Martins Licis Shares Training Regimen Preparing For 2022 Arnold Strongman Classic

By Presser
December 14, 2021
3 min read

Martins Licis shared a video with four days of workouts.

Martins Licis is back and better than ever. During the 2020 season, the former World’s Strongest Man was dealing with some injuries and this kept him out of competition. Upon his return, Licis flexed his muscles and reindeer everyone that he is still a force. Licis won the 2021 Rogue Invitational and is now preparing for the 2022 Arnold Strongman Classic.

The roster for this event was recently announced and it features some of the top names in powerlifting. The Arnold Strongman Classic is an invitational event this year since athletes did not have a chance to qualify. Licis was on the list and has accepted his invitation. Now, it is all about preparation.

Martins Licis shared a video to his YouTube channel showing viewers exactly how he trains on a weekly basis. Below, you can find a breakdown of Licis’ four-day workout plan.

Day 1

Martins Licis began his week with Husafell carries. This is an exercise where he must carry a 200-pound load for 110 meters. This is an object that is difficult to carry because of its shape. This helps Licis target different muscles because of the difficulty of the carry. He does multiple sets before moving onto Atlas stone holds. This is where Licis holds the stone in position, which is just hovering above the ground while not using his legs to squeeze.

Day 2

The second day begins with farmer’s carries and banded deadlifts. Martins Licis puts nearly 500 pounds on the bar to deadlift with resistance bands adding another 180 pounds. He completed between 5-10 reps in each set. Licis then completes pull-ups with a 90-degree elbow hold.

Day 3

It is important for powerlifters to have insanely strong shoulders and it is important to work them out heavily. This is what Martins Licis does on day three. An important event at powerlifting competitions is the log press. Licis completes this exercise without a leg drive and includes some dumbbell shoulder presses. This is one of the most important days of the week as powerlifters have to keep their shoulders at their peak.

Day 4

This is the final day that Licis included in the video and it was a leg day. He begins with some yoke carries and moves onto banded squats. Licis does banded squats because he wants to keep practicing deep squats but this allowed pressure to be taken off his knees.

It is not surprising to see one of the world’s best strongmen push himself to the limit each day. Martins Licis will enter the Arnold Strongman Classic looking for another victory and he will be one of the names to watch.

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