Sergio Oliva Jr. and Nick Walker Recent Beef Explained

By Presser
June 15, 2021
4 min read

Sergio Oliva Jr. and Nick Walker engaged in some serious beef.

Bodybuilding standouts, both looking to name for themselves got into a complicated beef. Sergio Oliva Jr. and Nick Walker had some back and forth online that sparking some beef between the two.

Beef makes the bodybuilding world go round it seems. Lately many bodybuilding competitors have been getting into some pretty heated exchanges online. In fact it seems as if Nick Walker continues to find himself in the middle of all these recent bodybuilding beefs. First it was Walker and Blessing Awodibu who had some beef ahead of the NY Pro. They have since put their rivalry to bed. But in the midst of that there appeared to be another beef brewing.

Nick Walker has since engaged in a bit of a back and forth with fellow Open Bodybuilding competitor Sergio Oliva Jr. The beef between the two appeared to have started because of some news revealed about Oliva.

During a podcast with Fouad Abiad, Nick Walker revealed that Sergio Oliva Jr. would not be competing at the Chicago Pro. It was news to everyone as Oliva had not commented on it himself. For that very reason, Oliva was pretty livid about the situation and decided to take his grievances to social media.

Sparked Beef

In the Instagram video Sergio Oliva Jr. explained that he trusted three people with the information. While he did not mention Nick Walker by name, the fact that bodybuilder had the info and shared it on the podcast would suggest that Oliva was speaking of Walker. This is speculation of course as nothing has been confirmed.

Sergio Oliva Jr. was certainly in his rights to be upset. As explained in the video it put him in a pretty bad spot from a business perspective to have the news break in that manner.

After this video dropped, Fouad Abiad left a pretty lengthy response in the comments. It revealed even more about what was going on between Sergio Oliva Jr. and Abiad. The two had a bit of a back and forth, both of them sharing their sides of the story.

So where does Nick Walker work into all of this? After all, so far it seems like the issue was between Oliva and Abiad. Well it appears that the beef between Walker and Oliva came to public fruition after a couple of social media posts made by the two.

Online Confrontation

It appears to have started with a post made by Sergio Oliva Jr. The caption in the post read as follows:

People get so upset when you say facts. I’m sorry I’m talking about your favorite bodybuilder. Doesn’t mean I’m lying when I say the shows have been weak. I’m not attacking anyone I said it’s not the winners fault they still killed it. I even said it’s no ones fault really. We all got screwed by COVID so people are getting their lives together and couldn’t do the beginning shows. But I just wanted to post this pic of @sas_heirati he got 5TH at NY Pro. This is what 5th place looked like.

Possibly in response to that post, specifically the notion of the shows being “weak” over the last year, Nick Walker posted the below.

Nothing weak coming in 17 weeks

Putting Things to Bed

From the looks of things, the beef has been heating up between the two. But it appears that Sergio Oliva Jr. tried to squash the beef in the comments of Walker’s post. They had a bit of a back and forth, but it appears like things have since calmed down.

The responses ended there, but it appears that Nick Walker recently commented in his stories saying that he and Sergio Oliva Jr. were now on good terms. It’s good to hear that the beef has been squashed, especially since the situation appeared for more personal than your usual trash talk. This situation was as much about friendship, family, and trust as anything else. To hear that things have since calmed down is certainly a positive outcome.

What do you make of this situation between Sergio Oliva Jr. and Nick Walker?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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