Tag: steroids

Brutal Force SBULK: The Ultimate Testosterone Booster

Brutal Force SBULK: The Ultimate Testosterone Booster

          Testosterone is a very important hormone in both men and women, although men tend to have higher levels than women. Even so, both genders can boost their naturally-occurring testosterone level significantly by using dietary supplements containing synthesized testosterone. Bodybuilders have a lot to gain from taking testosterone boosters given the nature of their career. Brutal Force SBULK is a steroid booster that has been tried and tested when it comes to muscle growth. Additionally, the hormone gives you immense energy to lift heavier weights and perform extreme workouts you wouldn’t do with other products. It also boosts sex drive, helps get rid of excess fat without losing fat, among many benefits. So, should you know about SBULK?
Brutal Force SBULK – Overview
             SBULK is a top-rated testosterone booster that is different from your regular supplements in many ways. It is primarily made from natural ingredients with the potential to increase your testosterone levels significantly. The product is exclusively meant for people who want to surpass their natural capabilities at the gym, specifically bodybuilders. However, this supplement can also be used by athletes from other sports. SBULK has gained popularity due to its ability to show impressive results within just a few days. It comes in tablets that can be swallowed with water, chewed, or crushed and mixed with your favorite drink.
What SBULK Does for You?
           SBULK comes with monumental benefits that befit every bodybuilder; whether you’re a beginner or pro. Below are some of the things you should expect once you start taking the supplement.
  1. Build Lean Muscle – with SBULK
      SBULK helps sculpt your body by providing you with the necessary lean muscle. Bodybuilders who rely on physical workouts only to build lean muscle will confirm to you that it leaves them disadvantaged. Supplements like SBULK are essential in ensuring you can control weights that appear bigger than your size. Additionally, the hormone, which comes in capsules increases muscular energy by more than 50%, thus allowing you to perform intense exercises for long.
 2. Burn Excess Fat While Retaining Muscle
            More often one loses muscle while trying to get rid of excess fat. That is what happens when you use mediocre, unnatural supplements. With SBULK, you will burn all the fat that is preventing you from getting lean muscle without losing existing muscle. That is because supplement allows you to increase the intensity of your cardio exercises without putting a strain on your muscles. You don’t have to cut too many calories in the diet to lose fat. Just take SBULK regularly and accompany it with strength exercise, then see how that works out for you.
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 3. Recover Faster
            There is nothing as frustrating as picking a nasty injury in the middle of a major contest or a few days to the contest. Your only chance of getting back to the competition on time is if you recover faster. Surgical or nonsurgical treatment is your only way out, but the former would normally keep you in bed longer than expected. SBULK has been proven to help athletes such as bodybuilders recover faster and resume their careers on time. However, you can combine it with medical treatment for quick, better results. You also need to take it regularly for the entire period to avoid losing gains made when you started.

 4. Massive Energy
            Bodybuilding is all about strength and energy. You may have a big body but you need the energy to make it useful.  Additionally, you will need to recover your energy after an intense workout or contest. SBULK is made to help you recover lost energy faster than the normal rate. That means you’re going to increase the amount of time you work out, translating to better results. Most importantly, this supplement helps older people have energy comparable to that of a youth. So, if you miss your youthful years, be sure to have memories flashing back after using SBULK.

 5. Builds Confidence
          We only need a little confidence to do the things we have been afraid to do. If you have contemplating lifting a certain weight but fear of the unknown keeps creeping in, all you need is SBULK to overcome that fear. SBULK gives you immense confidence and self-esteem to push your limits as far as workouts are concerned. additionally, that confidence radiates to other areas of your life outside the gyms, including your social life. You should probably try this product if you think you’re an introvert. It might shock you to realize that you aren’t one after all.
 6. Higher Sex Drive
         Do you feel like you’re becoming a disappointment in the bedroom? Well, it is probably because your energy is draining faster than you can replace. It could be due to stress, sickness, or a poor feeding habit. All these factors can make your steroid levels drop drastically. If you’re looking for something to pump blood through your veins fast, then you need SBULK. Your body will process it much faster than it does other substances and all you’re left with is BRUTAL FORCE. Your sex life will never be the same again once you start including SBULK in your diet. The only thing you need to worry about is taking excess of it to impress your partner. Only take the recommended amount and everything will be just fine.
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          SBULK is not your ordinary testosterone booster. The product has been expertly manufactured to meet all your bodybuilding needs without causing harm to your body. Due to the massive energy gains associated with testosterone, small amounts of the hormone are produced by the body every day. However, because males can tolerate higher amounts of the hormone than females, the amounts produced by the male body can increase significantly depending on the activity they do. 6 milligrams of testosterone is enough for the average male, but believe it or not, that amount produces tremendous energy in males who are below 20 years. That is because their naturally-occurring testosterone is much higher than in older men.
            Older males tend to produce less of the hormone as years go by and that is not enough to sustain the workouts they are used to. To correct this deficit, they are advised to take supplements that boost testosterone levels. They will then be able to carry out their usual activities, including workouts even though their bodies are aging. Apart from aging, some other factors such as stress can inhibit testosterone production. Behavioral factors like smoking and poor diet can cause the levels of testosterone to drop significantly in young males. So, whether you’re young or old, you may be forced to boost testosterone levels in your body at some point.
          SBULK is your easiest way out if you need to boost your testosterone level for one reason or the other. The best thing about using this product is that you will experience radical changes/benefits in no time.
How Safe is SBULK?
           As mentioned earlier, the product is made with natural ingredients that cause no harm to your body. Most importantly, the supplement’s composition is just right; meaning every ingredient has been made standard to create a balance. If you’re worried about nasty side effects, then worry no more because the formula is no different from your usual diet. But you shouldn’t worry about mild side effects in case they occur. Every new substance, including prescription drugs, causes your body to react. If you feel the effects are getting worse, then it means your body is allergic to one of the components and you should see your doctor immediately. Otherwise, SBULK is a safe product you should take without any doubts.
Is SBULK Legal?
        The simple answer is yes. SBULK does not contain any illegal substances that will put you on the wrong side of the law. As mentioned earlier, severally, the supplement’s main components are all-natural substances. The manufacturer has steered clear of any substances that would jeopardize the integrity of the product. So, yes, SBULK is very legal.
Where to Purchase It SBULK?
           SBULK is available in your favorite supplement store at a fair price. You can also order the product online and it will be delivered to your doorstep as soon as possible. However, you must be careful not to buy a counterfeit because of the obvious far-reaching consequences. Always ensure you’re getting the product from a recognized/established dealer.

        Most importantly, consider purchasing directly from the manufacturer/supplier or their approved affiliates. We highly recommend buying from our shop since the product comes directly from the manufacturer.
            Although it is relatively new in the market, SBULK is climbing the ladder quickly to become the most preferred testosterone booster in the market. Few such products come close to SBULK in helping bodybuilders get lean muscle, lose fat without losing muscle, recover from injury faster, and replace energy. Now that you know critical information about this product, why don’t you make haste and grab a pack while stock lasts? Feel free to ask questions about SBULK through the company’s official website (Brutalforce.com) and get all the answers you need.

10-Week Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Plan

10-Week Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Plan

Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Plan
             You will be in for a rude shock if you still think combat fitness training is all about climbing hills with sandbags strapped to your back. Things changed since everyone else changed tune and started focusing on strength, stamina, and speed. The new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is not for the faint-hearted. You don’t stand a chance unless you are well prepared for it. Before you attend regular training at the barracks, you must prepare yourself physically and psychologically. Our 10-week AFCT plan is all you need to be on par with or even better than your comrades.
            We will not lie to you with empty motivation; ACFT is all about hard work; there is no short cut. That is why we must always appreciate our armed forces, and they put a lot of effort into their training and real-time combat operations alike. Surprisingly, army combat fitness tests last a little over half an hour. However, many intense exercises take place within that period. The test happens in 6 parts over 8 – 12 weeks. The pieces of training take place in no particular order.
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Army Combat Fitness Test Order of Events
Test 1: Trap Bar Deadlift 3-Rep Max
          The test usually competes with a hex bar, otherwise known as a trap bar. Each trainee has a maximum of 10 minutes to warm up on the deadlift before lifting it on a 3-prep max. The 10 minutes’ period is to allow you to increase the load and prepare to lift it. When the ACFT begins, you cannot raise the bar and drop it; you hold it there until the set is over. If you can’t hang up to the end, then you have failed the test. You are also required to kiss the ground between reps. After about 5 minutes of doing the deadlift test, you will have about 2 minutes to catch your breath before moving to the next test.
Test 2: Standing Power Throw
               It involves throwing a medicine ball to a target behind you. You will start with a 10-lb. ball in hand. The next step is to perform a kettlebell swing before tossing the ball to a target. How far you throw the ball is a measure of your strength. Those who throw the ball the farthest have strong shoulders, glutes, and a powerful back. It also means their shoulder mobility is good. Usually, you are given one free throw for practice purposes, and then you take two official throws. They record your best distances to compare with those of other trainees.
Test 3: Hand Release Pushups
                ACFT pushups have no room for cheating. You are not allowed to do knee pushups or incomplete pushups. Without strong shoulders and a chest with stamina, there is a little or no chance of you passing this test. Additionally, you must have excellent shoulder mobility to perform this exercise. The procedure involves hitting the ground with the length of your body with every rep; you then jump up, lifting your hands off the ground. Pass the test without any form of cheating, and you’re the next commando.
Test 4: Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC)
        The test is 50-meter laps timed event performed by soldiers. They are supposed to run 25 meters in each direction.

Lap 1 – The soldier starts by sprinting down, touching the line at the other end with your hand. They then race back to the starting point and cross the line.

Lap 2 – After crossing the starting line, you grab the straps attached to a 90 lb. sled and pull them until the sled crosses the 25-meter line. You then pull it back to the crossing line and make sure it crosses.
Lap 3 – The soldier then stays in a crouched position and do end-end side laterals. They should touch the 25-meter line with both hand and foot before they lateral back to the starting line, all this time facing the same direction.
Lap 4 – The soldier grabs two 40 lb. kettlebells and race with them to the 20-meter line and touch it with their foot. They then run back and make sure they cross the starting line.
Lap 5 – In this final lap, the soldier sprints to the other end and back, making sure they touch the 25-meter line with their hands and feet before running back to cross the starting line.

Test 5: Leg Tuck
         Test five is a leg training exercise where the soldier combines half pull-up and knees-elbows while hanging from a bar. This particular exercise is not for the unfit, and many soldiers have a hard time completing it. If your weight is a bit too much, and you have not enough training, this exercise will stretch your limits. Make sure to shed any extra fat you may have to be able to pass this test. The leg tuck exercise typically depends on your core strength and a lot of experience with pull-ups.
          The soldier has two minutes to complete several leg tucks. They are supposed to complete as many rounds as possible within two minutes. However, there is a lower limit as to how many legs tuck one can do. Strength, stamina, and speed are the most important things you need to complete as many legs folds as possible here.
Test 6: Two-Mile Run
            The sixth and last test of ACFT is a 2-mile run by the soldiers through a chosen route. While this test may appear most effortless of all, you’ll be too exhausted from the other five tests to make it a piece of cake. That means only soldiers with unmatched strength and stamina will perform exceptionally in the 2-mile run. It is the reason all military runs happen after other forms of training to ensure the soldiers have the right energy for combat.
Essential Tips to Prepare for Army Combat Fitness Test
           There is no big secret to passing the ACFT besides the regular fitness program. Here are a few tips to prevent you from getting it once you arrive at the training center.
Eat High-Protein Meals and Avoid Fat
           ACFT is about strength, and you need the muscle to perform all exercises. Proteins help your body repair and recover after every workout. Additionally, it enables you to get leaner, which is very important for the leg tuck exercise. Even as you take high-protein foods, make sure they are low on fat. Too much fat will slow you down, and believe me, you wouldn’t want to come last in every test.
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Do 3 – 5 Hours of Exercises a Day
            Although ACFT requires a minimum of 4 hours per week, you can do a minimum of three, and you’re good to go. Consistency and commitment is the most critical aspect of this training. Keep going even when the going gets tough. You can find motivation from many things, including finding a lifting partner. Most importantly, set short term but realistic goals for your training exercises. It will be much easier for you when the times come for real hardcore ACFT events.
Choose Your Supplements Wisely
            Supplements are a double-edged sword; they can make or break you, as far as ACFT is concerned. Soldiers and other fitness enthusiasts fall short of optimal nutrition due to overdependence on protein supplements. The trick here is trying to maintain the balance. Furthermore, not all protein supplements are ideal for combat training, so you need to supplement wisely. Focus on quality, not quantity.

Have Enough Rest
          Enough sleep helps your body recover and carry out self-repair. The recommended duration of a night’s sleep is eight hours. However, you can still have enough rest if you sleep for seven hours. Many people don’t know that sleep helps you get rid of extra fat. The energy your body needs to carry out its physiological functions when we are rest comes from fat breakdown. For this reason, the longer one sleeps, the more they shed extra fat.
            If you think these exercises are too much, think again because they are more comfortable than most bodybuilding and fitness exercises. However, each ACFT exercise should achieve a particular goal, and it does. A soldier’s motto is learning through pain and suffering because there is no learning in battle; it’s a matter of life and death. The best thing about ACFT is that soldiers are given enough warmup time before doing the official exercises. That should prepare you physically and psychologically for the task ahead.
            Additionally, there is a lot of motivation around you during the test, from watching your comrades do them. ACFT may be exaggerated out here, only to find that things are a bit easier on the ground. Similarly, you may be overconfident, only to get shocked by the intensity of the exercises.
             You don’t have to be in the army to do ACFT exercises. Anyone can do it for their fitness and health development. Don’t be afraid to face the little pain and suffering every day because you build something better. Finally, for our men and women in uniform who put their life on the line every day to protect us from internal and external threats, we say thank you!

How to Retain your Physique after Retiring from Bodybuilding

How to Retain your Physique after Retiring from Bodybuilding

             What happens when the god of muscle mass retires? The question is as hard for them as it is for you. Losing their celebrity status, which comes with endorsements and other financial benefits, is the first reality that hits them. Then they start wondering what they will do with the amount of time in their hands now that their schedule is relaxed. However, bodybuilders can always stay active even when their careers come to an end. Nothing will stop you from going to the gym as frequently as you want. Additionally, retired bodybuilders can embark on other bodybuilding careers like coaching to keep themselves busy.
             Remaining active post-bodybuilding is one thing; retaining your physique is the other. Many retired bodybuilders are worried about how they will happen to their bodies when they stop training. What many of them don’t know is that they can retain their physique after retiring. However, there will be some noticeable changes because of aging.
Strive for Better Health Not an Attractive Body
            There comes a time when all that matters is your health. By the time bodybuilders retire, they would have exhausted themselves during rigorous workout sessions. It would help if you kept the blood flowing normally even as you hang your bodybuilding boots. Light exercises will help your blood usually circulate. During such workouts, blood is pumped to provide energy to your muscles and keep them fostered. This process causes muscle growth, which is only for a short time, and after your workouts, they start to decrease gradually.
             Aging is not bad. It is bad enough when you start losing memory and find it hard to regain the vigor you once had while a youngster. The worst of all is the loss of muscles and bone density with normal aging. Keep your muscles fit for long, even after retiring from bodybuilding, by adding more protein to your diet and having regular resistance training to maintain your muscles and increase metabolism. Sagging muscles is very stressful because you end up losing your body shape.
            There are several ways to prevent muscle loss. The most obvious thing that happens to you after retiring from bodybuilding is losing the right amount of muscles not because of stopped training or eating a fair amount of proteins, but because you no longer have anabolic steroids. It would be best to do many resistance exercises either by lifting weights or stretching your hands as long as you have to stretch muscles.
Treat Your Retirement Like a Holiday
            Just because you no longer part of bodybuilding doesn’t necessarily mean that you focus on other essential aspects to retain your physique. You do not need to take more of your time eating heavily, using supplements, or training to the point of getting exhausted. Appreciate what you have already achieved and begin training purposely for the sense of your well-being and overall health.
Eat Foods with Targeted Nutrients Only
              Retaining your physique is not in any way difficult, as you will go about it the same way you would if you wanted to amass muscles. The only key difference to consider with retaining and maintaining your physique is changing your training and the way you eat. Excess intake of calories is no longer needed since your aim is not muscle building but retaining the right physique. You should alter your previous eating schedule and adjust to eating healthy, the right foods that will help you support your muscles. Reducing the calories that make the body grow stronger and bigger will do you a great deal!

             Train yourself on the standard three meals a day, however hard it may seem. You should stick to a strict healthy diet most of the time; you are just trying to avoid the excess calories. In physique retaining, nutrition is the most critical aspect to consider. Even if you are on less frequent workouts but still taking lots of calories, your body will utilize the inputs and build muscles. Consider getting enough proteins for your activity level. Increase the levels of water intake to stay dehydrated to help maintain the right muscle balance.
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Reduce Daily Training Hours to a Maximum of 2
             Like healthy eating, training goes a long way in making sure you have an excellent body post-bodybuilding. You may be afraid of losing your perfect body rapidly if you don’t train. Know that you cannot lose a lot of muscles overnight, especially if you keep training. Nonetheless, practice does not need to be as rigorous as it used to be. Do a full-body workout every day for a maximum of two hours every day. That should be enough to keep you healthy.

             It will leave you a sick pam and your muscles engorged with blood when training with higher repetition. You should avoid heavyweights that you were used to, for your target is retaining the physique. Use the approach of not utilizing many intensity tactics and reducing the speed of your workouts. You will effectively keep the muscles by not often lifting heavy weights or as intensively used to doing.
Don’t Stop Taking Supplements
              Consider using supplement products to improve nutrient metabolism and for weight loss. Most importantly, use Chromium picolinate as your most preferred supplement, since its nutritional contents and standardized. Also, using a multivitamin and fish oils work best. They are very standard for human health overall and don’t directly lead to growing muscles. The money that could otherwise buy excess proteins can be a good saving for you to venture into something else.
Cardio Helps Your Heart Adjust
            Your heart has been responsible for everything you ever did as a bodybuilder. You have it to thank for the many contests and titles you won. Because you do not want to get more muscles, you can utilize this time to train a different part of your body, specifically the cardiovascular system. Opt for excess cardio, which is suitable for impeding muscle gain, and focus on it now that you are already satisfied with the number of muscles you have. You can quickly lose some body fat to make you look better and benefit from an improved cardiovascular condition. Additionally, try jogging on the treadmill a few days a week as you maintain a healthy diet.
Have Enough Rest and Sleeping Time
             Natural testosterone and human growth hormones are set on repairing and rebuilding your body. Sleeping is the best time for rebuilding. Get enough restful sleep to help in this process, enough time for relaxation, and keep your self-stress free because the emotional stress will stimulate the catabolic stress hormones, which will lead to a speedy loss of muscle pump.
Set Personal Goals
               Now that your goal is retaining a sound body after many years of bodybuilding, it is the perfect time to improve on certain aspects of your life. If you are not disciplined and committed to your obligations, you might not achieve the best of your desires. Long after having maintained the same drive, focus, and determination you have, you will one day be content with what you have achieved.
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              Post-bodybuilding does not signal the end of training and targeted workouts. People who have never been bodybuilders train every day, not to gain muscle but to remain healthy. That should be your mindset as you begin a new chapter of your life. Although the new routine may appear strange, you will slowly adjust and come to enjoy it. Your goal should be trying to retain that incredible body you have built through the years.
Most importantly, remember it is your time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You don’t have to kill yourself with training anymore, because there is no contest pressure. All you’re doing now is remaining healthy with light exercises.

Why Use Antioxidants During a Steroid Cycle.

Why Use Antioxidants During a Steroid Cycle.

Antioxidants During a Steroid Cycle
           Steroids are synthetic hormones designed for clinical use in the management of various chronic diseases. Anabolic-androgenic steroids, which are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone, are used by athletes in sports. The aim in such instances is to boost muscle mass, increase performance and endurance. Also, they shorten recovery time between exercises. Inappropriate use of steroids is associated with several adverse effects. To limit such outcomes, their correct use is recommended, and antioxidants can help you.

              Due to a varied used and different desired outcome, patterns of use have been established; cycling, stacking, and pyramiding. Steroid cycle refers to a pattern of steroid use intending to build body mass or muscle mass. Here anabolic androgenic steroids are used in cycles of about six to twelve weeks followed by an off phase of several months. Pyramiding generally involves gradually increasing the dose of the steroids to a maximum level followed by dose reduction. Another pattern is stacking, where various steroids combinations including the addition of other supplements.
Steroids in Sports
            Athletes desired outcome categorize steroids as either; bulking steroids- used to increase muscle mass, performance steroids- aimed to increase strength and endurance, cutting steroids- used to reduce weight (cut fat). Delivery routes are based and user preference and desired outcome. It can be oral, implants, injections, and cream or gels. In the body, they bind to the androgen receptors and result in molecular interactions with the cell DNA. The ultimate result is to increase protein synthesis and subsequent cell growth.
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            Cycles for anabolic steroid use depend on the physical state of the user. Beginners and experienced users have different cycles. This limits the chances of developing adverse outcomes; for instance, it lowers the risk of suppressing own hormone production. Also, it enhances higher efficiency and safety. An example of a steroid cycle for beginners includes; turinabol 30-50mg/day for 9 weeks, testosterone enanthate 500mg/week for 8 weeks, and Dianabol 30-50mg/day for 6 weeks. Experienced athletes’ cycle contains a combination of steroids, for example, nandrolone decanoate +sustanon, trenbolone enanthate plus testosterone, boldenone plus testosterone enanthate.
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What are Antioxidants?
          Antioxidants are substances or elements that inhibit or reduce cell damage due to free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and other unstable molecules that’s come about as a result of chemical reactions or physiological changes in the body. During a steroid cycle, antioxidants play a role in scavenging free radicals and other unstable compounds produced by skeletal muscles during exercise.

The roles played by these antioxidants include;
Prevent oxidative stress.
Reduce exercise-induced muscle damage.
Increase muscle endurance.
Shorten the recovery time after exercise.
Counteract neutrophil inflammatory response.

The roles listed above are discussed in detail as follows. Later I would discuss various classes and types of antioxidants available.
Antioxidants Counteract the Effect of Oxidative Stress.
          Antioxidants cushion the oxidative stress sequelae. Physical exercise increases the production of reactive oxygen species, nitrogen species, free radicals, and their accumulation within the muscle mass. A sustained balance between oxidation and reduction is important in maintaining muscle physiology. These reactive oxygen species comprise; superoxide anions, hydroxyl radicals, and peroxyl radicals.
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How To Bulk Up Without Getting Fat – The Essentials

How To Bulk Up Without Getting Fat – The Essentials

            It’s winter, which means bulk-up time! In this article, we will give you some advice on how to do it properly this year, getting the muscle mass up, without turning into a walking bucket of grease. Read on to find out how to bulk up without getting fat.
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First Things First: Some Fat Isn’t Avoidable
           Guys, bulking up targets muscle gain, but gaining some fat is inevitable. Why? Because that is how nature works, when you up your caloric intake, your body’s ancient mechanism starts deciding what do do with it. Yes, you will train hard, and most of that new weight will be muscle (and water), but some of it will end up stored as fat.
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        The same goes for cutting—you can’t just choose only to burn fat, you will lose some muscle mass in the process as well. There’s a catch, however—steroids. If you are juiced up, you will basically only get the good part of both bulking/cutting, but even then, it is possible to get fat or burn muscle if you are not doing it right.
          So what’s the point of this article? The point is not to get fat. There is a big difference between getting some fat in the process, and turning into a mush that almost looks like he never trained before. A big difference.
Must Read: Bulking Up? Why you Need a Trainer at the Beginning?
          This article will go through some tips that will help you manage your nutrition, which will lead to quite a “clean” bulk (we will get to that later too). This is not only important because it is healthier, as we know you only worry about gains. It is crucial as it will make the cutting process much easier because that is usually where things fail—you bulked up too much, and you just become fat. That is what we want to avoid. Let’s go!
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Tip #1: Give It Enough Time
            Making a bulking plan is the same as making any other plan in your life. Like you can’t become fluent in a foreign language in two months, it is impossible to gain 20 pounds and then shred em down in two months either.
              If you are natural, your best approach is to use the whole winter to bulk up, use the entire spring to cut, and to get lean for the beach season. Of course, if you are not getting ready for the summer, this is irrelevant, the time needed is the point. That will give you enough time to do things properly, minimizing fat gained. Your goal is to gain 0.5/1 lbs per week, not more! So, if you are bulking for two months, that will be 4-8 lbs of total body weight. Keep in mind, this is fat, muscle, water, and everything else that follows.
          If you are short on time, clean bulk is your only option, as you don’t want to risk staying fat. Therefore, if you don’t have time to go through a real bulk followed with a cut, just up your protein intake, and closely monitor your physique and waist circumference.
Tip #2: Up Your Protein
           It should be clear that if you are looking to bulk (gain weight), you will need to enter a caloric surplus, which means you will need to consume more than you spend. Without this, adding muscle mass fast won’t happen, unless you are a total beginner. But, if you want to do bulk the right way, your primary focus should be to increase your protein intake. Proteins are the central building block of muscle, and since your goal is to increase muscle mass through intaking more calories, proteins are your ally.
             So, include a protein-rich meal in your diet. This can be eating a big can of tuna, chicken breast, and a salad for dinner, or drinking a protein shake in the morning and prior to your workouts. You can also start eating more dairy products, such as cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. And of course, eggs are your friend, plus they are inexpensive protein source. If you are a beginner, and underweight, this alone will help you gain muscle, especially if you haven’t supplemented with protein before.
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Tip #2: Watch The Junk
          While beginners can benefit only by adding a protein-rich meal a day, more advanced lifters and bigger guys will need a more radical approach.
           The easiest way to increase your caloric intake is to eat more fatty foods. Fats have 9 calories in a single gram, while proteins and carbs have 4 calories, making them much more “efficient.” So yes, adding more fatty foods to your diet will get you results faster if you just look at the calculation. Just be careful not to overdo it as it can make you fat quickly. Not only that, you will increase your total caloric intake, but by adding only fat to your diet, you will reduce your relative protein intake, which isn’t great.
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            As for the carbs, you need those too, as they fuel your hard workouts (we will get to that later). But, opt for some high-quality carbs, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, and of course, green veggies. You can also eat fruit. Try to up your carbs before your workouts, to maximize your effort, but reduce the intake after training, especially if you do it in the evening.
             When reading this, you must be thinking that junk food is an ideal bulking partner: it contains a lot of calories, mostly from fat and carbs. However, not only that it is unhealthy, but the combination of these high fat and high carb, ultra-processed foods is going to make you gain weight too rapidly, most of it stored as fat. Therefore, try to minimize the amount of food you eat out, as you will have a hard time shredding that fat down.
Tip #3: Train Hard!
            People, if you are upping your calories, more energy will be available to you, which means you must train harder. That can mean many things: upping the intensity, frequency, or volume, and in some cases, even a mix of those. The important thing is: you are eating more, which means you need to do more.
            Now, there is a wrong kind of “more,” and that is only focusing on strength. While yes, you will get stronger as your weight increases, as you’ll have more leverages, that is not the goal here. The goal is to gain more muscle mass, so avoid training in the lower rep ranges. Keep your sets in the “bodybuilding zone,” which is 8-12 reps for most movements. But, as we said before, up the intensity too, by adding more weight to the bar, and getting (close) to failure.
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            Also, the focus of the majority of your workouts should be on compound movements. You have more energy, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t go hard on those major lifts. Here, you can slightly lower the rep range in order to go extra heavy, but don’t go below five. And make sure you follow up the compounds with some isolations, as they are less taxing on the body anyway.
Tip #4: Prioritize Recovery
           While it is true that your recovery will be much better when you are in a caloric surplus, as there is enough in the bloodstream to mend those muscles, you should still make sure you are getting adequate rest. That’s primarily because you are going to train harder, which will increase your stress hormones, which are mostly catabolic.
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            So, prioritize rest. Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours per night. But, also make sure you are not overtraining. Train hard, but have a reasonable plan, and leave at least one, ideally two days off every week. And plan deload weeks, where you will let your body recover and catch up. You can do these once every four weeks, or once every eight weeks, depending on your exercise intensity and the length of your bulking cycle.
Tip #5: Track Progress
          This one is essential, as it separates you from getting obese. You need to track your progress regularly, to have the right picture of it, and adjust accordingly. First, take a picture of your physique before starting out, and continue taking pictures once per month. Make sure you take side pictures as well, which will get you a better picture of the size of your gut.
          Also, once per week, in the morning, on an empty stomach, measure your weight, but also weight circumference. The goal is to weigh more, without getting fatter, and your waist will be a good indicator of this. But, you should also take measurements of your other body parts, such as quads, chest, biceps, back. That will not only tell you if your muscles are growing, but will serve as a tremendous motivator to continue doing things the right way. However, this is a slow process, and once per month is more than enough.
Tip #6: Don’t Forget Cardio
          While this sounds counterintuitive, as cardio is a tool used for cutting, doing cardio will help your clean bulk efforts too. Plus, cardio is essential for health, and avoiding it will hinder your longevity. So, 2x per week, on those days you are not going heavy, do a 30-minute cardio session. This can be anything from rowing, swimming, jogging, or riding a (stationary) bike. Just make sure you opt for low-intensity, rather than HIIT, as you will already go heavy on your weights workouts.
Must Read:: Best Cardio And Weight Exercises To Lose Weight
         Cardio will also help with your recovery, as it will get the blood flowing through those damaged muscles, helping them heal up.
Tip #7: Consider supplements
            As we noted, this article is primarily for natural lifters. If you are on steroids, you will probably be able to bulk even if you are not that careful. But, natural lifters will have to do things the hard way, and get fewer results.
             Therefore, supplementing is critical. First, if you are not using it, creatine alone will make you bulk up very fast. It will tie water to your muscles, increasing your weight, but also size. Also, it will give you more energy, allowing you to lift harder, which will result in more muscle gains in the long run.
            We mentioned protein before, and supplementing with quality when protein powder is always a good option during your bulking phase. If you don’t tolerate it, or you are a vegan, opt for something plant-based, such as brown rice or pea protein. As for the other supplements, you can try weight gainers, if you are really struggling to eat regularly. Or, you can use caffeine-based pre-workouts to give you a boost, which will allow you to train harder.
            But, keep in mind that supplements are only that, and are designed to make your nutrition better, not to replace it. In other words, focus on real foods.
           That was our take on bulking. If you follow our tips, you are likely to gain quality weight in your bulking phase, minimizing the need to cut down before summer drastically. Doing things slowly while tracking your progress, training hard, and focusing on quality foods is always the best approach that will lead to longterm results. Remember, if you only aim for the summer season, you will need to start all over again once you get back from the holidays. It is a much better idea to embrace a fitness lifestyle, and stay awesome all year round.
Stay strong!

The 10 Best Fitness Products for 2020

The 10 Best Fitness Products for 2020

             Fitness and health work for hands in hand. Proper fitness is required for your healthy living, and you are to be healthy to carry out a fitness regime. For effective fitness, you need some products made for the purpose. There are different types of fitness products in the market today. The ones that reign supreme 2019 may not still be at the forefront in 2020. That is why this post is made to give you an updated list of 10 best fitness products for 2020.
              You can buy top-notch fitness products, ranging from snacks to indoor workout gear, as you read to the end of this article. The truth is that getting motivated in a fitness regime is difficult most times. To make it easy for you to continue to enjoy exercising daily, you should go for a comfortable and top-notch fitness product. Check through our list of the best 2020 fitness products to select the ones that will meet your needs. You will be sure of keeping a healthy and fit body as you exercise with any of the fitness products mentioned on our list.
What you should know about fitness?
              Before you dive into the world of fitness, it is necessary to find out the actual definition of the word, “Fitness.” According to the dictionary, fitness is a state or quality of being fit. It is being sound mentally and physically. But, most people normally restrict their definition of fitness to physical wellness and health. Fitness, according to exercise experts, does not mean that one has to embark on an ultra-marathon. It does not mean that you can personal one hundred pull-ups or one pull up. In a null shell, the meaning of fitness can be different for different people.

           According to Facts and Statistics from HHS.gov, less than 5% of adults normally participate in 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Also, only 1/3 of adults normally receive the recommended dose of physical activities weekly.  About 35-44% of adult age 75 years or more are active physically. With these statistics, you should ask yourself whether you are among the active adults within the stated age group or not. There is no need for a doctor to know about your fitness level. When you can stand up and walk around without pains, you are fit.
Some Benefits of Fitness You Should Not Ignore
          There are quite a lot of benefits associated with fitness, which made it necessary for everyone, both children and adults. Learning more about the fitness benefits will spur you into trying your best to keep fit always. Some of the fitness and exercise benefits you should know to include:

Regular exercise and fitness can improve your mood, reduce depression and anxiety
Boost fast metabolism and burning of calories daily to lose weight
Increase your energy level
Fitness and regular physical activities will help to enhance your skin health
Enhance your sleep quality and relaxation.

How to Select the Best Fitness Products?
            It is challenging to know the fitness products to buy with a lot of options in the market. Ranging from snack to gear, you will be overwhelmed with choices available as you check the market. However, there are solutions to the confusion associated with selecting a fitness product, which you will get from this content.
           The first thing you should consider when you want to invest in exercise and fitness products is your age. Consider your age when you want to buy the fitness products to avoid getting the one that will cause broken bone or muscle pull. More so, it is necessary to consider checking through the part of the body you want to exercise more such as your shoulder, knees, abs, and more.
           Another thing to put into consideration when you want to buy a fitness product is your current fitness level. Do you want to lose weight, and enhance your packs? Are you looking for muscle tune, or only to be smart and at alert? Your answer to these questions will determine your choice. It will help you to know the right product that will meet your fitness needs at any given time.
Get fitness product to help with your sleep quality and relaxation
            To relax and enjoy better sleep, you need regular exercise. The reason for the better sleep is as a result of depletion of energy that happens when you exercise triggers recuperative process at the sleeping time.

              More so, exercise usually increases body temperature, which helps to improve the quality of sleep by reducing during sleep time. There are many discoveries and researches on sleep that reached the same conclusion. According to a study, about 150 minutes of fair-to vigorous fitness activity in a week tend to offer about 65% improvement in the quality of sleep.
Must Read:: The Importance of Sleep for Bodybuilders
            Those with insomnia have experienced improvements in their sleep following sixteen weeks of fitness and other physical exercises. More so, fitness helps to boost the energy level of the body and enhances work efficiency. Those suffering from a sleep disorder can get a solution to their problem with regular exercise.
              Having the right exercise and fitness regime will help you to get a better result. So, if you are looking to boost your relaxation and sleep quality as an elderly one, you should consider going for any of the best fitness products for 2020 listed on our platform.
Stimulate your brain function and memory with these fitness products
        The function of the brain and heart are very crucial for human existence. Lack of normal brain function can result in memory loss and other kinds of health issues. You can avoid this from happening by taking advantage of the fitness products for 2020 provided on our list.

             Fitness through physical exercise can enhance brain function, protecting the memory and the ability to think. Workout or other forms of fitness activities increases heart rate, which also enhances blood flow as well as oxygen to the brain. Since the brain requires oxygen to person optimally, there is a need for regular exercise and fitness activities.
           Those battling with chronic disease can get a solution quickly when they begin to keep fit. Older adults are expected to always embark on physical exercises that will help improve their fitness to avoid some age-related chronic diseases, such as memory loss and more.
Below is the list of handpicked ten best fitness profits for 2020 you should know.
Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro
          To maintain body fitness and health, every home is expected to home gym products. If you are interested in getting the products but do not know the ones that will give you the required result, the Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro is one of the best products. The fitness product is created to improve the home gym, offering users an opportunity to strengthen their core and arms.

              You are supposed to feel pains on your arms or core when you move them, as a feeling of pains in this area signal unfitness. That is why you should consider adding this fitness tool into your arsenal today to get the fitness result you have desired without wasting time.
Buy it HERE
            To exercise with this fitness product, steer it left, right, or center to move your body alongside and strengthen the muscles. The mega-wide wheels will help you target your oblique’s. It also comes with hand a grip that helps to activate the muscles in the core and arms at the same time. The trending modifiable risk factor for premature death has been attributed to insufficient exercise. To avoid that happening to you, there is a need to get this perfect fitness Ab Carver Pro listed here.
ABOX Percussion Massage Gun
           Your search for the best fitness products will be easy when you check through our list here. The NordicTrack Recovery Massage Gun is one option you should not miss when you want to maintain proper fitness. The fitness product is great for both young and old, which made it the delight of fitness seekers. So, if you want to keep fit in a fun and exciting way, you should consider adding the ABOX Percussion Massage Gun to your list of equipment.
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        Adding to the improved technology associated with this fitness tool, it is also a more affordable alternative to the sophisticated Theragun Therapy device.
          The ABOX Percussion Massage Gun is created with three interchangeable massage heads. The massage heads help to improve blood flow, activate the muscle, and relieve tension in the muscle. More so, when you begin to massage your body with this fitness product, your body will be fired on the cylinders. With this fitness product, you can reduce stress, manage anxiety, and depression. More so, you can also improve your sleep quality with regular use of this product.
DynaPro Exercise Ball with Pump
            Before now, the exercise ball was commonly seen at homes and offices. But, lately, it is becoming uncommon to catch the sight of that mostly in the offices. Employees in most offices are often seen with their back sunken in their back on their office chair, which is the cause of many posture-related health issues retired workers usually suffer. The DynaPro Exercise Ball with Pump is a five-star rated fitness product you should buy.
        Many things made this exercise and fitness product the best among others in the market. The DynaPro Exercise Ball is crafted with some tech features that made it a good fitness product for everyone. Some of the features associated with this fitness product that made it one of the best on our list include:

Plug-remover tool.

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          It may also interest you to know that the fitness tool is created to be effective without fear of bursting during use. In that regard, you can balance on the ball or bounce as you wish with the ball.
The ANCHEER Under Desk Elliptical
           If you always have a busy day in the office, the ANCHEER Under Desk Elliptical is the fitness product you should buy. With this fitness product, you do not have to give an excuse about what made you not to exercise during the day. It is created to continue to work out as you carry out your duties in the office. You can continue to juggle between emails and phone calls at the same time continue to peddle with the product.
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           Connect the ANCHEER to your mobile app through Bluetooth to track your workout progress at the same time set goals weekly. The fitness product is created with eight resistance levels. Therefore, you can adjust the intensity of your workout as you make use of this device. The most interesting thing about this device is that it is quiet and does not make noise. With the noiseless function, your coworkers will not be bothered at any given time.
ProForm PFTL60916 505 CST
             Are you looking for the best way to keep fit without stressing yourself? No worries as you have come to the right online platform where your needs will be met. The ProForm PFTL60916 505 CST is built for those that are interested in running but are not sure the amount of time to invest in the fitness habit. It is an indoor fitness product that will allow you to make your home gym efficient and rewarding.
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           The price tag on this fitness product is this product is affordable, which made it the best for those that want to keep fit without spending a lot of money to equip their home gym. More so, the fitness machine comes with one month of free unlimited workout program.
            Adults and children can benefit from this fitness product to achieve their goal. One more thing you should know about this product is that it is foldable and does not take up a lot of storage space. In that regard, storage space is not always an issue for those that have this fitness machine in their homes.
Power Bloc Sports 24 Adjustable Dumbbells
          Physical exercise lowers the risk of heart disease by more than 20%, and weight lifting is one of the ways to engage in physical exercise. The power Block Sport 24 Adjustable Dumbbells will allow you to build your fitness and enhance your overall health.
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           To make use of this fitness product, choose the weight you can train with and start training. The dumbbells are created to be adjustable in three-pound increments. With the improved features of this training machine, it has gotten 4.5-stars from more than four hundred Amazon reviews.
           The comfortable feel and colorful look of this product contributed to make this fitness product the best among others in the market. That is why we have decided to list this product on our list. Adding to the amazing features of the product, it is affordable. That is why you should go on and take advantage of it today without delay.
The Bosu Balance Trainer

           To those that visit the gym frequently, Bosu Balance Trainer is not a new thing to them. It is both popular and useful for fitness and wellness. Fitness exercise comes in different forms and types, and you need a combination of them to get the result you desire.
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           Those that think their squat, plank, and standard crunch, or push up is not giving them desired benefits, can consider bringing this balance trainer. The Bosu Balance Trainer comes with increased difficulty to satisfy your rock-hard body needs. With this training product, you will not continue with your usual training but get to another level of the training. Your fitness routine will be enhanced to improve your body and enhance your overall health. The cost of this training machine is equally affordable, which is the best for anyone planning to train hard and get a better result.
Raleigh Bikes Cadent 2 MD/17
              Biking is an exciting fitness activity both to young and old. With the fun and entertaining nature of this sport, bikes are required in homes where people are interested in maintaining their fitness and health. Many sports bikes are in the market today, and some of them are available at an affordable rate. The Raleigh Bikes Cadent 2 MD/17 offers great features that attract people to it. Therefore, for your fitness and overall health, you should consider getting yourself a sports bike like the one discussed here.
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          Raleigh sports bike is recommended for various reasons. It offers some mind-blowing fun features and comes at an affordable rate. Children and adults love this sports bike, which is the reason you should get one for your family to encourage fitness, healthy living, and wellbeing. The flat handlebars, coupled with the sporty structure of Raleigh sports bike, contributed to its stability and balance.
             Road navigation is simple and exciting with Raleigh, as it is crafted with 24-speed gears, mechanical disc brakes, and more. So, you can easily cruise on the gravel path with this bike without fear. One exciting thing about sports biking is that it encourages fitness and workout for everyone. Go on and get a Raleigh bike to boost your memory function, brain performance, and fitness.
Kinetic by Kurt Road Machine Smart Bike Trainer
              Fitness and exercise routine can get bored when you continue to do the same thing daily. To make your daily workout routine interesting and fun, you need to get any of our ten best fitness products for 2020. The Kinetic by Kurt Road Machine Smart Bike Trainer is one of the best fitness products out there in the market that will assure your fitness without wasting time. Take advantage of the opportunity the trainer product offered here to experience the fitness you desire.
           You can set up the indoor cycling training right in within your basement, and connect it to your Smartphone through Bluetooth to start pedaling. With the help of this fitness tool, you can do the following:

Monitor your speed
Power your training
Monitor your distance.

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         Controlling of this machine is possible with the help of the handheld device. You can continue taking advantage of the Ironman-training notwithstanding the weather.
Flybird Adjustable Bench
            If you are a weight lifter but do not want to stand up during the activity, this fly bird adjustable bench is the best choice. The foldable bench is created with 6-back positions option to lay flat and four seat positions. Each of the adjustable positions of this bench has been praised by reviewers.
            That is why the bench is added here as one of the best for fitness seekers. With the foldable feature, the bench does not take a large space for storage. More so, the bench has a whooping capacity of about five hundred pounds. That made it the right choice for trainers of all sizes.
Buy it HERE
          You will make sure that you experience an exciting fitness program as you take advantage of this adjustable bench. With this bench, weight lifting, and other muscle training becomes easier and exciting. You will also not spend a lot of money to acquire this weight lifting adjustable bench, as it is offered at an affordable rate. So, go on and place your order today to have this wonderful fitness product in your basement.
            With the enormous benefits associated with fitness and exercise, it is expected that everyone will be interested in it. But, most people are not able to exercise or embark on fitness activities because of their tight schedule. To such people, what they need is to check throughout ten best fitness products for 2020 to select the one that will meet their needs. You can find various types of indoor and outdoor fitness products as you read through our list. Different fitness products are made for different kinds of people. Your fitness goal will determine the particular fitness product to buy. If you want to train your muscles, you can consider going for dumbbells.
             One more thing about our list of best fitness products is that they are made to allow everyone to keep fit. Most of the products listed here are affordable. That is why you should consider checking out for them to know the one that can give you the level of satisfaction you desire. So, are you ready to enjoy the benefits of fitness and exercise? Check through our list to select the best fitness product that will make your exercise time fun and entertaining time.

How To Optimize Recovery For Maximal Muscle Growth?

How To Optimize Recovery For Maximal Muscle Growth?

            First, we will tell you why recovery matters so much, especially if you are a natural for maximal muscle growth. Then, we will give you some tips on how to optimize it, and lastly, a few supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Stay tuned!
Why Do You Need Recovery for Maximal Muscle Growth?
            The process of muscle building is simple in theory: you lift weights, which causes micro-damage to the muscle fiber. Then, protein synthesis starts happening, and your body heals the damage, at the same time making the muscle bigger and stronger.

          Obviously, for this to happen, you need to exercise, you need protein, and you need to rest as the process only gets triggered in the gym, but the muscles grow while you recover.
           This process of repairing the damage lasts 24-48 hours post-workout, depending on many factors such as muscle groups affected, training intensity, current fitness level, etc.
The Dangers Of Overtraining
            Athletes and gym fanatics often make a mistake by having following the “one more rep!” approach, always trying to force themselves to do more. That kind of mindset looks at recovery as something subhumans do, which can often lead to overtraining.
          The obvious risk of overtraining is not letting your body fully recover from the damage, which can have many negative effects all over your body. These range from injuries, suboptimal gains, but can also affect your immune system, neurological issues, mood changes, and endocrinological changes. The overtraining syndrome is a real issue and is something you don’t want to mess with.
         But, that doesn’t mean that you will become overtrained if you chain 3-4 workouts in consecutive days. Overtraining develops over a prolonged period of high volume + high intensity activities.
            If you notice that you are becoming lethargic, stressed, anxious, that your immune system is weaker, or that you are losing sex drive, loss of appetite, and are continually feeling sore, it is probably time to slow down.

Body Parts Matter Too
             When talking about gym workouts that are aimed towards hypertrophy and strength, it is important to note that the 24-48h rule of rest between workouts is important only when working one body part. However, training the opposite (antagonist) body part won’t cause overtraining. This is why you often have Push/Pull workouts, or body part splits such as Chest/triceps-Back/biceps-Legs/shoulders/abs, and similar. By manipulating your training this way, you are still giving each of your body parts an adequate 24-48 hour rest between workouts, which will allow optimal growth.
        And remember, compound movements that involve the hip joint (squats and deadlifts, and their variations), as well as pullups and presses tax the body much more than isolations that only target one muscle group. Therefore, never train squats and deadlifts on consecutive days, and if you can, put them at least 3-4 days apart. Monday for deadlifts, Friday for squats.
It Is Important To Have Off Days
          Although you can arrange your workouts so that your body parts are activated interchangeably, there’s one thing that is always on – your CNS. When working out hard every day, your body gets taxed a lot, as it has to go through the recovery process over and over again. To make sure it does recover fully, it is essential to have at least one day off every week. Only one day is an option if you are following a classic “bro split,” where you only focus on one muscle group per day. But, if you are training several groups, two days per week off might be a better idea. If you are training full-body, you should do it three times per week, with four off days.

             Of course, nothing is set in stone, these are recommendations for most people. But, it is best to stick to them and see how you feel and then adjust accordingly.
Don’t Forget To Recover Between Sets
            Recovering between sets will allow your muscles to perform optimally and enable you to reach your goals faster. There are different theories, and rest times between sets differ based on your goals. If your goal is strength, you should aim as long as you need to between sets, as you are going to try singles anyway. Therefore, 3-5 minutes, or even more, between sets is not unusual.
          If you are training for size, you are usually somewhere in the 8-12 rep range. That means you are using less weight, but are still going reasonably heavy, and close to failure. In this case, resting 2-3 minutes is optimal.
           If you are training for endurance or looking to lose fat via weight training, you are probably doing higher reps with lighter weights. If that is the case, 1-2 minutes between sets is enough. Or, you can choose two opposite exercises and do supersets, one after another.

8 Hours Of Goodness
           People, you need to worry about your sleep schedule, just as much as you worry about your workout programs. There’s no going around it, if you lack sleep, your gains will suffer.
           Sleep is responsible for energy levels, of course, and if you are drowsy, your workout quality will drop. But, sleep also has essential roles in normal hormone production. Fail to sleep enough, and you will start gaining fat, even if you are not in a surplus. Also, HGH is released during sleep, which is another important factor in muscle growth.
Related Article:: The Importance of Sleep for Bodybuilders
          How much sleep is enough? You already know that 8 hours is optimal for most people. There are exceptions, of course, but most will need 7-8 hours of quality sleep. If you can’t do it all at once during the night, it is OK to have an afternoon nap, as long as you reach your goal. Just remember to have an afternoon and not an evening nap, as it can mess with your night sleep if you do it too late.
Tips To Optimize Sleep:

Have a sleep schedule, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, whenever possible
Don’t drink coffee, pre-workouts, or anything caffeinated 6 hours before bed
Sleep in a dark and quiet room, use dark curtains, eye covers, and earplugs if you have to

Feed Your Muscles during Recovery
          To grow muscle, you need exercise, and you need protein. Muscles are built in the process of protein synthesis, therefore, this macronutrient is essential.
         Whey protein is always the best choice if you are aiming to increase your protein intake through supplementation. Whey has the best absorption and will go to the muscles very quickly.
Find it Whey ➢ HERE
        If you need something that is going to feed your muscles slower, but over a longer period, Casein protein is your best choice. This is a classic “slow” protein that is most often used before sleep, to give the necessary aminos to your muscles while you sleep. Of course, if you are vegan, or you just can’t tolerate dairy products, plant proteins are a good option too. They will give you all that you need and are usually organic and free of toxins.
Eat Carbs Too
           Many gym bros often treat carbs like enemies, as they think carbs ruin those hard-earned abs instantaneously. Yes, it’s true that most junk food like candy and soda is filled with sugar, but that doesn’t mean carbs are bad. It only means that junk food is junk.
Find it Orgain ➢ HERE
           But, when you work out super hard, your body’s glycogen gets depleted, which is the main fuel used for highly intensive activities. Glycogen is a form of sugar that is available in the muscles themselves and is used first during the intense activities, as it is already there. So, the best way to refill your glycogen reserves is to eat carbs, which will make sure your body is fully ready for your next hardcore session.
Read more about:: How To Bulk Up Without Getting Fat
Up Your Caloric Intake
           This one is not for everyone, but, in some cases upping your caloric intake is worth considering. If you are training super hard, going very heavy and doing it frequently, this can cause a caloric deficit on its own. So, if your plan is to lose weight and you are in a deficit anyway, this can be too much. Therefore, if you are feeling lethargic, or especially achy, it is a good idea to up your calories on non-workout days, so that you can recover well. Also, if you want to go extra hard, upping your carbs on workout days will give you the necessary kick.
Find Casein ➢ HERE

Incorporate Light, Non-Lifting Days
          We know that you are hardcore, but if you want to avoid overtraining, you should plan some light days into your schedule. These can be anything from taking a walk, a slow-paced bicycle tour, stretching and foam rolling, going for a swim, or signing up for a yoga class. Anything that is low-intensity but promotes circulation is a good option, as the blood flow will help the muscles heal up better. Plus, you are probably very tight anyway, and doing some yoga poses won’t kill you.
Use Deload Weeks for Recovery
        Deloads are controversial, as many claim that they don’t work. But, if something can potentially prevent overtraining, we say it is a good idea to consider it. A deload week is a week where you cut back on total weight use, training volume, or frequency, or all three. So, you can go for 50% of your 1RM, just going through the motions. Or, you can keep the weight, but reduce the number of sets you do. Alternatively, you can replace exercises, doing simpler and easier versions. For example, instead of the bench press, you can do pushups.
          The idea is to recover by working, so you don’t get lazy, and your muscles still get a fair amount of stimuli and circulation. But, in the deload weeks you don’t redline them. Athletes who favor deloads say they help them go through plateaus, prevent injuries, and feel much better overall. Athletes who hate deloads claim that they are a waste of time. Try it, and see what works for you.
If You Are Juicing, You Still Need To Worry About Recovery
          It is a common thing to hear how steroid users don’t need to worry about recovery, as being enhanced means having much better recovery on its own. That is not exactly so.
         While being enhanced does mean that you will recover better, that also means you will train more, and that you will still need recovery. Think about it logically – juicing will let you train harder and more frequently. If you want to do that and maximize your enhanced gains, you will still need to take care of your sleep, nutrition, supplementation, and everything else we described in the article above. If you8 don’t want to maximize your gains, then why are you taking steroids at all?
Must read:: How Long Does Recovery of Natural Testosterone Take After a 12 Week Steroid Cycle Plus PCT?
            As you can see, recovery is extremely important for Maximal Muscle Growth. Taking care of it is not hard, but it is not very fun, as it requires you to be idle. This is the central reason why many gym fanatics ignore recovery, as it is not something you put on your Instagram story.
         But, even though it sounds boring and unimportant, ignoring it is all but smart and can lead to injuries and health issues. Yes, sometimes it is better to take it slow and easy, if you want to maximize gains, even if you are a hardcore gym maniac.

The Ultimate Get Ripped Anabolic Stack

The Ultimate Get Ripped Anabolic Stack

            Getting ripped in is one of the most important goal of bodybuilders. It simply refers to having your body fat percentage lowered so that superficial veins and the striations in muscles are seen especially when you flex the muscle. Body builders more often than not usually tend to stack the anabolic steroids, which are the major players in getting ripped. To Get Ripped Anabolic Stack simply implies that you tend to or rather take two or even more different types of the steroids usually both oral and injectable.
How much fat should you lose?
         Before looking into to the concept of the ultimate anabolic stack, it is important to consider how much fat you should lose. Getting ripped is about losing fat but there is a physiological point beyond which you should not exceed. Two groups of bodybuilders are usually considered here.

First, there are the natural bodybuilders, which may risk a higher percentage, of about 5 to 6 percent. This percentage for this group of bodybuilders is low enough to preserve their lean mass as much as possible.
Secondly, we have the drug-enhanced bodybuilders. These ones are better if they do a percentage within 2 to 4. The lower percentages indicate that these kinds of bodybuilders can maintain their muscle mass despite the fact that such conditions are usually enough to the muscle protein stores of the body.

Must Read:: 8 Common Fat Loss Myths Debunked
Different products used in getting stack
          Different products used during different stages of workout so that the end result of getting ripped are perfect or near perfect. These categories include:

Pre-workout products Before you start working out, you need to have sufficient energy to be used during the workout. This is what pre-workout products do. The best pre-workout products usually contain stimulants like caffeine and some contain creatine.
Intra-workout products Intra-workout products are usually in powdered form so that they can easily be mixed with water and taken in between workout sessions.
Post workout products The main purpose of post-workout products is basically to help make the body strong again.

Must Read:: The Secrets Toward A Ripped Look
Phases towards getting a ripped body.
          Getting a ripped body takes various steps and processes.  The steps generally include:
 1. Building of the muscles
       This is otherwise called bulking. This phase involves taking in a lot of proteins and carrying heavy weights in addition to training for your strength. It is advised to limit the cardio during this time.

 2. Cutting the body fat
         At this stage, focus is put towards limiting the intake of calories but maintaining the intensity of your workouts. This means that the excess fat is being burned down in such a state but the muscles are being maintained. You can even have extra interval of training at high intensity to your normal workout intensity.
          Care should be taken not to drastically reduce the calories since there will be a need for the body to store the little incoming calories as fat. Sometimes also, the weight loss may reach a point and goes to a plateau stage. This means that the body is does not gain or lose any more weight. In such cases, consider:

Having a thorough review of your diet.
Increasing the intensity of your gym workouts.
Using cutting supplements.

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Related Article:: Best Ideas How to Get Most From Your Workouts?
 3. Body Shredding

          Shredding is just cutting of fat but with a more cutting intensity than in the cutting phase. It involves several processes some of which include:

Frequently training at high intensity intervals every week.
Having sufficient sleep as well as a good rest.

Different types of stack for bodybuilders
       For bodybuilders, life involves different phases each with different supplements. Here are some of these phases including the one for getting ripped.

The mass stack

          Mass stack is important when one wants to their size and use them during training periods. Mass stack ensures that you muscle mass also well grown and maintain it. Several people use different mass stacks that are available. A more common one includes several proteins and or amino acids most of which are good when used 30 minutes before and after workout.
Examples of mass stack

Testosterone boosting stack
        Another important stack to be considered by bodybuilders is the testosterone stack. Testosterone seems to play a big role in every phase of a bodybuilder. It has a role in building muscle mass, muscle strength and sexual health. Supplements used include:

D-aspartic acid.

No booster stack
     Most no booster supplements come with ready-made instructions, which you can easily follow. However, it does no much harm if you can experiment things out using some of these supplement.

Glycine propioyl-l-carnitine.

Get ripped stack
         This phase of the bodybuilder our major concern here. Getting ripped stacked usually comes after mass stack so that the formed muscles can be well exposed. In as much as there is no one ultimate get ripped anabolic stack, several supplements cam still be used and perfect results achieved.
What to know during getting ripped program?
          There are some important things to consider when you decide on the best anabolic stack. Some of them include:

Using weights which are heavier

         Getting ripped is all about gaining a lean physique. This does not however mean reducing your normal weights. Increasing weight triggers the body to build and retain more and more muscles. This is because the body increases its rate of metabolism and sustains it for longer periods of time. A state called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is normally triggered hence the reason for the high metabolism.

Increasing the density of your workouts

            When on a lower calorie diet, it will proof helpful if you get to minimize your workouts and make the very efficient as well.  For example, instead of having your intra-set recovery process for the movements you make, you can do additional work. This goes a long way into increasing the density of your workouts and helping greatly to get you ripped.

Focusing on free weights as well as big movements

           Multi-joint exercise should be a very crucial part of your training if you want to burn off sufficient amounts of body fat and also in building your muscle mass. Multi-joint exercise ensures that you are involving more and more muscles, which also helps you carry heavier and heavier weights.

Use of set-extending techniques

           Set extending techniques include supersets, rest-pause sets and dropsets. Set extending techniques involve continuing lifting weights even if you hit muscle failure. The main purpose of extending your sets is basically to make your muscles work even more hard and over a long period of time. This elevates the heart rate leading to burning of more calories.
Steroids used to get ripped
           Getting ripped involves burning body fat and building muscles at the same time. Some of the steroids that can be stacked to produce the best results are here.  Note that some of them are not necessarily anabolic in nature.
           Anvarol is considered a natural substitute for Anavar. It is also a perfect supplement for helping in bodybuilding and has fewer side effects compared to its counterpart Anavar. It is not an anabolic stack but just a natural steroid that is used in place of Anavar.
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Benefits of Anvarol

Anvarol is safe to use and has little side effects.
It is orally taken hence minimal problems related to injection.
It is a legal product.

Throwbacks of Anvarol
Some of the problems that come with using Anvarol include:

It is taken in large doses which may not be good for some people.
Overdose comes along with some side effects.

           Testosterone is one of the most crucial hormones in men made in the testicles. Also found in slightly smaller amounts in women. Despite being found naturally in the body, people still take additional artificial testosterone. When it comes to getting ripped, testosterone is a good supplement. Testosterone has many effects that include:
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Reducing body fat content.
Increasing the mass of your muscles.
Improving strength and performance during workouts.
Improves the strength of bones.
Improving libido.

How testosterone helps reduce fat content of the body
        In reducing fat content of the body, testosterone does this by upgrading the number of beta-androgenic receptors and also regulates fat metabolism. Insulin which facilitates conversion of carbohydrates to fats is highly regulated by the slightly excess testosterone that is taken by the body.
How testosterone helps build muscles?
        Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hence has a role in building muscles mass. It does this by increasing protein synthesis making proteins some of which are part of the muscle mass.
             Winstrol is also called Stanozolol and is a favourite during cutting cycles. It has a good effect when it comes to loosing sufficient amounts of fat as well as getting muscle mass. Winstrol has a long history, developed in the 50’s. Men like the steroid because it leads to less loss of muscles while consuming lower calories. It is easily taken orally hence no stress of injection compared to most other steroids.
What are the main benefits of Winstrol?
           There are several benefits you get when you use Winstrol. They include:

Performance enhancement

           In increasing your performance during workouts, Winstrol increases the number of red blood cells. The increased RBCs serve to transport oxygen faster and in plenty amounts to your muscles increasing the performance.

Reducing the fat content in the body

            Like testosterone, Winstrol has an effect on loosing body fat with minimal effects on the muscles. By improving performance, one can spend longer hours in the Gym which means that you will also increase the calories taken and therefore increased metabolism. An increased metabolism simply implies that you are burning more fat hence the fat loss properties of Winstrol.

Less water retention

         Water retention is common among many anabolic steroid but with Winstrol, it is greatly reduced. Winstrol due to this effect tends to produce a look that is lean.

Few side effects

         The few side effects that winstrol has also made it popular especially when used in recommended doses. Other benefits of Winstrol include:

Improves bone mass just like testosterone.
Improves muscle mass.
It has no estrogenic side effects.

         Winstrol works over a very short period of time and effects will be visible very soon.
            Winsol is an alternative to winstrol. It is just as good in making your body shreaded but of cause with fewer side effects. It reduces body fat at a higher rate compared to its counterpart.
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Benefits of Winsol

Increases the rate at which muscles grows.
Helps in preserving the lean muscle mass.
Burns fat at higher rate.
Improves the rate of recovery.
Few or no side effects in the right dosage.
Improves cardiovascular functions.

        Trenbolone a common powerful androgenic steroid more even compared to testosterone. It was originally meant for beef cattle and became popular among athletes in around 1970. You can use Tren both during the cutting cycles or bulking. It is however more common during bulking because its effect on building muscles is more compared to burning fat. Tren is a perfect get ripped anabolic steroid because of its ability to produce to muscle mass and at the same time reduce fat which are essential here.
          Being a strong androgenic steroid, its side effects can be very strong. These side effects include:

Reduced libido.
Hypertension and a faster heart beat at rest.

Main benefits of trenbolone

Improves muscle mass at a higher rate

          Tren is a very good anabolic steroid when it comes to gaining muscles without retaining water like the others. It is about 5 times stronger than testosterone.

Leads to an improvement in recovery

         During it you need to reduce on calories intake and this usually has the effect that it tends to reduce recovery. Reduced calories makes your muscles more vulnerable to injury as well as increasing the time taken for your muscles to repair after exercise. However, with Tren, you do not need to worry since it tends to improve your recovery even with reduced calories in your diet.

Less water retention

          Using tren leads to less or even no water retention. This is because tren usually not converts to estrogen, which relates to water retention and bloating. Tren is a perfect androgenic steroid when you use it according to the set doses. It ensures that you are gaining muscle mass even when you are cutting and that makes it popular.
    Clenbuterol is also one of the most commonly used supplement for a shreaded body.
Benefits of clenbuterol

Enhances performance.
Helps reduce body fat content.
Improves cardiovascular performance.

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How Clenbuterol works?
        Clenbuterol describes as a thermogenic product, working by improving the internal temperature and in so doing raising the basal metabolic rate. The body therefore has to use the fat to supply itself with sufficient energy. Apart from increasing the internal temperature, Clenbuterol also increases the rate at which oxygen supplies around the body, which ensures that the cardiovascular functions are well sustained. The muscles too get sufficient oxygen hence improving their performance.
How the cutting stack works?
          The above supplements are good for cutting. They stacks to produce a good ripped body is what we need to know. A commonly used stack includes four of the supplements, Anvarol, Clenbuterol, Testo-max, and Winsol. Each of these plays a specific role as specified below.
        Anvarol – The role of Anvarol here is to ensure that the body is producing sufficient amounts of adenosine Triphosphate(ATP). Sufficient amounts of ATP in the body simply implies that contraction of muscles well driven hence the ability to work even harder during workouts.
        Clenbuterol – As already mentioned on Clenbuterol, it is thermogenic serving to increasing the internal temperature of the body. The calories are burn even when not doing the exercises because of the increased metabolism in the body. Clenbuterol increases the circulation of oxygen, especially in the muscles. This makes you last longer during working out.
          Testosterone( Testo-Max) – Testo-max has tribulus terrestris that serves to naturally boost your testosterone levels in the body. Increased testosterone means that you will be gaining muscle mass as well as improving your performance and many other benefits already said above.
           Winsol  Winsol is a very good alternative to Winstrol. Its role involves reducing water retention and may help increase testosterone as well.
Why this stack considered good?
         There are many other combinations that you can use as a cutting stack and still get better results. However, this combination here seems the best because:

The steroids are safe to use with minimal side effects if you use them in the correct dosage.
The steroids are also legal to use and not the prohibited ones.
Steroids taken orally reduces the dangers associated with needles.
A way that their results are seen within a very short period of time usually about 4 weeks.

How to best use the cutting stack?
         Clenbuterol Clen, use it before every workout session. This will make sure that you have enough power for the sessions and that your metabolism remains high hence burning of more fat.
          Anvarol Take it every other day and serves to give you the strength and the power needed for every session of your workout.
         Winsol Take it every day just like Anvarol. It also serves to boost your strength levels and supplying energy for you to workout.
         Testo-Max Take it every morning. It helps boost the levels of testosterone, which in the long run helps in maintaining performance and in retaining the lean muscle.
Time consideration
          A common question that people like to ask when the process likely to get through. For a while one person it may take a very short time, it may as well take a longer time for others despite using the same anabolic stack.
              A ripped body usually has several factors that have contributed to it and are all related to the length that has been invested in all the phases already mentioned above. Such factors include:

Doing a strength training of the major muscles groups two or more times a week. This way, you will have met what requires to maintain a healthy body and also leads to muscle growth
Resting of the muscles subjected to the training for about 48 hours or more before the next round of such training.
Working to fatigue is also another factor.

          There is no one ultimate anabolic stack that you can get. However, you can always experiment and find out what works for you. Have in mind also that several things also come hand in hand to determine which stack will be the best for you for example our genetic composition. However as long as you maintain your muscle mass and burn the fat in your body, then you can be sure to get a shreaded body within no time.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – A Hormone of Health

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – A Hormone of Health

            Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a protein hormone that is produced mostly by the females during early stages of pregnancy. This natural hormone has several important roles in the body. It is one of those hormones which when detected in the females will be a very crucial sign that they are pregnant.
           Being a hormone, it can influence several physiological functions of the body. It has therefore for this reason been adopted to be used for medical purposes by specialists around the world. Here in this article, we will consider how the hormone can be of use to all people including men.
Commercial names of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
           Human chorionic gonadotropin in nowadays is a drug under different commercial names. The common ones include Pregnyl and Novarel. Also a related drug called Ovidrel. These drugs are injectable forms and not orally taken. Different uses of the drug may either mean that it is an endocrine drug or a drug for fertility purposes. Endocrine drugs tend to influence the hormonal levels in the body and therefore the body will react to how the hormone changes. Fertility drugs on the other hand simply improve your fertility status.
Effects in the body of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
           Once injected, HCG will start affecting the body in about 4 to 12 hours. During this time, it is highly concentrated in blood if measured. In the body, HCG has a half-life of about 30 hours and is usually excreted in urine. The effects of the hormone are very similar to those of another hormone in the body called luteinizing hormone. Basically, it will affect ovulation and estrogen production in women while in men it will have effects on spermatogenesis as well as production of testosterone and a related hormone dihydrotestosterone. These effects have found their way in the specialists of body builders and are currently utilizing it in that sector.

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Biological roles of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the body
         HCG is an important hormone during early pregnancy days. Here are some of its roles during these critical days in the life of the fetus.

Keeps the corpus luteum functioning

       Corpus luteum is an important temporary endocrine gland in early pregnancy. It produces 2 important hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The role of HCG here is to make sure that the corpus luteum continues to produce these 2 hormones until the placenta is mature enough to start producing these hormones at which point it disintegrates.

Stimulate production of testosterone in the fetus

            HCG also help stimulate the fetus to produce testosterone. Testosterone is particularly important in the fetus helping in the differentiation of the sexual organs.

Enhances the production of corticosteroids

          Corticosteroids are other important group of hormones that are important and there production is essential.

Help suppress the reaction of maternal lymphocytes

          A fetus is usually considered a foreign object by the body and typically, the mother’s body is supposed to reject it through the reaction of lymphocytes. However, with HCG and other factors, the baby is not normally rejected.

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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and pregnancy detection
        One of the earliest sign of pregnancy is detection of HCG in blood about 24 to 48 hour after implantation. The hormone after a few days will be detected in urine. Waiting for long periods of times for example after about 16 weeks will not lead to a positive pregnancy test using HCG because its levels will be very low both in blood and urine.
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Roles of HCG as a drug and supplement

       Human chorionic gonadotropin as a drug is very important when it comes to fertility issues. It generally improves fertility both in men and women, usually through encouraging sperm and egg production in men and women respectively.
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Sex-linked conditions

            Besides fertility, Human chorionic gonadotropin comes in strongly as a drug used to relive some sex-linked conditions in both men and women. For example, cases of undescended testes in male infants as well as undeveloped female sexual traits in teenage girls can easily be cured using HCG.

Weight Loss

            As a supplement on the other hand, human chorionic gonadotropin has been implicated in helping reduce weight loss. This however has not been approved and therefore purchase for this purpose is illegal.
Indications for the use of HCG
           Having seen the roles of HCG as a drug, here some of the areas and groups of people who will need HCG upon their cases being presented to a health practitioner who specializes in the area.

Deficiency of testosterone in the body.
Life threatening spontaneous abortions.
Cryptorchidism, that is, undescended testicles in infants either unilateral or bilateral.
Male hypogonadism.
Bleeding in women which is considered dysfunctional.

Must Read:: HCG Dosing For Stimulation Of Testosterone Production
Things to consider before using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
           As a medication, HCG has some restrictions on how to use, when to use and when not to use. All these guidelines were stipulated not long ago (2011) by the Food and Drug Administration. Here are some of the things that you need to consider before it is safe for you to take Human chorionic gonadotropin as a medication.

             It is not safe for pregnant mothers to take HCG because they are already producing plenty of it and any additional hormone is likely to interfere with the pregnancy. The hormone has been proved to cause birth defects and therefore should never be taken during pregnancy or when one is planning to become pregnancy sooner.

            Some people are usually allergic to some drugs, HCG being included. It may not just be the hormone itself but even the component in the drug. It is therefore important to know if you are or are not allergic to HCG before going ahead and taking it for whatever purpose you want. Allergic reaction can be deadly hence the reason to be more careful.
Prostate cancer patients
           Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is not considered a safe drug to be used by those who may be having prostate cancer. This is because the hormone is likely to accelerate the progress of the cancer to more ugly phases. Even people with other cancers which are sensitive to male hormones can easily be accelerated by this hormone when it is used as a drug or a supplement.
Related Article:: Prostate Cancer And Steroids: Let The Pendulum Swing
         Other factors that medical specialists considers before administering Human Chorionic Gonadotropin as drug include:

If one has any cardiac related conditions.
People having kidney diseases and conditions.
Seizures and migraines.
Asthmatic people.
People with ovarian cysts.
People in early stages of puberty.

Side effects of using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
         Any drug has side effects. For human chorionic gonadotropin, being a hormone makes it even more dangerous when it comes to side effects. Here are some of the side effects that you are likely to encounter when using HCG.

Experiencing fatigue and having a headache.
Easily irritate and also being restless.
One is likely to become depressed.
Gynecomastia in males.
Sudden swelling of the extremities.
Probability of having multiple pregnancies usually increases.
Life-threatening allergic reactions.
Thrombosis is highly likely to occur.
Problems are likely to occur in the ovaries including swelling and rapturing.
Some teenagers enter puberty earlier than expected.

Components That Are Likely To Interact With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the Body
           Once taken as a drug or a supplement, human chorionic gonadotropin is likely to interact with several compounds in the body, which in most cases may lead to allergic reactions or even bring about other adverse effects that are not allergic reactions. It is good that your specialist knows about whether you have been using some of these components or anything that night contain them.
            Generally, HCG will interact with several medication, vitamins, supplements taken together with the diet such as protein supplements, herbal drugs and even recreational drugs.

Drugs that affect blood

         Drugs that affect any aspect of blood will definitely interact with human chorionic gonadotropin when taken as drug or a supplement. These include those drugs, which are taken to treat clotting disorders and those taken to increase red blood cells count.

Drugs for treatment of some cancers

          Beside drugs for treatment of cancers that mostly interact with HCG are those that will have effects on blood supply. A good example is thalidomide, which also implicate in causing birth defects.

         Besides drugs, HCG will also interact with alcohol. When HCG is taken in the hope of improving fertility, then alcohol should not be taken. This is because their interactions usually leads to birth defects.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin & Dosage
           Just like any other medication out there, dosage when it comes to human chorionic gonadotropin when used, as a drug is crucially important. The dosage for HCG will depend first on the condition that  treat and secondly on sex of the patients. Different conditions require different doses, as do the sexes. Taking an overdose of the drug is considered an emergency situation and you should make effort to conduct the poison center as soon as possible. If you happened to miss the dosage, there is usually no much concern but efforts should be made to reschedule the dosage within the shortest time possible.

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Diet
            For reasons other than medical purposes, some people tend to on an HCG diet especially in the hope of losing weight. However, the diet is not good at all for several reasons. The main reasons as to why the diet is not a good choice is the fact that it accompanies a diet with low calories. Of course the low calorie diet will make you lose some weight, the low amount of calories are disastrous especially to the brain since it cannot maintain it. It generally not a safe option if you want to lose weight and one should not go for it.
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HCG Diet formula

            Having said that HCG diet concept is not a good choice to go for, people out of curiosity may wonder what can be a perfect HCG diet formula for them. The truth is, HCG all this aspect has not been regulated by FDA and therefore finding sufficient information on this aspect is not easy or it does not even exist. However, talking to a knowledgeable physician may help shape things out and make you find a right HCG diet formula for you.
How the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin diet work in weight loss
         How does HCG come in to reduce weight? People have reported losing a lot of weight using this supplement although it is not safe as already stressed. The idea of how it actually reduces weight comes from how the HCG produced during early stages of pregnancy works. During these days, the hormone instructs the body to use stored fat for energy purposes so that the mother can sustain the baby.

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           Therefore, when taken as a supplement, it will in the same way instruct the body to use stored fat and this implies that the user will not have to ingest many calories. The end results is usually a reduction in weigh due to use of body fat for energy purposes. Therefore, the loss of weight is not due to the action of the hormone but due to the fact that it cause a change in diet, which then triggers a drop in weight.
HCG Drop
         Besides the normal HCG used as a medication and as a supplement, there is another product similar to HCG called HCG drop.

Roles of HCG Drop

         The product believed to have an effect on the metabolism and on weight loss. It has been implicated to help shape metabolism and reduce weigh hence proving of importance to those with the intention of losing weight.
         However, the concept is not well proven and it has been shown that effectiveness actually depends on how the body of the person will take it. This is to mean that HCG drop may be very effective to some people while it may have no effects at all to some people.

HCG Drop reactions

          HCG drop not regulate by Food and Drug Administration. Therefore very little information is known about it. Especially when it comes to how it will react with the some components in the body and also other medication that one is taking. Consult a specialist in case you want to try out the product and see how they may advise you.
Recommendations on the use of HCG by Athletes
         Despite the fact that use of HCG by athletes may not be the best thing you can do as an athlete, there are certain recommendation which when followed may give some results, which are good. The recommendations are below:

If one has been taking anabolic steroids for at least 6 months and wishes to try out HCG, then it is recommended that you should reduce intake of the steroids the moment you start on HCG. HCG here is believed to reduce the testosterone deficiency. Upon completion of your anabolic steroid cycle, then you should also stop the HCG dosage as well.
So as to ensure optimal level of testosterone in the body, it is recommended that HCG be taken during a break of at least two weeks for anabolic steroid cycles lasting between 3 to 4 weeks long.

        Sometimes the athlete may be on prolonged anabolic steroid use without bothering on the use of HCG. In such a case, one should incorporate the HCG in their post-cycle therapy. Inject HCG every day for a total of 20 days.
HCG and Cycles
     Look at the recommendations, let us now turn to the cycles. If you can meet the above recommendations, then you can proceed and check out if these cycles can work for you.

HCG cycles for Men

         For men who wish to use HCG, the cycle that is best for them will depend on how much they weigh. An athlete with about 70 kg will require between 1500 to 3000 units of Human Chorionic gonadotropin every day. The dosage increases with increase in weight up to a maximum of 10000 units of every injection per day.

HCG cycles for Women

         For women, HCG mainly prescribed for medical purposes. The recommended cycles for women vary and include:

Injecting 3000 international units(IU) twice every 3 days for 3 full weeks.
Injecting 1500 international units of HCG every day for at least 5 to 6 weeks.
Using about 500 to 1000 units two times a week for a period of 8 weeks.

Safest cycle to use

         For athletes on anabolic steroids, a safe cycle will be good for them. It involves taking HCG in the 3rd week of the anabolic steroid cycle in doses of between 1000 and 1500 units of HCG. The dosage normally divides into two injections and should end upon the end of the anabolic steroid cycle. Upon completion, one should enter the post cycle therapy.
What happens in case of long time period anabolic steroid cycles?
          Some anabolic steroid cycles are particularly long or sometimes some athlete continue using the steroids without necessarily stopping. In such cases, if one still wants to incorporate Human chorionic gonadotropin in the cycle, then the pattern changes slightly. This will mean that you should take HCG every 6 months if not every a quarter of a year. The dosage is usually 1500 units every 4th day.

HCG cycle for shorter Anabolic Steroid Cycles

           For those athletes who prefer shorter recovery anabolic steroid cycles, the cycle for HCG also changes slightly. For example, there are those anabolic steroid cycles that run for a period of about only 3 weeks. The HCG dosage used is between 1500 to 2500 IU once every 3rd or 4th day.
Related Article:: Recommended Recovery Time Between Anabolic Steroid Cycles

HCG in Post Cycle Therapy

             Under recommendations, it was mentioned that it is good to have HCG as part of Post-cycle therapy for those athletes who have used anabolic steroids for a longer time without incorporating HCG. So how does it come in and in what dosage? Having HCG during this period is very important because it serves to help one avoid some major side effects especially atrophy of the testicles. The HCG also help maintain the muscle size gained over the cycling period. HCG does this through its ability to help realign the hypothalamus pituitary axis back to the normal functioning.
         The post-cycle therapy involves clomide(50 mg) administered 2 times a day for the first 30 days, tamoxifen (20 mg) every day for 40 days and 2500 units of HCG daily for the first 16 days.
Forms of HCG Commonly used
          Most forms of HCG that you are likely to find are the injectable forms. HCG itself is a powdered substance, which comes, sealed in ampoules. As an injectable supplement, administrate it either subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
Preparation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for Injection
          Human Chorionic Gonadotropin must be properly so that it can be safe for injection into the body. Normally use sterile water or an isotonic solution for dilution purposes. The volume injected depends on the content of the bottle. For example, a bottle having 1000 pieces of the hormone will mean that only 1 ml is injected. The ampoules should be processed with alcohol using the syringe and then introduced in a bottle containing a special powder. Care should be taken to have a few bubbles as possible. After that, shake well to ensure that the powder is well dissolved at the point, which the drug is ready for use.
         You can reuse the prepared solution for as long as you want provided that it store it in a refrigerator. The temperature should not rise to more than 20 degree centigrade and the solution should not expose to sunlight.
           Human chorionic gonadotropin as seen here is a very important hormone if used for the right reasons and at the right time. While it is very important in the lives of bodybuilders and athletes, care should not take is to misuse it because it has disastrous effects. FDA regulates its medical uses, which is good thing. On the other hand other uses not regulate and therefore their applications will depend on how much you want to risk yourself.

10 Steroid Cycles for Different Goals (Newbie, Bulking, Cutting, Strength)

10 Steroid Cycles for Different Goals (Newbie, Bulking, Cutting, Strength)

            Steroid Cycles usage comes along with its own rules and only those who stay true to such rules usually survive long enough to experience the benefits. One has to keep in mind the correct dosage, length of the cycle and have an idea how best they can minimize the side effects. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned steroid user, such rules are important and should be at your fingertips to help you get maximum benefits.

            Here, we will focus more on the cycling part. People use steroids with different goals in mind. Mostly, steroids are meant to help in bulking, improving strength as well as performance and also to cut down the fat content of the body. To achieve these goals, you have to adapt a certain pattern of steroid usage, which is referred to as a cycle. You will get to know which steroids cycles are best for based on what you need to achieve using steroids in this article.
How Important Is Cycling?
           Before going into cycling the steroids, it is important that you get to understand what actually cycling is and how it can help you achieve your goals. Cycling involves use of steroid for some period, pausing for some period and then continuing. Most steroid users will take them for usually about 6 to 16 weeks then either low dosage or even no steroids at all in the following few weeks. There are several reasons as to why the users, more specifically athletes cycle the steroids. Some of these reasons include:

Athletes will target to have high performance during competitions so it is a way of ensuring that the benefits come at the right time and not go to waste.
It is a way of ensuring that they are not easily detected by sports officials considering that most of these steroids are illegal and being detected will lead to automatic disqualification.
Cycling is also a way of ensuring that adverse effects of the steroids are highly minimized and do not affect the health of the athlete.
Cycling also comes in importantly as a way of reducing tolerance development, which may otherwise be disastrous to the career of the athlete.

Other related patterns of steroid usage
          Apart from cycling which is a major part of our discussion here in this article, there are other patterns of steroid usage that you may want to know. These include pyramiding and stacking.


          Just like a pyramid, pyramiding in steroid usage involves steady increase in the dosage or sometimes in the frequency of steroid used until a stage usually referred to as mid-cycle. At mid-cycle, the dosage or frequency is usually high and this will automatically be followed by gradual reduction to zero. The time of pyramiding has been estimated to be around 6 to 12 weeks after which the user is expected to engage himself or herself in exercise in the absence of the steroids.
           People who follow this pattern of steroid usage claim that it has an effect of making the body adjust to high dosage at the right time. The drug free period that follows is believed to help the body synchronize with the normal hormonal functioning of the body. Obviously, this is something which has not been proofed scientifically and therefore no one is sure whether it is true or not.

            Another important pattern that you can encounter among some steroid users is the stacking pattern. Stacking refers to combining the different types of steroids and taking them at the same time. This includes using both injectable steroids as well as oral steroids. Those who follow this pattern believe that when you combine different steroids, they combine and interact in a manner that will lead to a greater and more pronounced effect.
           Just like pyramiding, no single scientific evidence exist to support this idea although it has proofed to work with some individuals. As such therefore, it has never been applied for medical purposes in cases where steroids are being used to cure some form of disease conditions. Stacking may be between:

Injectable steroids and oral steroids.
Steroids that act over a short period of time and those that act over a long period of time.

Steroid cycles for different groups
          Steroid use has become a common practice nowadays. This is especially when it comes to weight lifters usually in the age bracket of 20 to 30 years. Both sexes also use the steroid although less common among females. We will explore steroid cycle among groups such as beginners, those with the intention of bulking, those who want to cut and even those who look for strength in steroids.
Newbie Steroid Cycles
           With steroid usage becoming more and more common. It is not surprising that someone may wonder how he or she may begin using him or her and which steroid to start with. Focusing on the right steroids should always be a priority for beginners. It is not wise to just begin and take a very toxic steroid in the sense of getting the best result at ago. This will lead of course to severe side effects, which may not be what was the intention of the user. For newbies therefore, the best cycles include the one discussed below.

 1 Anavar Only Cycle
           For the first Anavar only cycle, one has to take 15 mg per day for the first 3 weeks followed by 20 mg per day for the remaining 3 weeks. This is especially designed for male beginners in steroid usage. For the second cycle, one needs 20 mg per day for the whole period and can usually be increased to about 8 weeks.
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Why Anavar?
         Anavar is a steroid, which has been approved by FDA to be used strictly for medicinal purposes. However, if you are a beginner who wants to gain lean muscles and loose sufficient amounts of fat without severe side effects, then Anavar is good choice for you to try out.
          G.D Searle and co. first launched Anavar in 1962 with the name Oxandrolone that of course later changed to Anavar. It quickly found its way among bodybuilders until it was burned in 1989 for those who use it for non-medicinal purposes.
Pros of Anavar

Significant increase in mass of muscles

            Anavar causes a significant and gradual increase in muscle mass, which makes it a favorite among beginners. It is not as strong as other agents so there are smaller side effects. It just requires a smaller to moderate dose of Anavar to bring about an increase in muscle mass of course when using the correct amount of calories every day.

Reduction in body fat

            Anavar is a good steroid when it comes to cutting for beginners as well as other steroid users who want to cut down on the fat content of the body. This will be effective if one accompanies its usage with a diet that is deficient in calories.

Reduced water retention

            Apart from reducing body fat, Anavar is also great for reducing water retention in the body. It helps eliminate excess water and distribute the fluids more effectively. As such, it will lead to hypertrophy and appearance of pumps since most water is confined to the cell. One visible sign of reduced water retention is increase in vascularity.

Produces muscles pumps and full muscles

     Because of reduced water retention, Anavar will make your muscle have pumps that are more prominent.

For strength

          Steroid newbies who have a goal of gaining strength will find this a very useful steroid and therefore a very good one to get started in their cycle. It is not however a very effective steroid for strength but its few side effects make it effective for beginners.
Cons of Anavar
          Besides being a nice steroid for beginners, it happens that any steroid that is used has its bad side as well. Here are some of the cons of using Anavar.

Increased blood pressure.
Hepatic toxicity.
A reduction in testosterone level.
Depression and anxiety.
Hair loss.

 2 Testosterone only Cycle
           Another cycle that will be of importance to newbies in steroid usage is the Testosterone only cycle. The cycle runs for 7 good weeks and encompasses 200 mg per day of testosterone for the first 2 weeks, 300 mg per day for the next 3 weeks and finishing with 350 mg per day for the remaining 2 weeks.

Why testosterone?                   
          In the first cycle, the appropriate testosterone steroids are testosterone Cypionate and testosterone enanthate. These two are ester and have a common characteristic of acting slowly which is why they are the best for beginners.
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Pros of Testosterone

Testosterone helps improve muscle development when used at the right time and in the correct dosage amounts.
For medical purposes, testosterone can help in treatment of erectile dysfunction in men who have such problems.

Cons of testosterone

Increased hair loss leading to baldness.
Increased chances of developing heart related conditions such as hypertension and heart attacks.
Reduced quality of sleep otherwise called sleep apnea.
Gynecomastia in males.

        Most of these problems do not develop immediately however. They only develop on frequently using the steroid for prolonged periods. Thus, for disciplined athletes, they rarely encounter such problems.
 3 Dianabol only Cycle
         Another steroid cycle for beginners is the Dianabol only cycle. The cycle runs for a period of 6 weeks and involves 20 mg per day for the first 2 weeks followed by 25 mg per day for the remaining 4 weeks. The dosage is a bit stronger and it is recommended for those beginners who are willing to endure slightly more side effects compared to the other 2 cycles.
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Why Dianabol?
              Dianabol is a very strong steroid, at least stronger than both testosterone and Anavar for beginners. As such, one can expect to gain more muscles as compared to when using the other 2 steroids. It commonly liked by beginners who are afraid of injection but want to have stronger muscles since it is an oral steroid. The active agent in Dianabol is methandrostenolone, which is one that causes increase in muscles over a very period of time.
Pros of Dianabol

D-bol is able to help one pack on muscles within the shortest time possible compared to other steroids.
It has strength building capabilities again over a short period of time. On average, one can expect to about forty pounds within a short period of time.
The steroid is strong when it comes to losing body fat. Although it is a bulking agent, it helps in getting rid of excess fat too and in the process enhancing the tone of muscles.
When used, d-bol has this effect help one gain stamina and intensity during workouts.

Cons of Dianabol

Development of acne and hair loss leading to baldness.
Development of cardiovascular conditions due to increase in levels of bad cholesterol.
Hepatic toxicity is a common and serious problem caused by Dianabol since it is a c-17 alpha alkylated steroid.
It can also lead to aggressive behavior and mood swings.
Development of breasts in males.

          Being illegal, D-bol has legal alternatives, which thankfully have no such tough side effects.
Bulking Steroid Cycles
         Bulking is all about gaining muscles abundantly. It involves either packing on muscles or focusing on having lean muscles with the intention of retaining no water and getting ripped. Therefore, the cycles that should help one bulk should take into consideration either of the two aspects. Some of the most common cycles that can of great importance if you need to bulk are highlighted below.

 4 Anadrol only Cycle
           Anadrol only cycle stretches over a period of 6 weeks. You take 50 mg per day of the active ingredient in Anadrol for the first 3 weeks and then increase the dosage to 75 mg per day for the remaining 3 weeks. The cycle fits those individual who are in need of massive muscles and who in the past have not interacted with this steroid. For those who have interacted with this steroid, they can easily stretch some limits for example adding the cycling time to 8 weeks and even the dosage to 100 mg per day.
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Why Anadrol?
           Anadrol is a very strong steroid to the body especially when it comes to bulking. Being such strong, it is not highly recommended for beginners unless they have gotten used to testosterone already or even Dianabol. Even so, they will need low to moderate amounts to be able to tolerate the steroid.
Pros of Anadrol

It is a good steroid when one wants to gain massive sizes of muscles.
It is also good for gaining sufficient amount of strength.

Cons of Anadrol

Increase in blood pressure beyond dangerous levels.
It is toxic to the liver being an oral steroid.

 5 Anadrol and Deca Cycle
          We have already talked about stacking before and here is how it can relate to cycling. You basically stack Anadrol and Deca Durabolin, another less strong steroid. The cycle runs over a time period of 8 weeks and you typically start off with 400 mg Deca Durabolin for the first 2 weeks followed by a similar dosage for the remaining weeks but of course with 50 mg per day of Anadrol for the first four weeks and increasing the dosage to 75 mg per day just like the Anadrol only cycle.
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Why use the Stack?
           Stacking deca and Anadrol will come a long with more effects than using Anadrol alone. Deca, being a milder steroid will help minimize the side effects associated with Anadrol.
Pros of using the stack

The combination is more potent compared to using Anadrol alone.
Improves sexual health unlike when Deca is used on its own.

Cons of the stack

Suppression of natural testosterone production.
Likelihood of increased water retention.

 6 Anadrol and Test Cycle
           Another wonderful cycle that can help in bulking include stacking Anadrol and Testosterone. This is a slightly more powerful alternative to the cycle above, which uses Deca Durabolin instead of Testosterone. It runs over a shorter period of time of 6 weeks. The dosage for Anadrol is the same as for the Anadrol only cycle while testosterone involves 200 mg per day for the first 2 weeks, 300 mg per day for the following 3 weeks and finishing off with 350 mg per day for the last one week.
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Why the stack?
        Being more powerful than the previous stack, the cycle will only be of importance to those well-advanced bodybuilders. These should have also been ardent users of Anadrol and successfully.
Pros of the stack

Massive muscles are gained and are exceptional.
Strength is also gained more that the above stack.

Cons of the stack

Increase in blood pressure which may not be good for your health.
Increased water retention.
Reduced production of natural testosterone.
Hepatic toxicity.
Probability of developing gynecomastia in females.

 7 Test and Deca Cycle  
       Testosterone and Deca Durabolin can be combined to produce one of the best-stacked cycle for bulking. It is great because it is considered one of the safest cycle that one can use to get bulk. It involves 200 mg/day of each of the two steroids for the first 3 weeks, 300 mg/day for the following 4 weeks and finishing with 200 mg/day.

Pros of the stack

It is good for giving strength and size to the muscles.
Low risk of gynecomastia.

Cons of the stack

Hepatic toxicity is likely to occur.

Cutting Steroid Cycles
           Cutting is an important phase in the lifespan of the bodybuilder, where they try to loose fat but at the same time trying to maintain the mass of the muscles. Steroids involved should therefore be ones that can burn sufficient amounts of fats while preserving the muscle mass that has been build. Here are some great cycles that can be used to cut.
  8 Winstrol only Cycle
         The winstrol only cycles stretches over a period of 6 weeks with 20 mg/day for the first 2 weeks then increasing to 25 mg/day for the remaining time period.
Why Winstrol?
         Winstrol has been known as the best Cutting steroid. It is cheaper than Anavar, which is also a good cutting steroid hence people tend to go for it. Its ability to help maintain the muscle gained is superior to that of Anavar but the only problem is that it has stronger side effects.
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Pros of Winstrol

Leads to massive muscles gains.
Good at making someone shredded.

Cons of Winstrol

Increase in blood pressure which may not be good for one’s health.
Hepatic toxicity.
Acne and facial hair loss.

  9 Winstrol and Trenbolone Cycle
         Winstrol can also be stacked with trenbolone and be used in a cycle to produce the best cutting effects on the body. The dosage for winstrol of course remains as the one above but tren should be taken in doses of 150 mg/day for the first 4 weeks and then increasing to 225 mg/day for the remaining period.
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Why the stack?
          With Tren in the picture, it means there will be more of the shredding.
Pros of using the stack

More fat burning and drying out effect compared to when using Winstrol alone.
Enhanced muscle gains.

Cons of using the stack

Suppressed testosterone production.
Increased blood pressure to dangerous levels.

  10 Proviron and Winstrol Cycle
          Apart from Proviron, Winstrol can also be stacked with Proviron to bring about cutting. The dosage for Winstrol is maintained while for proviron, 25 mg/day are used for the first week followed by 50 mg/day for the remaining period.
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Why the stack?
         This stack produces a very well ripped body more even than Winstrol and tren.
Pros of the stack

Great stack for removing water from the muscles.

Cons of the stack

Increase in high density lipoproteins hence cardiac related problems.

        Different cycles are used to achieve different purposes as seen in this article. Most of the cycles however serve more than just the intended purpose and it is good that way. You should be able to find the right cycle, which favors you according to which group you fall into.