Tag: steroids

The Axis of Steroid Aftermath

The Axis of Steroid Aftermath

Lots of reasons have been floated as to the main reasons which drive people into abusing steroids, both male and females. In most abusers, running across the gender divide, it has well boiled down towards the main concepts within the tenets of self-image and performance. For more than six decades, anabolic steroids have seen tremendous … Read More →
The post The Axis of Steroid Aftermath appeared first on Bodybuilding Steroids Info.

How To Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

How To Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, is something that all bodybuilders are familiar with. It’s that recognizable feeling of stiffness that you wake up with after a tough workout the day before. You’re glad you have it – it shows your workout was successful and you were able to stimulate muscle fibers intro growth. But … Read More →
The post How To Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness appeared first on Bodybuilding Steroids Info.

Your Daughter On Steroids?

Your Daughter On Steroids?

For people who work to get in shape through natural exercises devoid of steroids, grasping the reasons as to why athletes, for instance cyclists or even bodybuilders, can compromise their careers and risk their healthy lifestyle by using performance enhancers is quite hard to comprehend. Anabolic steroids are some of the most lethal drugs under … Read More →
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The Best Brand Of Testosterone Enanthate To Use

The Best Brand Of Testosterone Enanthate To Use

Q: If you were me and you had a choice of several different brands of Test E, which would you take? which one would you use? price is not an issue.

A: Hmmm, well normally questions like this are tricky because the fact is, personal preference and individual body chemistry drive answers. I ‘ve used the Kalpa Test E in the past and had no complants. 7Lab, too. In my opinion, genuine Kalpa, if you can get it, is the best there is. It’s really a clean drug and Kalpa makes it best. But that’s the point: Getting the authentic, genuine article. The problem is, Kalpa is so widely counterfeited, it’s almost impossible to know. A friend recently had great results using Dragon Pharma Test E, so it’s really about trying all of these and seeing which works best on your body. Knowing authenticity of packaging is the most important bit of knowledge you can possess these days – even more so than knowing stacks expertly.

The Anatomy Of A Mass Cycle

The Anatomy Of A Mass Cycle

Are you ready to run your first cycle of anabolic steroids for all-out mass gains? You should expect to gain 15 to 25 pounds if you train correctly, and experience only minor side effects. Let’s check out some of the details you may have overlooked!
Be assured of quality
You are definitely testing your luck if you are attempting to purchase steroids online from an unknown source. You don’t know about the quality, the safety, or any law enforcement involvement. It’s a great risk you may be taking for an impure product. Think twice if you are unable to be assured of quality or at the very least order from an online pharmacy where many of the gurus you know and trust have had good experiences.
Determine your goals
Before you make that first injection, you’ll want to know exactly what your goals are. If adding ten pounds of water weight to your frame isn’t something you can tolerate, you need to plan that into your cycle. You cannot just quit your cycle mid-stream and not expect a dramatic crash. You should always plan ahead for both the positive and negative side effects commensurate with your goals.
Stacking is required
You will find 3 to 4 times the amount of gains to be expected when you add a second compound to your original drug. For this reason, it’s almost required for an off-season steroid stack to consist of two or more drugs. Testosterone and Nandrolone work together in a very successful manner, making it probably the most common and popular stack.
Go heavy, go fast
You will likely be using fairly large amount of fairly toxic compounds for your cycle. For this reason, the cycle should be short (6 to 10 weeks). The immediate result of heavy androgen use will be fat and water gain, hair loss, acne, and increased aggression. By the 8th week on these compounds, the side effects soon become unmanageable. It’s almost unfathomable to imagine those bodybuilders who stay on the same heavily androgenic cycle all year round. Aside from their own natural testosterone production, the long-term effects of the continuous and cumulative side effects are something that should scare even the most veteran user.
PCT all the way
A the conclusion of this heavy 8 to 10 week cycle, you’re going to want to immediately jump to a per-contest ramp-down stack. Commonly used AI or SERMs following a cycle will allow the bodybuilder to ramp down his testosterone levels gradually, and will keep estrogen levels from spiking, which is often the cause of very terrible side effects.
The decision to run a mass cycle is one that should be weighed very carefully. Steroids are serious business when taken in a small compromise or cutting cycle. When they’re used in a highly toxic mass cycle, they become something much more unnerving. Don’t allow yourself to damage your body and health, or lose personal freedoms by using a poorly planned mass gain cycle. Think it through, and plan ahead!

Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles

Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles

Q:  Can you give me a few good cycles for mass building? Guys in the gym won’t touch me because I’m new and they don’t know what the deal is yet. I’m totally on the up-and-up, but I can’t find help. I’ve taken a few cycles back in my home state, but now that I’m in another state, I don’t know anyone. I didn’t really understand the first ones and why my buddies put them together the way that they did, so I don’t really have the ability to put one together on my own yet. Can you help?
A: First off, I’ll say that that’s common: new bodybuilders will get cycles from people and not really understand why something is the way it is. That’s an important part of the learning process. You should try to really understand why you are taking what you are taking before you do, since it will enable you to adjust as your body responds and doesn’t respond. I almost hesitate in giving you anything because of that fact – but I will give you a relatively mild cycle so that you can see why and how things work.
Currently….400mg Test E eod250mg Deca e/3rd day200mg Dbol ed20u’s of Apidra 5/2-off100-150mg of ephedrine training days only
If you are planning to stay on longer than 8 to 10 weeks, then you need to change some stuff up. I would say that you should add 100mg of Anadrol in for the Dbol in about 8 weeks, and change out Test Enanthate for Test Cypionate. Don’t forget to take PCT but that a whole other topic and you should probably know about it if you are taking mass cycles anyhow. HCG, Clomid, and Nolvadex are good.
After a 6 to 8 week break and good PCT, your next one, based on availability, can be:300mgs Tren (Trenboxyl E)500mgs of Sustaxyl
It’s a sound cycle and one you should stay on for about 10 to 12 weeks. Then follow that up with this for 10 weeks:50mg Stanoxyl Depot200mg Boldaxyl4IU Kalpatropin
Rotation and refreshing cycles by trading things in and out is key. Don’t stay on something too long without trading things in and out. It minimizes sides and it gives you the best growth for the dollar.

Four Major Steroid Myths

Four Major Steroid Myths

Since steroids were labeled as a controlled substance twenty years ago, a great deal of information has been dispersed about them, by people with various agendas. Until the late 1980s, steroids were used much more commonly among many different groups of people. They were easy to obtain, affordable, and many people just considered them to be common medicines along the lines of aspirin and Tylenol. Once they were banned for use without the use of a prescription, their use lessened, but there were still many individuals who found them to be very useful. In order to limit the amount of Americans that used the drugs- particularly among younger Americans – several ad campaigns were initiated which helped to spread information about steroids. The media ran with this information, and before long the general public was convinced of these “facts”. Let’s examine some of the more common misconceptions about steroids.
Steroids are easy to obtain
For many people, drugs like marijuana are easy to obtain. Everyone knows someone who is a user. Steroids are much, much harder to locate. Most users have to either place on online order to some unknown factory overseas, or ask their doctor, who is not at all likely to issue a prescription for it.
Steroids kill
Everything kills you, if you live long enough. Steroids cause temporary liver enzyme spikes, some rises in blood pressure, and altered HPTA function, which is reversible. These side effects are detrimental, but reversible as long as the user is healthy and the drug use is limited to 10 to 14 week cycles. Staying on AAS for years will cause major health problems. For the majority of users, short cycles cause no long-term issues. Seeing many bodybuilding greats from 40+ years ago at today’s bodybuilding expos, healthy and vibrant, is visual evidence of this.
Steroid cause “roid rage”
If you are a jerk, steroids make you a bigger jerk. Steroids do increase your testosterone levels, which will make you more aggressive. For some, these new levels of aggressiveness are personified in feelings of anger or frustration, louder than usual. Users may also feel a sense of pride or bravado at their new muscles, which may cause them to be a bit disrespectful to others as well. The image of a man taking steroids, turning green, growing 60 pounds and smashing phone booths is something out of television shows, nor reality.
Steroids have no “real” uses
Steroids were actually originally created for legitimate medical use. Many began in the barns and farms, as veterinary drugs used to help sick livestock retain their body weight. In the medical world, steroids have been used for decades to help patients with wasting diseases such as HIV, leukemia or cancer. The increased red blood cell count and greater muscle mass and weight associated with bodybuilding success help patients with many maladies live higher qualities of life.
Steroids are relatively safe compounds which are pretty hard to obtain. They have legitimate medical uses, as well as those of vanity used by bodybuilders. The more information people have about steroids, the more likely they will be to make an education decision regarding their use.

Half Life, Active Life & AAS

Half Life, Active Life & AAS

If you are using steroids, or considering the use of anabolics, there’s probably a very good chance you’re doing your homework. If you’re not, you should be. The decision to use steroids is a very serious one which should never be taken lightly. The decisions you make regarding your cycle will affect you for the rest of your life in many ways. You could shut down your own natural testosterone production permanently. You could lose your ability to reproduce. You could end up losing your job because of a positive test because you didn’t understand how long a drug would be in your system. You could end up with a damaged liver because you didn’t grasp half life times. You could end up in prison because you abused or cheated prescriptions or ordered from an overseas source. There are many factors you need to consider before considering hopping on the steroid wagon.
Okay, now that you are a little bit scared, and aware of the seriousness of using steroids, you may be a bit more receptive to the information you currently may casually scan about steroids. You know the listings of each drug online. You might glance at things such as dosing sizes, side effects, half lives, and more, never really grasping just how important an understanding of this information is. You need to know everything about every drug you place into your body. There is just too much on the line for you.
One such aspect of drug listings which is often completely ignored by steroid users is drug lives. There is the active life, and the half life. Most bodybuilders focus more upon the injection information on each drug, and then forget about the things that happen inside their body once they inject that needle. Don’t make that mistake.
The active life of a steroid is the amount of time that the drug is still delivering you anabolic effects in the body. For some orals, active life can be just a few hours. For some oil-based testosterone esters, it can be weeks. The amount of time can vary from person to person, based upon metabolism and a wealth of other factors, so active life should never be the sole determinant in any decision making regarding steroid use. What is important to you are a person injecting testosterone and maintaining artificial T levels is to know that you need to make each injection just before the effectiveness of a drug stops. At that point, your testosterone levels will plummet, estrogen levels will fluctuate, and you’re in for a world of lost muscle and energy and the potential emergence of gyno. Know your active lives, and plan your cycles accordingly.
Half life is much easier to understand. Its use isn’t as dire as active live, but it is very useful when making calculations for knowing when drugs will be out of your system so that you can be clean for employment or competition testing. The half life of a steroid is the amount of time it will take for the active life to be halved in the body.
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Hormones That Help Your Muscle Growth

Hormones That Help Your Muscle Growth

The human body has numerous amounts of hormones which are intricate in nature. They are what allow the muscles to eventually grow, or at times do the opposite. Maximizing hormones like the testosterone, insulin, IGF-1, and HGH can ultimately result in a substantial increase and development of strength for the lean muscle growth, as well as a result to a decrease in adipose tissue.
Testosterone is the king of all types of hormones in the field of natural bodybuilding as it interacts directly with skeletal muscle. When taken advantage of, the relevant testosterone can greatly provide an increase in the individual’s strength and motivate muscular development. It eventually increases the nitrogen retention within the cells resulting in a subsequent increase in the amino acid uptake and a quite high anabolic environment.
There are a great number of several methods that can help in increasing your body’s testosterone levels like incorporating several compound exercises such as, dead lifts, squats, bench presses, and other form like pull-ups at very high intensity and with high resistance.
Nutrition also plays a major role in testosterone levels production. Chicken or other types of red meats can augment the testosterone production because of the zinc present in them. Eating fruits like blueberries, citrus fruits, apples and other related fruits containing vitamin can also serve in increasing the testosterone levels. Salmon is another option which can indirectly result in a subsequent testosterone levels development as the fish oil helping to lower levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which finally binds to the testosterone in the individual’s blood. Testosterone can also be augmented through the use of dietary supplements like tribulus terrestris referred to as ZMA.
HGH (human growth hormone) and the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) remain as the powerful hormones, which helps in muscle growth and breaking down the adipose tissue for energy production. HGH also decreases the glucose use for energy production thus it breaks down fats, increases the protein synthesis and enhances the body’s immune system. IGF-1 increases protein synthesis directly by providing trigger satellite cells to enable the creation of new muscle tissue and induce muscle hyperplasia referred to as splitting of the muscle cells. IGF-1 is secreted directly by the liver as a result of the respective HGH in the bloodstream; therefore the levels of HGH and IGF-1 go hand in hand. HGH levels can eventually be increased naturally by the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates and having a pre and post exercise, doing some high intensity interval workouts, resting for a minute between reps and doing 4 sets of between 8-10 reps for each type of exercise.
Insulin is another anabolic hormone which is strategically set for muscle development. This is when it is taken advantage of in the correct manner. Insulin acts like a key to getting inside the cells. It increases the permeability of cells, allowing more of the glucose and subsequent amino acids to enter the muscles and eventually decreases muscle degradation. Therefore working to the advantage of the bodybuilder.

How Effective Is Mega-dosing With Testoxyl Cypionate?

How Effective Is Mega-dosing With Testoxyl Cypionate?

You can never have too much of a good thing, right? Ask a 5-year old how many M&Ms he wants, and he’ll likely take the entire bag. Ask a 35 year old how much cash he’d like out of the bank bag you’re holding, and he’ll probably prefer to take the entire bag. It is human nature to take as much as we can get. It is how we are built. However, that kind of mentality, when applied in the world of AAS, can be counter-productive.
Many bodybuilders will finally get their hands upon a connection for Testoxyl Cypionate and they will be overjoyed. It might be through their physician, who finally cracked after years of requests by the patient. Or, it may be that some gym connection or overseas manufacturer came to the bodybuilder’s attention, and suddenly the test Cyp is plentiful. Whatever the case, the bodybuilder finally has access to large amounts of Testoxyl Cypionate, and he is ready to pile on the shots. But is this the right strategy?
Your very first cycle is going to dictate the amount of AAS you will need on all following cycles in order to continue to make gains in the gym. In other words, you are going to set the absolute baseline of AAS that you’ll need for all future cycles to make gains. If your first cycle is only 200 mg of Testoxyl Cypionate per week, then your next cycle can be 300 mg and you are still going to see gains. Notable examples of bodybuilders who took it very easy on the compounds early in their career, which allowed them great ability to improve as pros, are Ronnie Coleman and Kai Greene. Both were great bodybuilders who began their careers taking the natural routes, who were then able to see tremendous gains in their 30s when they finally did ‘up the dose’. If you choose to use Testoxyl Cypionate at high levels, you will be placing yourself at risk for closing out your window for gains. You’ll be dependent upon high doses of AAS to make any gains from this point forward, stifling your ability to gain.
In addition to stunting your potential future progress, you are also going to be opening yourself up to some seriously unpleasant side effects. Testoxyl Cypionate is a safe drug when used in moderation, but when the dosage eclipses 1000 mg per week, you open up a whole new can of worms on many levels. Blood pressure will skyrocket. Liver toxicity, never an issue with injectable testosterone, will suddenly be a concern. You may as well shave your head now – because male pattern baldness is going to overtake you in no time if you’re running 1500 mg per week of Testoxyl Cypionate. Your ability to naturally produce testosterone is going to be halted for 6 or more months. And you’ll limit your gains by taking too much. Ironically, your central nervous system will be so busy fending off these side effects and recovering from the toxicity of the high level of steroids that you are not going to be able to synthesize new muscle. Keep the dosage under 1000 mg for your first ten years of use, and you will be fine. Go above that, and you’re short-circuiting your efforts!