Tag: Parent Topic: Training Resources

Opinion: Bodybuilder Samson Dauda Told Sam Sulek He Lifts Too Heavy. Dauda Is Wrong.
Ever since Sam Sulek started yapping into his webcam on his gym commute in 2023, he’s rapidly become the Internet’s favorite soundboard. Everybody has their take: Sulek is this, Sulek is that. He’s a good influence, he’s a bad influence. He’s comfort food, he’s junk food. But it was 2023’s Arnold Classic winner and IFBB pro bodybuilder Samson…
The post Opinion: Bodybuilder Samson Dauda Told Sam Sulek He Lifts Too Heavy. Dauda Is Wrong. appeared first on BarBend.

Dumbbell Side Bend: How To + Core Workout Training Tips
We’ll spill the beans — at BarBend, we love dumbbell exercises. And core workouts. Put them together and we’re over the moon. If you feel the same, or you’re on the hunt for a new dumbbell ab workout yourself, you might want to try the dumbbell side bend. This ab and oblique core exercise is all you need…
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The 9 Biggest Benefits of Pilates, Explained By a Pilates Instructor
After this year’s Grammy Awards, Miley Cyrus’s lean, muscular physique took the country by storm. Everyone wanted to know what the secret was to getting her rockstar arms. The answer: Pilates. To help you figure out whether it’s worth it to make Pilates part of your training routine, I sat down with Pilates instructor Abby Middleton. She’ll give…
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The Best HIIT Cardio Workout for Beginners (+ Customizations for Every Fitness Level)
Does the term “HIIT” call to mind boot-camp-esque group fitness classes with zealous instructors? HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is a type of cardio workout where you work hard and rest for short periods — it’s over fast. Research suggests it elicits similar effects to other forms of exercise that take longer. To a beginner, it may seem intimidatingly…
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REP Fitness Teams With PÉPIN to Release “FAST Series Adjustable Dumbbell” That Ranges From 10 to 125 Pounds
How expansive a range can an adjustable dumbbell set go? Of course, the wider the range, the more space can be saved in a home gym, garage gym, or the like. On April 3, 2024, the fitness world received the latest evolution of adjustable dumbbells. REP Fitness and PÉPIN partnered to release the “FAST Series Adjustable Dumbbell,” which…
The post REP Fitness Teams With PÉPIN to Release “FAST Series Adjustable Dumbbell” That Ranges From 10 to 125 Pounds appeared first on BarBend.

How to Use a Chest Flye Machine to Build a Bigger Chest
It’s not all about the bench press. Chest flyes are one of my most commonly programmed upper body exercises for a reason. The pectoralis major is a massive muscle, and just pressing won’t build the shirt-popping pecs you might be aiming for. For maximum chest hypertrophy, chest flyes are going to come in handy. The chest flye is…
The post How to Use a Chest Flye Machine to Build a Bigger Chest appeared first on BarBend.

Are Treadmill Dancing Workouts Serious? Yes. A Treadmill Specialist Explains How to Do it Right
If you’re a pure strength athlete, you may have never been much of a cardio enthusiast. Your tendency has always been to look at cardio as a necessary evil that you need for your heart health. That’s when you scroll through TikTok and find influencers and weekend warriors alike dancing on treadmills. And suddenly, the treadmill looks…kind of…
The post Are Treadmill Dancing Workouts Serious? Yes. A Treadmill Specialist Explains How to Do it Right appeared first on BarBend.

The Best 8 Stretches to Do Before a Run, According to a CPT
The sun is shining, you’re lacing up your running shoes, and you’re ready to head out and clear your mind on a run. Before you go, taking a few minutes to do a dynamic warm-up can help you prepare your heart, joints, muscles, tissues, and mind for a fantastic run — and potentially help prevent running injuries. We’ve…
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The 5 Best Rowing Workouts for Beginners, Plus Tips From a CPT
Whether you’re new to the gym or prefer the lifting platform and are just newer to cardio, a rowing machine workout is a fantastic place to start. You can get a full-body session on the rower in as little as five minutes and build up from there. We’ve got the best selection of rowing workouts for beginners with…
The post The 5 Best Rowing Workouts for Beginners, Plus Tips From a CPT appeared first on BarBend.

A Hollywood Trainer Gives You His Favorite Treadmill Dumbbell Workout
There are certainly days when your workout is all about striving for PRs — that’s personal record — on a weightlifting platform. Then there are moments when the goal is to be time efficient: get your heart rate up, integrate some low-impact weight training, and do it all in an hour or less. On days like that, all…
The post A Hollywood Trainer Gives You His Favorite Treadmill Dumbbell Workout appeared first on BarBend.