

Ladies, this article is all for you. You’ve been competing for a year or three, and you enjoy everything about it. Maybe you started in figure and worked your way into fitness as you learned the routines. Over time, you fell in love with the weights and have discovered a real interest in bodybuilding. You have great shape, you hold muscle well, and those around you with experience believe you will make a decent mark once you run a small cycle of steroids. So you’re finally starting to do your research before taking that initial plunge.
For women, one of the aspects of steroid use which sets is apart from other supplement and yes, even other drug use, is that many of the side effects are permanent. The keen eye of a bodybuilding steroid expert can notice a female steroid user even a decade after she halts all androgen use. The wise woman will be aware of the potential side effects of AAS use before she takes that first needle plunge, and prepare accordingly. Let’s examine some of these side effects.
The immediate side effects of heavy androgen use in women will be mostly hygienic. Acne and oily skin may arrive quickly. Greater hair growth on the body may be noticeable as well. Menstrual cycle may be disturbed, and increased aggression might be noticeable. Some of the longer-term side effects may not materialize until later, but will he tougher to halt once they do arrive. Clitoral enlargement may be unnoticeable until it is too late. An initial scratchy throat will turn into a lifetime of deeper voice with no notice at all. This process of “virilization”, or the taking on of male hormonal characteristics, arrives in women faster than many would suspect and is surprisingly permanent.
The best advice for women would be to go as far in figure and fitness competition as possible with the use of ephedrine and high-protein diets and heavy weight training before they engage in the ‘dark side’ of bodybuilding chemistry and start using steroids. Once they do take the plunge, a very small and simple cycle of Winstrol or Anavar will lead to tremendous gains without the need to start injecting anything testosterone-based. Women should only use testosterone once they have fully accepted they are about to cross a threshold in which they may never return from – virilization.
This is not to say some women will not enjoy a positive experience from the use of anabolic steroids. Many women find the use of steroids to release the animal inside of them which has allowed them to be as aggressive and strong as they had always desired. The increased stamina, size, and strength can be very liberating to most women. Once the stigma of being a “muscle woman” passes, many women enjoy the new vitality. Others prefer smaller cycles with smaller side effects, both positive and negative. The use of pro-hormones may be another path that some women may want to consider before taking the plunge into AAS usage. Test the waters with small dose AAS use and decide what is best for you, ladies!

Esiclene And Site Injections

Esiclene And Site Injections

“All hat, no cattle” the old oilman’s phrase goes. This expression illustrates the silliness of the man who doesn’t invest wisely. In the marketing world, the phrase “all sizzle, no steak” might be appropriate to describe a similar case, of the product that looks great but doesn’t have many benefits. In the bodybuilding world, the steroid Esiclene might be somewhat similar.
Esiclene, or Formebolone, is a water-based steroid. Made in Italy and very popular among bodybuilders worldwide, it is extremely weak. Yet it remains a top choice of top professional bodybuilders. Esiclene is used strictly for short-term localized muscle swelling. This results in larger, harder muscles wherever the shot is administered.
Top professional bodybuilders have been known to take 40-80 small, targeted Esiclene shots on the day of the show, 1 to 2 hours before pre-judging begins. It is an extremely painful process, but one that they are willing to endure in order to eliminate genetically weak areas and induce swelling in certain areas to mimic muscle presence. A very small gauge needle will be used, often by two trainers at once who will symmetrically inject just a drop of oil at a time into different muscle groups in order to help them swell and harden up.
Is Esiclene use worth the risks? Too many shots and one can develop blood clots immediately. One errant shot and blood may spurt across the room when a vein is nicked. The short-term stress placed on the liver from attempting to process such a volume of oil cannot be measured. It’s extremely toxic to the liver, despite the fact that it only lasts 15 to 25 hours. For this reason, Esiclene is usually only used several times per year, on the day of the show, to create the short-term illusion of muscle.
As a local competitor at the regional or state level, Esiclene should be avoided. If you’re a national level competitor, it is, unfortunately, an evil, which you may have to pursue should you have a lacking body part holding you back from reaching the next level. If you’re just a gym rat who has no plans to compete, you should absolutely never use Esiclene – the risks far outweigh any benefits. For advanced competitors, the best advice is to use it carefully and wisely, and always have your liver enzyme levels checked following each competition in which it is used to ensure no long-term damage has been incurred.

Boldaxyl 300

Boldaxyl 300

CHEMICAL NAME: Boldenone Undecylenate
FORM: Injectable
USES: This is a veterinary drug used to treat horses for muscle wasting or for rehab after an injury to regain muscle and get back into regular work. There is no partner drug in the human steroid world that is equivalent, therefore there are only veterinary specifications and doses recommended. It is used for great strength and size gains and the results are rapidly received.
THE GOOD NEWS: This is a great drug that gets you hard, round, and gives you appreciable size. It isn’t a testosterone, but it’s certainly a great middle of the road size builder that is great during pre-contest cycles (more in the earlier weeks to ensure size is retained). Good news is, it’s good for both men and women, typically. Aromatization is rare and so is bloat. Not known to be liver toxic. Increased libido.
THE BAD NEWS: Boldaxyl 300 drug can be difficult to obtain, and even more difficult to ensure that it’s the real McCoy. So many fakes have been made over the years, just make sure you keep up on current snafus in the marketplace by going online frequently to check out bottle types and labeling issues. Oil production in the skin can increase, which means you’re more prone to acne. Aggression is also possible. Increased libido (depending upon how you see it – is positive or negative)
RECOMMENDATIONS: Use this drug in the off season for women and off season and pre-contest for men. Dose should be about 400mg per week injecting 2x/ week for men, or a bit higher for shorter cycles. Strength builds rapidly from the beginning, so stay as low as you can at first and then go in hard and get out. Women should use about 100-150mg per week. It’s better to inject small amounts 2x/ week than to inject the 100-150mg in one shot.
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: A little water retention
FAKES: Tons. It’s always a gaff in labeling that gives it away. When EQ was really popular back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, it was knocked off every week, it seemed. Go online and check labels and read up before you buy.
EXPENSE RATING: Expensive – About $70 a bottle depending upon who sells it to you and how available it is. Men need at least 2 bottles for a cycle and women 1/2 to 1 bottle.
EFFECTIVENESS RATING: (Scale of 1-10) For it’s non-aromatizing effects, its tremendous ability to add strength and size, and for its relatively few side effects, it remains a 9 in our book!
LAST WORDS: Using it in the off season or pre-contest – either one – will produce killer results. It’s just such a great hardening agent, size keeper (when dieting) or mass builder (when eating tons of food).

How To Avoid Injury From Self Injections

How To Avoid Injury From Self Injections

Q: I just gave myself an injection into several parts of my arm. One of those has a small bruise on it. It hurts a lot and feels sore deep into the muscle. It hurt a little extra when I was doing the injection, but I did move the needle slightly. Is it anything to worry about?
A: Chances are, it’s not something to worry about if it’s just sore and there isn’t a big pustule attached to it. I’d worry if it were blowing up, causing excessive water retention around the site, seeping pus, discoloring badly or causing horrid pain in a surrounding joint. What probably happened is you hit a vein? This is really easy to do in the limbs and one of the reasons why it’s not altogether smart to site inject on a regular basis. I’d really only inject esiclene or synthol into limbs anyhow, just because site injecting drugs hasn’t really been proven to be so much more effective that it makes the risks worthwhile. I’ve known people who have had some nasty abscesses in their limbs at the site of injections all because they hit veins, inadvertently used dirty gear, or had dirt and sweat on the surface of the skin near the injection site prior to injecting.
It’s not really a good practice to get into. You can avoid hitting veins in two ways, but neither is foolproof. One, you can have someone else inject you and look for veins on the surface of the skin in places you cannot see and try to avoid them. Or, two, you can get into the good habit of aspirating to make sure you don’t inject a vein. Aspirating is simply putting the needle in and drawing back to see if you get air/suction, or blood. If you draw blood back up into the syringe, you’ve hit a vein and should re-insert the needle and try again. Always aspirate. You can hit veins in any area of the body, though it’s less likely in the hip and areas where it’s extra fleshy. Also, you mentioned that you jostled the needle when injecting, and that can also be the cause of pain. It’s also the reason why injecting your own upper limbs isn’t a good idea.

The Influential Axis Of Testosterone Enanthate

The Influential Axis Of Testosterone Enanthate

Upon the testicular axis along the hypo-thalamus and hypo-physial system, the testosterone enanthate contains such an immense influence that is so strong. The hypophysis system is known to be inhibited by the good will of a positive feedback. In essence, this has led to the advent of more negative influences upon the production of the androgenic testosterone. Some possible effects have been described in more details by a German company Jenapharm, inside their insert in the steroid’s package. Within this insert there is information to the effect that within a high treatment dose of testosterone compound, there is an unusual reversible interruption which can also be seen as the reduction of any spermatogenesis within the testes which should be expected, where as there could also arise a specific testes reduction in terms of size.
The Dragon Pharma, one of the Testosterone enanthate manufacturers, have suggested that specific idea of the same magnitude on its package, stating categorically that any long-term or even high dose of application of any Testosterone Enanthate could lead to a more reversible interruption, and even the reduction of sperm counts inside the testes, which in essence reduces the size of the testes and must be expected after their usage. In addition, after a specific reading of the statements, there should be an additional dose intake of HCG which must always be considered. For those who are after the intake of DP testosterone enanthate, there should be a consideration of having the HCG in your dosage for around 6 or 8 weeks.
A single injection of around 5000 I.U after every five days for a time of about 10 days or basically a total of around 3 injections, aids in the reduction of the problem. After a specific treatment of testosterone administration through HCG, Nolvadex, Clenbuterol or Clomid, it has become such a treatment that is more common, nowadays. In a huge extent, any usage of some of these elements aids one to absorb a significant phase of catabolic nature amidst aiding in the elevation of any of the endogenic levels of testosterone. Through this method, any loss in mass and gain in strength which could occur at any occasional or recurrent event could be well reduced.
For those individuals who are always leaving the Testosterone Enanthate, they do call turkey immediately after a couple of weeks have lapsed, amidst being left to muse and wonder just how rapid the weight of their bodies plus their former huge muscles begins to decrease. Even after they invoke such a slow phase of tapering, which is much reduced after a dose of the steroid step per step, they might not be able to prevent such a reduction that is far much noticeable. Most bodybuilders, athletes and even sportsmen and women alike can be able to gain massively strong and huge even with the usage of the Testosterone enanthate. But the fact is that it’s just a few individuals who have the ability to clearly and simultaneously retain the size of their attained bodies, after an eventual discontinuation of the steroidal compound.

Can Steroids Help With Joint Injuries?

Can Steroids Help With Joint Injuries?

Q: I’m getting ready to start a growth cycle, but my shoulder has been bothering me. Should I start or wait? I’m going to take Decabol, Testabol Enanthate and some Boldabol.
A: Nandrolone may help your shoulder situation, but I’d wait. Honestly, you could do an interim cycle with just Oxanabol or another light oral, and train light to assess whether you can actually train through this pain, and get to the other side, or whether you need to actually take a break.
You should know what you’re dealing with before endeavoring a big growth cycle. It’s really not worth spending all that money if you’re just going to be at half mast in terms of ability to lift. If your shoulder is also limiting your chest movements, then definitely take some time off, do a light interim cycle upon returning, to work through pain with a little support, and then do a cycle you were planning.

Decabol 250

Decabol 250

Have you ever thought about taking steroids? If you are a serious bodybuilder or avid weightlifter then you may have thought about taking steroids or you are thinking about it now but before you take the leap and buy steroids wouldn’t you like to know what the best steroid is? The answer would hopefully be yes and lucky for you that you came across this articles because we are going to tell you what the best steroid to buy is and we are going to tell you why it is the best.
There are many people out there who will tell you that the best steroid out there is this steroid or that steroid or this and that but half the time people just try to impress other people with useless knowledge. Well let’s cut the crap out and get straight to the put and tell it like it is. The best steroid out there has always been and will always be Nandrolone Decanoate by British Dragon Pharma or Decabol for short. Decabol 250 is the best steroid out there for numerous reasons and the first and most important reason is that Decabol works and it works quite well.
If you are a seasoned bodybuilder or a beginner weightlifter you will find that Decabol is the best steroid out there after trying it for a month. After trying Decabol 250 out for four weeks you can expect to see some serious growth in muscle mass as well as some serious strength gains. Decabol will kick in rather quickly and you will be amazed by the results you will generate. If you are a beginner and you have never done steroids in your life then you are in for a treat when you take this steroid.
You see Decabol has been out for a very long time and it is one of the best steroids out there because of how effective it works. A lot of steroids have serious side effects and Decabol does have a few side effects but it does not carry as many negative side effects as other leading steroids. Another good thing about Decabol 250 is that it is usually affordable and easily obtainable. Decabol usually works rather fast and the results are usually nothing short of amazing. So if you are looking into doing some steroids and you want some real results then go and take the best steroid there is and that steroid is Deca.