Tag: new

2024 IFBB Pro Schedule

2024 IFBB Pro Schedule

Receive judges feedback from the NPC New Mexico State Open and prepare for your next show!
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NPC New Mexico State Open Judges Feedback

NPC New Mexico State Open Judges Feedback

Receive judges feedback from the NPC New Mexico State Open and prepare for your next show!
The post NPC New Mexico State Open Judges Feedback appeared first on Center Podium.



On October 8th, 2023, international athletes who won their pro cards at the NPC Worldwide Invictus Pro Qualifier in 2022 traveled to the United States completely FREE to compete against the best in the world at the IFBB Pro Legion Sports Fest

Have You Ever Wanted to Transform into a Stunning Fitness Model?

Have You Ever Wanted to Transform into a Stunning Fitness Model?

Read about how Karla Adams and her Sports Model Program!
Journey, Life’s Work, Transformation
The post Have You Ever Wanted to Transform into a Stunning Fitness Model? appeared first on Center Podium.

Have You Ever Wanted To Look like a Stunning Model?

Have You Ever Wanted To Look like a Stunning Model?

March 31, 2023

Karla Adams is not just a fitness expert; she is a woman with a mission to help people create a lifestyle out of their health and fitness goals. The Karla Adams’ Sports Model Program has helped many clients in their 40s and 50s place in competitions and live life looking like a sport model.

Karla’s Journey As a Fitness Coach

With over 25 years of experience in exercise science, sports nutrition, and custom lifestyle transformations, Karla, of Riverside, California, has built a reputation in the industry all around the world.

Karla’s journey to becoming a fitness expert began at the age of 16, when she first discovered her passion for helping others live healthier lives. Her journey as an athlete led her to a 7:30-minute mile for 13.1 miles half marathon and represented Riverside City in Japan’s Sendai International Half Marathon.

In the mid-2000s, Karla suffered an injury from endurance training, which led her to pivot her focus to the development of a lifestyle transformation program. Within that system, she created the Sports Model Program for members who want to compete, do a photo shoot or just look like it.

In 2020, Karla was featured on the cover of Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine with a five-page feature that detailed her athletic story and transformation program. The article also introduced her up-and-coming app that will supplement her program with organized recipes, training tips and more.

Her Goal

To improve the statistics, one lifestyle transformation at a time. “The value of having a customized formula for each unique body is priceless in terms of truly mastering one’s own body,” she said. “No matter anyone’s goal or lifestyle, that is really what makes the magic happen.”

Client Experience

“I had many people in their 40s and 50s who were coming in to lose weight and just fit better intheir jeans,” she said. “And the next thing you know, they are participating in and placing in theirfirst competition, doing photo shoots, and having a body they never thought they would have.”-Karla Adams

Sports Model Program

With her expert guidance, the clients in her program were tapping into potential that went well beyond their initial weight loss expectations.

For more than 15 years, she has been helping clients in her transformation to competition program, which is an aspect of the Sports Model Program, as well as compete in their first show, get in the best shape of their lives and create a lifestyle out of it.

Karla’s Sports Model Program is customized to each participant, based on a number of factors including body and fitness needs. The personalization allows the program to be more effective and helps prevent injury during training. “The profiling system really makes the whole program inclusive.

“I feel better, look better, and that spills over into everything else I do“- Glenn Tetley

Karla’s Take

Experiencing the eye-opening personal transformations have become one of Karla’s favorite parts about what she does. She helps people create a lifestyle out of achieving weight loss and building muscle while building confidence in reaching their own goals. For far too long, she said, people have been wasting money on programs and products that don’t work.

No matter what someone’s goal is, or where he or she is starting in his or her journey, there are a wide variety of methods that are geared toward every lifestyle demographic,” Karla said.

“It works for everyone from the busy business professional to endurance athletes, or those looking for a transformation lifestyle and healthy living regimen.”


“People sometimes struggle to realize their own potential. When they come in and see me and my profile program, and start realizing what their potential is, they get excited. They start achieving goals they never thought possible,” she said. “But when others start hearing about what’s happening with my clients, and they start seeing the transformation they can make in their own lifestyle, they start to believe that the results are possible for them, too.”

Filed Under: Blog, Fitness, Health, New Tagged With: article, blog, coach, sponsor, sponsorships, transformationReader Interactions

Champions compete for an IFBB Pro Card for Free

Champions compete for an IFBB Pro Card for Free

Champions compete for an IFBB Pro Card for Free – Center Podium ×

First Time NPC Fitness Competitor Strategy & Advice

First Time NPC Fitness Competitor Strategy & Advice

It’s your first time competing or your relatively new to the fitness competition game. It can be difficult to figure out where to start and even more difficult to find all of the information you need. We feel you, we were there once too!

In addition to hard work, dedication, and discipline there is also a fair amount of strategy. The strategy will vary a bit based on your goals but at the end of the day, everyone wants to be their best, beat the competition, and have a fantastic time.

We often hear about new NPC competitors looking for the easy show, these are usually small shows with not a lot of production. It seems intuitive that a small show means fewer competitors and a better chance that you come home with a medal. But the reality is that when you understand the show structure, it doesn’t always pan out. Plus, you may find there is a reason the show is small; it lacks the experience.

Masters & Novice Classes

The myth that a trophy will be easier won, doesn’t always pan out because smaller shows also have fewer classes. Many of these small shows will have just two bodybuilding classes where the classes are Lightweight (below 177) and heavyweight (177 pounds and up). Can you imagine that you’ve dieted and sacrificed for 12 weeks to find out you are going to be competing with a guy who weighs 75 pounds more than you!

The same can happen with women’s classes, for example, if there are just two figure classes, this can put a competitor who is 5’ 4” against a competitor who is 5’10’!

Smaller shows may also be missing an array of True Novice, Novice, and Masters Classes. If you are 50 years old, do you want to compete with a 35-year-old?

If you are a first time NPC competitor, you may want to compete in True Novice, the division for those who have never competed. This is a great way to start. It helps reduce the anxiety of facing a seasoned athlete who is a show or two away from turning pro.

A very common occurrence is that a show will have very large masters and novice classes because they do not have height classes within these classes. You may sign up for Masters Bikini 35+ and find out there is one height class and 20 other women who had the same idea that you had.


If you are new to competing or a seasoned veteran, the organization of the event can mean the difference between a great weekend and a horrible one. In fact, the stress that a poorly organized event can inflict will translate into a cortisol spike and water retention transforming your hard-earned cuts into a smooth and watery presentation.

Start by reviewing the promoter’s website, the organization of a promoter’s website will tell you a lot about the organization of the show. Consider these website questions:

Is it clean and easy to follow?Is it mobile friendly?Does it specify locations, a schedule, and order of classes?Can all of your services like tanning, make-up, and photos be booked from one location?Do you see images and video of the show?Are the results from the previous year posted and easy to find?

Also review the promoter’s social media. It should be updated regularly and include important details and information. It should also include tips, advice, entertainment, humor, and athlete features.

All of these considerations will translate to how prepared the promoter will be on the day of the show. You can expect that if these items are not articulated on the website and social, then the promoter hasn’t planned them. This will translate to a weekend of confusion and frustration. You’ve worked so hard; the promoter should work as hard as you!

Top Judges

All NPC shows will have a great head judge. These will be national-level judges who are interested in the quality of the show and consistent judging. But what will the rest of the panel look like? Great shows will bring in top tier judges that often cannot be sourced locally. Local judges will often not participate in national shows or even leave the region. They may not be familiar with the judging trends on the national level while you and your coach probably are. In non-NPC federations, it is not uncommon to see that some of the local judges are also local coaches creating a conflict of interest.

After the show you should always seek feedback from the judges. Again, if a judge is not actively participating in the bodybuilding scene or may not be qualified to judge a national level event, this is not the judge you want giving you feedback. You want feedback from the judges who are setting the standard. These again will be national level, IFBB Pro level, or judges who are IFBB Pros.

Class Size

Most NPC contests will have 40 – 60 classes. As mentioned earlier, if masters and novice classes don’t have height classes, they may be very crowded. In other divisions, you may also find you will stand all alone on stage. Did you really work that hard to have no competition? When you are the only person in your class, the judge will still walk you through the mandatories poses… alone. It feels a bit silly, pretending you have some competition as you are being turned on the stage all by yourself. But hey, you can get on Instagram and tell everyone you got a first-place which is cool until they realize you had no competition. #participationtrophy

National Qualification

An athlete earns a National Qualification when they place in the top 2 of an open class. This allows them to compete for pro status at a national level event. At a typical NPC competition, about 64 National Qualifications will be awarded. This means that nearly everyone in a small show will receive a national qualification. At a small show, these qualifications were awarded by default, not based on the athlete’s readiness to turn pro. The National stage is the best of the best. The reality of the National Stage is that the overall winner’s from small show will place 16th at a Pro Qualifier. They never had a chance or even understood what the competition would look like. If you feel like you are ready to chase that pro card, compete in a large show. If you can get an overall than you are ready! If not, give yourself the time to keep learning and building before you invest the time and thousands of dollars to compete at a Pro Qualifier.

It Should be Fun!

You’ve worked so hard, you’ve sacrificed, you spent a ton of money and now is the time for you to reap the rewards! Things that you should expect:

Competitor gift bagsWelcoming and friendly atmosphereGreat communication and organizationAn incredible stage, sound, lights, and venueLive webstreamAn entertaining show with IFBB Pros and Fitness celebritiesIncredible photography both of the stage and behind the scenesGreat judging and judges with a supportive helpful attitudeLots of vendorsAn engaged, friendly, and passionate promoter and staffTons of videos, photos, and posters featuring the athletes from the event

At center Podium we work hard to hit every bullet point. We also choose destinations that are incredible vacation spots like Lake Tahoe, fun cities with lots of shopping and restaurants like Long Beach, or places with fun activities like the Grand Sierra Resort and the Route 66 Casino. We believe should have a blast and so should your family and friends who came to support you.

Remember, you are the customer and should have a fantastic experience!

You can learn more about preparing for the stage by checking out our contest prep guide here: centerpodium.com/bodybuilding-program. Also, be sure to checkout our free guide to what to expect for the show here: centerpodium.com/showtime

Easy Heart Health for Bodybuilders

Easy Heart Health for Bodybuilders

February 21, 2022

In recent years we have seen too many bodybuilders passing away due impart by complications related to heart health. There is anecdotal evidence that points to COVID-19 exasperating the risk. In the medical community, it is well known that COVID-19 has left patients with clots in their brains, hearts, lungs, and legs. It is now more important than ever that bodybuilders pay more attention to balancing their need for mass with their need to live!

Why Are Bodybuilders at Higher Risks

Bodybuilders will do anything to get big. That means eating tons of food, avoiding any activity that isn’t lifting weights, and using supplements that increase the production of red blood cells.

Being Big

When you are big, whether it is fat or muscle, your heart has to work harder. Think of this as having an air conditioner designed for a 1,500 sqft house. Then you put an addition on the house making it 2,500 sqft. Now that same AC has to work much harder to keep the house cool. The same is true with your heart as it pumps blood to much more mass than it was intended to supply.

Avoiding Cardio

Bodybuilders often have the mindset that doing cardio is wasting food and burning mass. However, 20 minutes of fasted cardio a day when paired with Amino Acids will not burn up your mass. You’ll burn fat and most importantly keep your heart healthy. It’s a win-win because when it comes to prep time, you’ll be ahead of the game with more lean mass!


Bodybuilders will take anything to get bigger. And they believe if something makes you bigger, taking TONS of it must be better. There are many studies that show healthy levels of testosterone will help you to achieve better overall health, especially with age. But you must be aware that too much will create a point of diminishing return. Your body will be poisoned and fighting to stay healthy. Red blood cell production drastically increases making your blood thicker. Thicker blood will create more work for your heart. When combined with the risk of blood clots, you have a recipe for disaster; the heart will blow as it tries to push thick blood around a massive body that is potentially jammed up with clots acting like dams inside your blood vessels.

Preventing Heart Problems

Get your labs checked Reguarly

Getting your labs checked regularly is the first defense for heart problems. Not only will you find out if you are a risk of high blood pressure but you can also review your hormone panel. You may learn that your estrogen is too high or find out the testosterone that you are taking is not working.

Get your labs measured with California Alternative Meds. You will get a free consultation and they will order your labs. As California Alternative Meds specializes in hormone replacement therapy, they will get you exactly what you need so that you can be confident in both the quantity and quality of the medication you are taking.


Bodybuilders have a mindset that if it doesn’t make you bigger, it is not worth taking. However, taking supplements for heart health will keep you healthier but also give your more energy to train harder. You’ll have all-around less fatigue and some supplements improve circulation which means bigger pumps. Bigger pumps mean more nutrients to the muscles for recovery, energy, and stretching the muscle facia!

Donate Blood

Think of it like an oil change. When you donate blood you remove the access of red blood cells that can cause thickening of the blood.

Supplement Recommendations

Mixed Tocopherols

An important tool for maintaining heart health is Mixed Tocopherols.

Supports overall cardiovascular and circulatory healthPromotes healthy coronary blood flowProvides antioxidant supportSupports the body’s ability to appropriately process and utilize important lipidsHelps in the maintenance of cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.Helps support healthy red blood cell flowHelps maintain healthy arterial healthHelps support a healthy cardiovascular systemHelps support health blood pressure levelsHelps support normal triglyceride and blood glucose levelsSupports healthy cell and tissue growthPLUS supports anti-aging, immune, and eye health

We work with A.C. Grace for these supplements. You can pick them up HERE. Use the code “CenterPodium” for 15% off!

COQH and CoQ10

To put it simply, CoQH and CoQ10 will lower your blood pressure and will help prevent heart-related issues. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is evidence that it has a positive effect on numerous heart conditions, Diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, Migraines, and even increase Physical Performance.

We work with A.C. Crace for these supplements. You can pick them up HERE. Use the code “CenterPodium” for 15% off!


In the body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves circulation.

Some evidence shows that arginine may help improve blood flow in the arteries of the heart. That may improve symptoms of clogged arteries, chest pain or angina, and coronary artery disease.

Arginine is involved also in a number of different functions in the body. They include:

Wound healingHelping the kidneys remove waste products from the bodyMaintaining immune and hormone functionDilates and relaxes the arteries (vascularity and PUMP)

Our favorite L-Arginine 7000 is from Carr Cellular Fitness which you can find HERE. This product is very highly dosed and creates amazing pumps. It is also highly recommended to take before going on stage!

81 mg Asprin

Aspirin can prevent blood clots from forming. Blood clots, the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes, form when a plaque (cholesterol and other substances deposited on artery walls) ruptures and your body tries to contain the damage by creating a clot. When arteries are already narrowed by the buildup of plaque, a clot can block a blood vessel and stop the flow of blood to the brain or heart.

Taking a regular dose of aspirin diminishes the ability of your blood to clump together into clots by targeting the body’s smallest blood cells. Called platelets, they bind together when they encounter damaged blood vessels. While aspirin’s “blood thinning” quality can prevent.

Pick up 81 mg aspirin at most pharmacies!


It is kind of crazy how many heart-healthy foods fit perfectly into the strict bodybuilder diet. Here is a list of foods to choose when creating your diet

Leafy green vegetables. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are well known for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.Whole grainsBerriesAvocadosFatty fish and fish oilWalnutsBeansDark chocolateTomatoesAlmondsSeedsGarlicOlive OilEdmameGreen Tea


As you can see, being heart healthy is not just good for your heart but also good for your competition goals. Now we hope that you have the information to make the right choices. Let’s break it down to one simple list of items to have on your radar.

20+ minutes of fasted cardio with amino acidsGet your blood work done regularlyDonate bloodTake Mixed Tocopherols like Unique ETake CoQ10 supplelemtns like COQHTake Arginine like L-Arginine 7000+Take 81mg of Asprin dailyChoose heart healthy foods in your competition diet
Filed Under: New, Blog, Health Reader Interactions