Tag: Injectable Steroids



Trenbolone acetate, also known as Tren, is the scientific name of the chief ingredient in Finaplix, Trenboxyl Acetate, Trenolab-A 100, Trenbolone 100, Trenadex Acetate, Trenbolon 100, Trenbolone 75, which is a very widely used steroid among bodybuilders. Tren is a really potent steroid that is put in the Class I variety. It binds to the … Read More →
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Trenbolone – The Most Confusing Steroid

Trenbolone – The Most Confusing Steroid

The Trouble with Tren (Oh, it works!): But Do YOU Know Which is Which, What to Use and Why? Tren can be confusing. Let’s just get that out on the table from the start. Exhibit one: The Moniker “TREN”. When someone says “Tren” they could, feasibly, be referring to at least 5 different compounds. They … Read More →
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Substance: Trenbolone, 76 mg per 1.5 ampule Parabolan, the French steroid has a number of things going for it. Parabolan is a derivative of the 19-nortestosterone molecule, which is the same parent drug as Deca-Durabolin. This similarity does not end there, these two drugs act very much alike. In fact Parabolan can be mistaken for … Read More →
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Trenbolone Enanthate: Risk & Rewards

Trenbolone Enanthate: Risk & Rewards

Trenbolone, or Tren, is a very powerful steroid that should be reserved for users of higher experience levels seeking a noticeable increase in their muscle mass and strength levels. Let’s address some of the more common questions and concerns regarding Trenbolone use. Q: Why is Tren considered more risky than other drugs? A: Tren is … Read More →
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Trenbolone: Expensive, Powerful, And Very Useful For Bodybuilders

Trenbolone: Expensive, Powerful, And Very Useful For Bodybuilders

If you’re like many intermediate bodybuilders, you may be thinking about adding Trenbolone Acetate (a Tren base along with an acetate ester) to your standard testosterone cycle. Its reputation precedes it as a drug which will add muscle and strength without a doubt. But does it really work that well? Are the side effects going … Read More →
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The Best Brand Of Testosterone Enanthate To Use

The Best Brand Of Testosterone Enanthate To Use

Q: If you were me and you had a choice of several different brands of Test E, which would you take? which one would you use? price is not an issue.

A: Hmmm, well normally questions like this are tricky because the fact is, personal preference and individual body chemistry drive answers. I ‘ve used the Kalpa Test E in the past and had no complants. 7Lab, too. In my opinion, genuine Kalpa, if you can get it, is the best there is. It’s really a clean drug and Kalpa makes it best. But that’s the point: Getting the authentic, genuine article. The problem is, Kalpa is so widely counterfeited, it’s almost impossible to know. A friend recently had great results using Dragon Pharma Test E, so it’s really about trying all of these and seeing which works best on your body. Knowing authenticity of packaging is the most important bit of knowledge you can possess these days – even more so than knowing stacks expertly.

How Effective Is Mega-dosing With Testoxyl Cypionate?

How Effective Is Mega-dosing With Testoxyl Cypionate?

You can never have too much of a good thing, right? Ask a 5-year old how many M&Ms he wants, and he’ll likely take the entire bag. Ask a 35 year old how much cash he’d like out of the bank bag you’re holding, and he’ll probably prefer to take the entire bag. It is human nature to take as much as we can get. It is how we are built. However, that kind of mentality, when applied in the world of AAS, can be counter-productive.
Many bodybuilders will finally get their hands upon a connection for Testoxyl Cypionate and they will be overjoyed. It might be through their physician, who finally cracked after years of requests by the patient. Or, it may be that some gym connection or overseas manufacturer came to the bodybuilder’s attention, and suddenly the test Cyp is plentiful. Whatever the case, the bodybuilder finally has access to large amounts of Testoxyl Cypionate, and he is ready to pile on the shots. But is this the right strategy?
Your very first cycle is going to dictate the amount of AAS you will need on all following cycles in order to continue to make gains in the gym. In other words, you are going to set the absolute baseline of AAS that you’ll need for all future cycles to make gains. If your first cycle is only 200 mg of Testoxyl Cypionate per week, then your next cycle can be 300 mg and you are still going to see gains. Notable examples of bodybuilders who took it very easy on the compounds early in their career, which allowed them great ability to improve as pros, are Ronnie Coleman and Kai Greene. Both were great bodybuilders who began their careers taking the natural routes, who were then able to see tremendous gains in their 30s when they finally did ‘up the dose’. If you choose to use Testoxyl Cypionate at high levels, you will be placing yourself at risk for closing out your window for gains. You’ll be dependent upon high doses of AAS to make any gains from this point forward, stifling your ability to gain.
In addition to stunting your potential future progress, you are also going to be opening yourself up to some seriously unpleasant side effects. Testoxyl Cypionate is a safe drug when used in moderation, but when the dosage eclipses 1000 mg per week, you open up a whole new can of worms on many levels. Blood pressure will skyrocket. Liver toxicity, never an issue with injectable testosterone, will suddenly be a concern. You may as well shave your head now – because male pattern baldness is going to overtake you in no time if you’re running 1500 mg per week of Testoxyl Cypionate. Your ability to naturally produce testosterone is going to be halted for 6 or more months. And you’ll limit your gains by taking too much. Ironically, your central nervous system will be so busy fending off these side effects and recovering from the toxicity of the high level of steroids that you are not going to be able to synthesize new muscle. Keep the dosage under 1000 mg for your first ten years of use, and you will be fine. Go above that, and you’re short-circuiting your efforts!

Duraxyl 100

Duraxyl 100

Substance: Nandrolone Phenlypropionate
Duraxyl 100 – Nandrolone phenlypropionate is a fast acting form of Nandroxyl 250. Almost similar effects as Nandroxyl. Duraxyl only lasts up to 5 days in the body. Duraxyl comes in 10 mL vials. Doses range from 200-800mg per week (must be taken every 4-5 days).

Trenboxyl Acetate: A Major Player In The Bodybuilding World

Trenboxyl Acetate: A Major Player In The Bodybuilding World

Trenboxyl acetate (Tren), or the chemical name of active ingredient in Trenbolone Acetate, is a popular steroid in the bodybuilding world made by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals. Trenboxyl is a very potent steroid of the Class I variety. It binds to the androgen receptor, and has a short half-life of 1-2 days, very well for avoiding detection in tested arenas. Trenboxyl is very potent (three times more potent than testosterone esters) and in addition to building muscle, it burns fat as well. Tren also stimulates appetite, and doesn’t cause water retention. This makes it a very popular steroid to use right up to a show – it leaves the system fast and doesn’t cause water retention. Finally, Trenboxyl use is often accompanied by a huge jump in strength on all major lifts. It’s often sought after by bodybuilders, as it really is one of the best options out there as far as anabolic steroids go.
Trenboxyl is usually stacked with a Class II agent like Dianoxyl or Anadroxyl for maximum anabolism. Trenboxyl is not advisable as a first cycle option. However, given limited options (It’s getting harder and harder to locate AAS out there!), 50 mg per day is an acceptable start. Advanced users can handle 100 mg per day. More detailed cycles split Trenboxyl in other ways, and they vary in terms of their effectiveness.
Trenboxyl may or may not be hard on the kidneys – this is still disputed. It’s often tough to evaluate what caused the problem when stacks are used, as is the case with higher-level bodybuilders. Likewise, “Tren rage” isn’t something most bodybuilders face. Its effects are similar to most other anabolics. Insomnia, raised blood pressure, night sweats, and increased libido are also common side effects. Women should avoid Trenboxyl, as virilization occurs almost instantly, even at small doses. Don’t tough Trenboxyl unless you want to look – and sound – like a bodybuilder. There are no ‘light’ Trenboxyl cycles.
The FDA does still not approve Trenboxyl for any human purpose. It was originally marketed as an ear implant to help cattle maintain weight as they prepared to be slaughtered. Only later did athletes discover it’s good for adding weight to humans as well! Many beginners start Trenboxyl way too soon (like learning to drive in a Ferrari) and later wish they had fulfilled their early potential before jumping into such a powerful agent. Likewise, many casual bodybuilders who try Trenboxyl soon discover that the immediate side effects are something they hadn’t anticipated – although the common and often immediate 40 to 60 pound increase in bench press strength seems to cushion the impact a bit.
Learn more about Trenboxyl. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder looking for an edge, it might just be the right supplement for you.

Trenolab-A 100

Trenolab-A 100

If you’re a healthy young male looking for an edge in the gym and on the bodybuilding stage, then Trenolab-A 100 might be a viable option for you. Let’s examine some of the more commonly asked questions regarding Trenolab-A.
Q: First off, I’ve never even heard of Trenolab-A 100 before. What is it?
A: Also known as Finabolan, Trenolab-A is one of the world’s best anabolic steroids if your goal is to get stronger and harder. It’s not a major mass-gainer, but it is a steroid that will lead to serious gains in strength and overall hardness of the muscles of the body.
Q: Is Trenolab-A better used for dieting down, or bulking up?
A: Most bodybuilders use Trenolab-A during the pre-contest phase when the goal is to drop a little water, develop muscle hardness all over, and keep body weight constant. Powerlifters enjoy the drug for those weeks right before a meet as well. Trenolab-A delivers strength gains as high as 5 or 10% with just a few weeks’ worth of use, with no weight gain, as long as caloric intake is kept constant.
Q: Sounds very promising and it seems to have a pretty wide appeal. Is Trenolab-A a drug that is counterfeited frequently?
A: Thanks to the hologram logo found on the bottle, Trenolab-A fakes are very easy to detect, and thus rarely introduced to the market.
Q: How much Trenolab-A 100 should be used per day?
A: Users should use a total of 150 per day, taken orally. This can be divided into 2 doses of 75 mg, or 3 doses of 50 mg. It is an oral steroid, and a harsh one at that. This isn’t the drug to use for six months straight, unless you like the idea of seriously damaging yourself. Orally consume each dose with a meal, and get to work. You will experience elevated blood testosterone levels for about eight hours. Plan your day and your training accordingly!
Q: What are the positive effects I can expect from Trenolab-A?
A: Strength will climb – hard and fast. Performance in the gym is going to be better than you’ve ever seen in your life! Workouts will last longer, and you should be hitting personal bests within a month of beginning use. Powerlifters will perform better at their meets, and bodybuilders will gain hardness and definition almost overnight. Trenolab-A works fast in the good way. However, with any strong steroid also comes the risk of negative side effects.
Q: What negative effects accompany use of Trenolab-A?
A: Users of Trenolab-A are going to be looking at some harsh steroid side effects. Attitude may worsen and aggression may increase in a very major way. Physically, users may see hair loss, acne, and the development of gynecomastia. They will not experience bloating or massive water gains – quite the opposite in fact. Weight gain will be minimal as well. All in all, Trenolab-A is a great short-term solution for the bodybuilder trying to get in a lifetime best shape, or a powerlifter aiming for the best lifts of his life!